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On Appeals.-Rep's Skinner, of Pennsylvania; Lucas, of Louisiana; and Coleman, of Indiana.

The Grand Secretary presented an appeal from several Past Grands of the Grand Lodge of Virginia, against the decision of the Grand Lodge of Virginia, upon one of the laws of the Order in that state, which was referred to the Committee on Appeals.

Rep. Hinman, of Connecticut, presented an appeal from Middlesex Lodge, of that state, from a decision of the Grand Lodge of Connecticut; and Rep. Brown, of New York, presented the appeal of P. G. Craft, against the decision of the Grand Lodge of the state of New York; which were referred to the Committee on Appeals.

The Grand Secretary presented the official communications from state Grand Lodges, on the subject of the proxy system, which were referred to the Committee on the State of the Order.

Rep. Marshall, of Kentucky, presented the petition of several subordi nate lodges of that state, praying the removal of the Seat of Government of the Order in that state, which was referred to the Committee on the State of the Order.

Rep. Neilson, of Maryland, moved that all visiting brethren now in this city, of the R. P. D., without further qualification, may be admitted to witness the deliberations of this body, which was decided in the negative.

Rep. Stokes, of Pennsylvania, moved that a special committee be appointed to report all unfinished business of the last Annual Session, for the consideration of the Grand Lodge, which was determined in the affirmative.

The Chair appointed Rep's Stokes, of Pennsylvania; Ellis, of Connec ticut; and Segar, of Virginia, the committee.

The Grand Secretary presented a letter from P. G. M. George M. Bain, D. Grand Sire elect, resigning his office, which on motion of Rep. Neilson, of Maryland, was accepted.

Rep. Marshall, of Kentucky, moved that the Grand Lodge proceed immediately to supply, by election, the vacancy in the office of D. Grand


Rep. Salomon, of Alabama, moved to amend by substituting ten o'clock to-morrow as the time of holding said election.

The question being taken upon the amendment, it was decided in the negative.

The question recurring on the motion of Rep. Marshall, of Kentucky, it was determined in the affirmative.

The Chair having announced that nominations for the office of D. Grand Sire were now in order, the following were accordingly made: By Rep. Stokes, of Pennsylvania, P. G. M. William S. Stewart, of Mis


By Rep. Hillyer, of New Jersey, P. G. M. Albert Case, of South Carolina.

By Rep. Segar, of Virginia, P. G. M. DeGraff, of Virginia.

By Rep. Wilson, of New York, P. G. M. Daniel Hersey, of Massachusetts.

The Chair appointed Rep's Stokes, of Pennsylvania, and Neilson, of Maryland, tellers, who having received the ballots of the Representatives

and P. G. Sires, as they were severally called, reported that no candidate having a majority of votes, no choice had been made by the Grand Lodge, from among the candidates for the office of D. Grand Šire.

Whereupon, the Grand Lodge proceeded anew to the election.

The tellers having again received the ballots of the Representatives and P. G. Sires, as they were called, reported that P. G. M. William S. Stewart, had received a majority of all the votes polled, for the office of D. Grand Sire.

The Chair accordingly proclaimed P. G. M. WILLIAM S. STEWART, of Missouri, the duly elected D. Grand Sire elect, of the Grand Lodge of the United States, for the ensuing term.

Rep. Kezer, of Tennessee, submitted the following resolutions:

Resolved, As the sense of the Grand Lodge, that the first business in order after the organization of the Grand Lodge, shall be the installation of the newly elected officers. Resolved, That the Grand Lodge will meet in their Hall, this afternoon, at four o'clock, for the purpose of the installation of its Grand Officers, duly and constitutionally elected."

Rep. Treadwell, of New York, called for a division of the question. The Chair having propounded the question upon the first resolution, it was decided in the negative.

The question being put upon the second resolution, it was decided in the affirmative.

Rep. Shaffner, of Kentucky, submitted the following additional Rule of Order.

"That after the present session of this Grand Lodge, the Grand Officers elect shall be installed on the second day of the session, at twelve o'clock." On motion of Rep. Neilson, of Maryland, the words "at twelve o'clock," were stricken out, when the order, as thus amended, was adopted.

The Grand Secretary presented the petitions of Iowa Lodge, of Iowa, and Milwaukie Lodge, of Wisconsin, praying a remission of dues, which were referred to the Committee of Finance.

