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On motion, the petition was referred to the special committee to whom was referred the petition of brothers Benjamin Moses and others.

A petition was presented from Boon Lodge, No. 1, Kentucky, praying the Grand Lodge to remit the per centage due them, amounting to $124 24. On motion, the petition was referred to Rep. Keyser, of Maryland ; Pearce, of New Jersey; and Hopkins, of Pennsylvania.

On motion of Rep. Hopkins, of Pennsylvania, it was

Resolved, That the vote of this Grand Lodge, on the report of the committee in relation to the petition of C. B. F. Oneal, be re-considered.

Whereupon, Rep. Keyser, of Maryland, presented the following preamble and resolution, which was adopted.

Whereas, The first Article of the Constitution of this Grand Lodge declares, that with the consent of the Grand Lodge of a state, this Grand Lodge may entertain an appeal from a subordinate lodge, from the decision of its state Grand Lodge. And, "Whereas, This appeal of C. B. F. Oneal was made without the consent of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania :-Therefore,

Resolved, That this Grand Lodge has no authority to act in the case of C. B. F. Oneal's appeal. But as by the report of the committee, it appears that there may be some foundation for the complaint made by the petitioner, it be earnestly requested of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania that they grant the petitioner a re-hearing; and as this Grand Lodge has full confidence that the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania is equally desirous with themselves to do justice to all men, they entertain no doubt, but on such re-hearing, every object will be obtained which the committee desire by their report.

On motion, the Grand Secretary was directed to notify the RepresentaUve of Louisiana of this session, and request him to attend the meetings. On motion, it was

Resolved, That brother Albert Guild, of Boston, be requested to have the books and documents belonging to the Order in his possession, packed in a box and forwarded to P. G. Sire Wildey.

On motion, the Grand Lodge adjourned to meet at three o'clock, tomorrow afternoon.

WEDNESDAY, October 8th, 3 o'clock, P. M.

The Grand Lodge met pursuant to adjournment: Present, the same Officers and Representatives as yesterday.

Rep. Hopkins, of Pennsylvania, from the special committee to whom was referred the petition of brothers Benjamin Moses and others, presented the following report:

To the R. W. Grand Lodge of the United States:

The committee to whom was referred the petition of brother Benjamin Moses and others, praying for a charter to open a lodge at Covington, Campbell county, Kentucky, respectfully report:

That the petition asks for a warrant to establish a lodge of Independent Odd Fellows. Your committee are induced to believe this is an error, and that the petitioners intend to apply for a lodge in the legal name, style and title, viz: The Independent Order of Odd Fellows. They therefore recommend that a warrant issue to the petitioners, authorizing a subordinate lodge to be opened at Covington, Campbell county, Kentucky, to be

styled "Washington Lodge, No. 3, of Kentucky, of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows." And that the Grand Secretary be requested, on transmitting the warrant, to inform them that the regular title is, and all communications must be in the name, style, and title of "I. O. of O. F."


Resolved, That the prayer of the petitioners be granted.

On motion, the report was accepted and the resolution adopted.

Rep. Hopkins, of Pennsylvania, from the special committee to whom was referred the petition of brothers J. J. Young and others, presented the following report.

To the R. W Grand Lodge of the United States:

The committee to whom was referred the petition of brothers J. J. Young and others, praying for a charter for an Encampment of Patriarchs, to be located at Georgetown, D. C., respectfully report:

That they have considered the subject, and recommend that the prayer of the petitioners be granted, and that a charter be issued, to be called "Adrianus Encampment, No. 2."

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Resolved, That the prayer of the petitioners be granted.

On motion, the report was accepted and the resolution adopted.

Rep Keyser, of Maryland, from the special committee to whom was referred the petition of Boon Lodge, No. 1, Kentucky, presented the following report.

To the R. W. Grand Lodge of the United States:

The committee to whom was referred the petition of Boon Lodge, No. 1, of Kentucky, praying for a remission of dues owing to the Grand Lodge of the United States, respectfully report:

That they deeply regret the cause for the application, and with every disposition to grant assistance to the petitioners, they are yet of opinion, that justice to the other lodges under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of the United States, will forbid the granting the prayer of the petitioners.

