1 that their acquaintance lasted, periods equivalent in the whole to about quarters of a year only fell under the personal notice of Boswell—and t been left many a long hiatus-valde deflendus, but now, alas, quite irrepa Mr. Boswell endeavoured, indeed, to fill up these chasms as well as h with Johnson's letters to his absent friends; but much the largest, and, purpose, the most valuable part of his correspondence, was out of his namely, that which Dr. Johnson for twenty years maintained with Mrs. and which she published in 1788, in two volumes octavo. For the copy these, Mr. Boswell says, in a tone of admiring envy, "she received fiv dred pounds." The publication, however, was not very successful-i reached a second edition, and is now almost forgotten. But through th ters are scattered almost the only information we have relative to Johnson the long intervals between Mr. Boswell's visits; and from them he has oc ally but cautiously (having the fear of the copyright law before his eyes interesting extracts. These letters being now public property, the editor has been at liberty low up Mr. Boswell's imperfect example, and he has therefore made nu and copious selections from them, less as specimens of Johnson's tale letter-writing, than as notices of his domestic and social life during the in of Mr. Boswell's narrative. Indeed, as letters, few of Johnson's can ha great charm for the common reader; they are full of good sense and g ture, but in forms too didactic and ponderous to be very amusing. If the could have ventured to make so great an alteration in Mr. Boswell's plan, he would—instead of adding so many letters 2-have been inclined omitted all, except those which might be remarkable for some peculiar or which might tend to complete the history of Johnson's life. In the la tracts which have been made from Mrs. Thrale's correspondence, he ha guided entirely by this latter object. The most important addition, however, which the editor has made, is o needs no apology-he has incorporated with the LIFE the whole of the TO THE HEBRIDES, which Mr. Boswell published in one volume in 178 which, no doubt, if he could legally have done so, he would himself h corporated in the LIFE-of which indeed he expressly tells us, he looks TOUR but as a portion. It is only wonderful, that since the copyright pired, any edition of the Life of Johnson should have been published with addition of this, the most original, curious, and amusing portion of the biography. The Prayers and Meditations, published with rather too much hast Johnson's death by Dr. Strahan, have also been made use of to an exten was forbidden to Mr. Boswell. What Dr. Strahan calls Meditations are, It appears from the LIFE, that Mr. Boswell visited England a dozen times during his ance with Dr. Johnson, and that the number of days on which they met were about 180, is to be added the time of the TOUR, during which they met daily from the 18th A the 22d November, 1773; in the whole about 276 days. The number of pages in the tions of the two works is 2528, of which, 1320 are occupied by the history of these 276 that little less than an hundredth part of Dr. Johnson's life occupies above one hai Boswell's works. Every one must regret that his personal intercourse with his great friend more frequent or more continued; but the editor could do but little towards rectifying th portion, except by the insertion of the correspondence with Mrs. Thrale.-ED. 2 The number of original letters in this edition is about 100-the number of those colle various publications (including the extracts from Mrs. Piozzi's) is about 200.-ED. These Meditations have been the cause of much ridicule and some obloquy, which not wholly undeserved if it were true, as Dr. Strahan thoughtlessly gave the world to sup they were arranged by Dr. Johnson, and delivered to Dr. Strahan for the express purpose cation. An inspection of the original manuscripts (now properly and fortunately lodged in 1 College) has convinced the editor (and, as he is glad to find, every body else who has them), that the opinion derived from Dr. Strahan's statement echoed by Mr. Boswell, is w founded. In the confusion of a mind which the approach of death was beginning to affect, agitation which a recent attempt to spoliate two of his note books had occasioned, Dr. John to have given Dr. Strahan a confused bundle of loose papers scraps, half-sheets, and a f Bothing but Diaries of the author's moral and religious state of mind, intermixed with some notices of his bodily health and of the interior circumstances of his mestic life. Mr. Boswell had ventured to quote some of these: the present ection contains all that appear to offer any thing of interest. The editor has also incorporated in this work a small volume, published in 1922, but now become scarce, containing an Account of Dr. Johnson's Early Life, en by himself, and a curious correspondence with Miss Boothby, of which Mr. Boswell had given one, and Mrs. Piozzi three or four letters1. Mr. Duppa published in 1806, with copious explanatory notes, a diary which Jotason had kept during a Tour through North Wales, made, in 1775, in compaBy with Mr. Thrale and his family. Mr. Boswell had, it appears, inquired in Tan for this diary: if he could have obtained it, he would, no doubt, have inserted it, as he did the similar notes of the Tour in France in the succeeding year. By the liberality of Mr. Duppa, the editor has been enabled to incorporate this volume with the present edition. The editor will now recapitulate the publications which will be found, in the le or in part, in the volumes of the present edition. 