EDUCATION REPORT, 1893-94. TABLE 5.-Statistics of endowed academies, seminaries, and 1140 New York City (336 West 29th st.). 1141 New York City (423 Madison ave.). 1142 New York City (233 Lenox ave.). 1143 New York City (110 West 79th st.). 1144 New York City (26 East 56th st.). 1145 New York City (92d Lyon's Classical School..... Moeller Institute I. H. Morse's Classical School.. New York Collegiate Institute. The Oxford School... 3 4 Bacon and Campbell... Nonsect Miss Lydia Day Edward B. Condon... Nonsect Arthur H. Cutler Nonsect Brother Pompain.. R. C Frank Drisler.. Nonsect H. C. Miller and Arthur Nonsect Williams. Miss Sara M. Ely.......... Nonsect Sister Ellen Mahony...... R. C...... Edward A. H. Allen, C. E. Friends.. Rev. Charles H. Gardner.. Presb..... Miss Gayler. Nonsect Mademoiselle Ruel's School Mademoiselle Ruel........ Christian. for Girls. Rugby Academy. Dr. J. Sachs's Collegiate Institute for Boys. Dr. J. Sachs's Collegiate Insti st. and Central 1146 New York City (38 1148 New York City (233 East 17th st.). Nonsect.. Sister of St. John Baptist. Epis tute for Girls. St. John Baptist School...... do St. Mary's School for Girls..... Sister Anna.. St. Teresa's Ursuline Academy. Miss Walker's School for Girls. Weingart Institute.. West End Avenue School...... Misses Whiton and Bangs's School. Wilson and Kellogg School.... Woodbridge School....... De Vaux School... The Nyack School for Girls.... Oxford Academy Mohegan Lake School. Epis Mother M. Seraphine ..... R.C Miss Clara B. Spence Nonsect Miss J. Y. Walker.. Nonsect Nonsect Mrs. Matilda Wiel... Nonseet S. Weingart......... Nonseet Miss Martha S. Thompson | Nonsect Chester Donaldson... Nonseet Miss Mary B. Whiton, Nonseet A. B. F. F. Wilson, A. M.; L. M. Nonseet Kellogg, M. D. J. Woodbridge Davis, Ph. D., C. E. Reginald H. Coe Mrs. Imogene Bertholf. Rev. Curtis C. Gove, A. M. Herbert P. Gallinger...... The Peekskill Military Acad- Dr. J. N. Tilden. emy. St. Gabriel's School. West Chester County Institute Charles Unterreiner.. Nonsect P. E Nonseet P. E Henry Waters.. Nonseet.. Nonseet.. P. E Sister Esther Evans Academy Edward R. Hall. Pike Seminary.. Seymour Smith Academy.... D'Youville Academy. Pompey Academy Classical and Home Institute.. Quincy School.. 1186 1187 do. 1188 Rome 1189 Round Lake..... 1190 Sherwood St. Peter's Academy Sherwood Select School. Ray H. Whitbeek.... Rev. Abraham Mattice, Δ. Μ. Sister M. A. Roby. Miss Sarah V. H. Butler.. Samuel W. Buck.. Miss Mary C. Alhger.... Rev. E. A. Bishop, presi M.E...... dent. Miss Georgia C. Stone.... Epis.. Miss J. H. and Miss M. D. Nichols. J. Steinhaeuser Sister Holy Family Miss A. Gertrude Handers Ev. Luth.. R.C...... Μ.Ε...... Nonseet.. |