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The Constitution and By-Laws of New Albany Lodge No. 1, of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows; chartered October 14, 1835, and opened 4th February, 1836. "Friendship, Love and Truth."

Constitution and By-Laws of Washington Lodge, No. 3, of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, established in the town of Covington, Campbell county, Kentucky.

The Constitution and By-Laws of Lorraine Lodge, No. 4, Independent Order of Odd Fellows; chartered October 1, 1835. "Order, Wisdom and Truth."

The Grand Secretary also presented various letters and communications received by him since the last Annual Session, which were referred to the Committee of Correspondence.

On motion, the Grand Lodge adjourned until three o'clock, this after


TUESDAY, 3 o'clock, P. M.

The Grand Lodge met pursuant to adjournment: Present, the Officers and a due representation.

Rep. Ridgely, of Maryland, from the special committee to whom was referred the credentials of Proxy Rep. Lucas, of Louisiana, presented the following report, which was adopted.

To the R. W. Grand Lodge of the United States:

The select committee to whom was referred the certificate of Proxy Rep. Lucas, of Louisiana, beg leave to report, that they have examined the same, and are of opinion that it is duly attested by the officers of the Grand Lodge of the said state, and within the spirit of the Constitution; they therefore recommend his admission to a seat in this Grand Lodge.



Rep. Ridgely, of Maryland, moved that the resignation of the Grand Treasurer, together with his book of accounts, be referred to the Committee of Finance, which was concurred in.

Rep. Zeitz, of New Jersey, offered the following resolution, which, on motion of Rep. Ridgely, of Maryland, was referred to the Committee on Petitions.

Resolved, That in consideration of the difficulties which the Grand Lodge of the state of New Jersey has had to contend with in its infancy, the payment of the dues, amounting to forty dollars, for the first two years of its charter, be remitted.

The following nominations for the elective Grand Officers of the Grand Lodge of the United States, were made in accordance with the demands of the Constitution:

For M. W. Grand Sire.

By Rep. Pearce, of Pennsylvania-P. G. M. Samuel H. Perkins, of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania.

By Rep. Gettys, of District of Columbia—P. G. M. James L. Ridgely, of the Grand Lodge of Maryland.

By Rep. Zeitz, of New Jersey-P. G. M. John Pearce, of the Grand Lodge of New Jersey.

For R. W. D. Grand Sire.

By Rep. Ridgely, of Maryland-P. G. M. Frederick Leise, of the Grand Lodge of New York.

For R. W. Grand Secretary.

By Rep. Ridgely, of Maryland-G. Sec'y Robert Neilson, of the Grand Lodge of Maryland.

For R. W. Grand Treasurer.

By Rep. Ridgely, of Maryland-P. G. Andrew E. Warner, of the Grand Lodge of Maryland.

By Rep. Pearce, of Pennsylvania-P. G. Sire Thomas Wildey, of the Grand Lodge of Maryland.

Rep. Ridgely, of Maryland, moved that the subjects of complaint from the brothers in the Western States, be referred to a special committee, with instructions to report as early as practicable, which was concurred in.

Rep. Ridgely, of Maryland, moved that the committee should consist of three, and be appointed by the Chair, which motion prevailed.

Whereupon, the Grand Sire appointed as the committee, Rep's Ridgely, of Maryland; Pearce, of Pennsylvania; and P. G. Sire Wildey.

Rep. Ridgely, of Maryland, from the Committee of Finance, presented the following report.

To the R. W. Grand Lodge of the United States:

The Committee of Finance to whom was referred the accounts of the late Grand Treasurer, brother Mowatt, have examined the same, and beg leave to report, that they find his accounts properly stated, and supported by the proper vouchers. He has charged himself with the receipt of $377 93, and credited himself with the expenditure of $325 41; leaving a balance of $52 52-which is presented with his letter of resignation. The committee recommend the adoption of the following resolutions.

All of which is respectfully submitted.


Resolved, That the Grand Secretary be directed to receive from P. G. Mowatt, late Grand Treasurer, the sum of $52 52, and to pass to him a receipt in full on behalf of this Grand Lodge.

