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tion; which, whilst it protects and maintains the authority of this body, gives to every subordinate jurisdiction its just and legitimate rights unimpaired, and piously sustains the ancient landmarks of the Order. Your recent sessions have been attended with more than ordinary labor, and I doubt not that they will be crowned with success.

Permit me, before I close these remarks, to beg you all most earnestly to believe, that I have been directed with an eye single to the prosperity and well-being of our Order in my official course; and to ask of you to do me the justice to attribute the many errors I may have committed, to over and ill-judged zeal, rather than to caprice or bad design.

And now I beg leave to surrender my office to my successor; returning, the homage of a grateful heart to the Supreme Being for the guardian care with which he has nursed our beloved Order-for banishing discord and disunion from among us, and putting the seal of disapprobation upon those who would pull down an institution, created for purposes revered by the good, and respected by the virtuous. Let me invoke a continuance of His blessings-may He guide and direct your councils, and temper your deliberations with wisdom and judgment; so that you may preside over the destinies of this institution with religious and watchful care. May He instill my worthy successor with a due sense of the high responsibilities which await him; and give to him that clearness of judgment, and firmness of character, integrity of purpose, and brotherly love, so necessary in the office with which you have honored him and may He finally have Odd Fellowship throughout the globe in his holy keeping.

Brethren, I thank you for your attention; and although it be painful to part with those with whom we have so long and intimately been associated, by common ties, in unity of council, and in joint efforts to rear and sustain an institution inferior to none on earth, (whose fruit is peace and good will to man)-yet the consciousness of honest effort to discharge my duties, and the cheering success which has crowned our labors, soothes the bitter recollection, and sustains me. Farewell, my brethren-and permit me to tender to you individually, my most affectionate feelings and best wishes for your continued health, happiness and prosperity.

P. G. M. James Gettys was then duly installed Grand Sire.

The Grand Sire appointed D. G. M. ROBERT NEILSON, D. Grand Sire. Whereupon, on motion, the appointment was unanimously approved, and the D. Grand Sire was then duly installed.

P. G. M. Samuel Pryor, G. Secretary: P. D. G. M. Augustus Mathiot, G. Treasurer; and P. G. Thomas Morse, G. Guardian, were severally installed.

Rep. Pearce, of New York, from the special committee to whom was referred the application of brothers John M. Wolfe and others, submitted the following report, which was accepted, and the resolution adopted.

To the R. W. Grand Lodge of the United States:

The committee to whom was referred the petition of John M. Wolfe and others, respectfully report:

That they have attended to the duty assigned them, and recommend that a warrant to open a subordinate lodge be granted, to work under the

authority, and be subject to the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of the United States-and that that part of the petition to work under the Grand Lodge of Maryland, be rejected.


Resolved, That the prayer of the petitioners be granted, except that they are sub ject to the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of the United States.

Rep. Pearce, of New York, submitted the following, which was adopted:

Resolved, That a committee be appointed to procure a new Seal for the Grand Lodge, with such devices as may be approved by the Grand Lodge.

The Grand Sire appointed Rep's Pearce, of New York; Keyser, of Maryland; and Hopkins, of Pennsylvania, said committee.

The committee on the funeral obsequies, submitted a report, which was referred back to the same committee, with a recommendation to revise and amend the same.

The Grand Lodge then adjourned to three o'clock this afternoon.

TUESDAY, 3 o'clock, P. M.

The Grand Lodge met pursuant to adjournment: Present the same Officers and Representatives as in the morning.

Rep. Pearce, of New York, from the special committee to whom was referred the Grand Sire's report, presented the following, which was accepted, and the resolution adopted.

To the R. W. Grand Lodge of the United States:

The committee to whom was referred the Grand Sire's communication, respectfully report:

That they have taken into consideration the acting and doing of the Grand Sire during the recess of the Grand Lodge, as directed by them, and are of opinion that all he has done has been for the advantage of the Order. They therefore recommend that the restoration of the charter of the Grand Lodge of Delaware, and the grant of a charter for a Grand Lodge of New Jersey, be sanctioned and ratified-and that the Grand Lodge confirm the act of the Grand Sire in recalling the charter of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts, and requiring the subordinate lodges in the state, to report direct to the Grand Lodge of the United States, until otherwise ordered by this Grand Lodge. The committee regret to find that the Order in the state of New York is not in as flourishing a situation as we had hoped. They recommend that the Grand Sire shall have a particular care for the interests of the Order in New York, during the present year, and report what measures may be necessary in relation thereto, at the next meeting of this Grand Lodge.


Resolved, That the report be accepted, the acts of the Grand Sire ratified, and the charter so granted to the Grand Lodge of New Jersey, be signed by the proper officers, and delivered to that Grand Lodge.

