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in ancient Rome, i. 7; private,
in disrepute, as usury, with the
ancients, i. 8; revived by the
Jews in Lombardy, i. 9; by the
Florentines in the fourteenth
century, i. 9; private and public,
i. 10, 211; in Spain, i. 11; in
Venice, i. 10; in Genoa, i, 11;
in Amsterdam, i. 12; modern,
modelled on that of Amsterdam,
i. 12; in England, rise of, i. 13-
29; borrowing by bankers com-
menced, 1645, i. 23; the first
"run" on a bank, 1667, i. 27,
28; early history of state
banks," and "chartered banks,”
ii. 253-5.


Banking, necessity of, i. 124.

the nature of, i. 210-12.
beneficial or other effects of,

i. 184.

the business of, i. 13, 211.
defined as a trade, i. 127.
the operations of, i. 127, 128.
legitimate, restrictive of spe-
culation, i. 148.

success in, the way to obtain
it shown in Mr. James Marshall's
account of the rise and progress
of the Provincial Bank of Ire-
land, ii. 263-76.

utility of, i. 213-23; the bank
a safe depository for money,
i. 213; interest allowed, i. 214;
advances by bankers, i. 215;
stimulates production and trade,
i. 215; transmission of money
by bankers, i. 215; supplies dis-
tricts with currency, i. 216; use
of to tradesmen, i. 217-22;
bankers as custodians of bills, i.
217; the banker as a referee
for respectability, i. 218, 219,
239-42; as preserving an au-
thentic record of a person's
annual expenditure, i. 220; use
of, to non-business persons, i.
220; strong-room accommoda-
tion of a bank, for deeds and

other valuable property, i. 221;
the banker as an adviser and
instructor in money matters, i.
221; influence of, on the morals
of society, i. 222.
Banking, modern, and bills of ex-
change, i. 157.

Scotch and English systems,
difference, i. 114.

See also Bank, Banker, &c.
Banking documents, ii. 97-112.
See also Prospectus, Shares,
Book-keeping, &c.
Banking-houses, the term, ii. 50.
Banking Institute, The, ii. 17.
Banking legislation, recent, ii. 432-
60. See also Act, &c.

Bankrupt, origin of the word, i. 9.
Bankruptcy, Court of, deposit ac-
count with the Bank of England,
i. 371, 372.
Balance, the, of an account, the
term, ii. 50.

bankers' rule as to, i. 256.
Balances, periodical, of a bank, ii.
73-79; the daily balance, ii. 33,
73; the weekly, ii. 75; the half-
yearly, ii. 76. See also Book-
"Balance-Book, The," of a bank,
i. 238.

The Daily," of a bank,
i. 238. See also Book-keeping.
Balance-sheets, bad, i. 430, 431.

falsified, the case of the City
of Glasgow Bank, ii. 403, 413-22.
publication of, by Joint-Stock
banks, objections to, i. 419.
Barcelona, banking in, commenced
by the drapers, i. 11.
Baring and Co. effect a loan of
£2,500,000 from the Bank of
France to the Bank of England,
in the pressure of 1839, i. 317.
Barned's Bank, at Liverpool,
failure, ii. 343.

Bailey, Justice, on Notaries' fees,
i. 172; on bills of exchange,
quoted, i. 278, 279-83.

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Bell, R., "On the Regulation of
the Currency," quoted, ii. 212.

"Letter to J. W. Gilbart,
Esq., on the Relative Merits of
the English and Scotch Banking
System,"quoted, ii. 205, 206, 215.
Bell's" Commentaries on the Laws
of Scotland," quoted on the
"limited" character of the lia-
bility of chartered banks, ii. 443,

Benefit Societies and saving banks,
i. 204.

Bill, the term, ii. 49.

a "past due," i. 259.

Bill-brokers, bankers' transactions
with, i. 357, 358.

and bill-merchants, their ex-
change operations in foreign
bills, i. 288-90.