Resolved, That the resignation of G. Treasurer Mowatt, be and is hereby accepted. On motion, the report was accepted, and the resolutions adopted.

On motion, the Grand Lodge adjourned until to-morrow morning, at half-past ten o'clock.

WEDNESDAY, October 5th, 10 o'clock, A. M.

The Grand Lodge met pursuant to adjournment: Present, the Officers and a due representation.

The Grand Secretary not being present, the Chair appointed Rep. Wolford, of Kentucky, to act as Grand Secretary, pro tem.

Rep. Ridgely, of Maryland, moved that the committee on the Work of the Order, be continued until the next Annual Communication, which was concurred in.

Rep. Lucas, of Louisiana, moved that the above committee have power to fill any vacancy that may occur in their body, which motion prevailed. The Grand Secretary presented a letter from the M. W. Grand Sire, which was read.

Rep. Ridgely, of Maryland, moved that so much of the same as relates to the Grand Lodge be spread upon the journal, which motion prevailed.


I am truly sorry to say, that it is impossible for me to attend the meeting of the Grand Lodge of the United States, now in session. I am confined to my room by indisposition, and have been so for the last three days; and from the state of the weather I shall not be able to get out to-day. You will do me a lasting favor to call and see me, and let me communicate with you on the business of the Grand Lodge. With much respect, in F. L. and T., your ob't serv't,

To R. NEILSON, Grand Secretary."


The Chair called for the reading of the minutes of the proceedings of the Special Session, of the Grand Lodge of the United States, in November last, which was accordingly done.

Rep. Ridgely, of Maryland, offered the following resolution, which was concurred in.

Resolved, That the consideration of the minutes of the Special Sessions held since the last Annual Session, be postponed, and that a committee be raised for the purpose of expressing the opinion of the Grand Lodge of the United States, upon the constitutional organization of Special Sessions.*

Rep. Ridgely, of Maryland, moved that the committee should consist of four, and that Rep. Pearce, of Pennsylvania, be Chairman thereof, which was concurred in. Whereupon, the Chair appointed Rep's Pearce, of Pennsylvania; Ridgely, of Maryland; Lucas, of Louisiana; and Wolford, of Kentucky, the committee.

The Grand Secretary presented the report of Abram's Encampment, No. 1, Wheeling, Va., which, on motion, was referred to the Committee on Reports.

The Grand Secretary presented a protest from P. G's Joseph Metcalfe and others, members of the Grand Lodge of Kentucky, against the election of Grand Officers of that body, 12th September, 1836, believing the proceedings to be illegal.

Rep. Pearce, of Pennsylvania, moved that the subject be referred to a select committee of three, to be appointed by the Chair, which was concurred in.

The Chair appointed Rep's Ridgely, of Maryland; Pearce of Pennsyl vania; and Zeitz, of New Jersey, as the committee.

Organization of Special Sessions.-This committee do not appear to have made report on the subject committed.

Rep. Wolford, of Kentucky, from the Committee on Petitions, presented the following report.

To the R. W. Grand Lodge of the United States:

The Committee on Petitions, to whom was referred sundry petitions, beg leave respectfully to report:

That in reference to the prayer of the Grand Lodge of New Jersey, praying to be relieved from the payment of forty dollars, due by it to this Grand Lodge for two years, the committee recommend that it be granted, and report a resolution accordingly. The committee also report, that during the recess of the Annual Session of the Grand Lodge, the Grand Sire issued dispensations to Jefferson Lodge, No. 4, located at the city of Richmond, in the state of Virginia; Mississippi Lodge, No. 1, located at the city of Natchez, in the state of Mississippi; Western Star Lodge, No. 1, located at the town of Alton, in the state of Illinois; and Jerusalem Encampment, No. 1, located at the city of New Albany, in the state of Indiana-the fees have been received, and will be paid over to the Grand Treasurer. They have examined the petition of brothers James A. Spalding and others, praying for a charter to open a lodge to be called Old Dominion Lodge, No. 5, to be located at Portsmouth, in the state of Virginia, find it in proper form, and beg leave to report a resolution to grant the prayer of the petitioners. There has also been referred to this committee, a petition from twelve Past Grands of Virginius Lodge, No. 3, in Wheeling, Virginia, praying for a charter for a Grand Lodge in that state. This application being informal, and at variance with the 4th article of the ByLaws of this Grand Lodge, the committee ask to be discharged from the consideration of the subject, and report a resolution accordingly.


