Interpreting Christian History: The Challenge of the Churches' PastThis book explores the theological lessons to be learnt from 2000 years of Christian Church history.
1 | |
a Sketch | 11 |
2 Constantly Shifting Emphases in Christian History | 58 |
3 Church Historians Responses to Change and Diversity | 103 |
4 Some Theologians Reflect on the Historical Problem | 163 |
Other editions - View all
Interpreting Christian History: The Challenge of the Churches' Past Euan Cameron No preview available - 2005 |
Interpreting Christian History: The Challenge of the Churches' Past Euan Cameron No preview available - 2005 |
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Adolf von Harnack argued ascetic Baronius Barth became Bede belief bishops Bullinger Bultmann Calvin Catechism Catholicism century challenge Christ Christian Church Christian history Church history claims confessional context controversial councils critical cult culture developed discussion diversity divine doctrine dogmatic early Christian early Church early modern Enlightenment Ernst Troeltsch essence ethical Eucharist Europe Eusebius faith Feuerbach Germany God’s Gospel Gottfried Arnold Harnack Heinrich Bullinger heresy heretics historians holy human Ibid intellectual issues Jesus Jocelin John Milbank Karl Barth language later Latin liberal liberal theologians lives Luther Lutheran martyrs medieval Middle Ages miracles monasticism monks neo-orthodoxy Niebuhr one’s orthodox Oxford pagan papacy past persecution perspective Philipp Melanchthon philosophical political pope postmodern Protestant Protestantism Reformation relics religion religious revelation Richard Niebuhr Roman Catechism Roman Catholic saints Scripture secular sense society spiritual teaching Testament texts theologians theology things thought tradition trans Troeltsch University Press worship writing