Bill department of a bank, the

book-keeping, ii. 56-61.
Bills, bankers as custodians of, i.
217; discounted, the Bank of
England's investments in, i. 373-
4; discounted, guarantee letters
for, with forms, ii. 111, 112;
forged or fictitious, passed by
people of credit, i. 256; drawing
termed 66
cross-firing," i. 255.
re-discounting, i. 248-51;
the practice at Manchester and
Newcastle-upon-Tyne a great
cause of the failures there, i.

[blocks in formation]

Bills of Exchange, origin of, i. 136,
157, 158.

nature of, i. 157, 158.

advantages of their use: I.
in transferring debts, i. 161;
II. in promoting prompt pay-
ments, i. 162; III. for extending
business, i. 163; IV. as afford-
ing guarantees, i. 163; V. in
removing capital from one trade
to another, i. 164.

classes of, i. 165.

66 'long dated" and "short
dated, i. 166-8.

Notaries public and the
noting and protesting of bills of
exchange, i. 169-74.

rate of discount, i. 174-81.
effect of discounts on the cir-
culation, i. 182.
"discounting" and "selling,"
terms, i. 158.
price of

trafficking in, i. 160.

rate of exchange, i.


[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]
[blocks in formation]

market rates, &c., on exchange,
i. 290.

Bills of Exchange, re-discounting,
i. 157, 173.

versus cash credits, i. 189-91.

as bank investments, i. 297,
299; practice in Lancashire, and
evidence of Mr. S. Gurney in
favour of, i. 299-301.

See also Bills, Government
bills, Discounting, Re-discount-
ing, &c.

Bills of Lading, as security, i.


Bonds and deeds, to guard against
forgery in, i. 247, 248.
Bonds of public companies, &c., as
bank investments, i. 299.
Book-keeping, Banking, i. 429-31;
ii. 42-96; the horizontal system,
ii. 83-9; preliminary practice
for clerks, ii. 43-8; handwriting,
J. W. Gilbart's "Lectures on
Ancient Commerce" quoted, ii.
43, 44; the customers' Signa-
ture-Book, ii. 48; the customers'
Pass or Cash-Book, ii. 27, 49;
the customers' Draft or Cheque-
Book, ii. 27, 49; terms in
bankers' book-keeping, ii. 49,
50; cashier's Received-Waste-
Book, ii. 50, 91; horizontal do.,
ii. 83-8; do. Paid-Waste-Book,
ii. 50, 91; horizontal do., ii. 83-
8; do. Money-Book, ii. 50; do.
Cash, Stock, or Make-up-Book,
ii. 52, 53; do. Day-Book, ii. 53,
91, 92, and "marking off," ii.
54, 75; do. Current-Account-
Ledger, ii. 54, 92, 93, and pro-
gressive plan of keeping it, ii.
55; do. Check-Ledger, ii. 89,
90; do. Deposit-Receipt-Book,
ii. 56, and its abolition, ii. 89;
Bill Department, Bill Register,
ii. 57, and its abolition, ii. 89; do.
Discount-Register, ii. 57; do.
Bill-Ledger, ii. 57; do. Dis-
count Ledger, ii. 57, and "


tering short," ii. 59; do. Bill-
Journal, ii. 58; do. Discount-
Journal, ii. 58; do. the Lists or
Walks-Book, ii. 59; do. Unpaid-
List or Take-up-Book, ii. 59;
Country Department, Waste-
Book, ii. 61; do. Bill-Register,
ii. 61, 62; do. Bill-Ledger, ii.
61, 62; do. Bill-Journal, ii. 61,
62; do. Draft-Book, ii. 61; do.
Advice-Book, ii. 62; do. Advice-
Journal, ii. 62, 63; do. Country
Ledger, ii. 62; do. Country
Discount Register, ii. 62; do.
Country Discount Ledger, ii.
62; do. Country Discount Jour-
nal, ii. 62; do. Credit-Book, ii.
63; do Acceptance-Book, ii. 63;
do. Stock-Book, ii. 63; Note De-
partment, Note Register, ii. 64;
do. Register of Cancelled Notes,
ii. 65; Branch Department, Bill-
Register, ii. 65; do. Notes Paid-
Book, ii. 66; the General-Ledger,
ii. 66-73, 75, 92-5; the General-
Balance-Book, ii. 66-8, 75; the
Weekly-Balance-Sheets, ii. 66;
the Statement-Book, ii. 67,
78; the periodical balances, ii.
73-9; daily balance, ii. 73;
daily rest," ii. 74; weekly
balance, ii. 75; half-yearly
balance, and do. book, ii. 76;
form of Profit and Loss Account
for year, ii. 77.
Book-keeping, joint-stock bank,
Shareholders' Register, ii. 79;
do. Transfer Register, ii. 79;
do. Proprietors' Ledger, ii. 79.
possible improvements in, ii.