On motion of Rep. Stokes, of Pennsylvania, it was

Ordered, That the Grand Lodge will meet at nine o'clock in the morning, and half past three o'clock in the afternoon, daily, for the transaction of business.

On motion of Rep. Marshall, of Kentucky, the Grand Lodge adjourned until half past three o'clock, this afternoon.

TUESDAY, 3 o'clock, P. M.

The Grand Lodge met pursuant to adjournment: Present, the Officers and a due representation.

The Grand Sire presented the following, being his Annual Report.

To the R. W. Grand Lodge of the United States:

The stated assembling of the Grand Representatives of the Order, brings with it the necessity for the Grand Sire to make a report, in conformity with the requirements of the Constitution. The peculiar fitness of such an occasion for offering, one to the other, gratulations on our continued

and increasing success, also, admonishes of that higher duty, which requires of those who feel a lively and grateful sense of obligation to make audible expression to the author of all good, who has, during the whole of our existence, in a land, and under a government of singular adaptation to the frame and objects of our institution, and especially during the year which has just past, vouchsafed to us a cherishing support. "Strength, harmony, and brotherly love" continue to be the characteristics of our progress. Nearly all parts of the jurisdiction give forth, by an unity of expression, their exultation on the prosperity which has resulted from our labors. And at the present session we are enabled to ascertain the highly gratifying fact, that but two states, of the entire extent of our wide domain, now remain, in which Odd Fellowship has not been successfully established and in each of these we have satisfactory evidence that progress is making, which will, within a few months, include them also in our social compact; when will be presented the pleasing spectacle of every portion of a great nation having united in rendering a benefaction to humanity, unsurpassed by any former moral effort.

Although every thing within offers such flattering evidence of present prosperity, and holds up so high our future hopes, the large fund of gratification we enjoy, is in no small degree diminished by the absence of advance having been made toward an amicable settlement of our foreign relations. Very soon after the adjournment of the last session, notification was made, to the Board at Manchester, of the proceedings had by the Grand Lodge in the premises. No official acknowledgment has been received, that the communication reached its destination, or of what nature were the acts of the A. M. C., at Bradford, in June last: but sufficient has come to hand, of an un-official, though eminently authentic form, to satisfy us that all previous aggressive mandates against the universality of Odd Fellowship, had been reiterated, and more active efforts had been directed to be made. Already, we have the proof of their being engaged in collecting, for obvious use, the names of all members who have emigrated within a few years to the United States, and we may with reason expect a hostile demonstration upon the heretofore conceded limits of our jurisdiction, at a very early day.

Meanwhile, during the recess, much anxious inquiry has continued to be made relative to the establishment of the Order under the ancient work, throughout the various parts of Europe. The brethren in England are impatient for action, and stand ready to forward applications for lodges, from various parts, immediately, on the contingency arising, under which charters are to be granted, viz: when "the authority of the Manchester Unity of Great Britain persist in carrying into effect the powers conferred on them, by the Annual Moveable Committee, at the Isle of Man, in 1841, and reiterated at the Wigan Annual Moveable Committee, of 1842, to establish lodges within the United States." In the absence of an overt act on the part of the authorities adverted to, the Grand Officers have felt themselves restrained from counselling the brethren, or holding out to them any encouragement, not justified by the letter of the resolution of last session. Otherwise, applications would be presented in due form with this report. Not only is it in England, but in other parts of Europe, that the brethren are fully alive to the importance of a permanent and universal

work. Among the communications herewith presented, are those on the subject of establishing the Order in Germany, which merits special attention; these communications do not emanate from persons ignorant of our institution, but from brethren who have had ample experience, both in our work and mode of business, by connexion with German lodges in Baltimore, New York and Philadelphia, to render them capable of judg ing of the adaptation of the Order to their native country. The devotion and zeal of these brethren is fully evinced, by their willingness to incur the expense of time and money in visiting the United States, should that course be deemed necessary to the successful establishment of the Order, according to the principles and practice which distinguish it in this country.

It is not only in England and Germany that we may expect to be enabled to give immediate spread to Universal Odd Fellowship, but in other remote countries the fields are ripe for the harvest, and it is only necessary that we should enter in to possess them. The period has nearly arrived, if indeed it is not already at hand, when (let the ultimate action of the A. M. C. be what it may) it will be our work, as it will be our pleasure, to plant Odd Fellowship throughout the earth. So well disseminated has the Order become among all classes of the people of this country, that wherever they go, Odd Fellowship goes with them, and the acknowledged intelligence of American travellers will afford them a preponderating influence co-extensive with our commerce. Let us then make wise provision for the future, nor wait until the present shall overtake it, and render more difficult that which even now is not without its perplexities.

