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Lodge of the state of New York, and shall deliver them a charter for a Grand Lodge, to be styled the Grand Lodge of New York, together with a copy of the Constitution and By-laws in force in the late Grand Lodge of New York, as adopted in 1832, except that part of Article VI., of the Constitution, which fixes the location of said Grand Lodge, which shall be the Constitution and By-laws of said Grand Lodge until the same be altered or amended according to the provisions contained therein.

All which is respectfully submitted,




Rep. Ridgely, of Maryland, moved to amend the resolution of the committee by inserting that "whenever application shall be made for a Grand Lodge by the Past Grands of the state of New York," which was determined in the negative by the following vote: the yeas and nays being called, were as follows:

YEAS.--Rep's Ridgely, 2 votes; Smith, and P. G. Sire Wildey-4. NAYS.-Rep's Hopkins, 2 votes; Mills, Glazier, Barnes, and Sander


The question being upon the passage of the resolution, Rep. Ridgely, of Maryland, moved to amend by adding the following, which was adopted: Provided Nevertheless, That the committee authorized to issue the said charter, receive a constitutional application for the same.

The question was then taken upon the resolution as amended and concurred in.

The question was then taken upon the acceptance of the report, and determined in the affirmative.

Rep. Hopkins, of Pennsylvania, from the committee to whom was referred the affairs in the state of New York, offered the following.

To the R. W. Grand Lodge of the United States:

The committee on the Affairs of the Grand Lodge of the state of New York, respectfully report: That after an examination of the documents referred to them on the 2d instant, are of opinion that they should be returned to the parties presenting them: they therefore offer the following resolution :

Resolved, That the petitioners have leave to withdraw their petition, and the accompanying documents.


On motion, the report was accepted and the resolution adopted. Rep. Hopkins, of Pennsylvania, from the Committee of Correspondence, presented the following report.

To the R. W. Grand Lodge of the United States:

The Committee to whom was referred the subject of the Correspondence of the Grand Lodge, respectfully report: That the increase of the Order in the United States, has required an extensive correspondence between this Grand Lodge and the various lodges under its jurisdiction-that

the duties of conducting the correspondence should, in the opinion of your Committee, be confided to an officer especially appointed for that purpose. They therefore, recommend that this Grand Lodge appoint an officer to be called the Corresponding Secretary of the Grand Lodge of the United States, whose duty it shall be to conduct the correspondence of this Grand Lodge, except so far as it relates to the financial concerns thereof; and that said officer shall receive a salary of fifty dollars per annum. Resolved, That the correspondence of this Grand Lodge, so far as it relates to the financial affairs thereof, shall be conducted by the Grand Secretary.

All which is respectfully submitted.


On motion, the report was accepted and the resolution adopted. Rep. Hopkins, of Pennsylvania, from the Committee on Returns, presented the following report:

To the R. W. Grand Lodge of the United States:

The Committee on Returns and Reports, from the Grand and subordinate Lodges and Encampments respectfully report: That returns and reports have been received from the following Grand Lodges, viz: Maryland, New Jersey, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, District of Columbia and Delaware-The Committee regret to be obliged to report, that notwithstanding the positive requirements of the By Laws of this Grand Lodge, and the repeated reports of committees on the subject, the reports of Pennsylvania, District of Columbia and of Delaware, are erroneous in this that the names of the Past Grand Masters are omitted. In the report of the District of Columbia, the names of the elective officers are totally omitted.

The report of the Grand Lodge of Delaware is not in the usual form. The Grand Lodge of Ohio reported at the May Session, at which time it was acted upon. The report of the Grand Lodge of Louisiana has not as yet been received, the Representative is yet in hopes of its arrival, it having, as he has reason to believe, been delayed by accident.

Virginia and Indiana, having been recently chartered, are not expected to report.

Returns and reports have been received from the following subordinate lodges working under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of the United States.

Washington Lodge, No. 2, of Virginia to June 26, 1837.

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A return and report has also been received from Columbia Encampment, No. 1, of the District of Columbia, which is found to be erroneous in this : the names of Past Chief Patriarchs are omitted.

The Committee further report, that the Lodges, No's 5, 6, 8, 12 and 16, of New York, have failed to make returns and reports as directed at the last Session of the Grand Lodge of the United States, held in May, 1837.

In closing the report, the Committee recommend that this Grand Lodge, in consideration of the pecuniary difficulties under which the Grand Lodge of Delaware have so long labored, do remit to said Grand Lodge the amount of two year's dues, now by it owing to the Grand Lodge of the United States.

All which is respectfully submitted.


Resolved, That the Grand Lodge of Delaware be remitted the dues for two years, due by it to this Grand Lodge.

On motion, the report was accepted and the resolution adopted.

Rep. Glazier, of Delaware, asked leave of absence for the remainder of the Session, which was refused.

Rep. Sanderson, of Kentucky, moved that the Grand Treasurer receive such moneys as the Grand Secretary has in his possession, which was concurred in.

On motion, the Grand Lodge adjourned until to-morrow morning, at ten o'clock.

WEDNESDAY, October 4th, 10 o'clock, A. M.

The Grand Lodge met pursuant to adjournment; Present, the Officers and a due representation.

Rep. Barnes, of Louisiana, presented the report of the Grand Lodge of Louisiana, which was, on motion, referred to the Committee on Reports.

Rep. Barnes, of Louisiana, also presented the report of Wildey Encampment, No. 1, New Orleans, which was referred to the same committee. Rep. Hopkins, of Pennsylvania, from the Committee on Returns, presented the following report, which was accepted.

To the R. W. Grand Lodge of the United States:

The Committee on Returns and Reports, respectfully report: That the return and report of the Grand Lodge of Louisiana, which was referred to them is in perfect form, and exhibits the Order in that state to be in a prosperous condition.

