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year 1828, when a schism, to the circumstances of which he could never refer without regret, occurred between the members of the Government, his right hon. friend Mr. Vesey Fitzgerald had been appointed President of the Board of Trade and Treasurer of the Navy. Lord Melville and his hon. friend behind him (Sir G. Cockburn) protested against that joint nomination, and they had nothing in view but the efficiency of the service, which they apprehended would then be injured: they contended that the two places should not be united in the same person; and the question was considered at the time with reference to what had passed in the year 1826, when the House had overruled the proposal of Government that these offices should be disunited. Ministers, in 1828, thought it right to defer to the sense of Parliament, and Mr. Vesey Fitzgerald was therefore called upon to discharge the duties of both situations. So matters continued, until the health of Mr. Fitzgerald broke down under the weight of his united duties and anxieties, and it then was required of Ministers to consider what arrangements could be made to provide a substitute. To the abilities and aptitude for business of Mr. Fitzgerald he had borne testimony on a former occasion, and it was not necessary to repeat it now; but during the whole summer his health had suffered from his laborious attendance on Parliament, and on the duties of his office, till at length it entirely failed, and when he retired Ministers did certainly think that the time had arrived when they might safely depart from what appeared to have been the intention of the House-provided, at the same time, a saving of the public money could be effected. If they had wished to make out a specious case, and not to trust to the good sense and feeling of Parliament in judging of their intentions, they might have filled up the office of Master of the Mint, with a salary of 3,000l. a year have appointed a Treasurer of the Navy, as the office still existed, and have united the situations of President of the Board of Trade and Treasurer of the Navy, with the emoluments which previously belonged to those united offices. Had that course been pursued, not a word of objection would have been uttered; and were not Ministers at liberty to save the public 2,2001. a-year if they could, although they did not, in other respects,

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adhere closely to the wishes of Parliament? The argument of his right hon. friend (Mr. Huskisson) had been, that the wishes of Parliament had been expressed, in 1826, contrary to the views of Government, and that Ministers, on the recent occasion, ought to have deferred to the Resolution of the House. No doubt, in a matter of indifference, such should have been the course; but if it were found that the health of a valuable and able public servant had yielded to the pressure of the duties of both offices, and if, by departing from that course, 1,000l. a-year in the first instance, and ultimately, 2,2001. ayear could be saved to the public, with a relinquishment, besides, of patronage, was it consistent with the principles of common justice to visit Government with a vote of censure and condemnation? Ministers had thought that they might review the circumstances of the appointment, and they had decided that the best arrangement was not to make the deputy principal, but to secure to a great national establishment the services of a public man of ability, while, at the same time, his salary was reduced. The hon. Member for Montrose had asked how the Treasurer of the Navy could discharge his official duties, be present in his place in Parliament, and attend also as a Member of the Wexford Committee? He (Mr. Peel) wished to know how the same man could be Treasurer of the Navy, President of the Board of Trade, be present in his place in Parliament, and attend also on the Wexford Committee? Surely, if three were incompatible, à fortiori, four must be incompatible also, according to the very shewing of the hon. Gentleman. But before the House became parties to this vote of condemnation, he implored it to attend to the opinion it had expressed by its Committee. From the year 1788 to the present time, various inquiries had been instituted into the office of Treasurer of the Navy, and no Committee had yet ever suggested the fitness of abolishing the office. Several had complained that the duties were performed by deputy; and hence, an opinion was implied that, for the sake of the public service, it ought to be made a substantive and efficient appointment. Upon this point, he would not go farther back than the Finance Committee of 1817, of which the President of the Royal Society (Mr. D. Gilbert) had consented to act as Chairman. What was

"How happy could I be with either—” But in 1826, when doubly burthened, he added, like the same gallant captain, another line to his song

"Were t'other dear charmer away;"