The imperious assumption of power on the part of the Manchester dynasty, to which the dignity of manhood and a just sense of the true principles of the fraternity, would not suffer us to succomb, should operate in season on ourselves by awaking within us a determination to build Universal Odd Fellowship on a foundation from which it cannot be removed, and where its yield will be perennial. To accomplish so desirable an end, it is merely necessary that the maxim should influence our every act which teaches, whatever would be wrong in us to submit to, would as clearly be improper for us to assert on our own behalf toward others. Would it not then be adding to the already high reputation of the Grand Lodge of the United States, to make provision in time for the independence of the Order in foreign countries, so soon as a Grand Lodge and Grand Encampment are established in any civil division; and for the holding of an Universal Convocation, periodically, represented on a basis of numerical strength of membership. Let such general convocation have exclusive and entire power over the work of the Order, so as to inhibit all infringement or change without the approbation or knowledge of the entire fraternity; bestow upon it complete jurisdiction in all matters partaking of the character of intercommunication, and let its sessions be sufficiently remote to ensure permanency in both work and regulation. By such fundamental provision we should establish on enduring principles an Universal Order, and secure for ourselves the respect of the world by the evidence of our sincerity while making a demand on the authorities of the Manchester Unity.

The first advance toward an external spread of the Order occurred at the session of 1838, when Lone Star Lodge, No. 1, was authorized to be

established at Houston, in the republic of Texas; since which time, excepting the institution of two other lodges and the Grand Lodge in Texas, no movement has been made on the part of the Grand Lodge of the United States for similar extension. Brethren who are resident in various other foreign places, have evinced much solicitude to have the advantages of the Order extended to them. Among whom may be enumerated those of the several republics of the South, and the neighboring colonies on the North, who have from time to time exhibited much eagerness on the subject; but from a desire not to embarrass the pending negotiations with our former contemporary, their solicitations had not been received with decided approbation. The position in which affairs stood at the close of last session, however, warranted the Grand Sire in holding out to such brothers every proper encouragement. It has already resulted in the opening of one lodge at Montreal, in the province of Canada, as hereinafter more circumstantially reported, and the assurance that within a very short time, the number will be swelled by several other applications from the same and adjoining provinces. The astonishing success attendant on the first colonial effort is evidence of the discrimination of its inhabitants, and conclusive proof of the abiding prosperity which awaits its progress among them.

It has ever been a source of unalloyed satisfaction to contemplate the progressive advancement of the Order in our own land; tracing it from its small beginnings until as at present it is spread over twenty-four of the twenty-six states of the Union, two territories, and one separate district. Every city and considerable town in its range have their lodges, and the Patriarchal tent is nearly co-extensively set up. Our system of government has been proven by twenty years' experience, to be just such as is suited to ensure our internal prosperity. Grand Lodges are in successful operation, supervising the subordinates within their several limits of jurisdiction, in the states of Maryland, Massachusetts, New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Louisiana, Ohio, New Jersey, Kentucky, Virginia, Indiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Illinois, Connecticut, Tennessee, South Carolina, Alabama, North Carolina, and in the District of Columbia, and the republic of Texas; and subordinate lodges are permanently established in Rhode Island, Wisconsin, Arkansas, Georgia, Florida, Maine, New Hampshire, and the province of Canada. Grand Encampments are also employed in the charge of Encampments, in the several states of Pennsylvania, Maryland, New York, Ohio, Kentucky, Virginia, Connecticut, New Jersey, and South Carolina; while subordinate Encampments have their tents pitched in the District of Columbia, and in Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Wisconsin, North Carolina, Tennessee, Massachusetts, and Georgia. The subordinates alluded to are at present under the immediate jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of the United States; but in several districts rapid preparations are in progress for the organization of Grand Lodges and Grand Encampments, and very few have not attained a highly flourishing condition. Among the number of subordinates here alluded to, those in Canada, Maine, and New Hampshire are on newly acquired territory for lodges, while Rhode Island is a revival from a dormancy of some twelve years standing. The new ground taken by Encampments is in North Carolina, Tennessee, Massachusetts, and Georgia.

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