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"There is reserved for the support of the colony, a rentcharge forever of two shillings sterling money for each fifty acres; the payment of which is not to commence until ten years after the grant.

"The wives of the freeholders, in case they should survive their husbands, are, during their lives, entitled to the mansion-house and one half of the lands improved by their husbands; that is to say, inclosed with a fence of six feet high.

"All forfeitures for non-residence, high treason, felonies, &c. are to the Trustees for the use and benefit of the colony. Negroes and rum are prohibited to be used in the said colony; and trade with the Indians, unless licensed. None are to have the benefit of being sent upon the Charity in the manner abovementioned; but,

"1. Such as are in decayed circumstances, and thereby disabled from following any business in England; and who, if in debt, must have leave from their creditors to go.

"2. Such as have numerous families of children, if assisted by their respective parishes and recommended by the minister, churchwardens and overseers thereof.

"The Trustees do expect to have a good character of the said persons given; because no drunkards, or other notoriously vicious persons will be taken.

"And for the better enabling the said persons to build the new town, and clear their lands, the Trustees will give leave to every freeholder to take over with him one male servant, or apprentice of the age of eighteen years and upwards, to be bound for not less than four years; and will, by way of loan to such freeholder, advance the charges of passage for such servant or apprentice, and of furnishing him with the clothing and provision hereafter mentioned, to be delivered in such proportions, and at such times as the Trust shall think proper; viz. with a pallias and bolster, and blanket for bedding; a frock and trowsers of linsey-woolsey; a shirt and frock and trowsers of Osnaburgs; a pair of shoes from England, and two pair of country shoes, for clothing; and 200 pounds of meat, and 342 pounds of rice, peas, or Indian corn for food for a year.

"The expense of which passage, clothing and provision, is to be repaid the Trustees by the master within the third year from their embarkation from England.

"And to each man servant, and the heirs male of his body forever, after the expiration of his service, upon a certificate

from his master of his having served well, will be granted twenty acres of land, under such rents and agreements as shall have been then last granted to any other men-servants in like circumstances.

"Provided, that in case any person shall disobey such orders as they shall receive, a deduction shall be made of the whole, or any part of the above provisions."

Signed by order of the Common Council of the Trustees for establishing the Colony of Georgia in America, this second day of July, 1735.


The Trustees examined at their office such persons as applied to them for the benefit of the Charity, and out of them chose those who had the best characters, and were the truest objects of compassion.

They acquainted those that they had chosen, that they must expect to go through great hardships in the beginning, and use great industry and labor, in order to acquire afterwards a comfortable subsistence for themselves and families; that they gave them lands, and a year's provisions, but that those lands were uninhabited woods; that they must lie without cover till they could build houses for themselves, live upon salt meat, drink water, work hard, keep guard for fear of enemies, clear and plant ground before they could reap any harvest; that the country was hot in summer, and that there were flies in abundance, and that thunder storms were frequent in that season; that sicknesses were dangerous to those who drank distilled liquors, and that temperance was not only necessary to preserve their substance, but their health also; that if they put their trust in God, and were temperate and industrious, they might establish themselves and families in a comfortable way upon lands of their own; but if they thought they should not be able to go through those difficulties, they advised them by no means to undertake the voyage.

Several were disheartened, which discovered that they had pleaded necessity without reason, and that they were able to live in England. The places of those who were deterred from going were filled up with others; for there were a great many more petitioned to go than there was room for. Besides the English, there were a number of persecuted German Prostestants, under the conduct of Mr. Vonreck and

Captain Hermsdorf. The whole embarkation, English and foreigners, together with the Missionaries to the Indians, amounted to two hundred and twenty-seven heads, making two hundred and two people upon the Trust's account, besides Mr. Oglethorpe, the gentlemen with him, and his servants, whose passages he himself paid.

There were two ships freighted, the Symond, of two hundred and twenty tons, Captain Joseph Cornish, and the London Merchant, about the same burden, Captain John Thomas. There was a sufficient quantity of provisions for some months put on board, likewise arms, cannon, ammunition, and all kinds of tools for husbandry, and necessaries for families.

One of his Majesty's sloops, under the command of Capt. James Gascoigne, was ordered to assist the colony, and to carry over Mr. Oglethorpe, who intended to inspect the settlement; but he chose rather to go on board one of the ships, though crowded with the colony, that he might be able to take care of the people in their passage.

