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The Chair appointed Rep. Theodore Frost, of New York, D. Grand Sire, pro tem.

P. G. M. William W. Moore, of District of Columbia; P. G. M. James L. Ridgely, of Ohio; P. G. M. George M. Bain, of Virginia; and P. G. M. Augustus Mathiot, of Illinois, not having been reported by the committee on credentials as entitled to their seats, claimed to be Representatives* from their respective state Grand Lodges.

Rep. Wildey, of Mississippi, called for the reading of their credentials, when the Grand Secretary stated that they had been filed away at the last Session and it was impossible for him to lay his hands upon them at present.

The Grand Sire decided that the Representatives were entitled to their


Rep. Wildey, of Mississippi, protested against the Representatives of District of Columbia, Virginia, Illinois, and Ohio, taking their seats, and appealed from the decision of the Chair.

The question on sustaining the decision of the Chair was divided, the vote on each claimant being taken separately.

The question was then put on the right of Rep. Moore, of District of Columbia, taking his seat, when the decision of the Chair was sustained. The question then recurred on the right of Rep. Bain, of Virginia, taking his seat, when the decision of the Chair was sustained.

The question then recurred on the right of Proxy Rep. Mathiot, of Illinois, taking his seat.

Whereupon, Rep. McGowan, of New York, called for the yeas and nays, which were as follows:

YEAS-Rep's Marley, Williamson, Branin, Wolford, Wildey and Stanford-6.

NAYS-Rep's Frost, McGowan, Moore, Bain, 2 votes-5.

Rep's Hewitt and Brown, of Pennsylvania, asked to be excused from voting, when, on motion, they were so excused.

So the decision of the Chair was sustained.

The question recurring on the right of Proxy Rep. Ridgely, of Ohio, the yeas and nays being ordered, were as follows: YEAS-Rep's Marley, Williamson, Branin, Wolford, Wildey, and Ma


NAYS-Rep's Frost, McGowan, Hewitt, Brown, Moore, Stanford, and Bain, 2 votes-8.

Pending the question, Rep. Bain, of Virginia, having voted in the affirmative, asked permission to change his vote which request was granted. So the decision of the Chair in this case was reversed.

The proceedings of the last Annual Communication being in progress of reading, Rep. McGowan, of New York, moved that the further reading be dispensed with, which motion prevailed.

The Chair appointed the following Standing Committees.

• Claimed to be Representatives.-The brethren making this claim had held seats at the April Ses. sion of 1810, under certificates which were then duly received; and coneeiving their terms unexpired, claimed membership at the present session. Owing to the carelessness of the Grand Recording Secretary, their credentials were not to be found. Those from the Grand Lodges of the District of Columbia, Illinois and Virginia, being understood to have been issued within twelve months, were recognized as valid; while that from the Grand Lodge of Ohio, being supposed to have been issued prior to October, 1839, was deemed to be out of date. Hence the result.

On Petitions-Rep's Branin, of New Jersey; Frost, of New York; and Wolford, of Kentucky.

On Reports-Rep's Moore, of District of Columbia; Williamson, of Maryland; and Brown, of Pennsylvania.

On Correspondence-Rep's Stanford, of Missouri; Frost, of New York; and Wolford of Kentucky.

On Finance-Rep's Marley, of Maryland; McGowan, of New York; and Hewitt of Pennsylvania.

On the Work of the Order-Rep's Wildey, of Mississippi; Marley, of Maryland; Mathiot, of Illinois.

The Grand Corresponding Secretary presented the following report.

To the R. W. Grand Lodge of the United States:

The undersigned Corresponding Secretary of the Grand Lodge of the United States, pursuant to the resolution adopted at the Adjourned Session of that body, held in April last, requiring that he should prepare and print an abstract of such subjects, contained in his correspondence, as may be of importance to be considered, begs leave respectfully to report:

That early after the close of the last Communication, he addressed a circular to each of the state Grand Lodges, informing them of his appointment, and requesting them in future to transmit through him all communications designed for the Grand Lodge of the United States, and he has the pleasure to say that very generally, the correspondence has already taken that direction.

