sort was made of flour, lard, or the fat of a kid, milk, and yolks of eggs, boiled in a fig-leaf. 3. The third sort was, the brains of any animal with garum (the pickle of fish) and cheese; the whole put in a fig-leaf, and baked over the fire. 959. Μολγον-μυρρινου-Σμικυθην και Κυριον— obscure passages. The Scholia assist us very little here. 1046. Πεντεσυριγγον ξυλον. This wooden machine had five holes in it to receive the hands, feet, and neck of the prisoners, serving at once for the pillory and for the stocks. 1300. It is false to say, that the Athenians had no connection with, or thoughts of, Carthage, (see Isocrates de Pace, 177.) whatever the commentators may say; their ambition extended itself in proportion to their conquests, and if their Sicilian expedition had succeeded, they had actually thoughts of attacking that great republick: Thucydides at least tells us, that this was Alcibiades's view. L. 6. c. 15. 1375. Συνερκτικος γαρ εστι, &c. This imitates the turn of phrase then in use among the young gentlemen of Athens, who had deserted the country, and the more manly exercises of agriculture, hunting, &c., and divided their time between the effeminate pleasures of the city and the publick assemblies, in which they valued themselves upon their eloquence, and the new art of speaking, then, perhaps, taught by the sophists. The terms they use (as the Scholiast observes) bear a double meaning; and he rightly explains the sense of kaтadakтUλIĆEIV. There is no doubt, but that this line is spoken by the chorus to Demus, who represents the people. VESPÆ. Olymp. 89. 2. In Lenæis. v. 139. Iπvos is not the kitchen (as the Scholiast would have it) but the stove for heating the bath. IIveλos is the labrum, or bathing-tub. Tpnua, the hole in it at the bottom to let out the water. Καπνη, the funnel, or vent for the smoke. Tηλio, a cap or cover Τηλια, to close the vent. 157. Read, Δικασοντα με. Τρημα, 158. 'O yap eos, &c. It seems to be the old man who says this, not his son; and Bdelycleon answers; Απολλον αποτρόπαιε, &c. 240. Ως εσται Λαχητι νυνι (i.e. δικη.) &c. Laches, who had been recalled from his command in Sicily two years before this, Ol. 88. 3 (Thucyd. L. 3. c. 115.) seems to have been accused this year by Cleon and his party. 287. Ανηρ παχυς ήκει των προδοντων Τἀπὶ Θρακης, &c. Without doubt this relates to Thucydides, who was Σrparnyos in Thrace, and condemned to banishment this very year, for his treachery or neglect in the loss of Amphipolis. 322. Aλλ' w Zeû, &c. This is undoubtedly a parody of some tragick chorus, perhaps of Eschylus or of Euripides, though the Scholiast is silent. 388. Avke, &c. The fane of Lycus adjoining to Ω Λυκε, all courts of justice, fenced in, and covered at the top with mats. 415. Tavтa dηr' ov deiva, &c. This should be spoken by the chorus. 576. When boys underwent the Aokiμaσia, their puberty was publickly examined (as it seems) in the court of Helixa. 598. Τάμβαδι ἡμων περικωνει. The manner of blacking shoes (as it seems) was with a sponge and tar. 606. The custom of washing and anointing their feet, as soon as they came home, which was in poorer families the office of the daughters. 655. The publick revenue of Athens comprehending the contributions of the allied cities (which may be set at six hundred talents yearly, as Thucydides observes, L. 2. c. 13.); the tolls and customs from the markets, and ports, and mines; the Prytanea, or sums deposited by such as had suits in any court (v. Nubes, v. 1134, and 1193, and Kuster ad v. 1182.); and the confiscations, &c., here computed at two thousand talents per annum (£387,500), out of which one hundred and fifty talents were expended on the six thousand Alkaσraɩ kept in pay (see Isocrates de Pace, 185.) at three oboli a-day, which in ten months (for the rest of the year consisted in holidays, during which the courts did not sit) amounted to that sum. Qu. what are the Εκατοσται, and Μισθοι mentioned as branches of the revenue here? (v. Xenoph. de Athen. Republ. 404.) 688. To onμelov, the sign given to enter the court, and take their places (v. Thesmoph. v. 285.); mentioned also by Andocides de Mysteriis; το σημείον καθελη, p. 6. The Zvvnyopol, or orators, received a drachma in each cause (as it seems) from the publick. 700. Ωσπερ αλευρον. The metaphor seems to be taken from some weakly young animal brought up by the hand, by distilling milk or pap into its mouth, gradually through a lock of wool. The Scholiast on v. 700 comes nearer the true meaning, than on v. 699. 705. A thousand cities paid tribute to the Athenians at this time. Genuine citizens were now above twenty thousand. 716. In the Schol. on this verse for 'Iππаруov read Ioapɣov: but I do not find any revolt in Eubœa till eleven years afterwards; nor can there be any allusion here to the distribution of corn under Lysimachides, which took place twenty-three years before. 787. The obolus, a silver coin. Custom of putting money in the mouth. (Aves, 503.) 800. Ωσπερ Εκαταιον. A little chapel or tabernacle of Hecate was erected before every man's door. (Ranæ, 369.) 840. Χοιροκομειον Εστιας. were always begun to Vesta. Plato's Cratylus, p. 401.) Libations and prayers (v. Aves, v. 865, and 870. Apollo Ayvievs was represented by a small obelisk before the doors of houses. (v. Thesmoph. 485.) 909. It is Bdelycleon who sustains the part of the Thesmothetes. The servant speaks for the accuser. From Ὁ βδελυρος οὗτος ου μετεδωκ' αιτοῦντι μοι, are his words in the character of the Cydathenæan dog, who represents a sycophant informer, who prosecutes Labes (the dog defendant) because he would not give him a share of the Sicilian cheese which he had stolen. κοινω Tw koivw yeμol, I suppose means, the dog of the publick; or this last line may be spoken by the judge himself, who represents the people, and is angry, that he had no part in the spoil. In the Scholia, for Xapητa read Λαχητα. 930. AUTOS Kаeλov-as far as ovdeπw, v. 934, is Αυτος καθελουsaid by Bdelycleon; and Philocleon adds, (as the Scholiast also reads) Tovтov de y' o eyʊ, &c., meaning the defendant. 954. Eyw 8' eßovλoμnv av, &c., seems obscure, nor do I perceive who says this. Ακουσον ω δαιμονιε, ν. 956. belongs to Bdelycleon, who from Thesmothetes turns advocate for Labes. 981. Τηνδι λαβων, &c. The account in the Scholiast of the manner of voting, is to me unintelligible ; and Florens Christianus (who does little more than translate the Scholia) is as much so. It seems that the calculi put into the ύστερος καδίσκος acquitted the prisoner. The matter is better explained in the Schol. on v. 985. 1014. Eurycles, an eyуaσтрuvos or ventriloquist, and prophet at Athens. Εις αλλότριας γαστέρας, Ι Eis I imagine, means fetching his voice out of another person's belly; for persons, who have this faculty, often seem to do so. 1025. Aristophanes-how he demolished Cleon in his Equites: his Nubes, written against the school of Socrates, exploded : he reckons it his best piece: ancient Scholia, sung after meals, on Harmodius: the beginning |