On the 14th of October I set out from Parliament stairs; about four in the afternoon I arrived at Poorfleet, where I dined and staid during the flood; after which I reached Gravesend about midnight. There I lay, and the next day went on board the Symond, Capt. Joseph Cornish, where the passengers upon the Trust's account had been for some days. I immediately took an account of the stores.

On the 19th a boy, as he was playing, fell overboard: a man being near him and seeing him fall, threw him a rope, and he got in again. We waited for the coming down of

the London Merchant.

On the 20th the London Merchant, Capt. John Thomas, with part of the colony on board, joined us at Gravesend. I went and took an account of her cargo. The same day Mr. Oglethorpe, with Mr. Johnson, son of the late Governor of South Carolina, and several other gentlemen, who intended to accompany him in the voyage, came on board. In the afternoon we weighed and went down to the Hope.

On the 21st we sailed from the Hope, and got within three miles of the Buoy of the Nore.

On the 23d a thick fog came upon us. We made shift to get to the Buoy of the Nore, and anchored on the Kentish Flats, being not able to proceed farther.

On the 25th it blew fresh against us, and we got but little forwards.

On the 26th, early in the morning, we arrived at the Horse Shoe Hole, where we anchored for some time, and then setting sail we got to Margate Road.

On the 27th we arrived at Deal, and were forced to come to an anchor, in the Downs. We set on shore a servant belonging to one of the colony, it being discovered that he had

the itch.

On the 28th it blew hard against us. The same day died a child of eight months old, being daughter to one of the colony. She was dangerously ill when she came on board.

On the 30th the wind continued to blow hard; but Mr. Oglethorpe insisting with the Captains to sail, we ventured out, and found the wind less and more favorable at sea.

On the 1st of November we put into St. Helen's, in order to meet the man-of-war whom we expected to be ready. It being near night the ships came to anchor, and a gentleman was sent to Spithead to inquire after the man-of-war. He returned about midnight with advice that she was in Portsmouth harbor, and not yet ready.

On the 2d the ships sailed for Cowes road, and Mr. Oglethorpe went to the man-of-war sloop. As the ships passed by Spithead they saluted the Admiral's ship, which she returned.

We were detained at Cowes by contrary winds, till the 10th of December; for though we twice broke ground, and once sailed as far as Yarmouth road, yet we were forced back again. This delay was not only very tedious to the people, but very expensive to the Trust; since there were so many hundred mouths eating, in idleness, that which should have subsisted them till their lands were cultivated; and that they were also losing the most useful season for that purpose.

In this time the refreshments designed for the voyage were expended, and we were forced to lay in more at an excessive price, by reason that the squadron at Spithead had made every thing dear.

Mr. Johnson, son to the late Governor of South Carolina, was taken ill here of a fever, which prevented his going the voyage. This was a great disappointment; for if he had gone to Carolina, as intended, a man of his interest and good

sense being at Charlestown, whilst Mr. Oglethorpe was at the southward, might have prevented the misunderstandings which afterwards happened.

On the 10th of December the wind at E. S. E. and a moderate gale, we, in company with the Hawk, the London Merchant, and about forty sail more, who had been forced to stay by the long continuance of contrary winds, stood out for sea.

When we had past the Needles the pilot left us. The London Merchant lay by a little for three of the passengers, who happened to be gone to Portsmouth when the wind came fair; but it was all to no purpose, for they not coming up in time, were left behind.

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On the 12th we parted with the Hawk, the wind blowing very hard.

I believe a journal of the winds and days of the month will be but dry to the reader, and that it may divert him more to hear which way our floating colony were subsisted and passed their time on board.

We had prayers twice a day. The missionaries expounded the Scriptures, catechized the children, and administered the sacrament on Sundays; but Mr. Oglethorpe shewed no discountenance to any for being of different persuasions in religion. The Dissenters, of which there were many on board, particularly the Germans, sung psalms and served God in their own way. Mr. Oglethorpe had laid in a large quantity of live stock, and other refreshments, (though he himself seldom ate any but ship's provisions.) Not only the gentlemen, his friends, ate at his table, but he invited, through the whole passage, the missionaries and the captain of the ship, who together made twelve in number.

All those who came upon the Trust's account were divided into messes; and besides the ship's provisions, the Trustees were so careful of the poor people's health, that they put on board turnips, carrots, potatoes, and onions, which were given out with the salt meat, and contributed greatly to prevent the scurvy. The ship was divided into cabins, with gang-ways, which we call streets between them. The people were disposed into these by families; the single men were put by themselves. Each cabin had its door and partition. Whenever the weather would permit, the ship was cleaned between decks and washed with vinegar, which

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