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Which amount the Grand Treasurer acknowledges to have received of the Grand Corresponding Secretary.

The committee have also examined the accounts of the Grand Treasurer, and find that he had a balance in his hands at the last financial report,

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That he has received from the 10th of October, 1840, to the 23d September, 1841, from Grand Recording Secretary and Grand Corresponding Secretary, the sum of

Making a total,

That the Grand Treasurer has paid by orders drawn on him

by the Grand Sire, the following amounts:
To Brother Sawkins, for portrait bought,
To J. M. Anderson, for seal,

To J. C. Robinson, for filling diplomas, &c.,
To I. D. Williamson, for services performed,
And that the Grand Treasurer has paid without the
order of the Grand Sire, to the following named
persons, the following sums, for debts due them
justly, viz:

To Brother Sawkins, for portrait bought, $200 00
To R. Neilson, on account of printing,
To N. Hickman, bill stationary, -

$150 00

50 00

23 33

50 00

$292 73

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1,045 15

$1,337 88

[ocr errors]

100 00

13 81

313 81

Also to Grand Recording Secretary Cook, on ac

count of salary,

20 00

And that he is entitled to be credited, for a broken bank note paid him, the sum of

5 00

612 14

$725 74

Leaving a balance in his hands on this day, of

The committee regret that the Grand Treasurer has ventured to pay any bill unauthorized by the Grand Sire; but as the bills are justly due, recommend that he be credited therefor; they, however, hope that hereafter more attention will be paid by him to the constitutional requisition in relation to payments to be made by him. In relation to the sum of $20 paid Grand Recording Secretary Cook, it was wholly unauthorized, and is particularly to be regretted, as the Grand Lodge will be a great looser by him. But as the payment was made before it was known or suspected that the Grand Recording Secretary had not acted with good faith, the committee recommend that the payment to him by the Grand Treasurer, be acknowledged and credited to the Grand Treasurer.

The accounts of Jerusalem Encampment stand charged on the books of this Grand Lodge, as indebted for charter, $30. It appears that that sum was paid to P. G. Sire Wildey, and accounted for by him in his account, but omitted to be credited to Jerusalem Encampment. The committee offer the following resolution:

Resolved, That Jerusalem Encampment of Virginia be credited with thirty dollars paid to P. G. Sire Wildey.

The committee find it will be impossible for them to audit and report the accounts of the Grand Recording Secretary, and the state of the account of the various Grand and subordinate Lodges and Encampments, in sufficient time to report this session. But as the subject is one of importance, they pray to be discharged from the consideration thereof, and offer the following resolution:

Resolved, That a committee of three members residing in the city of Baltimore, be appointed, whose duty it shall be during the recess of this Grand Lodge, fully to audit the accounts of G. R. Secretary Cook, and the accounts of the different Grand and subordinate lodges and Encampments, with this Grand Lodge, and report either to the Grand Sire, or to this Grand Lodge, at its next session, whichever the committee may deem most for the benefit of the Order; and the Grand Sire, if report be made to him, shall take such order thereon as the subject may in his opinion require.


Rep's. Vn Sickell, of New Jersey, and Hopkins, of Pennsylvania, asked and obtained leave of absence for the remainder of the session.

Rep. Davids, of New York, offered the following, which was unanimously adopted.

Resolved, That the Grand Sire or Grand Recording Secretary, be authorized to insert by note on the Grand Charter of the Grand Lodge of New York, the following words, viz:-"Granted in place of the original Grand Charter from the Grand Lodge of Maryland and of the United States,dated June 4th, 1823."

Rep. Bradley, of Connecticut, having voted in the affirmative, on the amendment to the Constitution, agreed to on yesterday, authorizing a representation of Grand Encampments in the Grand Lodge of the United States, upon the same terms as state Grand Lodges, moved that the Grand Lodge now re-consider the vote adopting the same.

Rep. Kennedy, of Delaware, objected to the reception of the motion as out of order, upon the ground that the amendment having been adopted by a constitutional vote of two-thirds, was now a part of the Constitution, and could not be the subject of legislation, except in the manner provided in the Constitution, for altering or amending the same, as follows, to wit:" Any alteration or amendment to the Constitution must be offered to the Grand Lodge, in writing, at a stated meeting thereof, and if seconded it shall be entered on the minutes-at the next stated meeting, the amendments may be considered, and if agreed to by two-thirds of the votes given, shall become a part of the Constitution."

The Chair decided that any time during the session, any vote adopted was within the control of the Grand Lodge, and that the motion to re-consider was in order.

Rep. Kennedy, of Delaware, appealed from the decision of the Chairpending the appeal, on motion of Rep. Cook, of New York, the whole subject was ordered to lie on the table.

Rep. Leidy, of Pennsylvania, offered the following resolution :

Resolved, That the next Annual Session be held at the city of New York.

