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have de satisfaction, de terrible satisfaction for


You shall pay. By God, sar, you

shall pay―de money for this."

That evening Mr. Turnbull was summoned to appear at Bow Street on the following morning for the assault. He met Monsieur Tagliabue with his lawyer, and acknowledged that he had kicked him out of his house for swindling his wife, refused all accommodation, and was prepared with his bail. Monsieur Tagliabue stormed and blustered, talked about his acquaintance with the nobility; but the magistrate had seen too much of foreigners to place much reliance on their asseverations. "Who are you, monsieur ?"


Sar, I am a gentleman."

"What profession are you of, sir?"

"Sar, a gentleman has no profession." "But how do you live, Monsieur Tagliabue?"

“As a gentleman always does, sar,"

"You mentioned Lord Scrope just now as your particular friend, I think ?"

“Yes, sar, me very intimate with Lord Scrope; me spend three months at Scrope Castle with mi Lady Scrope; mi Lady Scrope very fond of Madame Tagliabue.”


Very well, Monsieur Tagliabue; we must proceed with another case until Mr. Turnbull's bail arrives. Sit down for a little while, if please."


Another case was then heard, which lasted about half an hour; but previous to hearing it, the magistrate, who knew that Lord Scrope was in town, had despatched a runner with a note to his lordship, and the answer was now brought back. The magistrate read it and smiled; went on with the other case, and when it was finished, said, "Now, M. Tagliabue, you have said that you were very intimate with Lord Scrope."

"Yes, sar, very intimate."

"Well, Lord Scrope I have the pleasure of knowing, and as he is in town, I wrote a note to him, and here is his answer. I will read it." M. Tagliabue turned pale as the magistrate read the following:

"DEAR SIR,-A fellow of the name you mention came from Russia with me as my valet. I discharged him for dishonesty; after he left, Lady Scrope's attendant, who it appeared was, unknown to us, married to him, left also, and then I discovered their peculations to have been so extensive, that had we known where to have laid hold of him, I should certainly have brought them before you. Now the affair is forgotten; but a greater scoundrel never existed.

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"Now, sir, what have you to say for your

self?" continued the magistrate, in a severe tone. M. Tagliabue fell on his knees, and begged for mercy from the magistrate, from Lord Scrope, and lastly from Mr. Turnbull, to whom he proffered the draft for £200. The magistrate, seeing that Mr. Turnbull did not take it, said to him, "Make no ceremony of taking your money back again, Mr. Turnbull; the very offer of it proves that he has gained it dishonestly; and £600 are quite enough to haye lost." Mr. Turnbull then took the cheque and tore it in pieces, and the magistrate ordered M. Tagliabue to be taken to the alien office, and he was sent to the other side of the channel, in company with his wife, to play écarté with whomsoever he pleased: thus ended this episode of Monsieur Tagliabue.




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