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The Indianapolis Business University

Has Ranked With the Largest and Best
Business Schools in the United States.


The public holds the Indianapolis Business University responsible for the correct business training of the young people of to-day. By these many years of successful experience we have developed the best and simplest system of instruction, so that we are now able to

Guarantee the Best Business Training to be Obtained in all America.

Backed by a half century of continuous success, endorsed by the leading business men and educators of the day, enrolling the largest number of students, employing the largest and best faculty of experienced business educators, securing places for more students than all other schools combined, this institution resorts to

No Fake Methods. Nothing but Straight Business.

Complete Courses: Bookkeeping, Shorthand Re-
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Former Students Pleasantly Situated.

Write to-day for Catalogue and full particulars.


B. & S. When Building. N. Pennsylvania St., opp. P. O.

49th year begins September 6th.

E. J. HEEB, President.

University extension courses same as above BY MAIL.






Sessions 7:30 P, M.

Next Session Opens September 12. Really arranged two year's course leading to de

Pedagogically modern in method of work. Log

gree. STRONG FACULTY of attorneys, judges and university men. Students graduate at any time they finish the course of eighteen credits. Modern popular custom of evening sessions to accommodate those who desire to continue in regular employment, and for others who desire to spend the day in law libraries and offices, or upon the attendance of the various courts-county, state and federal. Many students are self-supporting. TUITION MODERATE. ELEGANT QUARTERS. MODERN CONVENIENCES. For terms and catalogue call at office, 79 When Building, or address secretary, INDIANAPOLIS COLLEGE OF LAW. University extension course, same as above, BY MAIL, adapted to everyone. Ta

When writing to advertisers please mention THE INLAND EDUCATOR.


AUG 15 1000




AUGUST, 1898.

No. 1.



"The high hills are a refuge for the wild goats; the rocks for the conies.”

ISS A. was standing at the window of


her school-room on Friday, January 1st, 1898. It was the time of the noon recess. She had been in the habit of having an outing every two weeks with her pupils. This was the day on which one should have occurred. The wind was blowing a gale and the ground was covered with snow. An outing was impossible. She had a musical ear. The alternating crescendo and diminuendo of the varying gale caught her attention and soon the children were all gathered about her and she found herself interpreting the art of nature to her little listeners. The trees swayed back and forth in curves which were music to the eye not less than the sound was to the ear. The whole tree yielded to the storm and every separate limb yielded also on its own account. "It is thus," Miss A. said, "that the tree is adapted to resist the storm; and it is by resistance that it has come to have the strength it has

'Strong grows the oak in the driving storm, Safely the flower sleeps under the snow, And the farmer's hearth is never warm 'Till the cold wind starts to blow.'' "And is the storm then a good thing for the oak?" asked Lucy; to which Miss A. replied by asking another question-"Where is the trunk strongest?"

"At the ground," said James; "I have seen many trees that had been blown down and they always break above the ground or blow up by the roots."

"And I have tried," said Joseph, "to split a stump, and it is so tough and twisted it won't split at all; I know the tree is strongest just at the ground."

"The tree is largest just at the ground, and its roots run out in such a manner as to brace it there on all sides," said Paul.

"And is it not true," continued Miss A., "that the strain on the tree is greatest at the ground?"

All agreed that it must be so.

"And when the tree was small," Miss A. continued, "and could yield to the wind, so that its top could be bent entirely over to the ground without breaking anywhere, the grain stood the greatest strain at the ground and was twisted and gnarled there most, and so it seems the storm strengthened it where the storm is likeliest to break it; the tree is adapted by its strengthened stump to its environment the storm." It happened that the tree in question was a walnut tree; the children all knew this; they had all hulled walnuts under it only last fall; it was growing in a fence-corner quite out in the open country. It had a wide bushy top; the limbs branched out not over eight feet from the ground and extended out to right and left as far as the upward growing branches of the solvent axis extended tcward the sky.

Miss A. asked if walnut trees are always shaped so.

"My father," answered Mary, "hauls saw

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