Notes on Aristophanes and Plato |
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Page 4
... γαρ φοροι Ἡκουσι , & c . The time , when the contributions of the allies were brought to Athens , was during the Dionysia τα κατ ' αστυ , ( see Isocrat . de Pace , 175 , ) in spring time in the month Elaphebolion ; the Lenæa were ...
... γαρ φοροι Ἡκουσι , & c . The time , when the contributions of the allies were brought to Athens , was during the Dionysia τα κατ ' αστυ , ( see Isocrat . de Pace , 175 , ) in spring time in the month Elaphebolion ; the Lenæa were ...
Page 9
... γαρ αυτου των Ἑλληνων χρωμεθα , και ουδεμια των αλλων πολιων εθελει μιμησασθαι ; and it is not likely , that those cities should have adopted it , after it ceased to be in use at Athens , which took place Olymp . 91. 1. In enumerating ...
... γαρ αυτου των Ἑλληνων χρωμεθα , και ουδεμια των αλλων πολιων εθελει μιμησασθαι ; and it is not likely , that those cities should have adopted it , after it ceased to be in use at Athens , which took place Olymp . 91. 1. In enumerating ...
Page 10
... γαρ εστι , & c . This imitates the turn of phrase then in use among the young gentlemen of Athens , who had deserted the country , and the more manly exercises of agriculture , hunting , & c . , and divided their time between the ...
... γαρ εστι , & c . This imitates the turn of phrase then in use among the young gentlemen of Athens , who had deserted the country , and the more manly exercises of agriculture , hunting , & c . , and divided their time between the ...
Page 11
... γαρ Θεος , & c . It seems to be the old man who says this , not his son ; and Bdelycleon answers ; Απολλον αποτροπαιε , & c . 240. Ως εσται Λαχητι νυνι ( i.e. δικη . ) & c . Laches , who had been recalled from his command in Sicily two ...
... γαρ Θεος , & c . It seems to be the old man who says this , not his son ; and Bdelycleon answers ; Απολλον αποτροπαιε , & c . 240. Ως εσται Λαχητι νυνι ( i.e. δικη . ) & c . Laches , who had been recalled from his command in Sicily two ...
Page 47
... γαρ , & c . This alludes to what they called Κελητιζειν . 736. Αμοργις , ἡ λινοκαλαμη , a fine kind of flax , ὑπερ την βυσσον , η την καρπασον . σχ . 760. Οφις οικουρος , The serpent which lived in Minerva's temple . Owls also roosted ...
... γαρ , & c . This alludes to what they called Κελητιζειν . 736. Αμοργις , ἡ λινοκαλαμη , a fine kind of flax , ὑπερ την βυσσον , η την καρπασον . σχ . 760. Οφις οικουρος , The serpent which lived in Minerva's temple . Owls also roosted ...
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Æschylus afterwards Alcibiades alludes ancient Andocides Archytas Aristophanes Aristotle Athenæus Athenian Athens called Callias character chorus Cleon comick court Dacier death dialogue Diodorus Diog Dion Dionysius divinity drama Edited epistle Euripides famous Fcap Gorgias Greece GREEK TEXT Herodotus Hipparinus Hippias honour imagine Isocrates justice Lacedæmonians Laert Laertius Legib Lysias M.A. Fcap manner mentioned mind musick nature NOTES oration pain passage Pausanias perhaps Pericles Persian person Phædo Phædrus philosophy Pisthetærus Plat Plato pleasure Plutarch Plutus poet Protagoras publick Republ REPUBLICA says Scene Schol Scholia Scholiast seems Serrani shew Sicily Socrates Socrates's sophist soul Sparta Sympos Theætetus thing Thucyd Thucydides tion tragick virtue Xenoph Xenophon αλλ γαρ γε δε δι δια ει εις εκ εν επι εστι ην και κατ κατα μεν μη Οἱ ου ουκ ουτε παντα περι προς τας τε τινα τοις τω ὡς Ωσπερ