Paul: An Outline of His TheologyWm. B. Eerdmans Publishing, 11 de set. de 1997 - 587 páginas Now back in print in a beautiful new paperback edition, this study by one of Europe's foremost New Testament scholars provides a comprehensive exposition of the teaching of the apostle Paul. Firmly grounded in a careful exegesis of the biblical text and crafted with constant reference to the wealth of scholarly study of Paul's writings, this volume is a standard for interpreters of Paul's thought and all students of the New Testament. |
Main Lines in the History of Pauline Interpretation | 13 |
2 F C Baur The Tubingen School | 16 |
3 The Liberal Interpretation and Its Decline | 17 |
4 The History of Religion Approach | 22 |
5 The Eschatological Interpretation | 29 |
6 Continuing Development | 32 |
Fundamental Structures | 44 |
8 The Mystery of Christ Eschatology and Christology | 49 |
The New Obedience | 253 |
43 The Theocentric Point of View Sanctification | 258 |
44 The Totalitarian Point of View Perfection | 265 |
45 Unity and Multiplicity the Concreteness of the Paraenesis | 272 |
46 Tertius Usus Legis | 278 |
47 Liberty and Conscience | 288 |
48 Love | 293 |
49 Life in the World | 301 |
9 The Firstborn From the Dead The Last Adam | 53 |
10 In Christ with Christ The Old and the New Man | 57 |
11 Revealed in the Flesh Flesh and Spirit | 64 |
12 Christ the Son of God and the Image of God | 68 |
13 The Firstborn of Every Creature | 78 |
14 Christ the Exalted and Coming Kyrios | 86 |
The Life in Sin | 91 |
16 The Universality of Sin Flesh Adam | 93 |
17 The Essence of Sin Anthropological or Thelogical | 100 |
18 The Wrath of God | 108 |
19 The Corruption of Man | 114 |
20 Romans 7 in the Pauline Anthropology | 126 |
21 The Antithesis with Judaism | 130 |
22 No Righteousness by the Law Boast and Skandalon | 135 |
23 The Law Impotent because of the Flesh The Bondage of the Law | 143 |
24 The Law as Disciplinarian unto Christ | 149 |
25 Pual Judaism and the Old Testament | 153 |
The Revelation of the Righteousness of God | 159 |
27 The Eschatological Character of Justification | 161 |
28 The Righteosness of God in Christ | 166 |
29 Righteousness by Faith Without the Law | 170 |
30 The Justification of the Ungodly Imputation | 174 |
31 Judgment According to Works | 178 |
Reconciliation | 182 |
33 Christs Death as Atonement Katallage and Hilasmos | 186 |
34 Ransom | 193 |
35 The Adoption of Sons The Inheritance | 197 |
The New Life | 205 |
37 Death and Resurrection with Christ | 206 |
38 Life Through the Spirit | 214 |
39 The New Man | 223 |
40 Faith as the Mode of Existence of The New Life | 231 |
41 The Nature of Faith | 237 |
50 Marriage | 306 |
51 Social Relationships | 314 |
52 Subjection to Civil Authority | 320 |
The Church as the People of God | 327 |
54 Ekklesia | 328 |
55 Saints Elect Beloved Called | 330 |
56 The New Covenant Universal and Particular | 333 |
57 The Nature of Election Gods Purpose | 341 |
58 The Future of Israel | 354 |
The Church as the Body of Christ | 362 |
60 Body and Body of Christ Romans and 1 Corinthians | 369 |
61 Body and Head Ephesians and Colossians | 376 |
62 Christ the Head of All Things The Church as Pleroma | 387 |
63 The Church as the People of God and as the Body of Christ | 393 |
Baptism and the Lords Supper | 396 |
65 Baptism as Means of Salvation | 406 |
66 The Redemptive Significance of the Lords Supper | 414 |
67 The Critical Significance of the Lords Supper SelfExamination | 425 |
The Upbuilding of the Church | 429 |
69 Extensive and Intensive Upbuilding | 432 |
70 The Spiritual Equipment of the Church Charisma and Ministry Office | 438 |
71 Diversity of Gifts | 446 |
72 Ecclesiastical Order and Discipline | 467 |
73 Worship | 480 |
The Future of the Lord | 487 |
75 Death Before The Parousia The Intermediate State | 497 |
76 The Revelation of the Man of Lawlessness | 508 |
77 The Parousia | 528 |
78 The Resurrection | 537 |
79 The Judgment | 551 |
80 The Cosummation The Eternal State | 556 |
563 | |
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Termos e frases comuns
according Adam already antichrist apostle appears baptism baptized believers body of Christ Bultmann called character charisma charismata Christ's death Christian Christology church Colossians coming communion conception connection context Corinthians death and resurrection denotes divine Ephesians eschatological expression fact faith flesh further G. C. Berkouwer Galatians gentiles gift given glory glossolalia gnosis gnostic God's gospel grace Greijdanus Gutbrod hand Holy Spirit human ibid idea interpretation Israel Jesus Jewish Judaism judgment justification Lietzmann Lord Lord's Supper manner means mention mode of existence mystery mystery religions obedience Old Testament paraenesis parousia Pastoral Epistles Paul speaks Paul's epistles Paul's preaching Pauline doctrine Paulus Phil pneumatic pronouncements question Qumran reconciliation redemptive redemptive-historical relationship respect revelation righteousness Romans sacrifice salvation Schlier Section sense significance spoken Supper TDNT Theology Thess Thessalonians things thought tion understand understood unity upbuilding verse whole words wrath