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least, that they are so, in a greater made on the nux vomica led to the same abundance, and more rapidly, than by the lacteal vessels.

M. Fodera, a young Sicilian physician, has presented a Memoir, wherein be considers absorption and exhalation as a simple imbibition (imbibing) and a transudation, which depend only on the organic capillarity of the tissue of the vessels. The same physiologist has repeated, with great precision, the experiments of Messrs. Woollaston, Brande, and Marcet; which tend to prove that certain substances pass directly from the stomach into the reins and bladder, without being drawn into the circulation.

The following details certain facts observed by M. Majendic. The nerves are, at once, the organs of sentiment and of voluntary motion; but these two functions are not, entirely, depending one on the other; the former may be annihilated, without any diminution of the Jatter, and vice versa. It has already been proved, that they have different seats in the masses which compose the brain. Anatomists have been long endeavouring to ascertain whether they have also, in the tissue of the nervous cordons, pendicles (des filets) exclusively assigned to them; but, hitherto, hypotheses have been advanced on this head rather than positive facts. The experiments of M. Majendie may seem to resolve this problem definitively. The nerves that proceed from the spinal marrow derive their origin through two sorts of roots or fillets, some anterior, others posterior, which unite at their issuing from the spine, to form the trunk of each pair of nerves. M. Majendie, having opened the spine of the back of a young dog, without injuring the nerves, or its marrow, proceeded to cut the posterior roots only of some nerves, and he instantly perceived that the corresponding member was insensible to any puncturing or squeezing. He, at first, considered it as paralysed; but soon, to his great surprise, saw it move very distinctly. Three experiments producing a similar effect, he was led to think that the posterior roots of the nerves might be especially appropriated to sensibility, and the anterior to motion. He next attempted to cut, separately, the anterior roots, an operation much more difficult, and which, after a number of trials, he effected. The member then became faint and motionless, but retaining the symptoms of sensibility. Trials

conclusions; no convulsions appeared in the members of this fish, the nerves of which had lost their anterior roots, but those which had only retained their posterior roots had shocks as violent as if all the roots had remained untouched. The effects of the irritation are not so distinct; there appears a number of contractious, mixed with sigus of seusibility, but the contractions excited by pinching or pricking the anterior roots are marked more sensibly by intuite degrees.

M. Geoffroy St. Hilaire, who has produced a work on monstrosities, bas been extending his researches to a Comparison of the Organs of Dejection, and those of Generation, in Birds, proceeding, at length, to compare the genital organs in the two sexes. Herein, all the difficulties of the question are collected. In these respects, the author considers the monotremes, those extraordinary quadrupeds of New Holland, which unite the shoulders of a reptile with the beak of a bird, and the structure of whose genital organs is so paradoxical, that, though they are botblooded, and have bodies covered with hair, as quadrupeds, it is doubtfut whe ther they are not oviparous, like reptiles. M. Geoffroy inclines to the affirmative, relying on the testimony of a traveller, who vouches for having observed the fact; and, according to report, -has brought over to Europe some eggs of the ornithoryncus, the name of that singular species of animals. According to his account, which he professes to have received from the aboriginals of the country, the female prepares a nest, wherein she deposits two eggs.

The organization of the lamprey Las never been correctly discriminated as to any distinctive index of sex. Messrs. Majendie and Desmoulins have observed, in an individual of this species, that it had an organ placed like the ovary of others; but, in its form or structure, it was analogous to the organs of the male of the shad. At the same time, and in the same river, another lamprey, smaller, with ovaries more prominent, and visibly filled with eggs, was taken. Hence the former lamprey is supposed to be one of those males that have been so long sought for: its liver was of a dark green colour, the female's was of a reddish yellow.