1. The whole of Mr. Malone's edition of Boswell's Life of Johnson, 4 vols. 8vo. 2. The whole of the first and most copious edition of Boswell's Tour to the Hrides, 1 vol. 8vo. 3. The whole (though differently arranged) of Mrs. Piozzi's Anecdotes of Dr Janson, 1 vol. sm. 8vo. 4. The whole of Dr. Johnson's Tour in Wales, with notes, by R. Duppa, Esq., 1 vol. 12mo. 5. The whole of an Account of the Early Life of Dr. Johnson, with his Correspondence with Miss Boothby, 1 vol. 16mo. 6. A great portion of the Letters to and from Dr. Johnson, published by H. L. Pozzi, 2 vols. 8vo. 7. Large extracts from the Life of Dr. Johnson, by Sir J. Hawkins, 1 vol. 8vo. 8. All, that had not been already anticipated by Mr. Boswell or Mrs. Piozzi, of the "Apophthegms, Sentiments, and Opinions of Dr. Johnson," published by Sir J. Hawkins, in his edition of Johnson's works. 9. Extracts from Sketches of Dr. Johnson, by Thomas Tyers, Esq., a pampriet, in 8vo. 10. Extracts from Murphy's Essay on the Life of Dr. Johnson, from Mr. Nicheis' and Mr. Stevens' contributions to the Gentleman's and London Magazines, and from the Lives and Memoirs of Cumberland, Cradock, Miss Hawkins, Lord Chariemont, the Wartons, and other friends and acquaintances of Dr. Johnson. 11. The whole of a Poetical Review of the Character of Dr. Johnson, by John Courtenay, Esq., in 4to. But besides these printed materials, the editor has been favoured with many papers connected with Dr. Johnson, his life, and society, hitherto unpublished. Of course, his first inquiries were directed towards the original manuscript of Mr. Boswell's Journal, which would no doubt have enabled him to fill up all the blanks and clear away much of the obscurity that exist in the printed LIFE. It was to be hoped that the archives of Auchinleck, which Mr. Boswell frequently and pompously mentions, would contain the original materials of these works, wach he himself, as well as the world at large, considered as his best claims to ed together. The greater part of these papers were the Prayers, the publication of which, no Dr. Strahan says so), Dr. Johnson sanctioned; but mixed with them were those Diaries tow it is probable that Dr. Johnson did not advert, and which there is every reason to suppose he ald have intended to submit to any human eye but his own. Well understood, as the secret s of his own contrite conscience, they do honour to Dr. Johnson's purity and piety; but éfferent would be their character, if it appeared that he had ostentatiously prepared them for See more on this subject in the notes, vol. i. p. 97, and vol. ii. November 16, 1784. The correspondence will be found in the Appendix to vol. i.-ED. Mr. Boswell, in his subsequent editions, omitted some and softened down other passages, which, the reason for the alterations having gone by, are restored.-Ed. distinction. And the editor thought that he was only fulfilling the dut courtesy in requesting from Mr. Boswell's representative any information he might be disposed to afford on the subject. To that request the edit never received any answer: though the same inquiry was afterwards, on half, repeated by Sir Walter Scott, whose influence might have been ex to have produced a more satisfactory result'. But the editor was more fortunate in other quarters. The Reverend Hall, Master of Pembroke College, was so good as to collate the printed of the Prayers and Meditations with the original papers, now (most appropr deposited in the library of that college, and some, not unimportant, lig been thrown on that publication by the personal inspection of the papers he permitted the editor to make. Doctor Hall has also elucidated some facts and corrected some mistat in Mr. Boswell's account of Johnson's earlier life, by an examination college records; and he has found some of Johnson's college exercises, two specimens of which have been selected as likely to interest the cl reader. He has also been so obliging as to select and copy several written by Dr. Johnson to his early and constant friends, the daughters Thomas Aston, which, having fallen into the hands of Mrs. Parker, w her son, the Reverend S. H. Parker, presented to Pembroke College. papers derived from this source are marked Pemb. MSS. Dr. Hall, fe fraternal interest in the most illustrious of the sons of Pembroke, has con (as will appear in the course of the work), to favour the editor with his va assistance. The Reverend Dr. Harwood, the historian of Lichfield, procured for itor, through the favour of Mrs. Pearson, the widow of the legatee of Mis Porter, many letters addressed to this lady by Dr. Johnson; for which, it Mr. Boswell had inquired in vain. These papers are marked Pearson Dr. Harwood supplied also some other papers, and much information