The voluminous correspondence which had been accumulating in the hands of the Grand Secretary for several years, has been carefully examined, and there appears nothing of interest in the opinion of the undersigned requiring the consideration of the Grand Lodge, except the Key transmitted from the Manchester Unity, Great Baitain, which does not appear to have been at all appreciated, and which is again submitted to your consideration.-Document A.

The printed abstracts of proceedings of the last Session, together with the blank forms for reports, have been transmitted to the several Grand Lodges, Encampments and subordinate lodges, under your immediate jurisdiction, but inasmuch as a proper distribution of the same, may not always be made by the Corresponding Secretary as to number, it is respectfully suggested that his duty in this particular be defined by law.

Several Grand and subordinate Lodges, have transmitted their reports through the undersigned; as they will be presented to the special examination of the committee on that subject, it is not deemed necessary to say any thing in relation to them, further than to express a regret that most of them have transmitted no dues whatever, and in many instances have taxed the Grand Lodge very heavily for postage, an evil which ought to be avoided, and which is submitted to you at this time, that you may determine the subject for the future.

An application is herewith presented, [marked B.,] from Arkansas, for an Encampment, and a correspondence with P. G. M. Potts, D. D. Grand Sire, showing the deplorable condition of the Order in Wisconsin.--Document C.

The undersigned has received one or two letters, [documents E. E.,] in. quiring for counsel and instruction upon the Work of the Order, and inasmuch as his own opinions might probably differ from those of the Grand Lodge upon parts of the Work, he submits whether a law requiring the transmission of such correspondence to the Grand Sire for answer, ought not to be passed.

The proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Ohio, the report of the Grand Master of New York, the By-Laws of Tennessee Lodge, No. 2, transmitted for approval, and a proposal of the Rev. Thomas Greer Clayton, for publishing in the city of Charleston, the Odd Fellows' Gazette, have been received, and are herewith presented.

Several applications having been made for individual copies of the Diploma; it is suggested that the Grand Lodge determine whether they will authorise them to be so disposed of, and if not, in what manner they will furnish them.

Respectfully submitted,


On motion, the report was referred to the Committee of Correspondence. The Grand Secretary presented the reports of the several Grand and subordinate Lodges and Encampments which were referred to the Committee on Reports.

Rep. Bain, of Virginia, offered the following:

Resolved, That the R. W. Grand Lodge of Virginia, at its next Annual Session, shall have power, and authority is hereby granted to it, to remove the Sessions to any place within the limits of the state, that a majority of the whole number of its subordinate lodges may by their vote in Grand Lodge, fix upon at the next Annual Meeting in April.

On motion of Rep. Brown, of Pennsylvania, the resolution was referred to the Committee on Petitions.

On motion of Rep. Branin, of New Jersey, the Grand Lodge adjourned until three o'clock, this afternoon.

TUESDAY, 3 o'clock, P. M.

The Grand Lodge met pursuant to adjournment: Present, the Officers and a due representation.

An application was received from Texas, for a Grand Lodge charter, which, on motion was referred to the Committee on Petitions.

A communication was presented and read from Thomas Barr and William Sutcliff, in behalf of Merrimack Lodge, No. 7, Massachusetts, which was referred to the Committee on Petitions.

A petition was presented from Quinnipiac Lodge, No. 1, Charter Oak Lodge, No. 2, and East Haddam Lodge, No. 3, praying for a charter for a Grand Lodge of Connecticut, and to meet alternately at New Haven and Hartford.

On motion, the petition was referred to the Committee on Petitions.

P. G. Sire Wildey called up his amendment to the Constitution, offered at the last Communication, (page 275,) on the subject of electing Representatives for two years.

Rep. McGowan, of New York, moved that the amendment be laid on the table.

Rep. Moore, of District of Columbia, called for the yeas and nays, which were as follows:

YEAS-Rep's McGowan, Hewitt, Moore and Branin-4.

NAYS-Rep's Marley, Williamson, Frost, Brown, Wolford, Bain, 2 votes; Wildey and Mathiot-9.

So the motion to lay on the table was lost.

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Rep. Marley, of Maryland, moved to amend by striking out "two," and insert one," and all after the word "Representatives" in the fourth line, which was decided in the negative.

The question recurring on the original amendment,

Whereupon, Rep. Brown, of Pennsylvania, called for the previous question, which was sustained.

