* Statistics of 1892-93. a Some of these are double. b Approximately. c Salaries of clerks and janitors included in columns 12 and 13. TABLE 2.-Statistics of property, receipts, and expenditures of public school systems of cities of over 8,000 inhabitants-Continued. 27,000 46,184 115, 409 63,514 28,930 31,500 City. Number of buildings used for school pur poses. Total number of seats or sittings for study. Value of all public property used for school purposes. portionmentor From State ap taxes. priations or From city approtaxes. Receipts for the school year 1893-94. Expenditures for the school year 1893-94. From countyand other taxes. From all other sources. Total. Total amount avail. able for use during the year. vestments and lasting iminprovements. Permanent teachers and supervising For salaries of officers. incidental ex. For current and penses. 149 New Orleans*. 150 Auburn 151 Augusta 152 Bangor... 153 Bath 154 Biddeford 155 Calais... 156 Lewiston.. 24 3,380 275,000 19, 393 157 Portland 28,000 18 6,322 300,000 26,065 140,935 158 Rockland 10 1,500 58,383 5,623 13,960 159 Baltimore 160 Frederick 161 Hagerstown* 162 Adams.... 163 Amesbury 164 Attleboro 165 Beverly.. 166 Boston 167 Brockton* For evening schools. Total. 202 Spencer 17 2,275 126,600 18,238 27, 424 205, 320 205, 320 31,965 125,025 42,953 4,980 204, 923 1,490 86, 925 86,925 0 63,387 21,399 2,124 86,910 0 67,980 1,200 49, 209 15, 403 2,168 67,980 18 208.400 31,661 42,587 20 2,550 141,650 1,070 42,370 52,052 30,238 12,075 538 14 2,650 250,000 0 203 Springfield 204 Taunton 205 Waltham.. 206 Westfield 207 Weymouth... 208 Woburn.... 209 Worcester.. 55 16,894 1, 666, 258 0 42, 851 45,655 439, 423 1 : i TABLE 2.-Statistics of property, receipts, and expenditures of public school systems of cities of over 8,000 inhabitants-Continued. $32, 536 41,500 48, 328 63, 670 42, 885 39, 808 25,734 31, 174 127,800 19,000 22,000 37, 320 46, 447 14, 950 380,772 26,500 692, 851 18,006 460, 888 City. Number of buildings used for school pur poses. Total number of seats or sittings for study. Value of all public property used for school purposes. From State apportionmentor taxes. Receipts for the school year 1893-94. Expenditures for the school year 1893-94. From city appro priations or taxes. From county and other taxes. From all other sources. Total. Total amount available for use during the year. Permanent in vestments and lasting improvements. For salaries of teachers and supervising officers. For current and incidental ex penses. For evening schools. MICHIGAN-continued. 220 Ishpeming*. Jackson: 223 Kalamazoo 224 Lansing.. 225 Manistee.. 226 Marquette 227 Menominee 228 Muskegon..... 229 Owosso 230 Port Huron 231 Sault Ste. Marie.... 232 Traverse City.... 233 West Bay City.. MINNESOTA. 234 Duluth.. 235 Mankato 236 Minneapolis. 237 St. Cloud.. MISSISSIPPI. 1241 Meridian * 242 Natchez * 243 Vicksburg.. MISSOURI. 244 Carthage 9 2,140 110,000 a 5, 037 25,034 (α) Total. 4 2,302 150,000 17,503 24,814 7 2,606 200,000 21, 126 37, 910 5,056 42,317 64, 092 48.547 26,983 20,770 84, 310 45,932 17,560 47,753 63, 492 15, 036 4,926 19,962 20 8,974 519, 347 5,000 178, 457 58.843 242,300 273, 121 20,000 112,285 49,850 5,503 187, 638 9 4,282 240,400 50,679 34,303 0 0 277 Harrison 2 1,000 60,000 11,063 6,112 116,982 | 31,806 57,812 25, 340 0 114, 958 11,000 3,000 1,300 15,300 103,569 36, 191 139,760 83 280 Long Branch.. 9 2,550 170, 800 15, 966 33,500 1, 572 351,747 51, 038 528,964 b150,000 48,828 4,276 339, 252 80,682 26, 226 27,288 17,934 71,448 281 Millville* 282 Morristown 2 1,100 90,000, 10,584 15,000 1. 1,029 26,613 27, 495 1,948 17,083 15,246 6,376 23,459 6, 061 23, 255 272 Atlantic City......... 273 Bayonne 274 Bridgeton*. 275 Camden.. 276 Elizabeth * Statistics of 1892-93. f The sum of these items is $39,628. a Receipts from county taxes are included in column 5. b Approximately. |