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The Chair appointed Rep's Hopkins, of Pennsylvania; Bain, of Virginia; and Sanderson, of Kentucky, as the committee.

Rep. Hopkins, of Pennsylvania, asked to be excused from serving on the committee, which was determined in the negative.

Rep. Hopkins, of Pennsylvania, moved that the petition presented by him from the Past Grands of Albany, state of New York, be received by this Grand Lodge, which was concurred in.

Rep. Mathiot, of Illinois, moved that the petition be referred to the committee on the Grand Sire's report.

Rep. Small, of New York, called for the follows:

yeas and nays, which were as

YEAS-Rep's Hopkins, Hewitt; Bain, 2 votes; Wildey, Mathiot and P. G. Sire Wildey-8.

NAYS-Rep's Marley, 2 votes: Small, 2 votes; Moore and McCulley


So the motion was determined in the affirmative.

Rep. McCulley, of New Jersey, from the Committee on Petitions, to whom was re-committed their report relative to the removal of the Grand Lodge of Virginia, presented an amended report and resolution.

Rep. Small, of New York, moved to refer the report to a special committee, which motion prevailed.


P. G. Sire Wildey offered the following Amendment to the Constitu


"That the several Grand Lodges may elect their Representatives or appoint their Proxy for two years; and that such Representative or Proxy shall hold his office until superceded by a new election or Representative. And that the certificate of the Representative or Proxy shall be so altered as to conform to this amendment."

On motion, the Grand Lodge adjourned until eight o'clock, this evening.

WEDNESDAY, 8 o'clock, P. M.

The Grand Lodge met pursuant to adjournment: Present, the Officers and a due representation.

P. G. Sire Wildey proceeded to give his instructions on the Work of the Order.

Rep. Hopkins, from the special committee, to whom was referred the translation into German, of the Work of subordinate Encampments, &c., presented the following report.

To the R. W. Grand Lodge of the United States:

The committee to whom was referred the copy of the Work of the Order, relating to subordinate Encampments, as translated into German, by authority of the Grand Encampment of Pennsylvania, as presented by Rep. Hewitt, of Pennsylvania, respectfully report:

Special Committee.-There is no record of this committee having been appointed; nor is there any other evidence of such a committee, if appointed, having acted on the subject of reference; by which the question involved, not appearing again before the Grand Lodge, remained in the same state as when first introduced.

That the translation of the Work of the Order into German, will tend to the advancement of the Order, and the benefit of the brethren, by enabling them to receive, understand, and enjoy the higher degrees of the Order, which, heretofore, for want of knowledge of the English language, they have not been able to participate in. They therefore offer the following resolutions.

Resolved, That the copy of the Work of the Order relating to the subordinate Encampments, as translated by authority of the Grand Encampment of Pennsylvania, be received and acknowledged by this Grand Lodge, and that the same be printed for the use of the Order.

Resolved, That when printed, each German Encampment shall be furnished with a sett of working books, they paying the usual and customary price therefor.

The same committee to whom was referred the matter of the translation into French, of the Work of the Order for subordinate Lodges, report: That the authority granted by the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania to translate the same into French, be confirmed. And the Work of the Order for subordinate lodges so translated into French, will tend to benefit the Order, by extending knowledge of its admirable principles to an extensive class of the human family, who are not able to comprehend it at present, for want of a sufficient knowledge of the English language.

The committee therefore recommend the following resolutions.

Resolved, That the translation of the Work of the Order into French, be approved. Resoleved, That it be printed by the Grand Lodge, and each French lodge connected with the Order shall be furnished with a sett of books, upon paying this Grand Lodge the usual and customary price therefor.

All of which is respectfully submitted.


On motion, the report was accepted, and the resolutions adopted. Rep. Bain, of Virginia, from the Committee on Petitions, to whom was referred so much of the Grand Sire's report as relates to the issue of dispensations to the several applicants for lodges and Encampments, reported verbally in favor of the same, and offered the following, which were unanimously adopted.

Resolved, That the acts of the Grand Sire in granting dispensations to open Quinnipiac Lodge, No. 1, at New Haven; Charter Oak Lodge, No 2, at Hartford; and Middlesex Lodge, No. 3, at East Haddam, in the state of Connecticut, be approved, and that charters be granted to said lodges.