The main question being on the originial amendment to the Constitution, offerred by P. G. Sire Wildey,

Whereupon, Rep. Moore, of District of Columbia, called for the yeas and nays, which were as follows:

YEAS-Rep. Wildey, and P. G. Sire Wildey--2.

NAYS-Rep's Marley, Williamson, Frost, McGowan, Hewitt, Brown, Moore, Branin, Wolford, Bain, 2 votes; and Mathiot-12.

The amendment was therefore decided in the negative.

Rep. Hewitt, of Pennsylvania, called up the amendment offered by him at the April Communication, (page 282,) for depriving P. Grand Sires, while acting as such, from officiating as Representatives.

Rep. Moore, of District of Columbia, called for the yeas and nays, which were as follows:

YEAS-Rep's Marley, Williamson, Frost, McGowan, Hewitt, Brown, Moore, Wolford, and Bain, 2 votes-10.

NAYS-Rep. Wildey, and P. G. Sire Wildey-2.

So the amendment was adopted.

An appeal was presented from Columbia Lodge, No. 3, of Maryland, by permission of the Grand Lodge of Maryland, against the decision of said Grand Lodge, in the case of claim for money overpaid to the Grand Lodge of Maryland.

On motion of Rep. Williamson, of Maryland, the appeal was referred to a special committee of three.

The Chair named as the committee, Rep's McGowan, of New York; Brown and Hewitt, of Pennsylvania.

P. G. Sire Wildey called up the amendment to the Constitution, offered at the last Communication, by the Representative of Maryland, (page 283,) on Grand Encampments.

Rep. Williamson, of Maryland, offered the following amendment, to be added, viz: "Upon the same terms as the state Grand Lodges are represented" which was adopted.

The question then recurred on the amendment as amended, when Rep. Marley, of Maryland, moved that the amendment be laid on the table, which motion prevailed.

The resolution offered at the Adjourned Annual Communication, (page 277,) on the subject of compiling the laws, was called up, when Rep.

Moore, of District of Columbia, moved that the committee be continued, and requested to report at the next Annual Session, which motion prevailed.

Rep. Marley, of Maryland, moved that the Grand Sire be requested to procure a return of the books, charter and papers of Industry Encampment, No. 1, of New Jersey, which was decided in the affirmative.

On motion of Rep. Branin, of New Jersey, the Grand Lodge adjourned until half past seven o'clock, this evening.

TUESDAY, 7 o'clock, P. M.

The Grand Lodge met pursuant to adjournment: Present, the Officers, and a due representation.

The minutes of Monday and this day, were read and approved.

The amendment to the Constitution, offered at the Adjourned Annual Communication, (page 285,) on Installation, was called up, and the vote being taken, it was adopted.

P. G. Sire Wildey, from the special committee appointed to procure a Diploma, presented the following report.

To the R. W. Grand Lodge of the United States:

The committee appointed to procure a suitable Diploma for this Grand Lodge, respectfully report:

That they have completed their labors, and that one thousand copies have been printed, and, together with the plate, delivered to the Grand Sire.


Rep. McGowan, of New York, moved that the report and accompanying bill be laid on the table, which was determined in the negative.

Rep. Mathiot, of Illinois, moved that the report be accepted, which motion prevailed.

Rep. Mathiot, of Illinois, moved that the bill be referred to the Committee of Finance, which was decided in the affirmative.

Rep. Mathiot, of Illinois, offered the following, which was adopted.

Resolved, That a committee be appointed to procure a copy of the charter of the Grand Lodge of the state of Pennsylvania, for the purpose of ascertaining whether any difference exists between the said state charter and that of any other state Grand Lodge charter. Also, whether that state Grand Lodge, by its charter, is invested with any power not possessed by any other state Grand Lodge.

The Chair named Rep. Mathiot, of Illinois; P. G. Sire Wildey; and Rep. Branin, of New Jersey, as the committee.

Rep. McGowan, of New York, offered the following:

Resolved, That the Grand Lodge of New York be furnished with thirty copies of the printed proceedings of this Grand Lodge, independent of the number required for the subordinates.

Rep. Mathiot, of Illinois, offered the following, as an amendment, which, having been accepted, was adopted.

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