"He also was relieved from the necessity of saying any thing relative to what some Gentlemen called an useless office,had been stated by his right hon. friend the Treasurership of the Navy. After what near him, and by the right hon. Gentleman opposite, it was scarcely necessary to add, that the business of that department had very considerably increased, as well as the importance of the duties connected with it, since the transfer to it of the management of seamen's wills. It was quite erroneous to suppose that the business of that office was a mere matter of paying money. So far from that, the Treasurer of the Navy was called on to to exercise his discretion in the instance of every demand made on him for money. He was obliged to sift the grounds of each claim, and to decide on the merits of the applicant. With so many branches of public duty to be performed, the Bank could not be expected to execute them, or

the Report of that Committee? Before Ministers filled up the post, they had referred to all the Reports; and if they had erred, they had erred with authorities in their favour, which, in mere justice, would prevent Parliament from joining in a vote for, although he now argued that another of censure and condemnation. The Re-appointment ought to be added to that of port of the Finance Committee of 1817 Treasurer of the Navy, in his speech on was, that the salary of the Treasurer of the 7th April 1826 he contended that the the Navy was much too large. A reducduties were more important than they were tion was therefore recommended, and it generally supposed, and that they could was proposed that the office and its salary not be properly executed by an individual should be placed upon the same footing who was also President of the Board of as that of the Paymaster of the Forces. At Trade. Mr. Huskisson then said,* that date, the salary was 4,0001. a-year; and the Committee added, that it was not for them to determine whether it should be lowered to 3,000l. a-year, or to any other sum. Thus it was evident, that Ministers had not acted in precise concurrence with the suggestion of the Committee, because they had gone beyond it, and had lowered the emolument of the office of Treasurer of the Navy below 3,000l. a-year. They had reduced it to 2,0001. a-year, and had put it precisely on the footing of the Paymaster of the Forces. If, after this recommendation, and this conduct founded upon it, Parliament were to turn round at once, and pass a vote of censure upon Ministers, he must say, that reports of Committees, instead of being beacons to guide, would be converted into false lights to delude. The value of Reports would be at an end-"Bring me no more Reports-let them fly all"since it would be far safer for Ministers to act on their own responsibility and dis-to exercise any discretion on the different cretion than on the recommendations of cases submitted to the consideration of committees. In filling up the recent vawhoever might be placed in the superincancy they had adopted the very advice tendence of that department. Whether of their political opponents, and they felt from his not having that capacity of mind satisfied that it was utterly impossible for which the discharge of such duties unmen on any side of the House to object to doubtedly required, or from whatever the arrangement. And here, he must say, other cause, he confessed he did feel conalthough he had had some reason to be siderable hardship arising out of the union prepared for opposition from his right hon. of the two offices of President of the friend (Mr. Huskisson), he was, neverthe- Board of Trade and Treasurer of the Navy. less, utterly astonished by his speech. He He felt not only the difficulty attendant had referred to the Nestor of the Cabinet upon a due discharge of the duties of both, (Lord Bathurst), and to the example of but the anxiety which proceeded from the Mr. Rose in 1807, observing, that he him- great pecuniary responsibility which atself was the only man in the House who tached to one of those offices; the weight had held the united offices of President of of which was, in no inconsiderable dethe Board of Trade and Treasurer of the gree, augmented by the duties arising Navy he therefore hoped that the House from the frequent complaints from the would confide in his authority. At pre-Navy-office, the Victualling-office, and sent, his right hon. friend held neither of fice, and he might say with MacheathVOL. XXIII.

other departments of the public service

• See Hansard's Parl. Debates, vol. xv. p. 115, &c.