Resolved, That this Grand Lodge will and do hereby remit the sum of forty dollars, due by the Grand Lodge of New Jersey, for the two first years of its existence.

Resolved, That the dispensations issued by the Grand Sire, during the recess of the Grand Lodge, to Jefferson Lodge, No. 4, located at the city of Richmond, in the state of Virginia; Mississippi Lodge, No. 1, located at the city of Natchez, in the state of Mississippi; Western Star Lodge, No. 1, located at the town of Alton, in the state of Illinois; and to Jerusalem Encampment, No. 1, located at the city of New Albany, in the state of Indiana, be and the same are hereby ratified and confirmed, and that charters be issued accordingly.

Resolved, That the petition of brothers James A. Spalding and others, praying for a charter to open a lodge to be called Old Dominion Lodge, No. 5, to be located at Portsmouth, Virginia, be and the same is hereby granted.

Resolved, That the Committee on Petitions be discharged from the further consideration of the petition from P. G's Peter W. Kenaday and others, praying for a charter for a Grand Lodge of Virginia, and to be located at Wheeling.

On motion, the report was accepted, and the resolutions adopted.

Rep. Pearce, of Pennsylvania, moved that a special committee be appointed to take into consideration the propriety of having a Corresponding Secretary of this Grand Lodge, and to report at the present Communication, which was concurred in.

The Chair appointed as the committee, Rep's Pearce, of Pennsylvania; Gettys, of District of Columbia; and Wolford, of Kentucky.

Rep. Gettys, of District of Columbia, offered the following resolution, which was adopted.

Resolved, That the amount due this Grand Lodge by the Grand Lodge of District of Columbia, for the years 1834 and 1835, be and the same is hereby remitted.

Rep. Ridgely, of Maryland, from the special committee to whom was referred the protest of P. G's Joseph Metcalfe and others, presented the following report.

To the R. W. Grand Lodge of the United States:

The committee to whom was referred the communication of P. G's Joseph Metcalfe and others, of Kentucky, protesting against the election of Grand Officers of the Grand Lodge of that state, and asking this Grand Lodge to order a new election in said Grand Lodge, have had the same under consideration and beg leave respectfully to report: That in their opinion it would be improper for this committee to take this subject into consideration without notifying the Grand Lodge of Kentucky, of the protest that has been made against their proceedings, in order that the committee may have the testimony of both parties before them; as well in justice to the parties themselves, as to a just and fair decision of the premises. The committee therefore recommend the adoption of the following resolution.


Resolved, That the Grand Secretary notify the Grand Lodge of Kentucky, of the protest made against their proceedings, by P. G's Metcalfe and others; and to inform them that the committee will receive any testimony they may have to submit, by transmitting the same to the Grand Secretary.

On motion, the report was accepted and the resolution adopted.

On motion, the Grand Lodge adjourned until three o'clock, this after


WEDNESDAY, 3, o'clock, P. M.

The Grand Lodge met pursuant to adjournment: Present, the Officers, and a due representation.

Rep. Gettys, of District of Columbia, moved that the committee on Diplomas, be discharged from the further consideration of the subject, which motion prevailed.

Rep. Gettys, of District of Columbia, then moved that a committee of three be appointed to procure a Diploma and Certificate, as specified in the proceedings of the last Annual Communication, and that the D. Grand Sire be Chairman, which was concurred in.

The D. Grand Sire appointed in conjunction with himself, P G. Sire Wildey, and Rep. Lucas, of Louisiana.

Rep. Ridgely, of Maryland, from the special committee, to whom was referred the subject of the late proceedings of the Grand Lodge of New York, presented the following report.

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