The Grand Lodge of the United States derives its support from the dues of subordinate lodges; and each lodge should bear its due proportion. Should they relinquish the dues of Boon Lodge, it will throw the burthen more heavily on other lodges, and may give just cause of complaint. Your committee being, however, desirous to assist Boon Lodge, so far as practicable; and believing that a delay in the payment of the dues now owing to the Grand Lodge, would relieve Boon Lodge from its present em

Adrianus Encampment, No. 2.-This Encampment was never instituted; and on the application of the petitioners the charter fee was refunded by a vote of the Grand Lodge at the October Session of 1838.

barrassments, and enable it to continue its charity to deserving members, and at a future day will be able, without injury to itself, to make payment of the present debt. They therefore recommend the following resolutions. All of which is respectfully submitted. GEORGE KEYSER, JOHN PEARCE, HOWELL HOPKINS.

Resolved, That time be granted to Boon Lodge, No. 1, of Kentucky, for the payment of the dues it at present owes to the Grand Lodge of the United States.

Resolved, That this Grand Lodge will expect punctual payment of the dues, hereafter to become due, from Boon Lodge, No. 1, to this Grand Lodge.

Resolved, That this Grand Lodge will not demand payment of the present arrears, before the Annual Meeting, in 1836.

On motion, the report was accepted.

The question recurring on the resolutions as submitted, when the following was offered as a substitute:

Resolved, That this Grand Lodge will, and does hereby remit the per centage* due by Boon Lodge, No. 1, Kentucky, to the Grand Lodge of the United States, up to July, 1834.

The yeas and nays were called for and ordered, and were as follows: YEAS-Rep's Keyser, 2 votes; Mowatt, Stelle, Wildey, Ridgely, and P. G. Sire Wildey-7.

NAYS-Rep's Hopkins, 2 votes; Lucas, and Pearce-4.

The substitute was therefore adopted.

Rep. Pearce, of New Jersey, from the special committee to whom was referred the subject of drafting a code of Rules of Order, presented the following report.

To the R. W. Grand Lodge of the United States:

The committee appointed to report a code of Rules of Order, for the transaction of the business of the Grand Lodge of the I. O. of O. F., of the United States, beg leave to submit for your consideration the accompanying code of Rules of Order.†


On motion, the report was accepted.

* Do hereby remit the per centage.-This was the commencement of a very impolitic, and, to the paying portions of the Order, a very unjust process of legislation. In its progress it produced, in various quarters, an indifference to contribute toward the necessary expenses of the Grand Lodge, thereby so essentially lessening her resources as to assist in the accumulation of a debt that will require time and prudence to extinguish. The Grand Lodge of 1843, had the firmness to check the course of this action, by declining to release finally any department of the Order from its just liabilities.

† Rules of Order.-The following code was submitted:

1. The presiding officer having taken the chair, the officers and members shall take their respective seats; and at the sound of the gavil there shall be a general silence.

2. The business shall be taken up in the following order: The Grand Lodge shall be opened as directed by the Constitution and By-Laws.

3. The Secretary will report on certificates of Representatives; which shall be referred to a committee.

4. The minutes of last annual, and intervening meetings, read and passed upon.

5. The G. Sire will then appoint the following standing committees, each to consist of three mem. bers, viz: Committee on Petitions-Committee of Finance-Committee on Returns and Reports from Grand and Subordinate Lodges and Encampments-Committee of Correspondence.

6. Reports of Committees on deferred business will then be read.

Rep. Ridgely of Ohio, presented a printed communication from the Grand Lodge of Ohio, containing the Constitution and By-Laws of said Grand Lodge, and the Constitution and By-Laws of the Grand Lodge of the United States.

On motion, the communication and accompanying documents were referred to a special committee.

The Grand Sire appointed as the committee, Rep's Hopkins, of Pennsylvania; Keyser, of Maryland; and Mowatt, of New York.

On motion, it was

Resolved, That a committee be appointed to examine the Grand Treasurer and Grand Secretary's accounts, and report at the present session.

The Grand Sire announced Rep's Wildey, of Delaware; Mowatt, of New York; and Stelle, of District of Columbia, as the committee.

On motion, the Grand Lodge adjourned to meet at three o'clock, tomorrow afternoon.

THURSDAY, October 9th, 3 o'clock, P. M.

The Grand Lodge met pursuant to adjournment: Present, the same Officers and Representatives as yesterday.

Rep. Ridgely, of Ohio, from the committee appointed to procure a service of plate for P. G. Sire Wildey, stated that they had not received sufficient funds to carry the object of their appointment into effect.

Rep. Hopkins, of Pennsylvania, from the committee on the Work of the Order, presented the following report.

To the R. W. Grand Lodge of the United States:

The committee to whom was referred the Work of the Order, respectfully report:

7. Report of Grand Sire, as to his actings and doings during the recess of this Grand Lodge. 8. Report of Grand Treasurer.

