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To the R. W. Grand Lodge of the United States:

The committee to whom was referred the subject of a difference in some parts of the Work in England from that practised in the United States, have had that subject under consideration, and ask leave respectfully to report; that two years having elapsed since any correspondence has taken place with the Manchester Moveable Committee of Great Britain, they have not been advised of the change or difference in the Work referred to, and beg leave, with a view to information upon the subject, to recommend the adoption of the following resolution.

All of which is respectfully submitted.


Resolved, by the Grand Lodge of the United States, That the Committee of Correspondence be, and they are hereby directed to open a correspondence with the proper authority in Great Britain, for the purpose of ascertaining what alterations, if any, have been made in the Work of the Order.

On motion, the report was accepted, and the resolution adopted.

Rep. Hopkins, of Pennsylvania, from the committee to whom was referred the subject of Encampment Regalia, presented the following report.

To the R. W. Grand Lodge of the United States:

The committee to whom was referred the subject of enquiring into the propriety of the use of Encampment Regalia in Grand or Subordinate Lodges, beg leave to report by resolution.

All of which is respectfully submitted.


Resolved, That the Encampment Regalia cannot be worn in any other department of the Order, except in the body of an Encampment of Patriarchs.

On motion, the report was accepted, and the resolution adopted.

G. Chaplain Walker presented the following report, which was, on motion of Rep. Ridgely, of Maryland, accepted, and ordered to be placed on the journal.

To the R. W. Grand Lodge of the United States:

This communication from your R. W. G. Chaplain, Sater T. Walker, is to inform this Grand Lodge, that in December and January last, he visited some of the Western and Southern lodges, concerning which he is proud to state, that in their deportment, decorum and operations, they are consistent, praiseworthy and even meritorious Odd Fellows. Those of Wheeling, Va., showed him every mark of courtesy and friendship, which, to him, bespoke them worthy members of the Order, and a credit to this Grand Lodge, from whom they have received the authority for all their operations. Upon their being informed of his arrival in their city, (only being able to remain over Sabbath,) at least thirty of them called upon him

at his lodging, conducted him to and through their hall, informed him of all their working and charities, and dwelt much upon the advantages of their free schools, and the promising prospects of Odd Fellowship amongst them.

Too much praise cannot be bestowed upon Boon Lodge, No. 1, and Chosen Friends' Lodge, No. 2, at Louisville, Ky., for the personal regard shown him as Grand Chaplain, using every means in their power to express their regard and attachment to this Grand Lodge, in honoring any of its officers, and by their civilities, ready and willing to add to the comfort and gratification of worthy Odd Fellows.

To him, G. M. Henry Wolford transferred the charter and books for Mississippi Lodge, No. 1, at Natchez.

He would very willingly decline attempting to speak in commendation of lodges No's 1 and 2, in New Orleans, as he is very sensible he has not language sufficient to speak fully to their praise, both as gentlemen and worthy operative Odd Fellows. He found them in a prosperous condition, well versed in the operations of the Order, punctual in the discharge of its rules and regulations, and gentlemen in their hospitalities and civilities. The names of Mondelli and Barnes will ever bear a prominent place in his fondest recollection of the worthy brothers in New Orleans.

Monday evening, February 6th, 1837, I arrived in Natchez, was met by a committee at the landing, conducted to the hotel, and after partaking of some refreshments, was conveyed to a house corner of Main and Wall streets, in the third story of which the petitioners for the charter of the lodge had fitted up rooms for their accommodation as a society and not a lodge, but in its arrangement it is evident they had an eye to receiving their charter. I found with them a private chest well furnished with regalia and emblems of the Order. The society was called to order and disbanded, and a lodge opened in due form-Marian Ruffner, N. G.; William Dale, V. G.; W. F. Stanton, Sec'y-and the appointed officers in their respective places-raised some, initiated others; twelve raised.