Resolved, That the act of the Grand Sire in granting a dispensation to Wildey Encampment, No. 3, at Portsmouth, Virginia, to continue their labors, be approved, and that a charter be granted to said Encampment.

Resolved, That the act of the Grand Sire in granting a charter for the opening of an Encampment of Patriarchs in the city of New York, to be hailed by the title of "Mt. Sinai Encampment of Patriarchs, No. 3," be approved and confirmed.

On motion, the Grand Lodge adjourned until nine o'clock to-morrow morning.

THURSDAY, April 23d, 9 o'clock, A. M.

The Grand Lodge met pursuant to adjournment: Present, the Officers and a due representation.

The proceedings of yesterday were read and approved.

The Grand Sire stated that the time had arrived for the installation of Grand Officers.

Whereupon, Rep. Sanderson, of Kentucky, offered the following preamble and resolution.

Whereas, P. G. M. Mondelli, D. Grand Sire elect, having appeared at the regular Communication of this Grand Lodge, October Session, 1839, and there not being a quorum of the Grand Lodge present, he could not be installed, and it being impossible for him to be present at this Communication, therefore, be it

Resolved, That the installation of D. G. Sire Mondelli, be postponed until October Session, 1840.

Rep. Ridgely, of Ohio, moved that the subject be referred to a special committee, and the Chair be ex-officio chairman of the said committee, which was decided in the affirmative.

The chair named Rep's Ridgely of Ohio; Sanderson, of Kentucky; and Bain, of Virginia; the committee.

The Grand Sire appointed P. G. Sire Wildey, and Rep.

of Delaware, to present the Officers elect, for installation; when the following were presented and duly installed, viz:


M. W. G. Sire.

R. W. G. Secretary.
R. W. G. Treasurer.

The Grand Sire made the following appointments, which were, on motion, confirmed, viz:

P. G. M. GEORGE M. BAIN, of Virginia,
P. G. GOTLEIB F. BUHRE, of Maryland,
P. G. JOHN E. CHAMBERLAIN, of Maryland,
Who were presented, and duly installed.

W. G. Chaplain.
W. G. Guardian.
W. G. Messenger.

Rep. Bain, of Virginia, offered the following, which was adopted.

Resolved, That so much of the Grand Sire's report as is embraced in the first paragraph on the 6th page, (pamphlet copy,) with the accompanying documents, be referred to a special committee of three, with instructions to collect, embody, and prepare a compilation of the laws, rules and regulations, by which the Order in general should be governed, and make a report to this Grand Lodge at its next Session.

The Chair named P. G. Sires Perkins and Wildey, and Rep. Bain, of Virginia, the committee.

Rep. Ridgely, of Ohio, moved that the special committee to whom was referred the report of the Grand Sire, be discharged, which motion prevailed.

Rep. Ridgely, of Ohio, offered the following, which was adopted.

Resolved, That so much of the report of the Grand Sire as relates to the general increase and prosperity of the Order, be referred to the Committee on the state of the Order.

Rep. Ridgely, of Ohio, offered the following, which was decided in the affirmative.

Resolved, That so much as relates to the granting of dispensations for the organization of new lodges and Encampments; the form of the dispensation issued therefor, and the return made thereon; the instructions accompanying the same, and so much as relates to the special dispensations granted by the Grand Sire to Wildey Encampment, No. 3, of the state of Virginia, be referred to the committee on the Work of the Order.

On motion of Rep. Ridgely, of Ohio, the following was adopted:

Resolved, That there be appointed, in addition to the Standing Committees, a Standing Committee on the state of the Order at large.

The Grand Sire announced the following, in accordance with the foregoing.

On the State of the Order at large. Rep. Ridgely, of Ohio; P. G. Sire Perkins, and Rep. Bain, of Virginia.

Rep. Sanderson, of Kentucky, offered the following, which were adopted.

Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed to procure the necessary regalia and jewels for the Grand Sire, Past Grand Sires, and Officers of this Grand Lodge. Resolved, That the said committee report a suitable regalia and jewels to be worn by the Grand Representatives of the Grand Lodge, so that there shall be a uniformity of regalia in the Grand Lodge.

Resolved, That each Grand Lodge, working under the jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge, be requested to procure the necessary regalia and jewels for its Representatives, the same to be left in the charge of the Grand Officers of this Grand Lodge, so that they may be kept in a suitable order to be used by the Representatives at all meetings of this Grand Lodge of the United States.