9. Petitions presented, read and referred.

10. Other communications presented and read.

11. The above order of business may be dispensed with, at the discretion of the Lodge.

12. Election of officers for the ensuing term shall take place on the second day of the session.

13. During the sitting of the Grand Lodge, each Representative or visitor, on entering or leaving the hall, shall address the presiding officer by the sign of the R. P. degree.

14. No motion shall be subject to debate until it shall have been seconded, and stated by the chair; and it shall be reduced to writing, if desired by any member.

15. When a question is before the Lodge, no motion shall be in order, except to adjourn, for the previous question, to lie on the table, to postpone indefinitely, to postpone to a certain time, to divide, to commit or amend; which motions shall severally have preference in the order herein arranged.

16. On the call of the Representatives of three states, districts or territories, a majority of the Lodge may demand that the previous question shall be put; which shall always be in this form-"Shall the main question be now put ?" and until it is decided, shall preclude all amendments to the main question, and all further debate.

17. When the reading of any paper, or other matter, is called for and the same is objected to by any member, it shall be determined by a vote of the Lodge, without debate.

18. Before putting a question. the presiding officer shall ask, "Is the Lodge ready for the question?" if no member rise to speak, and a majority of the Lodge are ready for the question, he shall rise and put it; and after he shall have risen to put it, no member shall speak upon it. While the presiding officer is putting a question, or addressing the Lodge, none shall walk out of, or across the room, nor entertain private discourse.

19. The presiding officer, or any member, doubting the decision of the question, may call for a division of the Lodge, and a count of the affirmative and negative votes.

20. No member shall be permitted to speak or vote, unless clothed in suitable regalia, according to his rank and station.

That they have given the subject all the attention its importance required. That, with the desire to render the Work of the Order as perfect as possible, they have sought for knowledge into the records of the Order, so far as they have been able to procure them-they have found much to amend-and though they may not have been able to make the work they now present to you as perfect as is desirable, they have the satisfaction to believe, that they have made it as perfect as the information they have been able to obtain would enable them to do. They submit the result of their labors, and pray to be discharged.

All which is respectfully submitted.

On motion of Rep. Ridgely, of Ohio, it was


Ordered, That fifty copies of the Work of the Order, as reported by the committee, be printed; that each Representative be furnished with two copies, and the further consideration thereof be postponed until the next Annual Session.

On motion of Rep. Hopkins, of Pennsylvania, it was

Resolved, That the committee be continued on the remainder of the Work of the Order to the next Session.

Rep. Ridgely, of Ohio, submitted the following, which was adopted. Resolved, That a committee be appointed to inquire into, and report to this Grand Lodge, at its next session, whether, consistently with the spirit of the Constitution of the Grand Lodge of the United States, or consistently with the order and government of this Order, any Past Grand can be the resident of one state, a contributing member of a subordinate lodge in said state, and a member of the Grand Lodge of said state, and at the same time the principal Representative of another state in the Grand Lodge of the United States. And whether a report, purporting to be the report from a state Grand Lodge, authenticated by a Past Grand, purporting to be the Grand Master of said state, who is at the same time a Past Grand and member of the Grand Lodge of another state, and which report is not attested by any Seal, or by the signature of any Grand Secretary, is a sufficient report. And whether a paper, purporting to be signed by a Past Grand, as Grand Master of a given state, as a certificate of the appointment of a brother as a Representative in the Grand Lodge of the United States, bearing date on the same day and at the same time, when there is evidence of there having been another individual acting officially as the Grand Master of said state. And whether a certificate of appointment of Representative not constitutionally attested, qualifies a Representative to his seat in this Grand Lodge.

The Grand Sire announced as the committee, Rep's Keyser, of Maryland; and Wildey, of Delaware.

The following bills were presented:

Samuel Pryor, salary as Grand Secretary, and travelling expenses to New York, August, 1834, and Baltimore, October,


$82 00

Thomas Wildey, travelling expenses to Washington, Philadelphia, New York, Delaware and Albany,

62 00 74.00

G. Sire Gettys, travelling expenses in 1833 and 1834, .
D. G. Sire, Robert Neilson, travelling expenses to New

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G. Guardian Morse, travelling expenses of 1833 and 1834, .
Thomas Wildey, postage, stationary and books,

On motion, the bills were referred to the Committee of Finance.
On motion of Rep. Ridgely, of Ohio, it was

30 00 42.00

11 15

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