With bag and baggage: many a thousand of us. Have the disease, and feel't not. How now, boy? Mam. I am like you, they say. Leon. What! Camillo there? Why, that's some comfort. Cam. Ay, my good lord. Leon. Go play, Mamillius; thou'rt an honest man. [Exit MAMILLIUS. Camillo, this great sir will yet stay longer. Cam. You had much ado-to make his anchor hold: When you cast out, it still came home31. Leon. Didst note it? Cam. He would not stay at your petitions; made His business more material32. Leon. Didst perceive it?They're here with me already33: whispering, rounding34, Sicilia is a so-forth: 'Tis far gone, When I shall gust25 it last.-How came't, Camillo, That he did stay? Cam. 3. At the good queen's entreaty. Leon. At the queen's, be't: good, should be per- · tinent; But so it is, it is not. Was this taken By any understanding pate but thine? 31 It still came home, a nautical term, meaning, the anchor would not take hold." 32 The more you requested him to stay, the more urgent he represented that business to be which summoned him away. 33 Not Polixenes and Hermione, but casual observers. 'Dedecus ille domus sciet ultimus.' Juv. Sat. x. 36 Messes is here put for degrees, conditions. The company at great tables were divided according to their rank into higher and Cam. Business, my lord? I think, most understand Bohemia stays here longer, Leon. Cam. Leon. Ay, but why? Ha? Stays here longer. Cam. To satisfy your highness, and the entreaties Of our most gracious mistress. Leon. Satisfy The entreaties of your mistress?--satisfy?Let that suffice. I have trusted thee, Camillo, With all the nearest things to my heart, as well My chamber-councils: wherein, priestlike, thou Hast cleans'd my bosom; I from thee departed Thy penitent reform'd: but we have been Deceiv'd in thy integrity, deceiv'd In that which seems so. Cam. Be it, forbid, my lord! Leon. To bide upon't:-Thou art not honest: or, If thou inclin'st that way, thou art a coward; Which hoxes37 honesty behind, restraining From course requir'd: Or else thou must be counted A servant, grafted in my serious trust, And therein negligent; or else a fool,bak That see'st a game play'd home, the rich stake drawn, Cam. It was my folly; if industriously lower messes. Those of lower condition sitting below the great standing salt in the centre of the table. Sometimes the messes were served at different tables, and seem to have been arranged into fours, whence the word came to express four in vulgar speech-'a messe (vulgairement) le nombre de quatre.'-Sherwood's Dict. 1632. 4 37 To hox is to hamstring, the proper word is to hough. I play'd the fool, it was my negligence, Against the non-performance38, 'twas a fear "Tis none of mine. Leon. Have not you seen, Camillo, (But that's past doubt: you have; or your eye-glass Is thicker than a cuckold's horn); or heard (For, to a vision so apparent, rumour Cannot be mute), or thought,-(for cogitation Resides not in that man, that does not think39)My wife is slippery? If thou wilt confess (Or else be impudently negative, To have nor eyes, nor ears, nor thought), then say, 38 This is expressed obscurely, but seems to mean the execution of which (when done) cried out against the non-performance of it before; or, as Johnson laconically expresses it, was 'a thing necessary to be done, but which Camillo had delayed doing because he doubted the issue. 39 Theobald quoted this passages in defence of the well known line in his Double Falsehood, 'None but himself can be his parallel.' For who does not see at once (says he) that he who does not think has no thought in him.' In the same light the subsequent editors view this passage, and read with Pope, that does not think it. But the old reading is right, and the absurdity only in the misapprehension of it. Leontes means to say, 'Have you not thought that my wife is slippery (for cogitation resides not in the man that does not think my wife is slippery?) The four latter words, though disjoined from the word think by the ne cessity of a parenthesis, are evidently to be connected in construction with it. Malone, whose explanation this is, justly remarks that there are more involved and parenthetical passages in this play than in any other of Shakspeare's, except, perhaps, King Henry VIII. My present vengeance taken: 'Shrew my heart, Cam. For 'tis most dangerous. Leon. Say, it be; 'tis true. It is: you lie, you lie: I say, thou liest, Camillo, and I hate thee; see Canst with thine eyes at once good and evil, Inclining to them both: Were my wife's liver Infected as her life, she would not live The running of one glass42. Who does infect her? Cam. Leon. Why he, that wears her like his medal43, hanging 40 To reiterate your accusation of her would be as great a sin as that (if committed) of which you accuse her. 41 The pin and web is the cataract in an early stage. See King Lear, Act iii. Sc. 4. 42 i. e. one hour. 43 The old copy reads her medal. The allusion is to the custom of wearing a medallion or jewel appended to a ribbon about the neck. Thus in Gervase Markham's Honour in Perfection, 1624, he hath hung about the neck of his kinsman, Sir Horace Vere, like a rich jewel. About his neck, Bohemia: Who-if I Had servants true about me: that bare eyes Their own particular thrifts,-they would do that Cam. Sir, my lord, I could do this: and that with no rash45 potion, But with a ling'ring dram, that should not work Maliciously like poison: But I cannot Believe this crack to be in my dread mistress, So sovereignly being honourable. I have lov'd thee, Leon. Make't thy question, and go rot46! Dost think, I am so muddy, so unsettled, To appoint myself in this vexation? sully The purity and whiteness of my sheets, Which to preserve, is sleep; which being spotted, Is goads, thorns, nettles, tails of wasps47? Give scandal to the blood o' the prince my son, Who, I do think is mine, and love as mine; 44 Bespice a cup. So in Chapman's Translation of the tenth book of the Odyssey: -with a festival She'll first receive thee; but will spice thy bread 45 Rash is hasty; as in King Henry IV. Part 11. rash gunpowder.' Maliciously is malignantly, with effects openly hurtful. 46 Make that (i. e. Hermione's disloyalty, which is a clear point) a subject of doubt, and go rot! Dost think, I am such a fool as to torment myself, and to bring disgrace on me and my child, without sufficient grounds? 47 Something is necessary to complete the verse. reads: Is goads and thoras, nettles and tails of wasps, Hanmer |