co by himself". Lord Rokeby, the nephew and heir of Mrs. Montagu, has been so kin communicate Dr. Johnson's letters to that lady. Mr. Langton, the grandson of Mr. Bennet Langton, has furnished the with some of his grandfather's papers, and several original MSS. of Dr. son's Latin poetry, which have enabled the editor to explain some erro obscurities in the published copies of those compositions. Mr. J. F. Palmer, the grand-nephew of Sir Joshua Reynolds and o Reynolds, has most liberally communicated all the papers of that lady, c ing a number of letters or rather notes of Dr. Johnson to her, which, h trivial in themselves, tend to corroborate all that the biographers have of the charity and kindness of his private life. Mr. Palmer has also cont a paper of more importance-a MS. of about seventy pages, written b Reynolds, and entitled Recollections of Dr. Johnson. The authenticity an eral accuracy of these Recollections cannot be doubted, and the editor has fore admitted extracts from them into the text; but as he did not rece paper till a great portion of the work had been printed, he has given the which he could not incorporate with the text, in the General Appendix. Sir Walter Scott and Sir James Boswell to whom, as the grandson of Mr. Boswell, the were addressed, unfortunately missed one another in mutual calls; but the editor has he another quarter that the original journals do not exist at Auchinleck: perhaps to this fact th of Sir James Boswell may be attributed. The manuscript of the TOUR was, it is know transcribed, and so, probably, were portions of the LIFE; but it appears from a memorand and other papers in Mr. Anderdon's possession, that Mr. Boswell's materials were in a v forms; and it is feared that they have been irretrievably dispersed.-Ed. 2 Dr. Harwood has also favoured the editor with permission to engrave, for this edition, est known portrait of Dr. Johnson-a miniature worn in a bracelet by his wife, which Dr. purchased from Francis Barber, Dr. Johnson's servant and legatee.-ED.] A less perfect copy of these Recollections was also communicated by Mr. Gwat married one of Sir Joshua's nieces, for which the editor begs leave to offer his thanks.—Ed. Mr. Markland has, as the reader will, in some degree, see by the notes to which his name is affixed, contributed a great deal of zealous assistance and valuable information. He also communicated a copy of Mrs. Piozzi's Anecdotes, copiously annotated, propriâ manu, by Mr. Malone. These notes have been of use in explaining some obscurities; they guide us also to the source of many of Mr. Boswell's charges against Mrs. Piozzi; and have had an effect that Mr. Malone could neither have expected or wished-that of tending rather to confirm than to impeach that lady's veracity. Mr. J. L. Anderdon favoured the editor with the inspection of a portfolio bought at the sale of the library of Mr. James Boswell, junior, which contained some of the original letters, memoranda, and note books, which had been used as materials for the LIFE. Their chief value, now, is to show that as far as we may judge from this specimen, the printed book is a faithful transcript from the original notes, except only as to the suppression of names. Mr Anderdon's portfolio also contains Johnson's original draft of the Prospectus of the Dictionary, and a fair copy of it (written by an amanuensis, but signed, in form, by Johnson), addressed to Lord Chesterfield, on which his lordship appears to have made a few critical notes'. Macleod, the son of the young gentleman who, in 1773, received Dr. Johnson and Mr. Boswell at his ancient castle of Dunvegan, has communicated a fragment of an autobiography of his father, which, on account as well of the mention of that visit as of the interest which the publications of both Johnson and Boswell excited about this young chieftain, the editor has preserved in the appendix to the first volume. Through the obliging interposition of Mr. Appleyard, private secretary of Lord Spencer, Mrs. Rose, the daughter of Dr. Strahan, has favoured the editor with copies of several letters of Dr. Johnson to her father, one or two only of which Mr. Boswell had been able to obtain. In addition to these contributions of manuscript materials, the editor has to acknowledge much and valuable assistance from numerous literary and distinguished friends. The venerable Lord Stowel, the friend and executor of Dr. Johnson, was one of the first persons who suggested this work to the editor: he was pleased to take a great interest in it, and kindly endeavoured to explain the obscurities which were stated to him; but he confessed, at the same time, that the application had in some instances come rather too late, and regretted that an edition on this principle had not been undertaken when full light might have been obtained. His lordship was also so kind as to dictate, in his own happy and peculiar style, some notes of his recollections of Dr. Johnson. These, by a very unusual accident 2, were lost, and his lordship's great age and increasing infirmity have deterred the editor from again troubling him on the subject. A few points, however, in which the editor could trust to his recollection, will be found in the notes. To his revered friend, Dr. Elrington, Lord Bishop of Ferns, the editor begs leave to offer his best thanks for much valuable advice and assistance, and for 1 This attention on the part of Lord Chesterfield renders still more puzzling Johnson's conduct towards his lordship (see vol. i. p. 110, et seq.), and shows that there was some mistake in the statement attributed to Doctor Taylor (v. i. p. 74) that the manuscript had reached Lord Chesterfield accidentally, and without Dr. Johnson's knowledge or consent.