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Benefits, fees, &c.


member, as well as the amount per week to be paid by the society to each member in good standing who may be sick for a period of not less than one week's duration; but the fee for admitting members shall not be more than five dollars, and the monthly dues shall not exceed one dollar per month; and the amount paid by the society to each sick member shall not be more than five dollars per week.

§ 6. Every application for membership shall be voted. Terms of admis on at a regular meeting, and the application shall in every case be accompanied by the amount of fee; and if there be ten votes against receiving the applicant, his application shall be declared rejected, and the money returned to the applicant.


powers & duties.

§ 7. This society shall hold their meetings at least once a month, and oftener if they think it expedient.

§ 8. The officers of this society shall consist of a presiOfficers and their dent, vice president, and secretary and treasurer, and such. other subordinate officers as the society may think necessary to carry out the provisions of this act, who shall be elected by a majority vote of the members present at the first meeting after the passage of this act, and shall hold their offices for one year, and until their successors shall have been duly elected. All the duties of said officers shall be performed without pay, excepting the secretary, who may receive such pay as may be fixed by the bylaws.


§ 9. All funds paid to the society shall be faithfully apFunds-how applied to the objects herein mentioned, in such manner as the society, from time to time, may determine at its regular meetings. No part of the funds shall be loaned out, but the whole thereof shall be kept constantly on hand for the charitable uses of the society, and for the payment of dues to the sick and funeral expenses.


§ 10. The treasurer shall be required to execute good Treasurer to give and sufficient bond, as may be required by the society, and shall pay out all money as directed by the president and secretary, they authorizing the payment of money only when directed to do so by a vote of the members present at any regular meeting.

§ 11. This society may make such by-laws, rules and May make by regulations, as is not inconsistent with the Constitution and laws of the State.

laws, &c.

and secure same by mortgage.

§ 12. This society shall have the power to issue and sell May issue bonds the bonds of the society for any sum not exceeding two thousand dollars, which bonds shall be fifty dollars each, and shall bear interest at not exceeding ten per cent., and be payable five years from date, which bonds shall not be sold for less than par; and the funds arising from the sale of such bonds shall be used for the same purpose as the

other money of the society; and all the property of said 1874. society shall be held in lien for the redemption and pay

ment of said bonds.

§ 13. This act shall take effect from its passage.

Approved February 9, 1874.


AN ACT to incorporate the Richmond Gas-light Company.

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky:


§ 1. That Wm. M. Irvine, Thomas S. Ellis, Thomas T. Bronston, James T. Shackleford, Thomas Hoffman, J. A. names. Geary, Wm. Ballard, Stone Walker, Wm. H. Hoffinan, and P. M. Wilkerson, and their associates, successors, and assigns, be, and they are hereby, constituted a body: corporate and politic, by the name of the Richmond Gas- Name and style. light Company; and by that name and style shall have perpetual succession, with power to contract and be contracted with, sue and be sued in that name, in all the courts of law or equity in this Commonwealth; and they may adopt and keep a common seal, which they may alter or change at pleasure.



§ 2. That the capital stock of said company shall be Capital stock. twenty-five thousand dollars, and each share one hundred dollars; but the capital stock may be increased to the sum of fifty thousand dollars, whenever, in the opinion of the company, as expressed by the board of directors, the business of the company may require such an in


Corporators to take steps to or


§ 3. It shall be the duty of the persons named in the first section of this act to open books for the subscription ganize of stock, and after the sum of fitteen thousand dollars shall have been subscribed, to call a meeting of the stockholders, first giving public notice for ten days in a newspaper in Richmond of said meeting, who may proceed to elect a president and four directors to govern and direct the affairs of said company. Each director and the president shall be the owner of at least one share of the stock of said company, and each stockholder shall be entitled to one vote for each share he may own in the election of president and directors, who shall hold their office for such times as the stockholders, at the first an officers. nual election, may prescribe, and until their successors are elected and qualified. Said election shall be held in Richmond, at such place as may be designated in the notice therefor; and the office of said company shall be in Richmond, Kentucky.


Term of office of


Board of directors to make by-laws, rules, &c:


§4. The board of directors may prescribe such rules and regulations, not inconsistent with the Constitution and laws of this State and of the United States, and the provisions hereof, as they may deem necessary for the transaction of the business of said company; and may appoint such agents as they may deem proper.

5. Said company may purchase, receive, and acquire May acquire and hold and use any property of any description which may be necessary for the erection of such machinery, houses, or things as may be required by them to supply the city of Richmond with gas.

[blocks in formation]

6. That said company shall have the power to contract with the city of Richmond for supplying said city with gas upon such terms as may be agreed upon, and the municipal authorities of said city may and are hereby authorized to contract with said company to supply said city with gas-lights, and said company is hereby granted the right to lay down its gas-pipes through the streets and alleys of Richmond, and to erect all necessary buildings and machinery in such manner as may appear to them necessary to furnish gas-light to any persons, on such terms as the said company and such persons may

agree upon.