That the return and report of Wildey Encampment, in the state of Louisiana, also submitted to them, is correct according to the requisition of the By Laws of this Grand Lodge.

All of which is respectfully submitted.


Rep. Boswell, of New Jersey, offered the following, which was unanimously concurred in.

Whereas, Our brethren in New Orleans, by an afflicting calamity, have expended the funds of their respective lodges, and raised by subscription nearly the sum of five hundred dollars, and erected an hospital, for the relief of their distressed fellow beings thereby proving to the world the sincerity of their professions-for which noble deeds they deserve our warmest gratitude: Therefore be it

Resolved, That the thanks of this body be tendered to our friends and brethren in New Orleans, (through their Representative,) for their praise-worthy acts in the greatest of all works-that of charity in its fullest extent.

P. G. Sire Wildey presented the following report, which was accepted.

To the R. W. Grand Lodge of the United States:

It is a source of great pleasure to me, to report to the Grand Lodge, that in a recent official tour which I have made in Virginia, under a deputation from the Grand Sire, that I have found Odd Fellowship in a most cheering state of advancement. After my return from New York, I had the honor of being deputized to open a Grand Lodge, and an Encampment, at Richmond, Virginia-I proceeded to discharge this pleasing duty on the 14th of August, and upon my arrival in Richmond, was met by a committee of brethren, who very kindly conveyed me to excellent quarters, previously provided for the deputation. On the following morning I was invited to the Odd Fellows' Hall, where I met with the most cordial reception from the assembled brethren, and after an interchange of sentiments, arranged all the necessary preliminaries for the ceremony of opening the Encampment on the ensuing day-on the 16th of August, this interesting ceremony was performed, and the officers duly installed; ten members were also initiated into the Encampment. On the 20th of August, the ceremony of dedicating the Grand Lodge of Virginia, and the installation of the Grand Officers took place. The necessary and unavoidable stay made with the brethren, enabled me to give them much information, which seemed to be very eagerly sought for. It is a subject of great gratification to me to state, that I entertain the most sanguine hopes of the Order in this state, and congratulate the fraternity at large upon the accession of Virginia into our jurisdiction.


P. G. Sire Wildey, presented a petition from Lodges, No's 1, 10, 11, 13, 14 and 17, of the city of New York, praying for a charter for a Grand Lodge for the state of New York, and to be located at the city of New York, and moved its reference to the committee to be hereafter appointed relative to the Affairs of the Order in said state, which motion prevailed. Rep. Mills, of District of Columbia, moved that the committee be immediately appointed, for the purpose of referring the above petition.

Rep. Ridgely, of Maryland, moved a re-consideration of the reference of the petition from New York, which was concurred in.

Before the question was again taken upon the reference of the petition, it was, on motion, laid on the table.

The motion of Rep. Mills, of District of Columbia, being in order, to appoint the committee, it was decided to consist of seven, and that the Chair appoint the same, the Grand Sire being in his official capacity, Chairman thereof.

Whereupon, the Chair appointed Rep. Ridgely, of Maryland; Glazier, of Delaware; Hopkins, of Pennsylvania; Sanderson, of Kentucky; Smith, of Virginia; P. G. Sire Wildey, and Rep. Boswell, of New Jersey. Rep. Sanderson, of Kentucky, called up the petition from New York, laid on the table, which was concurred in.

Rep. Sanderson, of Kentucky, moved to refer the petition to the committee just appointed, which was agreed to.

Rep. Hopkins, of Pennsylvania, offered the following, which was, on motion, laid on the table.

Whereas, This Grand Lodge did, at its Session held in May, order and and direct that the Grand Secretary should notify the subordinate lodges in the state of New York, that they are under the immediate jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of the United States, and are directed to report accordingly; And, Whereas, the subordinate lodges in the state of New York, have not been furnished with official information of the same: Therefore,

Resolved, That the Grand Secretary address a circular to each of the subordinate lodges in the state of New York, attested by the seal of this Grand Lodge, requiring them forthwith to transmit to him regular quarterly reports from 17th of May, 1837, accompanied with the per centage due to the Grand Lodge of the United States, as their immediate head.

Rep. Ridgely, of Maryland, called up the resolution of Rep. Hopkins, of Pennsylvania, laid on the table, when Rep. Glazier, of Delaware, moved to amend, by striking out the word "forthwith," and insert "prior to the meeting of the committee appointed to visit New York for the purpose of opening a Grand Lodge," which amendment was afterwards withdrawn.

The question was then taken upon the resolution of Rep. Hopkins, of Pennsylvania, and determined in the affirmative.

Rep. Ridgely, of Maryland, moved that when the Grand Lodge adjourns, it will be until four o'clock, this afternoon, which was concurred in.

Rep. Mills, of District of Columbia, asked and obtained leave of absence for the remainder of the Session.

Rep. Hopkins, of Pennsylvania, moved to refer the subject of Encampment Regalia, when and where to be worn, to a special committee of three, to be appointed by the Chair, which motion prevailed.

The Chair appointed as the committee, Rep's Hopkins, of Pennsylvania; Ridgely, of Maryland; and P. G. Sire Wildey.

P. G. Sire Wildey, having made a statement respecting brothers visiting from England, Rep. Hopkins, of Pennsylvania, moved that the subject be referred to the above committee, which was concurred in.

On motion, the Grand Lodge adjourned until four o'clock, this after


WEDNESDAY, 4 o'clock, P. M.

The Grand Lodge met pursuant to adjournment: Present, the Officers, and a due representation.

Rep. Hopkins, of Pennsylvania, from the committee to whom was referred the difference of the Work in England, presented the following report.

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