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states of this Union now remain without the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of the United States, to wit; Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont and Michigan. Within the recollection and experience of the undersigned, Odd Fellowship was an institution of very humble pretensions, limited in, its operations to Maryland, Pennsylvania, and the District of Columbia behold it now, covering nearly the whole country, destined, under proper guidance and wholesome legislation, to perpetutate itself from generation to generation, distributing countless blessings among its votaries.

Respectfully submitted.


Grand Recording and Corresponding Secretary.

Office Cor. & Rec. Secretary,

Baltimore, Sept. 19, 1842.

On motion of Rep. Moore, of District of Columbia, it was

Resolved, That 250 extra copies of the report of the Grand Corresponding Secretary be printed for the use of the Representatives.

On motion of P. G. Sire Glazier, the Grand Lodge proceeded to consider the annual reports of the Grand Sire and Grand Corresponding Secretary, when, on further motion, it was

Ordered, That they be referred to a select committee, for the purpose of alloting the various subjects therein referred to, to appropriate committees.

The Chair announced Rep's McGowan, of New York; Moore, of District of Columbia; and Hinman, of Connecticut, as the committee.

Rep. Leidy, of Delaware, moved that the Grand Lodge shall assemble daily at nine o'clock, A. M., for the transaction of business, and continue to sit until two o'clock, P. M., and that after the afternoon recess, it shall re-assemble at half past seven o'clock, P. M.

Various amendments were made to this motion, when it was finally withdrawn by the mover.

Rep. Hubelie, of Pennsylvania, revived substantially the motion withdrawn by Rep. Leidy, of Delaware, upon which Rep. Štokes, of Pennsylvania, called for the previous question, which being demanded by a majority of the members present, the said previous question was put, that is, "Shall the main question be now put?" and it was decided in the affir


The question was then put,

"Will the Grand Lodge adopt the motion as offered by Rep. Hubelie, of Pennsylvania?" and it was decided in the affirmative.

On motion, the Grand Lodge adjourned until to-morrow morning, at nine o'clock.

TUESDAY, September 20th, 9 o'clock, A. M.

The Grand Lodge assembled pursuant to adjournment: Present, the Officers and a due representation.

Prayer by the Grand Chaplain.

The journal of the proceedings of yesterday afternoon, was read and approved.

The Grand Secretary presented the credentials of Proxy Rep. Hopkins, of Ohio, which were referred to the committee on credentials.

Rep. Neilson, of Maryland, from the committee on credentials, made a favorable report upon the credentials of Rep. Hopkins, of Ohio, which was accepted.

Rep. HOPKINS, of Ohio, appeared and took his seat.

On motion of P. G. Sire Glazier, the Grand Lodge proceeded to the consideration of the following amendment to the Constitution, proposed at the Annual Session, 1841.

"That the Constitution be so amended, as to strike out so much therefrom as authorizes a representation from Grand Encampments upon the same terms as state Grand Lodges are now represented."

Rep. Hopkins, of Ohio, moved to refer the subject to a select committee of five, which was decided in the negative.

Rep. Neilson, of Maryland, moved to lay the subject on the table, and that it be made the special order of the day for to-morrow morning, at ten o'clock, which was determined in the negative.

The question being upon the adoption of the proposed amendment to the Constitution, upon the call of Rep. Lucas, of Louisiana, seconded by Rep Marley, of Maryland, the vote by states was demanded, and appeared as follows:

YEAS-Rep's Hubelie, Stokes, and Hewitt, of Pennsylvania; Moore, of District of Columbia; Thomas, and Hopkins, of Ohio; Leidy, of Delaware; Brandt, of New Jersey; Hull, and English, of Virginia; Bucher, of Indiana; Ridgely, of Alabama; and P. G. Sire Glazier-13.

NAYS-Rep's Marley, 2 votes, and Neilson, of Maryland; Guild, of Massachusetts; Small, Jordan, and McGowan, of New York; Lucas, of Louisiana; Tyler, of Kentucky; Wildey, of Mississippi; Stewart, of Missouri; Hinman, of Connecticut; and Case, of South Carolina-13.

So two-thirds of the votes, as required by the Constitution, not appearing, the proposed amendment thereto was decided in the negative.

Rep. McGowan, of New York, from the special committee to whom was referred the Grand Sire's and Grand Corresponding Secretary's reports, for the allotment of the different subjects to appropriate committees, made the following report, which was adopted.