The Chair named Rep's Sanderson, of Kentucky; Hopkins, of Pennsylvania; and P. G. Sire Wildey, the committee.

Rep. Sanderson, of Kentucky, offered the following, which was decided in the affirmative.

Resolved, That the Representative of Virginia be authorized, under the seal of this Grand Lodge, to transmit a copy of the resolution authorizing the change of location of the Grand Lodge of Virginia, to the various subordinate lodges under its jurisdiction, and that so soon as two-thirds of said lodges do officially inform him of their assent, he shall inform the Grand Sire of said compliance.

Rep. McCulley, of New Jersey, from the Committee on Petitions, presented the following report.

To the R. W. Grand Lodge of the United States:

The Committee on Petitions, to whom was referred the petition of brethren residing at Houston, Texas, for a Charter to institute a Grand Lodge in that republic, waiving, for the present, any comment on the propriety of this Grand Lodge assuming the responsibility of locating a Grand Lodge in a foreign country, beg leave to report:

That the petition does not appear to be drawn up in the regular form for applications of this nature; it being signed by five P. G's, and one N. G., all of whom appear to belong to the same lodge, while the Constitutution of this Grand Lodge requires that such application, when intended for Grand Lodges to be located in this country, shall come from two distinct subordinate lodges. Your committee, therefore, ask to be discharged from the further consideration of the petition herein referred to, and that it be laid on the table.


On motion of Rep. Bain, of Virginia, the report was accepted. Rep. McCulley, of New Jersey, from the Committee on Petitions, presented the following report.

To the R. W. Grand Lodge of the United States:

The Committee on Petitions, respectfully report, in relation to the application of Alabama Lodge, No. 1, and Mobile Lodge, No. 2, for a charter for a Grand Lodge in the state of Alabama,

That the petitioners having failed to observe the requirements of the Constitution of this Grand Lodge in making said application, they recommend that said petition be laid on the table.



On motion of Rep. Bain, of Virginia, the report was accepted. P. G. Sire Wildey, from the Committee on Reports, presented the following report, which was accepted.

To the R. W. Grand Lodge of the United States:

The Committee on Reports, to whom was referred the returns from the several Grand and subordinate lodges and Encampments, have examined those presented at the present Communication, and find them correct as far as received, viz:

Grand Lodges of Maryland, New York, Pennsylvania, District of Columbia, Louisiana, New Jersey, Kentucky, Virginia, Mississippi, Indiana, Missouri and Illinois. Subordinate lodges-Lone Star, No. 1, Texas; Alabama, No. 1, Alabama; Far West, No. 1, Arkansas; and Quinnipiac, No. 1, Connecticut. Grand Encampments of Maryland and New York. Subordinate Encampments-Trenton, No. 2, New Jersey; Neilson, No. 2, Wildey, No. 3, and Jerusalem, No. 4, Virginia; Mt. Moriah, No. 3, Kentucky; Nimrod. No. 3, Ohio; Wildey, No. 1, Missouri; Columbia, No. 1, District of Columbia; and Wildey. No. 1, Mississippi.


Rep. Small, of New York, offered the following resolutions.

Resolved, That the charters granted to the several lodges and Encampments, as appears in the report of the Travelling Agent, be, and the same are hereby approved, and confirmed.

Resolved, That hereafter, when application is made for a new lodge or Encampment, the Grand Sire, if he deems it advisable, shall issue his dispensation for the same, which, on being confirmed by this Grand Lodge at its next stated meeting, shall entitle it to a charter.

Rep. Hopkins, of Pennsylvania, moved that the resolutions be considered separately, which was agreed to.

The question recurring on the first resolution, it was unanimously adopted.

Rep. Ridgely, of Ohio moved the second resolution be referred to the special committee on the Grand Sire's report, which motion prevailed.

Rep. Small, of New York, offered the following, which was adopted. Resolved, That the Grand Secretary be, and is hereby instructed, to have forty copies of the proceedings of this Grand Lodge, from the Annual Communication of 1835, to April 21st, 1840, inclusive, bound for the use of the Representatives and Officers of this Grand Lodge.

P. G. Sire Wildey presented an application for a Grand Encampment charter for Pennsylvania.

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