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connected with it. He declared that, | pursued saved more than that sum to the united as those offices were in him, he public. He did not know that he could could not satisfy his mind that the duties say more on this subject, for he would not of the Treasurership of the Navy were, so enter into the details, resting confidently far as he was concerned, duly and ade- upon the justice and equity of the case to quately performed." produce their due impression upon the In answer to what had fallen from House, without any bias from party feelthe right hon. Gentleman, with reference ings or personal resentments. He would to whether or not he had time enough to put it to all who heard him, whether the discharge the duties of both employments, general conduct of the present Governhe certainly could not reply that he had ment-that of the Duke of Wellingtonnot time enough; but he could most was such as to justify a vote of censure. truly declare, that to whatever cause it He was sure that the House, sitting as might be owing, he was not able to do the judges, would not only consider the wishes duties of both offices with that satisfaction of the hon. mover, but the intentions and to his own feelings with which he thought the acts of the Government. The great every public duty ought to be performed. advocate for economy (the hon. Member Beyond question, the country was fully for Montrose), to whose motives posterity entitled to his best services, and to all his would do justice, however annoying and services; but so long as he remained un- persevering his opposition, had repeatedly able to divest himself of the feelings to acknowledged, that, comparing the present which he had adverted, he was convinced Cabinet with any that had preceded it, he that it was any thing rather than a public thought that it had evinced a more sinservice to continue in possession of both cere desire than any other to spare the puboffices without being able adequately to lic purse. It did not, indeed, go as far as discharge the duties attached to them." the hon. Member wished; but still he had 碗 "The right hon. Gentle- felt bound, in justice, to admit, that it had man opposite had told the Committee, gone a great way. The hon. Baronet (Sir that when he held that office he contrived J. Graham) had urged that it was necesto do other duties of a public nature. sary to reduce this office, in order to lessen Doubtless, a man of his powers and dili- the number of that band of pensioners gence was capable of holding such an who were called upon, on every occasion, employment with advantage to the public, to overwhelm the sense of the independand also to discharge other duties of im- ent portion of the House. The hon. portance; but this could not be accepted Baronet and the hon. Member for Westas a proof that the burthensome duties at minster (Mr. Hobhouse) were at issue, in the Board of Trade were compatible with some sort, upon this point, as the latter those at the Navy-office. The further had said, in a recent debate, that he preconsideration of this question he would ferred a bad strong Government to a good now leave in the hands of the House, weak one. It became important, thereso far as he was personally concerned." fore, to consider the present amount of This opinion, which his right hon. friend Government influence, compared with the then gave, of the duties of the two offices, better periods of our history, to which the was, in his viewof the matter, a correct one, hon. Baronet had referred with such apand it had been confirmed by the failure of parent satisfaction. Some time since rethe health of Mr. Fitzgerald; and Ministers turns were called for and laid on the Table were, therefore, led to believe that the plan showing the number of Members of Parthey had recently adopted was advisable, liament who held office, place, or pension not only on the score of public economy, in the first Parliament of George 1st; a but because the duties of the office could similar return was made for the first Parnot otherwise be efficiently discharged, liament of George 2nd; and a third reThe Presidency of the Board of Trade had turn of the Members of Parliament who been united with the Mastership of the held offices at the pleasure of the Crown, Mint, because the right hon. Gentleman or other places, in the first Parliament of who occupied those two places was, at George 4th. In the first Parliament of least, not new to either of them. It ought George 1st, instead of the fifty or sixty not to be forgotten that the proposal of placemen now in the House, they had 271 1826 was to add 2,000l. a-year to the pub-Members of Parliament holding situalic burthens, while the plan Ministers had tions at the pleasure of the Crown. In