To the R. W. Grand Lodge of the United States:

The special committee to whom was referred the reports of the M. W. Grand Sire and Grand Corresponding Secretary, respectfully recommend the following proceedings for adoption, viz:

That so much of the reports as relates to the opening of Grand Lodges, the meaning of the terms "qualified members," and "good standing, &c. the "uniformity of work in the different lodges;" also, the appointment and duties of D. D. Grand Sires, formation of specific periods for terms, and the extension of the Order in foreign countries, be referred to the Committee on the State of the Order.

That so much of the reports as relates to petitions, and dispensations granted, be referred to the Committee on Petitions.

That so much of the reports as relates to the receipts, expenditures and funds of the Grand Lodge, be referred to the Committee of Finance.

That so much as relates to the returns of Grand and Subordinate Lodges and Encampments, be referred to the Committee on Returns, Reports, &c. That so much as relates to the difficulty in Louisiana, and Home Correspondence, be referred to the Committee of Correspondence.

That so much as relates to the Mission to England, and our foreign relations, be referred to a special committee of three.

That so much as relates to the translation of the Work of the Order, be referred to a special committee of three.

That so much as relates to the "Official Magazine," be referred to a special committee of three.

That so much as relates to the property of the Grand Lodge, and a lease of a room for the same, be referred to a special committee.

Respectfully submitted.


The Chair announced the following as the special committees provided for in the report just adopted.

On English Mission.-Rep's Hopkins, of Ohio; Moore, of District of Columbia; and Lucas, of Louisiana.

On Official Magazine.-Rep's McGowan, of New York; Case, of South Carolina; and Stewart, of Missouri.

On Property of Grand Lodge.-Rep's Moore, of District of Columbia; Thomas, of Ohio; and Marley, of Maryland.

The Chair announced the following additional Standing Committees. On Finance.-Rep's Hopkins, of Ohio; McGowan, of New York; and Hinman, of Connecticut.

On Correspondence.-Rep's Tyler, of Kentucky; English, of Virginia; and Stokes, of Pennsylvania.

Rep. Leidy, of Delaware, moved to re-consider the order adopted, fixing the hour of the meeting, and the duration of the session of the Grand Lodge, which was decided in the negative.

On motion, the Grand Lodge adjourned until half-past seven o'clock, this evening.

TUESDAY, 7 o'clock, P. M.

The Grand Lodge met pursuant to adjournment: Present, the Officers, and a due representation.

The minutes of the morning session were read and approved.

The Chair announced that in conformity with the Rules of Order, it would be necessary for the Grand Lodge to proceed this evening to the election of Grand Officers, unless the rule was suspended by a vote of the Grand Lodge.

Rep. McGowan, of New York, moved to suspend the rule requiring the election of Grand Officers to be held on the second day of the Annual Session, which was determined in the negative.

Rep. Tyler, of Kentucky, called up for consideration, the amendment to the Constitution proposed at the last Annual Session, in the words follow

ing, to wit: "Amendment to Article II. of the Constitution; strike out 'third Monday of September,' in second line, and insert first Monday of November.'"

On motion of Rep. Stokes, of Pennsylvania, the subject, together with all deferred business from the last session, was referred to a select committee, with instructions to report the same to the consideration of the Grand Lodge.

The Chair appointed Rep. Stokes, of Pennsylvania; Tyler, of Kentucky; and Moore, of District of Columbia, the committee.

On motion of Rep. Leidy, of Delaware, the Grand Lodge proceeded to the election of Grand Officers, when the following names were presented as candidates for the office of Grand Sire.

By Rep. Wildey, of Mississippi, P. G. M. Howell Hopkins, of Pennsylvania.

By Rep. Hubelie, of Pennsylvania, D. G. Sire Horn R. Kneass, of Pennsylvania.

By Rep. Neilson, of Maryland, P. G. M. William S. Stewart, of Mis


By Rep. Hull, of Virginia, P. G. M. George M. Bain, of Virginia.

P. G. M. Howell Hopkins, for reasons assigned by him, asked to be excused being a candidate for the office of Grand Sire, and the question being put by the Grand Sire-" Will the Grand Lodge excuse P. G. M. Howell Hopkins?" it was decided in the negative.

The Chair appointed P. G. Sires Wildey and Glazier as tellers, who, having received the ballots of the Representatives and P. G. Sires, as they were respectively called, and counted the same, reported that P. G. M. Howell Hopkins had received a majority of all the votes polled.