[ocr errors]

in connection with the Clear-
ing-House, ii. 320-1.

bad, failures through, i. 429-

See also Balance Sheets,
Books, &c.

Books a banker should keep, i.
238-9. See also Book-keeping.

[blocks in formation]

best for small towns, i. 126.
their remittance business, i.

in Scotland, i. 215; ii. 207-9.
See also Branches, Bank of
England, &c.

Branch Banks of the Bank of Eng-
land, i. 68-70, 126.

a list of them; a list of those
discontinued; their notes, &c.,
ii. 119, 123-5.

the deposit accounts of, i.

"Branch Manager, Letters to a."
See Bullion, Thomas.
Branches, supervision of, i. 429-31.
their inspection, as pursued
by the Provincial Bank of Ire-
land, ii. 274.

Branches of Joint-Stock Banks, i.


advantages and disadvantages
of the system compared with that
of private banks, i. 413-18.

capital of banks having many
branches, i. 416.

managers, &c., of, i. 416-17.
of Scotch banks, i. 417.
of Irish banks, i. 417.
county and district banks
compared with branches of me-
tropolitan banks, i. 417-19.
For Branches, see also Branch,
Branch Banks of the Bank of
England, &c.

Brewster, Sir Francis, his proposi-
tion of "Banks and Lumbers"

(i.e. Lombards), 1695, i. 196-


British Linen Company (Scotch
bank), i. 296; ii. 255, 442-5.
Brokers, Bill, their exchange opera-
tions in foreign bills, brokerage
charges, &c., i. 288-90. See also
Stock-brokers, Bill-brokers, &c.
Bullion, gold and silver, trans-
actions in by the ancients, i. 2.

Committee, House of Com-
mons, 1810, report, i. 52-55; the
report and the Bank of England
directors on effects of notes in
circulation on foreign exchanges,
i. 154-6.

current prices of, i. 290.

and securities of the Bank of
England, statements of, i. 76,
78, 86.

accounts of the Bank of Eng-
land during the pressure of 1836,

i. 312.

Bank of England, the present
assay of, ii. 126.
"Bullion, Thomas," his "Letters
to a Branch Manager," quoted,
i. 239.
Buying or selling stock "for
money" and "for time," i. 306,


Byles, Serjeant, on bankers' liabili-
ties for stolen notes, i. 274.

"On Bills of Exchange,"
quoted, i. 274, 278.


Caledonian Bank, failure, ii. 406.
Californian and Australian gold,
importations of, and the Bank
of England, 1849-55, i. 391, 392.
Calls upon Shares, i. 402; forms
for, ii. 97, 98.

"Cambium Regis," by Charles I.
See Charles 1., i. 15, 16.
Campbell, Lord, judgment in stolen
bank-note case, Spielmann v.
Bank of England, i. 275, 276.

[blocks in formation]

Cash credit, a, i. 185.

advantages of, i. 185; evi-
dence before the Parliamentary
Committee of 1826 on the sys-
tem as practised in Scotland, ii.

Adam Smith, "Wealth of
Nations," quoted on, i. 187-8.

versus bills of exchange, i.

the system wanted in Ireland,
ii. 298, 299.

Cash credit banks, i. 185-91.
Cash credit bonds, with forms, ii.
105, 111.

Cash payments, suspension of. See

Cashier's department of a bank, ii.
19, 20; the cashier's
money," ii. 28, 29; his book-keep-
ing, ii. 50-6. See also Book-

"Case of need," term, i. 173, 263.
Chamberlain, Dr. Hugh, the real
projector of the Bank of England,
i. 30.

Chancery, Court of, deposit account

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