The approaches of the animal and vegetable kingdoms to each other, are



by such of their respective species as are
the most imperfect. The marine poly-
pus has long been considered as
plant; for a longer time, still, it was
thought to be an intermediate being be-
tween the two kingdoms; but there are
several other bodies that appear to be-
long to the animal kingdom, although,
during a part of their existence, they
exhibit all the phenomena of vegetables.
They have, pretty generally, been
included in the family of conferves,
(hairweed); Adanson, however, had
observed voluntary movement in one of
them, and M. G. Chantran had noticed,
in some others, corpuscles which had all
the appearances and properties of infu-
sory animalcules. To obtain correct no-
tions in respect to this group of organ-
ized beings, a rigid examination became
necessary. This M. B. de St. Vincent
has undertaken; placing under a micro-
scope all the filaments he had discovered,
in salt or fresh water, tracing, atten-
sively, their metamorphoses and deve-
lopments, he has distinctly ascertained
degrees of animality. The groupe of
fragillariated show but few signs of
animai existence; the oscillariated have
a movement similar to what their name
expresses; in the conjugated, the fillets
at times draw near together, place them
-selves one beside and close to another,
communicating and conjoining the co-
louring matter with which their articula-
tions are replenished, by means of small
lateral holes or mouths. One of the
articulations is emptying, while another
is changing into one or several globules,
that appear to be the means of reproduc-
tion. The zoocarpated are those glo-
bules which have assumed all the cha-
racters of real animals. After a certain
number of transformations, they burst
the case wherein the last metamorphosis
was effected, and then have a voluntary
movement, and swim about, rapidly, in
every direction, like the animalcules to
which the name of Volvox has been
given. At another period they again
become fixed, extending, lengthways,
by the successive appearance and
growth of several articles or joints accu-
mulating into another filament, which
-remaius motionless, till, in its turn, it
produces a fresh generation, in the
same order as the preceding. Each of
these groupes is divided into several
kinds, according to the detailed circum-
stances accurately specified by M. de
St. Vincent. To this numerous family
our naturalist has added another, which
he terms bacilliarated, as these corpus-

cles resemble small batoons or slaves. Amongst the kinds that compose it is that animalcule, which, according to the observations of M. Gaillon, is the real cause that produces the green colour of certain oysters.

M. Guyou has sent from Martinico the description of a lecch, twenty individuals of which he found in the nasal fosses or cavities of a heron, (Ardea virescens) of that island. If this were the constant residence of that worm, the fact would be remarkable, as we are not acquainted with any other species of Jeech that lives, constantly, in the interior of other animals.

M. Lamouroux has described the polypus which inhabits a singular coral of the Indian seas, and has been called the organ-player (Tubipora musica). M. Delamarck has terminated his History of Animals non-vertebrated, the seventh and last volume of which comprehends the Molluscæ, the most elevated in point of organization. The History of the Quadrupeds of the Menagerie, by Messrs. F. Cuvier and Geoffroy St. Hilaire, has come to its 36th number. M. Devaucel has given the description and drawings of several animals from India; his labours are emiching the cabinet of Natural History with a multitude of valuable objects. M. L. Delatour has also placed, in that vast depot, the collections that he formed in India, as also M. Auguste de St. Hilaire, the produce of his excursions into the interior of Brazil. M. de Ferrusac is proceeding on his great work respecting Mollusca of the land and of fresh water. He has begun the description of fresh-water shells found in the fossile state, and instituted a compa. rison between the living and fossile species, treating, also, of a kind but little known, to which he gives the name of melanopsides. One point which he aims to prove is, that the different spe cies of this last genus, and of several others that abound in potter's clay, and in the lignites, in several lower regions of Europe, are the same as those now found alive in more southern countries.

In medicine and surgery, the number of memoirs is considerable. An account of these, with the judgment of the academy respecting them, is postponed.

M. de Humboldt has announced his intention to rear and bring the vigon or llama to a state of domesticity, if prac ticable, previous to transporting them into Europe, where it is probable they might live without degenerating.

M. Lens

M. Lemarc has presented to the academy an apparatus, which he calls a Calefactor, one that may be very usefully employed in domestic economy. The cylindrical vessel, placed in the middle, is every where surrounded by the fuel that heats it, and the fuel is, itself, surrounded by another vessel in the shape of a crown, of the same height as that in the middle, and which is filled with water. The circular void between these two vessels, and which serves as a hearth, is pierced at the lower part with small holes for the circulation of air.

An indelible ink is becoming more and more necessary in proportion to the improving skill and industry of forgers. A manufacturer of Paris, M. de la Renaudière, has presented a sample of ink of this description, which combines all the desirable qualities, and which resists all the agents usually employed to efface writing. It has received the approbation of the academy, and the recipe of it is placed under seal in the secretary's office, to try whether it will retain its qualities; some other kinds, with similar pretensions, having failed herein.


To JACOB PERKINS, of Fleet-street,
London, Engineer; for certain Im-
provements in Steam-Engines. Partly
communicated to him by a Foreigner
residing abroad.-Dec. 10, 1822.