§ 7. This act shall take effect from its passage.

Approved February 9, 1874.

Owners of land in said town may

sell and convey


vacancies in town offices.


AN ACT to amend an act incorporating the town of Upton, in Hardin and
Larue counties.

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky:

§ 1. That the charter of Upton be so amended that it shall be lawful for persons owning land within the limits of said town boundary to sell such lands at public or private sale, as they may think best, and on such terms as they may deem proper, and pass the title to the same by their deeds of conveyance as real property is conveyed.

§ 2. That in case of a vacancy in the office of marTrustees may fill shal, or warden, or police judge of said town, after the regular election, either by death or resignation, or from any other cause, it shall be lawful for the chairman and board of trustees of said town to fill said vacancy by ap pointment until the next regular election; and the person or persons so appointed shall take the oath and execute powers as those the required bond, and be subject to the same penalties and have the same powers as if he or they had have been elected at a regular election.


to have same



coffee- houses,


May tax shows,

§ 3. That the board of trustees of said town shall have the exclusive right to license, and provide by ordinance for licensing and taxing and regulating the sale of spirit- Trustees to reguuous, vinous, or malt liquors, or to license saloons, cof- late and license fee-houses, billiard-saloons, bowling-alleys, auctioneers, billiard-saloons, peddlers, brokers, gift enterprises, taverns, or vendors of spirituous, vinous, or malt liquors in said town, and shall have the right to tax any show or exhibition exhibiting in said town, or within one half of a mile thereof. That &c. the tax on each vendor of spirituous, malt, or vinous liquor shall not be less than fifty dollars and not more than three hundred dollars per year, nor shall such licenses, be granted until the applicant has executed bond, with good security, conditioned as provided by the present laws of this Commonwealth in such cases, and paid the tax required: Provided, however, That nothing in this act shall be construed to dispense with the State tax on any person or occuption taxed by the laws of this State: Provided further, That no person, by virtue of State license granted him or them, be entitled to sell any article or follow any occupation in said town on which there is a tax, or for which the trustees of said town require a license, without first having paid the required tax to the trustees of said town, and obtained a license from said board of trustees. § 4. That the chairman and two trustees shall constitute Quorum. a quorum to do business; but a less number may, by an order entered in their journal, compel the attendance of the other trustees at any future meeting; and said chairman and board of trustees may fix the time of their stated meeting, and may change it, from time to time, by an order entered in their journal.

§ 5. That no by-laws passed by the board for the government of said town shall take effect until the same has been copied and posted up in some two or more public places in said town for ten days, and the certificate of the clerk of said board shall be sufficient proof of the posting up of the same as heretofore required.

§ 6. Be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful for the board of trustees of said town to pass any ordinance or by-laws for the government of said town not in conflict with the laws of the State.

§ 7. This act shall take effect from and after its pas


Approved February 9, 1874.

All by-laws to be posted before

going into effect.



AN ACT for the benefit of Geo. L. Petty, assessor of Henry county.

WHEREAS, George L. Petty, assessor of Henry county, having failed to take the oath prescribed by the second section of the act approved March 28, 1872, entitled "An act to amend chapter 83 of the Revised Statutes, title 'Revenue and Taxation," the Auditor of Public Accounts did not feel authorized to pay, and did not pay, said Petty for his services for taking the lists of taxable property for said county for the year 1873; and whereas, said Petty having performed said services fully and satisfactorily in all respects, except in not complying with said second section of said act, as represented to this General Assembly, and being assured that he failed of his duty. in that regard in consequence of his ignorance of the law; therefore,

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky:

§ 1. That the Auditor of Public Accounts be authorized to draw his warrant on the Treasurer in favor of Geo. L. Petty, assessor of Henry county, for the amount due and owing him for his services for listing the taxable property, &c., of said county for the year 1873. § 2. This act shall be in force and effect from its pas


Approved February 9, 1874.

on tax

furnish it.

to erect


AN ACT to provide for the purchase or erection of a school-house for district No: 43, in Graves county.

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky:

§1. That the trustees of the Mayfield school district, No. People to vote 43, in Graves county, are hereby authorized to submit to school-house and the qualified white voters of said district the question whether or not they are in favor of an annual district tax on all the taxable property in said district owned by white persons, not to exceed in any one year fifty cents on the one hundred dollars' worth of property, and a poll-tax not exceeding one dollar and fifty cents on each poll, until a sufficient sum is raised to erect and furnish, or purchase and furnish, a school-house sufficient to accommodate all the white children in said district within the school age.

When and how election


§ 2. That the vote shall be taken on the second Saturto be day in February, 1874, and in the manner prescribed by chapter eighteen, article eight, section one, of the Gen

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