the first Parliament of George 2nd, there | sistent with the interests of the public were 257 Members also holding offices service; and the effect of his having so at the pleasure of the Crown. This was long and so assiduously directed his ata much greater number than at present. tention to that subject was, that from that Perhaps it would be said that those offices time to the present it had not been in his were so skilfully divided, that a few situa- | power to bestow any office of sufficient tions were spread over a numerous body value to be worth the acceptance of any of placemen. What, however, was the person holding the rank of a gentleman. fact? So far from a few offices being The fact was, that so limited was the made to serve a great number of holders, number of offices now in the gift of Gothe skill was exercised in accumulating vernment, that the patronage of the Crown upon the heads of individuals a number of might be considered as mortgaged for offices, which, by persons less adroit and several years to come. He would ask, able than were the dispensers of Crown had the Duke of Wellington supported patronage in those days, would have been his government by a prostituted or lavish considered utterly incompatible. At the expenditure? On the contrary, it might, time that there were 271 servants of the with perfect truth, be said, that, with very Crown, holding their situations during few exceptions indeed, he had not conpleasure, sitting in that House, Mr. ferred any civil distinction since he came Craggs was, by the singular dexterity into office. Other Governments precedof that period, enabled to hold the offices ing his, might have found it necessary to of Vice-Treasurer of Ireland, Lord Warden avail themselves of the prerogative of the of the Stannaries, Comptroller of the Crown, even to an extent that might have Household and Governor of St. Paul's. been called a lavish expenditure of public Another Member of the Parliament was honours. The Duke of Wellington had Secretary of State, Secretary at War, in no instance availed himself of that Clerk of Deliveries to the Ordnance, branch of the royal prerogative, of the and a Lord of Trade. A third Member exercise of which former Administrations was a Secretary of State, Comptroller had been so lavish. Upon inquiry it would of the Household, a Lord of the Trea- be found, that in no one case had he consury, and Ambassador to Spain. The ferred any civil honours since his accespresent number of Members in that House sion to office. In the days of Mr. Pitt, was 658; the number at the time of perhaps, a different course might have which he was speaking, was 558-there been found necessary. But he was misthen existed an Irish Parliament- and it taken in saying "in no one instance;" was pretty generally acknowledged that there were some few exceptions-one or that body possessed an adequate supply of two perhaps-but they were not cases in parliamentary offices. It was quite clear, which any influence could be exercised therefore, in comparing the influence of over that House. His noble friend had, the Crown at present with those days of with these exceptions, never felt it neceswhig constitutional purity, that the ba- sary to recommend the exercise of the lance was greatly in favour of the present prerogative of the Crown in that respect; time. The hon. Baronet by whom the not that he undervalued that patronage, Motion was made contended for the re- but that he had not found it necessary for duction of the influence of the Crown by the purposes of Government as it was the reduction of the office against which in former Administrations. The present his speech was directed; but he thought Administration looked for support to public it had been made pretty well manifest opinion, and they felt that, relying upon that the influence of the Crown was that, and steadily pursuing that course undergoing a most rapid reduction. With- which they considered most likely to deout dwelling further upon those topics, he serve it, the influence of such patronage should call upon the House to review the might be dispensed with. Greatly indeed general conduct of the Duke of Welling- should he be disappointed if the vote of ton's Government. His hon. friend near that evening should convince him that him, the Secretary to the Treasury, stated they were mistaken in such reliance, and not long since, that during the summer that they required such influence. The the noble Duke at the head of his Ma- House would no doubt exercise its own jesty's Government had been occupied in discretion as to the Motion before it, and effecting every possible reduction con- if, after what the Ministers had already


Ord, W.
Palmerston, Lord
Parnell, Sir H.
Phillips, G. R.
Phillips, Sir G.
Power, R.
Rice, T. S.
Robarts, A. W.
Robinson, Sir G.
Rumbold, C. E,
Russell, Lord J.

done, it should think proper to adopt the | O'Connell, D.
proposition of the hon. Baronet, they
would bow with submission, but they would
still have the satisfaction of thinking that
they had not deserved the censure.
must observe, however, that if the House
passed a censure on the Ministers who
had done most in the way of economy and
retrenchment, it would hold out to their
successors the folly of relying on public
opinion, in lieu of that patronage which
other administrations had so profusely

Sir George Warrender said, that he would support the Motion, because he considered it acting up to the resolution lately adopted by the House.

[blocks in formation]

Rowley, Sir W. Bart. Graham, Sir J.
Rickford, W.
Sefton, Lord
Stanley, E. G.
Scott, hon. W. II.
Thomson, C, P.
Townshend, Lord C.
Trant, W. H.

Uxbridge, Lord
Vyvyan, Sir R.