A petition from James McAnnal was read, praying the Grand Sire to grant him a dispensation to become a member of the Order.

On motion of Rep. Ridgely, of Ohio, it was

Resolved, That the petitioner have leave to withdraw his petition.

On motion of Rep. Hopkins, of Pennsylvania, it was

Resolved, That a committee be appointed to examine the reports submitted to the Grand Lodge, and select for publication such as they may think fit.

The Grand Sire appointed as the committee, Rep's Ridgely, of Ohio; Lucas, of Louisiana; and P. G. Sire Wildey.

On motion, it was

Resolved, That a committee be appointed to settle the accounts of this Grand Lodge, and that said committee be requested to report the state of the accounts of the Grand Sire as soon as possible.

The Grand Sire named as the committee, Rep's Keyser, of Maryland; Ridgely, of Ohio; and Lucas, of Louisiana.

P. G. M. William Skinner, presented his credentials as Representative from the Grand Lodge of New Jersey.

On motion, the credentials were referred to a special committee of three. The Grand Sire announced as the committee, Rep's Hopkins, of Pennsylvania; Keyser, of Maryland; and Ridgely, of Ohio.

Rep. Hopkins, of Pennsylvania, from the special committee on credentials, submitted the following, which was accepted.

To the R. W. Grand Lodge of the United States:

The special committee to whom was referred the credentials of P. G. M. William Skinner, as a Representative of the Grand Lodge of New Jersey, report, that they have examined the said credentials, and find them cor




Rep. Skinner then appeared and took his seat.

When, on motion, the Grand Lodge adjourned until to-morrow morning at nine o'clock.

WEDNESDAY, September 4th, 9 o'clock, A. M.

The Grand Lodge assembled pursuant to adjournment: Present, the same Officers and Representatives as yesterday.

The Grand Lodge then proceeded to the consideration of the proposed Constitution of this Grand Lodge, as submitted at the Adjourned Session, June 7th, 1833; and after amending the same, adopted from Article first to sixteenth, inclusive.

On motion, the Grand Lodge adjourned to seven o'clock this evening.

WEDNESDAY, 7 o'clock, P. M.

The Grand Lodge met pursuant to adjournment: Present, the same Officers and Representatives as in the morning.

On motion, the following was adopted:

Resolved, That the committee to whom was referred the Work of the Order, be continued.

The Grand Lodge took up for consideration, the seventeenth Article of the Constitution, together with the By-Laws; which, after having been amended, were unanimously adopted.

On motion of Rep. Ridgely, of Ohio, it was

Resolved, That the Constitution and By-Laws, as passed, be collectively adopted as the laws of this Grand Lodge.

On motion, the Grand Lodge then adjourned until to-morrow morning at 9 o'clock.

THURSDAY, September 5th, 9 o'clock, A. M.

The Grand Lodge met pursuant to adjournment: Present, all the Officers and Representatives.

On motion of Rep. Pearce, of New York, it was

Resolved, That the vote on the collective adoption of the Constitution and By-Laws be re-considered.

Whereupon, Rep. Hopkins, of Pennsylvania, offered a Preamble to the Constitution and By-Laws, which was adopted.

On motion of Rep. Pearce, of New York, it was

Resolved, That a committee be appointed to prepare a Form of opening and closing the Grand Lodge, and installing the officers.

The Grand Sire appointed as the committee, Rep's Pearce, of New York; Lucas, of Louisiana; and Skinner, of New Jersey.

On motion of Rep. Pearce, of New York, it was

Resolved, That four members be added to the above committee.

The Grand Sire announced as the additional members of the committee, Rep's Keyser, of Maryland; Hopkins, of Pennsylvania; Robinson, of Delaware; and P. G. Sire Wildey.

On motion of Rep. Hopkins, of Pennsylvania, the concluding clause of the Constitution and By-Laws was adopted.

The Grand Lodge then adjourned for half an hour.

The time of adjournment having elapsed, the Grand Lodge again assembled.

Rep. Pearce, of New York, from the special committee to whom was referred the subject of preparing a Form of opening, &c., for the Grand Lodge, submitted the following, which was accepted.

To the R. W. Grand Lodge of the United States:

The undersigned, a special committee to whom was referred the following resolution, viz: "Resolved, That a committee be appointed to prepare

a Form of opening and closing the Grand Lodge, and installing the officers"-respectfully report the accompanying Form as suitable. JOHN PEARCE, Chairman.

On motion, the following was adopted:

Resolved, That the Form as reported by the committee be added to the By-Laws of the Grand Lodge.