As Odd Fellows, their lustre shown much to the credit of the Order, although they had been in a lonely situation for the space of five years. Í leave this lodge to infer what must be my grateful feelings at the recollection of them, when I inform you, their deportment towards me was similar to that of worthy subjects to a deserving prince, free of all expense, even to my place of destination, and voted a gold medal, and the privilege of an honorary member for life.


Rep. Ridgely, of Maryland, offered the following, which was unanimously concurred in.

Resolved, by the Grand Lodge of the United States, That the unanimous thanks of this Grand Lodge are due, and are hereby tendered to P. G. Sire Wildey, G. Chaplain Walker and G. Master Mondelli, for their valuable services to the Order, as Deputies of this Grand Lodge, for the opening of the Grand Lodge, and Encampment, No. 1, of Virginia; Alabama Lodge, No. 1, at Mobile, state of Albama; and Mississippi Lodge, No. 1, at Natchez, state of Mississippi.

Rep. Barnes, of Louisiana, moved that his certificate as Representative of the Grand Lodge of Louisiana, be endorsed by him to P. G. M. Lucas, as the Proxy Representative in his absence, which was determined in the negative.

P. G. Sire Wildey offered the following, which was adopted.

Resolved, That the Charge and Degree books for subordinate lodges, be charged at one dollar each, and a sett of Encampment books be also charged at five dollars. P. G. Sire Wildey, from the committee on the Work of the Order, presented the following report, which was accepted.

To the R. W. Grand Lodge of the United States:

The committee to whom was referred the Work of the Order, beg leave respectfully to report, that they have had the work under consideration for some time, and they see no necessity for making any alteration except in the O.B.N.

All of which is respectfully submitted.


Rep. Hopkins, of Pennsylvania, from the Committee of Finance, presented the following report, which was adopted.

To the R. W. Grand Lodge of the United States:

The Committee of Finance report, that they have examined the accounts of the Grand Secretary, showing the amount received by him since the Annual Session of 1836, and find he has received the sum of $726 66; for which he has exhibited the receipt of the Grand Treasurer. The account of the Grand Treasurer, as submitted by him, exhibits a receipt of $726 66, from Grand Secretary, and that he has made payment to the amount of $381 40, for all of which he has produced receipts-leaving a balance in his hands of $345 06.

Your committee are satisfied that the payments have been made for and properly charged to the Grand Lodge. Your committee beg leave, however, to say, that by the 7th Article of the Constitution, it is required that payment shall be made by the Grand Treasurer, on orders drawn on him by the Grand Sire, attested by the Grand Secretary-that this has not been done they recommend that for the future, no payments should be made by the Grand Treasurer unless in conformity with the 7th Article of the Constitution.

A bill has been presented by four of the committee appointed at the May Session, to visit Poughkeepsie, amounting to $190, which they recommend be paid.

The Grand Secretary has presented a bill for postage, freight, stationa ry, and discount on uncurrent money, amounting to $32; the committee recommend it should be paid, and that the Secretary charge the discount on uncurrent money to the lodges from which the said money was received. All of which is respectfully submitted.


Rep. Hopkins, of Pennsylvania, moved that the Messenger receive for his services during the present Communication, the sum of six dollars, which was concurred in.


Rep. Hopkins, of Pennsylvania, from the committee to whom was referred the subject of appointing a qualified brother to travel and give instructions, &c., presented the following report, which was read.

To the R. W. Grand Lodge of the United States:

The committee who were directed to inquire into the expediency of the appointment of some qualified brothers, who shall be charged by this body with authority to visit all the states in which Odd Fellowship exists in this country, once a year, for the purpose of instructing the brethren in the work, and superintending generally its welfare; and who shall also be invested with power under special dispensation to be issued by the Grand Sire, to organize lodges whenever proper and constitutional applications shall be made for the same-respectfully report: That the subject submitted to them is one of great importance of more importance than is usually submitted to its consideration-that the communication of information on the Work of the Order, &c., has at different times occupied the attention of this Grand Lodge. At the session held in October, 1835, it was

"Resolved, That the Grand Sire be requested to select and appoint a qualified Past Grand in each state, district and territory, whose duty it shall be to visit each lodge, working under warrant of this Grand Lodge, in said state, district or territory, and communicate all information and instructions which may be by this Grand Lodge directed to be made. And when a charter for a Grand or Subordinate Lodge or Encampment shall be granted, the Past Grand so appointed shall attend and perform the ceremony of opening and installation. He shall bear the title of District Deputy Grand Sire of the United States, of I. O. of O. F. His expenses, whilst so engaged, shall be be charged to the lodge he may be required to visit."