Liddell, hon. H.
Du Cane, P.
Winnington, Sir T.
Lambert, Colonel

Mr. Labouchere said, that after having heard the whole case, he could not support a motion which implied a censure upon Ministers who, he admitted, had done much LONDON AND EDINBURGH ROADS.] in the way of reduction; at the same time On the Motion of Lord Viscount Morpeth, he admitted that a more economical course a Select Committee was appointed to inmight be adopted. They were going on inquire into the state of the Roads between extravagance which ought to be checked, London and Edinburgh, and London and and he would state his opinions on the sub- Portpatrick. ject when they came to discuss the Navy Estimates.

The House then divided, when there appeared; -- For the Resolution 90; against it 188.-Majority 98.

List of the Minority.

Ebrington, Lord
Fazakerley, J. N.

Astley, Sir J.

Baring, Sir T.

Bernal, R.

Fane, J.

Bentinck, Lord G.

Birch, J.

Brownlow, C.

Burdett, Sir F.

Bright, H.

Buxton, J. J.

Burrell, Sir C.

Buck, L. W. Cave, R. O.

Cavendish, W.

[blocks in formation]

Fyler, T. B.
Gordon, R.
Grant, R.
Harvey, D. W.
Heron, Sir R.
Heneage, G. F.
Hobhouse, J. C.
Hume, J.

Huskisson, rt. hon. W.
Jephson, C. D. O).
Keck, G.
Kemp, T. R.
King, hon. General
Lamb, hon. G.
Lennard, T. B.

Lester, B.
Littleton, E.
Lygon, hon. Colonel
Maberly, J.

Martin, J.

[blocks in formation]

Monday, March 15:

MINUTES.] Petitions praying that the Trade with India
might be opened were presented-by Lord KINNOUL, from
the Corporation of Perth :-By the Earl of RoSSLYN, from
the Chamber of Commerce of Kirkaldy, and from the Town
and Council of Kirkaldy :-By Earl STANHOPE, from the
Trinity-House of Kingston-upon-Hull:-By the Marquis
of BUTE, from the Corporation of Greenock :-By the Mar-
quis of LANSDOWN, from the Chamber of Commerce of
Bristol:-And by the Earl of DUDLEY, from certain persons
in Staffordshire and Worcestershire. Complaining of the
Distress of the Country, and praying for Reduction of Taxa-
tion, were presented-by the Earl of HARDWICKE, from
the occupiers and owners of land in the county of Cambridge,
and from the hundred of Ely:-By Lord KING, from a
parish in Gloucestershire:-By Earl STANHOPE, from the
Clergymen, Freeholders, and Inhabitants of Kingston-upon-
Hull:-By Earl BEAUCHAMP, from the Grand Jury of Wor-
cester:-And by the Marquis of LANSDOWN, from the In-
habitants of the county of Ross. Against the Payment of
wages in Goods were presented-by the Duke of WELLING-
TON, from a place in Gloucestershire:-And by the Earl of
DUDLEY, from Wolverhampton, from Dudley, and from
the neighbourhood of the same place:-Against the Punish-
ment of Death in certain cases, by Lord DE DUNSTANVILLE,
from a place in Cornwall:-By the Duke of WELLINGTON,
from the town and neighbourhood of Southampton:- And
by the Marquis of LANSDOWN from the Quakers of Ireland.
Praying for an alteration of the Corn Laws :-By Lord KING,
from the inhabitants of Uley:-Against the Truck System
by the Duke of WELLINGTON, from the inhabitants of
Stroud. Praying for the removal of the Duty on Coals, by
the Marquis of CLANRICARDE, from Galway :-And praying
for the repeal of the Subletting Act, by the Marquis of
LONDONDERRY, from the inhabitants of Belfast.
The Transfer of Aids Bill, the Exchequer-Bills (12,000,0007.)
Bill, and the Jersey and Guernsey Poor Bill, went through
Committees, and were Reported.

COAL TRADE.] The Marquis of Lon

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