-ED. They were transmitted by post, addressed to Sir Walter Scott in Edinburgh for his perusal; after a considerable lapse of time, Sir Walter was written to to return them-he had never had them. It then appeared that the post office bag which contained this packet and several others had been lost, and it has never been heard of. Some of the editor's friends have reproached him with want of due caution in having trusted this packet to the post, but he thinks unjustly. There is, perhaps, no individual now alive who has despatched and received so great a number of letters as the editor, and he can scarcely recollect an instance of a similar loss.-ED, B rest with which his lordship has for many honoured him. undaess to the editor and indefatigable assed only by his genius, found time from w a considerable portion of this work-the on his evitinued his aid to the very conclusion. Yobt S: James Mackintosh, whose acquaintance with litehamp a history is so extensive, and who, although not of the pisle, became early in life acquainted with most of the survivors of not only approved and encouraged the editor's design, but has, as sender will see, been good enough to contribute to its execution. It were to be wished, that he himself could have been induced to undertake the work— too humble indeed for his powers, but which he is, of all men now living, perhaps, the fittest to execute. Mr. Alexander Chalmers, the ingenious and learned editor of the last London edition, has, with great candour and liberality, given the present editor all the assistance in his power-regretting and wondering, like Lord Stowel and Sir James Mackintosh, that so much should be forgotten of what, at no remote period, every body must have known. To Mr. D'Israeli's love and knowledge of literary history, and to his friendly Assistance, the editor is very much indebted; as well as to Mr. Ellis of the Batish Museum, for the readiness he has on this and all other occasions shown to afford the editor every information in his power. The Marquis Wellesley has taken an encouraging interest in the work, and has improved it by some valuable observations; and the Marquis of Lansdowne, Earl Spencer, Lord Bexley, and Lord St. Helens, the son of Dr. Johnson's early friend Mr. Fitzherbert, have been so obliging as to answer some inquiries with which it was found necessary to trouble them. How the editor may have arranged all these materials, and availed himself of so much assistance, it is not for him to decide. Situated as he was when he began and until he had nearly completed this work, he could not have ventured to undertake a more serious task; and he fears that even this desultory and gossiping kind of employment will be found to have suffered from the weightier occupations in which he was engaged, as well as from his own deficiencies. If unfortunately he shall be found to have failed in his attempt to improve the original work, he will still have the consolation of thinking that there is no great harm done. For, as he has retrenched nothing from the best editions of the LIFE and the TOUR, and has contrived to compress all his additions within the same number of volumes, he trusts that the purchasers of this edition can have no reasonable cause to complain. The additions are carefully discriminated', and hardly a syllable' of Mr. Boswell's text or of the notes in Mr. Malone's editions have been omitted. So that the worst that can happen is that all the present editor has contributed may, if the reader so pleases, be rejected as surplusage. Of the value of the notes with which his friends have favoured him, the editor can have no doubt; of his own, he will only say, that he has endeavoured to make them at once concise and explanatory. He hopes he has cleared up some obscurities, supplied some deficiencies, and, in many cases, saved the reader the trouble of referring to dictionaries and magazines for notices of the various persons and facts which are incidentally mentioned". By being inserted between brackets, thus [ ]. In a few instances, one or other of these marks has been by an error of the press omitted, but it is hoped that the context will always enable the reader to rectify the mistake.-Ed. 2 In two or three places an indelicate expression has been omitted; and, in half a dozen instances (always, however, stated in the notes), the insertion of new matter has occasioned the omission or alteration of a few words in the text.-ED 3 As some proof of diligence, the editor may be allowed to state that the Variorum notes to the former edition were fewer than 1100, while the number of his additional notes is nearly 2500.-ED |