Under this resolution, the Grand Sire made some appointments, but the advantages expected to be derived therefrom has not been realized to the extent hoped for. Your committee further report, that after the most deliberate consideration they have been able to give the subject, they are of opinion that it is expedient to appoint a qualified person for the purpose contemplated.

And further they report, that if it be deemed by the Grand Lodge expedient to make such an appointment, the compensation to be allowed him shall be one thousand dollars per annum-five hundred dollars to be paid from any unappropriated money in the treasury, the remainder to be paid by the lodges and Encampments he may be called on to visit.

All of which is respectfully submitted.


Rep. Ridgely, of Maryland, then offered the following resolutions, which were adopted.

Resolved, That P. G. Sire Thomas Wildey be and is hereby appointed Travelling Agent, until the next Annual Session of the Grand Lodge of the United States, for the Order throughout the United States; and that the sum of five hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, be and is hereby appropriated to be paid over to him, from time to time, by the Grand Treasurer, should so much come into his possession during the vacation of this Grand Lodge; provided, however, that the said Grand Treasurer shall always retain in his hands the sum of one hundred dollars, to meet the current expenses of this Grand Lodge.

Resolved, further, That the said Agent shall report all his acts and doings to the next Annual Session of this Grand Lodge.

Rep. Sanderson, of Kentucky, moved to refer the subject of the Diploma, and the price of the same, to the committee on that subject, in conjunction with the Travelling Agent, which was concurred in.

Rep. Glazier, of Delaware, submitted the following:

Resolved, That when this Grand Lodge adjourns, it adjourns to meet the committee on the State of the Order in New York, and that they assemble at the town of Newburgh, in said state, on Wednesday, the 15th November next.

Rep. Ridgely, of Maryland, moved to amend by striking out all after the word "resolved," and insert, "that when this Grand Lodge adjourns, it adjourns sine die," which was concurred in.

Rep. Smith, of Virginia, moved to re-consider the vote of the Grand Lodge, fixing the number of the committee on the State of the Order in New York, which was concurred in.

Rep. Ridgely, of Maryland, moved that the committee consist of three, which motion prevailed.

The Grand Sire appointed as the committee, Rep's Ridgely, of Maryland; Hopkins, of Pennsylvania; and Smith, of Virginia.

Rep. Ridgely, of Maryland, asked to be excused from serving on the committee, when, on motion, he was so excused.

The Chair appointed Rep. Boswell, of New Jersey, to fill the vacancy. Rep. Hopkins, of Pennsylvania, asked to be excused from serving on the committee, when, on motion, he was so excused.

The Chair appointed P. G. Sire Wildey to fill the vacancy.

P. S. Sire Wildey asked to be excused from serving on the committee, which was determined in the affirmative; the yeas and nays being called, were as follows:

YEAS-Rep's Ridgely, 2 votes; Hopkins, 2 votes; and Sanderson-5. NAYS-Rep's Warner, Barnes, Glazier, and Smith-4.

The Chair appointed Proxy Rep. Warner, of District of Columbia, to fill the vacancy.

Rep. Hopkins, of Pennsylvania, moved to dispense with reading the minutes, and that they be referred to the Committee of Correspondence before printing, which was concurred in.

Rep. Sanderson, of Kentucky, moved that the Grand Secretary receive the sum of sixty dollars for his services during the past year, which was concurred in.

On motion, the Grand Lodge then closed the Annual Session.

ROBERT NEILSON, Grand Secretary.

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