Plant Taxonomy and BiosystematicsThis book presents a concise, up-to-date and fully-integrated discussion of present-day plant taxonomy. It emphasises the dynamic nature of taxonomy which results from it being a fundamental discipline and a synthesis of all biological knowledge. Since publication of the first edition there have been many developments in the subject. Perhaps the most important of these has been the rise in popularity of cladistics, and the author fully discusses this controversial methodology. |
V | 5 |
VI | 6 |
VII | 7 |
VIII | 9 |
IX | 11 |
X | 14 |
XI | 16 |
XII | 17 |
XLV | 145 |
XLVI | 147 |
XLVII | 156 |
XLIX | 159 |
L | 161 |
LI | 164 |
LII | 165 |
LIII | 168 |
XIV | 18 |
XV | 19 |
XVI | 21 |
XVII | 25 |
XVIII | 29 |
XIX | 43 |
XX | 52 |
XXI | 65 |
XXII | 69 |
XXIV | 73 |
XXV | 81 |
XXVI | 83 |
XXVII | 86 |
XXIX | 89 |
XXX | 91 |
XXXI | 94 |
XXXII | 99 |
XXXIII | 109 |
XXXV | 117 |
XXXVI | 124 |
XXXVII | 129 |
XXXVIII | 131 |
XLI | 133 |
XLII | 138 |
XLIII | 141 |
XLIV | 143 |
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Common terms and phrases
Academic Press agamospecies algae anatomical angiosperms apomictic apomixis apomorphous areas base-number biosystematic biotypes Botanical botanists British bryophytes Chapter characteristics characters chemical Chlorophyta chromosome number cladistics cladogram classification considered delimited dicotyledons diploid disjunction distinct distribution ecological ecophenes ecotypes edition endemics evolution evolutionary example families Flora flowering plants gametophyte genera genetic genome genus geographical groups of plants habitats Heliotropium herbarium hybrids ICBN important infraspecific interspecific known large number latter Linnaeus London major meiosis methods monographs monophyletic morphological natural nomenclature number of species numerical taxonomy organisms OTUS pairing parents pathways pattern petals phenetic phylogenetic phylogeny plant taxonomy ploidy Poaceae pollen polyploid problems produced proteins pteridophytes range ranks Ranunculus recognized seed separate sequence sexual similar Species Plantarum specimens Stace stamens sterile structure subspecies systematic taxa taxometrics taxon taxonomic taxonomists tetraploid tion tropical usually variation various vascular plants vegetative vicariance Vulpia
Popular passages
Page 233 - Cockburn, W. 1985. Variation in photosynthetic acid metabolism in vascular plants: CAM and related phenomena. New Phytologist.
Page 233 - Cook, CDK (1968). Phenotypic plasticity with particular reference to three amphibious plant species. In Modern methods in plant taxonomy, ed.
Page 233 - Cutler, DF 1972. Vicarious species of Restionaceae in Africa, Australia and South America. In: DH Valentine, (Editor), Taxonomy .Phytogeography and Evolution.