R. JACOB PERKINS declares the
nature of his

steam-pipe, without a steam-chamber immediately on the piston of a steamengine, or to be collected in a reservoir or steam-chamber, and thence to act on the piston, or for heating the water for ordinary steam-engines, or for any other And in

MR. of Pis inprovements to purpose for steam engines.

consist in heating water, or other fluid or fluids, for the purpose of generating steam for steam-engines, in a vessel or vessels kept, during such process of heating, full of such water, or other fluid or fluids, and also under pressure; and which said vessel he sometimes substitutes for the ordinary boiler used in steam-engines, and calls a generator. By this arrangement steam is generated with a much smaller quantity of fuel than by the ordinary boilers used in steam-engines of a like power. And he also declares that the nature of his improvements further consists in causing such water, or other fluid or fluids, so heated as aforesaid, to escape from under the said pressure, and pass at once from the generator into the steampipe, where it becomes steam or vapour, and in that form may pass thence to the cylinder, or to any other situation connected with a steam-engine, without the necessary intervention of any steamchamber or other reservoir of steam. Also, that the nature of his improvements consists in causing such escape of water, or other fluid or fluids, to take place, by forcing other water, or other fluid or fluids, into the generator; and thereby maintaining the generator in that state of fulness required for the purposes of his said invention. Also, further consists in the application of the hereinbefore declared improvements generally, for the purpose of generating steam for steam-engines, whether such steam be employed to act through the

further compliance with the said proviso, he does hereby describe a manner in which his said invention may be performed, which manner is the best be has hitherto discovered, or is at this time in possession of, or informed of, and which is ascertained by the following description thereof.-The said ge nerator may be heated by a variety of known furnaces, but the one he has used and found to be the best, is one of the cupola kind fed by a blast: and his safety-pipe, indicator, and forcing pump, are not new, but he claims exclusive privilege for the following im provements only; that is to say:

First, for heating water, or other fluid or fluids, for the purpose of generating steam for steam-engines, in a vessel or vessels kept (during such process of beating) full of such water, or other fluid or fluids, and under a pressure greater than the expansive force of the steam to be generated from such water, or other fluid or fluids, at the time of its generation.

Secondly, for causing such water, or other fluid or fluids, so heated as aforesaid, to escape from under the said pressure, and pass at once from the generator into the steam-pipe, where it becomes steam or vapour, and in that form may pass thence to the cylinder, or to any other situation connected with a steam-engine, without the necessary intervention of any steam-chamber, or other reservoir of steam.

Thirdly, for the manner of causing such

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such water, or other fluid or fluids, to escape as aforesaid; that is to say, by forcing other water, or other fluid or fluids, into the generator, until the pressure against the steam-valve shall cause it to rise, the valve being so loaded as not to rise, except by means of such extra pressure as aforesaid.

Fourthly, for the general application of such water, or other fluid or fluids, so heated as aforesaid, aud of the steam or vapour generated thereby, whether snch steam or vapour be employed through a steam-pipe without a steamchamber or reservoir, to act immediately on the piston, or to be collected in a reservoir or steam-chamber, and thence to act on the piston, or only for heating water to generate other steam, or for any other purpose or purposes whatsoever; provided always that such general application as aforesaid be for the purposes of steam-engines.

To ALEXANDER LAW, of the Commercial-road, Founder; for an Improve ment in the Form of Bolts and Nails for Ships, and other Fastenings.— July 17, 1821.

This improvement consists in giving the bolts and nails used for ships and other fastenings such a form or figure, that, when once driven home into their place, they cannot work themselves out by jars or strains, and this he effects by forming them with four, five, or a greater number of sides, and consequently as many intervening angles; and making the said sides and angles to wind round the axis of the bolt or nail in a screw form, so that the said bolts or nails, when in the act of being driven into a hole of proper size, revolve on their axis, as they are made to advance by the force applied to them; and the pieces therewith bolted together are held much more securely than they would be with common bolts; as the bolts thus formed cannot be drawn from either the one piece or the other, therewith bolted together, by any of the common strains to which such fastenings are exposed, without absolutely tearing out a portion of the solid substance of the wood. Of these improved bolts and nails a proper idea may be formed, by conceiving them, in the process of manufacturing them, to be formed in the ürst place into polygonal rods or prisms, of as many sides and intervening angles as may be required, any portion of which rod, if equably twisted, would assume a screwed ap

pearance, and would in fact present a kind of screwed bolts, composed of as many threads as they were angles originally given to the piece of rod before being thus twisted; and such a piece of polygonal rod, when thus treated, may be considered as a bolt or nail of my said improved form.-Repertory.


Edward Ollerenshaw, of Manchester, hat-manufacturer; for a method of dressing and furnishing hats, by means of certain machinery and implements to be used and applied thereto.-May 27, 1823.

Thomas Peel, of Manchester, esq. for a rotary-engine for the purpose of communicating motion by means of steam or other gaseous media.-May 27.

Stephen Wilson, of Streatham, esq.; for certain improvements in machinery for weaving and winding. Communicated to him by certain foreigners residing abroad. -May 31.

John Mills, of Silver-street, London; and Herman William Fairman, merchants; for certain improvements in rendering leather, linen, flax, sail-cloth, and certain other articles, water-proof. Communicated to them by a certain foreigner residing abroad.-May 31.