Rep. Wildey, of Mississippi, moved to amend the resolution, by striking

out "New York," and substituting "Cincinnati."

Rep. Hull, of Virginia, moved to amend, by substituting the word "Richmond."

The question being taken on the amendment offered by Rep. Hull, of Virginia, to substitute the word "Richmond," was decided in the negative. The question recurring on the amendment of Rep. Wildey, of Mississippi, to strike out the words "New York," and substitute the word "Cincinnati," it was decided in the negative.

And the question being put on the resolution of Rep. Leidy, of Pennsylvania, that the next Annual Session be held at the city of New York, was decided in the negative.

Rep. Leidy, of Pennsylvania, then moved, that the next Annual Session be held at the city of Philadelphia, which was determined in the negative. Rep. Cook, of New York, moved that the Grand Lodge now adjourn, which was decided in the negative.

Rep. Leidy, of Pennsylvania, moved that the Grand Lodge do now proceed to install the Grand Officers elect, which was decided in the neg


Rep. Neilson, of Indiana, offered the following, which was agreed to.

Resolved, That it shall be the duty of the Grand Secretary to report at each regular Annual Communication of this Grand Lodge, in tabular form, the name of each and every Grand Lodge and Grand Encampment, and each and every subordinate lodge and subordinate Encampment where there is no Grand Lodge or Grand Encampment, with the amount of moneys received by him from each of the aforesaid lodges and Encampments so reporting:-and that he also report, in the same table, the name of each and every Grand and subordinate Lodge and Encampment, which may fail to report, according to the requisitions of this Grand Lodge.

Rep. Taylor, of Ohio, offered the following amendment to the Constitution, seconded by Rep. Vn Sickell, of New Jersey, viz:

Article II, strike out "third Monday of September," in second line, and insert "first Monday of November."

On motion of Rep. Cook, of New York, the Grand Lodge proceeded to consider the unfinished business of the afternoon session, being the report of the select committee on the Covenant.

The seventh resolution accompanying the report, was taken up and adopted.

The eighth resolution was read, amended and adopted.

The ninth resolution was considered, discussed at length and adopted. The tenth resolution, was amended and adopted.

On motion of Rep. Davids, of New York, it was unanimously

Resolved, That the resolutions as amended, be now adopted.*

On motion of Rep. Lucas, of Louisiana, the Grand Lodge adjourned until nine o'clock, to-morrow morning.

FRIDAY, September 24th, 9 o'clock, A. M.

The Grand Lodge met pursuant to adjournment: Present, the Officers and a due representation.

Prayer by the Grand Chaplain.

The various amendments to these resolutions which were offered, and rejected or adopted, the Secretary, by the direction of the Grand Lodge, has not set forth; but the resolutions which accompany the report of the committee, on page 368, embody all that were adopted. S

The Chair named as the committee provided for in the resolution accompanying the report of the Committee of Finance, to audit during the recess, the accounts of the late Recording Secretary, and to report in their discretion, to the Grand Sire, or to the next Annual Communication, Rep's Ridgely, of Ohio; Wildey, of Mississippi; and Bayley, of Missouri.

On motion of Rep. Ridgely, of Ohio, the following were adopted: Ordered, That the Chair appoint a committee of two, residing in the city of Baltimore, to take a particular inventory of all and singular, the property of the Grand Lodge of the United States, specifying the number of diplomas, charters, degree and charge books, books of proceedings now on hand, and upon the delivery of the same to the Grand Secretary, to take his receipt therefor, and file the same with the Grand Treasurer.

Ordered, That at each Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge, it shall be the duty of the Committee of Finance to examine into the stock on hand and report thereon; to facilitate which inquiry, the Grand Secretary shall furnish a particular account of the sales thereof, and of the balance remaining in his hands.

The Chair named Rep's Marley, of Maryland; and Bayley, of Missouri, as the committee, provided for in the first order.

Rep. Davids, of New York, offered the following, which was adopted. Resolved, That the Grand Representatives in the Grand Lodge of the United States appear in the proper regalia of the several Grand Lodges and Grand Encampments, to which they are attached.

On motion of Rep. Neilson, of Indiana, it was

Resolved, That the Grand Lodge will proceed to the ceremony of installation of the R. W. Grand Officers elect, at twelve o'clock, this day.

Rep. Kennedy, of Delaware, from the Committee on Petitions, made the following report, which was accepted and the resolution adopted.

To the R. W. Grand Lodge of the United States:

The Committee on Petitions, to whom was referred the prayer of John Wood and others, asking a restoration of the charter of Friendly Union Lodge, No. 1, beg leave respectfully to report. The committee having carefully considered the facts in the case, offer the following resolution.


Resolved, That the prayer of the petitioners, for the restoration of the charter of "Friendly Union Lodge, No. 1," of Providence, Rhode Island, be, and the same is hereby granted.