Whereupon, the Grand Sire proclaimed that P. G. M. HOWELL HOPKINS, of Pennsylvania, was duly elected Grand Sire of the Grand Lodge of the United States, for the ensuing term of two years.

On motion, the Grand Lodge proceeded to the election of D. Grand Sire, when the following nominations were made.

By Rep. Small, of New York, P. G. M. William S. Stewart, of Mis


By Rep. Brandt, of New Jersey, P. G. William C. Branin, of New Jersey.

By Rep. English, of Virginia, P. G. M. George M. Bain, of Virginia. The tellers having received the ballots of the Representatives and P. G. Sires, as they were respectively called, and counted the same, reported that no candidate had received a majority of all the votes polled.

The Grand Lodge proceeded anew to the election of D. Grand Sire, when the tellers having received the votes of the Representatives and P. G. Sires, and counted the same, reported that P. G. M. George M. Bain had received a majority of all the votes polled.

Whereupon, the Grand Sire proclaimed P. G. M. GEORGE M. BAIN, of Virginia, the duly chosen D. Grand Sire of the Grand Lodge of the United States, for the ensuing term of two years.

On motion, the Grand Lodge proceeded to the election of Grand Recording Secretary, when P. G. M. James L. Ridgely, of Maryland, being placed in nomination by Rep. Thomas, of Ohio, was unanimously chosen.

Whereupon, the Grand Sire proclaimed that P. G. M. JAMES L. RIDGELY, of Maryland, was duly elected Grand Recording Secretary of the Grand Lodge of the United States, for the ensuing term of two years.

On motion, the Grand Lodge proceeded to the election of Grand Treasurer, and P. G. M. Andrew E. Warner, of Maryland, being placed in nomination by Rep. Marley, of Maryland, was unanimously elected.

Whereupon, the Grand Sire proclaimed that P. G. M. ANDREW E. WARNER, of Maryland, was the duly chosen Grand Treasurer of the Grand Lodge of the United States, for the ensuing term of two years.

On motion of Rep. Hinman, of Connecticut, the Grand Lodge proceeded to the election of the first class of the Board of Supervision of the Covenant, in lieu of the present Board, whose term of office expires at this session.

The following nominations were made:

By Rep. Hubelie, of Pennsylvania, P. G. M. Horn R. Kneass, of Pennsylvania.

By Rep. Case, of South Carolina, P. G. M. John H. Honour, of South Carolina.

By Rep. Neilson, af Maryland, P. G. Robinson S. Hinman, of Connecticut.

By Rep. Moore, of District of Columbia, P. G. Napoleon B. Leidy, of Pennsylvania.

By Rep. Tyler, of Kentucky, P. G. M. Charles McGowan, of New York.

By Rep. Jordan, of New York, P. G. Albert Guild, of Massachusetts. By Rep. Stokes, of Pennsylvania, P. G. M. Howell Hopkins, of Pennsylvania.

By Rep. Marley, of Maryland, P. G. James Nesbitt, of Virginia.
By Rep. Hubelie, of Pennsylvania, P. G. John Dixon, of Pennsyl-


The tellers having received the ballots of the Representatives and P. G. Sires, as they were called, and counted the same, reported that P. G. M. Horn R. Kneass, of Pennsylvania; P. G. Robinson S. Hinman, of Connecticut; P. G. M. John H. Honour, of South Carolina; P. G. M. Charles McGowan, of New York; and P. G. M. William W. Moore, of District of Columbia, had received a majority of all the votes polled.

Whereupon, the Grand Sire proclaimed that they were the duly chosen Board of the first class of Supervision of "The Covenant," for the ensuing term of two years.

On motion of Rep. Hinman, of Connecticut, it was

Resolved, That the Grand Lodge will proceed to the election of Editor of "The Covenant and Official Magazine," at twelve o'clock, to-morrow.

Rep. Moore, of District of Columbia, from the Committee on the State of the Order, reported the following resolution in relation to so much of the Grand Sire's report as requests this Grand Lodge to determine the proper construction to be put upon Article II, of the By-Laws, respecting the qual ifications of brethren applying for charters to open Encampments, in states or territories where there are no Encampments, viz:

Resolved, That said By-Law requires the applicants in such cases, to be members of the R. P. degree.

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