On motion of Rep. Hopkins, of Pennsylvania, the following were adopted:

Resolved, That the committee on Form of opening and closing, &c., be directed to report a code of Rules of Order, at the next stated meeting of the Grand Lodge. Resolved, That the Preamble, Constitution and By-Laws be now finally adopted as the Constitution and By-Laws of this Grand Lodge.*

• The Constitution.-The following is a perfect copy of the Constitution and By-Laws:


Preamble. Whereas, it has been found expedient and of great importance to mankind to perpetuate those institutions which confer on them great and essential benefit-Therefore, the Grand Lodge of the United States of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, for the more effectual purpose of binding each other in the bond of one common union, by which we will be enabled to ensure a co-operation of action, and of providing for the best interests of our beloved Order; based as it is upon the permanent principles of universal benevolence, friendship and philanthropy, and to secure unto ourselves and posterity more effectually the blessings which are to be derived from so valuable and beneficial an institution-Do ordain and establish the following as the Constitution of the Grand Lodge of the United States, of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows.

Art. 1. This Lodge shall be known by the name, style and title of "The Grand Lodge of the Independ. ent Order of Odd Fellows of the United States of America," and possesses original and exclusive jurisdiction in Odd Fellowship, over the territories comprising the Federal Government of the United States. It is the source of all true and legitimate authority in Odd Fellowship in the United States of America. All state, district and territorial Grand Lodges and Encampments assemble under its warrant, and derive their authority from it. With it, is placed the power to enact such laws and regulations as shall be for the good of the Order in general. It is the ultimate tribunal to which all matters of general importance to the state, district and territorial Grand Lodges and Encampments are to be referred, and its decisions thereon shall be final and conclusive-and with the consent of the Grand Lodge, or Encampment, of a state, district or territory, may receive an appeal of a subordinate lodge from the decision of its state Grand Lodge. To it belongs the power to regulate and control the work of the Order, and the several degrees belonging thereto; to fix and determine the customs and usages in regard to all things which concern Odd Fellowship. This Grand Lodge has inherent power to establish lodges in foreign countries where no Grand Lodge exists-such lodges shall work by virtue of a warrant granted by this Grand Lodge.

Art. 2. The members of this Grand Lodge shall be, the Grand Sire, Deputy Grand Sire, Grand Secretary, Grand Treasurer, Grand Marshal, Grand Guardian, Grand Chaplain, and the Representatives or Proxies from state, district and territorial Grand Lodges, acting under a legal unreclaimed warrant granted by this Grand Lodge.

Art. 3. The elective officers shall be, M. W. G. Sire, R. W. D. G. Sire, R. W. G. Secretary, and R. W. G. Treasurer, who shall be elected bi-annually at the stated meeting of this Grand Lodge, in October; and shall be duly installed, and enter on the duties of their office at the stated meeting next ensuing their election. The W. G. Marshal, W. G. Guardian and W. G. Chaplain, shall be nominated by the G. Sire: if approved of by the Grand Lodge, shall be installed at the stated meeting next ensuing the election of the Grand Officers. They shall attend each meeting of the Grand Lodge, and perform such duties as are enjoined by the laws and regulations of the Order, and such as may be required by the presiding officers.

Art. 4. The G. Sire shall preside at the meetings of the Grand Lodge, preserve order and enforce the laws thereof. He shall have the casting vote whenever the Grand Lodge shall be equally divided, but shall not vote upon any other occasion. During the recess of this Grand Lodge, he shall have a general superintendence of the interests of the Order, and make report to the next stated meeting of his acting and doing in relation thereto. He shall not hold any elective office in any state, district or territory Grand Lodge or Encampment, while acting as Grand Sire.

Art. 5. The D. G. Sire shall open and close the meetings of the Grand Lodge, support the G. Sire by his advice and assistance, and preside in his absence; and in the absence of the G. Sire and D. G. Sire, the Grand Lodge shall elect a G. Sire, pro tempore.

Art. 6. The G. Secretary shall make a just and true record of all the proceedings of the Grand Lodge, in a book provided for that purpose; summons the members to attend at stated and special meetings; keep accounts between the Lodge and the Grand or Subordinate Lodges under its jurisdiction; he shall read all petitions, reports and communications; write all letters and communications when required, and perform such other duties as this Grand Lodge may from time to time require. He shall receive for his services such sum of money as the Grand Lodge shall from time to time deter. mine.

Art. 7. The G. Treasurer shall receive all moneys due to the Grand Lodge; pay all orders drawn on him by the G, Sire, attested by the G. Secretary and seal of the Grand Lodge: he shall lay before the Grand Lodge, at their stated meeting in October, a full and correct statement of his accounts.

Art. 8. P. G. Sires shall be admitted to a seat in this Grand Lodge, and be entitled to one vote on all questions coming before this Grand Lodge.

Art. 9. The G. Guardian shall prove every brother before he admits him, and allow no one to depart without the password.

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