Richard Badnall, of Leek, silk-manufacturer; for certain improvements in dyeing. June 3.

Thomas Attwood, of Birmingham, banker; for certain improvements in the making of cylinders for the printing of cottons, calicos, and other articies. Communicated to him by a person residing abroad.—June 3.

Thomas Mills, of Dudbridge, near Stroud, cloth dresser; for certain improve. ments on machines for shearing or cropping woollen cloths. Communicated to him by certain foreigners residing abroad.-June S.

Jacob Perkins, late of Philadelphia, but now of Fleet-street, London, engineer; for certain improvements in steam-engines. Partly communicated to him by a certain foreigner residing abroad.-June 5.

Edward Cowper, of Kennington, me chanist; for certain improvements in machines and apparatus for printing calico, linen, silk, wool, paper, and other substances capable of receiving printed impressions. June 10.

Tower-hill, gentleman; for mean or means, Robert Mushet, of the Royal Mint process or processes, for improving the quality of copper and alloyed copper, applicable to the sheathing of ships and other purposes.-June 14.

Copies of the specifications, or further notices of any of these inventions, will be inserted free of expense, on being transmitted

to the Editor.


Including Notices of Works in Hand, Domestic and Foreign.

WE are glad to see Plans of Village and, if Spain had been educated, her

and Neighbourly Libraries again afloat, and we once more recommend them to the zealous support of our readers. They complete the education of the people. The national schools commence a system of general instruction, which these perfect. The good effects of schools are lost if books are not provided for subsequent amusement and instruction; and these may be introduced into every village or neighbourly circle for ten or twelve guineas, and kept up at a guinea or two per annum. The books should not be of a canting or gloomy description, but should illustrate History, Geography, Biography, Natural Knowledge, and Voyages and Travels. We have seen a computation that there already exist in the United Kingdom not less than 340 permanent subscription librarics, 1900 book societies of circulation, and double the number of village libraries, the annual purchase of books by the whole exceeding sixty thousand pounds, and supplying one hundred thousand persons with reading of a solid and instructive character. Besides these means of enlightening the public, there are above 1000 circulating libraries, which supply sentimental reading to the female sex; and, in the three kingdoms, not short of 2,500 shops, which subsist wholly or chiefly by the sale of books. All these serve more or less as antidotes to superstition and political slavery; and, while they exist and flourish, a million of men in the liveries of power, the corruptions of parliament, and the chicanery of law, cannot cheat us of those rights and privileges on which depend our national energies and social prosperity. Behold this true picture of Britain, all ye foreign nations who sigh for liberty, and seek to enjoy it in paper constitutions. These may please the eye of speculative philosophy, but the genius of freedom will never fix her abode except among an educated population; and, whenever a paper constitution is promulgated, it should be accompanied simultaneously by the instruction of the whole population, and by the multiplication and activity of printing presses. If France had thus been instructed by Napoleon, the vile Cossacks would never have polluted her soil, nor the Bourbous have obtruded their abominations;


population would have risen en masse ma the armed banditti who now spread desolation through her fertile provinces.

The good effects of Mr. MARTIN'S Law against cruelty to animals begins to be acted upon through the nation, and must tend to produce sentiments of humanity among persons who hitherto have treated animals as they would blocks of stone. Rational beings, as they call themselves, are nevertheless so irrational as seldom to reflect on the love of life and the feelings of creatures not exactly in their own form; and this total absence of the faculty of thinking in nine of every ten of the human race is the cause of the numberless cruelties practised on beings as sensitive as ourselves. To the immortal honour of Mr. Martin, he has, unaided, been indefatigable in carrying his own Law into action, and has brought to punishment some of the brutal bipeds who abuse cattle in Smithfield, and who i!l-treat that noble animal the horse. We are sorry to find that even Christians, who affect to respect the great moral law. suffer it to operate only in regard to objects whose reaction they fear. They generally do as they would be done unto when men as powerful as themselves, and under equal protection of the law, are concerned; but, when the object is defenceless, and under no legal protection, they then skin, boil, and roast alive, without remorse, and inflict other tortures too horrible to describe. The God of all must view these matters differently.

Mr. Roscoe has been long engaged on a variorum edition of Pope, and it may be expected to make its appearance in the ensuing winter.

Sir J. E. SMITH, president of the Linnean Society, &c. has nearly ready for publication the first portion of his English Flora. So much has been done in botany since the publication of this author's "Flora Britannica" and "English Botany," especially with regard to natural affinities;" and he has for thirty years past found so much to correct, in the characters and synonyms of British plants, that this will be entirely an original work. The language, also, is attempted to be reduced to a correct standard. The genera are reformed;


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