Dro. S. Faith, stay here this night, they will surely do us no harm; you saw, they speak us fair, give us gold: methinks, they are such a gentle nation, that but for the mountain of mad flesh that claims marriage of me, I could find in my heart to stay here still, and turn witch. Ant. S. I will not stay to-night for all the town; Therefore away, to get our stuff aboard. [Exeunt. ACT V. SCENE I. The same. Enter Merchant and ANGELO. Ang. I am sorry, sir, that I have hinder'd you; Second to none that lives here in the city; Enter ANTIPHOLUS and DROMIO of Syracuse. Ang. "Tis so; and that self chain about his neck, Which he forswore, most monstrously, to have. Good sir, draw near to me, I'll speak to him. Signior Antipholus, I wonder much That you would put me to this shame and trouble; or traveling, being not worth carriage, impedimenta. Thus Lord Bacon:-'I cannot call riches better than the baggage of virtue; the Romane word impedimenta is better; for as the baggage is to an armie, so is riches to virtue: it cannot be spared, nor left behind; but it hindreth the march, yea, and the care of it sometimes loseth or disturbeth the victory." Vol. IV. This chain, which now you wear so openly: Fie on thee, wretch! 'tis pity, that thou liv'st Ant. S. Thou art a villain to impeach me thus: Enter ADRIANA, LUCIANA, Courtezan, and others. Adr. Hold, hurt him not, for God's sake; he is mad; Some get within him1, take his sword away: This is some priory;-In, or we are spoil'd. [Exeunt ANTIPH. and DRO. to the Priory. Enter the Abbess. Abb. Be quiet, people; Wherefore throng you hither? Adr. To fetch my poor distracted husband hence: Let us come in, that we may bind him fast, And bear him home for his recovery. Ang. I knew, he was not in his perfect wits. Men I am sorry now, that I did draw on him. Butiv 10 goggod sa od 1933d 89doir [[so tomuso P-: 403⁄4 ̧. of er egenged ses 10t7931ed ai atiremiben brow sofl 911 119, 10b91812 dons :9011iv of endoin ei 2,9imnc nɛ -92116.1919gen Apple, with him em od dobi od buided i. e. go into a house: we still say that a dog takes the wakes. Abb. How long hath this possession held the man? Adr. This week he hath been heavy, sour, sad, And much different from the man he was; But, till this afternoon, his passion Ne'er brake into extremity of rage. Abb. Hath he not lost much wealth by wreck of sea? Buried some dear friend? Hath not else his eye A sin, prevailing much in youthful men, Adr. To none of these, except it be the last; Namely, some love, that drew him oft from home. Abb. You should for that have reprehended him. Adr. Why, so I did.. Abb. Ay, but not rough enough. Adr. As roughly, as my modesty would let me. Abb. Haply, in private. Adr. And in assemblies too. Abb. Ay, but not enough. Adr. It was the copy of our conference: 3 'The copy,' says Steevens, that is, the theme. We still talk of setting copies for boys! Surely a boy's copy is not a theme? and that word occurs again in the fourth line of this speech. "Our poet frequently uses copy for pattern, says Malone. So in Twelfth Night :-'And leave the world no copy. 1 believe Malone's frequently may be reduced to two other instances, one in Henry V. and another in a sonnet. I am persuaded that copy in the present instance neither means theme nor pattern, but copie, plenty, copious source, an old latinism, many times used by Ben Jonson. So Puttenham in his Arte of Poesie, 1589, book i. ch. 14-Cicero,' said Roscius, 'contended with him by varietie of lively gestures to surmount the copy (i. e. copiousness) of his speech. So Cooper in his dictionary:-Copiose et abundanter loqui, to use his words with great copie and abundance of eloquence.' The word is spelt copie in the folio; and in King Henry V. where it means pattern, example, it is spelt copy. But the sense of the passage here will show that my interpretation is right. Mr. Gifford is correct in saying that the word was not introduced by Jonson; it is to be found in Horman's Vulgaria, printed in 1519. The latest vocabulary in which I find it is Bullokar's Expositor, 1616, of which there are later editions. It is not in Philips's Dictionary. Luckily, says Mr. Gifford, 'ite uncouthness has long since banished it from the language which it only served to stiffen and deform." . In bed, he slept not for my urging it; Still did I tell him it was vile and bad. was The venom clamours of a jealous woman Thereof the raging fire of fever bred; (Kinsman to grim and comfortless despair); 4 I think that there is no doubt that this passage has suffered by incorrect printing; I am not satisfied with it, even with the parenthesis in which the third line is enclosed by Steevens. The second line evidently wants a word of two syllables, and I feel inclined to read the passage thus: Sweet recreation barr'd, what doth ensue, Heath proposed a similar emendation, but placed moping where I have placed madness. Malone has admitted the reading *{Hvir' into his text, but for other reasons. Abb. No, not a creature enters in my house. Adr. Then, let your servants bring my husband forth. Abb. Neither; he took this place for sanctuary, And it shall privilege him from your hands, Till I have brought him to his wits again, Or lose my labour in assaying it. Adr. I will attend my husband, be his nurse, It is a branch and parcel of mine oath, Therefore depart, and leave him here with me. To separate the husband and the wife. Abb. Be quiet, and depart, thou shalt not have him. [Exit Abbess. Luc. Complain unto the duke of this indignity. Adr. Come, go; I will f prostrate at his feet, And never rise until my tears and prayers Have won his grace to come in person hither, And take perforce my husband from the abbess. Mer. By this, I think, the dial points at five: Anon, I am sure, the duke himself in person Comes this way to the melancholy vale; The place of death and sorry execution, Behind the ditches of the abbey here. Ang. Upon what cause? Mer. To see a reverend Syracusan merchant, ho put unluckily into this bay Who 5 i. e. substitute. 6 i. e. to bring him back to his senses, and the accustomed forms of sober behaviour. In Measure for Measure informal women' is used for just the contrary. 1 i. e. dismal:-'dismolde and sorrie, atra funestus.' |