Rep. Kennedy, of Delaware, from Committee on Petitions, submitted the following report, which was accepted, and the resolutions adopted.

To the R. W. Grand Lodge of the United States:

The committee to whom was referred the report of P. G. Sire Wildey, as Travelling Agent, respectfully report: That by the resolution of 1838, the powers of the Travelling Agent were continued so as to permit him to visit the Order in the Eastern portion of the country. In pursuance of these powers the Travelling Agent has re-established Massachusetts Lodge, No. 1, at Boston, Massachusetts, which your committee recommend to be confirmed. An application was also made for the re-establishment of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts, but in consequence of its entire want of conformity to established and necessary forms, it cannot be acted on at the

present session of the Grand Lodge. It might be proper to empower the Grand Sire, on legal application being made, to restore the Grand Lodge to existence. The duties of the Travelling Agent having now been finally concluded, your committee recommend the adoption of a resolution on that subject.


Resolved, That the restoration of Massachusetts Lodge, No. 1, at Boston, Massachusetts, be, and the same is hereby confirmed.

Resolved, That the Grand Sire be, and is hereby authorized to re-establish the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts,* at the city of Boston, on regular and formal application being made therefor.

Resolved, That the thanks of this Grand Lodge are hereby tendered to P. G. Sire Wildey, for the laborious and faithful manner in which he has performed the important duties entrusted to him as Travelling Agent of this Grand Lodge.

Resolved, That the office of Travelling Agent be, and the same is hereby abolished. Rep. Leidy, of Pennsylvania, from the Committee on the State of the Order, presented the following report, which was accepted and the resolutions adopted.

To the R. W. Grand Lodge of the United States:

The Committee on the State of the Order at large, respectfully present their third report, by resolutions, as follows:

Resolved, That the communication of P. G. M. Kennedy, dated New York, January 25th, 1841, suggesting certain changes in the Work of the Order, in relation to prayers and ceremonies, be referred to the Committee on the Work of the Order.

Resolved, That having carefully examined the various documents received during the past ten months, from worthy brothers of Galena, Alton, and Springfield, Illinois, respecting the removal of the Grand Lodge of Illinois, and the language of the proviso, (page 271 of the printed proceedings,) passed by the Grand Lodge of the United States, in 1840; permission be granted by this Grand Lodge for the removal of the place of meeting of the Grand Lodge of Illinois,t to Springfield, as desired by a majority of the subordinate lodges.

• Grand Lodge of Massachusetts-This body, the first which possessed superintending power under the Grand Lodge of Maryland and of the United States, had finally ceased operation in March of 1832, and during 1833, its charter was recalled.

Its last official report of condition was received in 1830, at which time it had six lodges in charge, but seems to have opened one afterward; and the latest evidence it furnished of vitality was in the appointment of a Representative for the session of 1831-after which feat it would seem to have rapidly declined.

For several years, the fell spirit of contention had prevailed in its conncils; feelings of jealousy had usurped the place of brotherly love, and harmonious effort was at an end. The subordinate lodges speedily delivered up their charters, leaving but one, the lodge at Lowell, to represent the flattering promises which had been held out for the Order in the commonwealth of Massachusetts. The few remaining faithful brethren gathered up the small remnant of effects, and safely deposited them for future use, should a day more propitious to success ever arrive. Meanwhile the lodge at Lowell, Mer rimack, No. 7, ceased its operations; but through the influence of P. G. Sire Wildey, who was ever ready with a helping hand, it renewed its effort in 1333, under the direct jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of the United States, and, after a tediously precarions existence, it was prepared to assist with vigor in the re-establishment of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts.

Nine years passed quietly on without exhibiting the least sign of returning life, when the three brothers who had assumed the guardianship of the remains of the Order in Boston, (viz: Albert Guild, the last Secretary, Aaron Andrews and Eber Smith, P. G's,) were found actively engaged in the endeavour to revive Massachusetts Lodge, No. 1, by P. G. Sire Wildey, who, as Travelling Agent, unexpectedly arrived in their city. Two veterans in the cause. viz., James B. Barnes, the first N. G. of the lodge in 1820, and Daniel Hersey, the G. M. on the establishment of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts in 1823, were prevailed upon to lend their aid; when, on the 22d of June, 1841, Massachusetts Lodge, No. 1, was re-organized, and the Order in the East resuscitated to a more brilliant destiny, as its present condition testifies. The Grand Lodge was, under the resolution on which we note, reestablished on the 23d December, 1841, when the following Officers were installed, viz: Daniel Hersey, M. W. G. M.; Thomas Barr, R. W. D. G. M.; Aaron Andrews, R. W. G. W.; Albert Guild, R. W. G Sec'y and Treas.

↑ Grand Lodge of Illinois.-This revival and removal was consummated April 25th, 1842.

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