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Harris, William T. -Continued.


On positions held by graduates of public
schools, 625 note.

On religions instruction, 1643.
Hartford, Conn., population, 9.

Harvard law school, institutions represented,

Harvard University, students in prepared by pri-
vate teachers, 678.

Havre, summary of proceedings of the educa
tional congress, 303-305.

Hawaii, statistics of elementary education, 2284-


Hayes, Rutherford B., on John F. Slater, 1423.
Head teachers, training course for, 507.
Hebrews, primitive education among, 1798.
Heinrich, educated at Utrecht, 478.

Hemenway, Mary, addresses on work of, 1305-1317.
Henry the Fowler, sons educated at Utrecht, 478.
Herbartianism, the new education in Germany,

Herderwijk, university founded at, 478.

Hervey, Walter L., teaches at Chautauqua, 1036.
Hesse, statistics of elementary education in, 412,
413, 416, 2280-2281.

Hieronymians, the, establish schools. 478.
Higgins Memorial Hall at Chautauqua, 1050.
Higginson, T. W., on women and men-the as-
sault on private schools, 1317-1318.
High schools, characteristics of, in America, 630-
631; in Canada, documents dealing with in-
spection, 666-669; in Italy, 559-564.

Needed in England, 634.

Statistics, 36-105, 1810-2016; of appropriations,
46, 47, 86, 103; of endowment, 32-35; of normal
students, 141, 142.

Technical subjects, 635-636,

See also Secondary schools.

Higher burgher schools in Holland, 511-514.
Higher criticism at Chautauqua, 1033.

Higher education, comparative statistics, 184-233.
In Poland 713-793; in Germany, 471-472; in the
South, 1747-1751; in the United States, statis-
tical review, 149-233.

See also Colleges; Universities.

Higher grade schools, necessity for, in England,
612-614, 615.

Higher instruction, expenditures for, in Holland,

Higher normal school of Paris, description of,

Hill, Frank A., on conveyance of children to
school, 1474-1476.

Hill, Thomas, on religious instruction, 1643.

Hillsdale College, admission by certificate, 1184.
Historical department, University of Lemberg.779.
Historical sketch of former royal commissions,

Historical tripos, Cambridge, 862.

Historico-philological faculty, University of War-

saw, 752, 756,

Historico-philosophical department, Cracow, 768.
History, American, English methods of teaching,


Statistics, students in secondary schools, 42, 45,
53, 56, 67; in German public elementary schools,
407-415, 417, 420.

Study of, in Swiss normal schools, 433.
Teaching of, in Italy, 570-571.

History and political science at Chantauqua, 1024.
Hodge, N. A, on religious instruction. 1641.
Holiday schools in Italy, 547

Holidays in early Georgia schools, 1728.
Holland, coeducation in, 1118.

Compulsory education requirements, 1122.
Education in, 475-542.

Pension to teachers, 1104.

See also Netherlands.

Holland Christian Reformed parochial schools,
1663, 1664.

Hollkann, F., on rural schools in Germany, 381-403.
Home instruction in Holland, 480.

Home students, registered women. Oxford, 849.
Homeopathic medical schools, statistics, 239, 242,
249, 2186-2187.

Honduras, education of women, 947.

Honor examinations, Oxford, women's special,


Honors schools, Oxford, 822-830.

[blocks in formation]

Iceland, education of women, 916.

Laws as to women in public affairs, 967.
Women in medicine, 953.

Icelanders, schools in Manitoba, 277.
Idaho, college presidents, 1136, 1145.
Compulsory education requirements, 1121.
Religions instruction, 1654-1655.
School laws as to women. 964.
State superintendent, 1127.

Statistics of business colleges, 2222-2223, 2226-
2227; of city school systems, 14, 15; of colleges
and universities, 155-157, 159, 161-163, 167-169,
188-196, 198-206, 227, 2117, 2134; of common
schools, xxxv-xlii; of denominational col.
leges and universities, 154; of normal schools,
128-148; of parochial schools, 1664: of private
schools, xlviii, 2034-2935; of school houses and
property, xlvii; of school income and expen-
diture, lii-lvii; of secondary schools, 37-45,
47-56, 59-67, 69, 71-105, 1900, 2034-2035; of
teachers' salaries, xlv-xlvi.

The school district in, 1467.

Illinois, amount of education per inhabitant, xiii.
College presidents, 1136, 1141, 1143, 1145, 1149.
Compulsory education requirements, 1121.
Early education in, 1539-1544.

Education of the negro, 1338, 1348.
Flag law, 1652.

Law for teachers' pension fund in great cities,

School laws as to women, 960.

State and city superintendents, 1127, 1128-1129.
Statistics of business colleges, 2222-2223, 2226-
2229; of city school systems, 14, 15, 17, 1838, 1849,
1860, 1870, 1880; of colleges and universities.
155-157, 159, 161-163, 165-169, 172-177, 181, 183-
184, 188-206, 209-217, 221-231, 233, 1217, 2117-
2118, 2134-2135; of colleges and universities re-
porting teachers' training courses, 112, 118-120;
of colleges for women, 172-177, 209-217, 2156,
2158; of common schools, xxxv-xlii; of denomi
national colleges and aniversities, 154; of den-
tal schools, 240, 250-251, 2188; of institutions
for the blind, 2261, 2263, 2266; of institutions
for the deaf, 2249, 2250, 2254, 2256-2258, 2259,
2260; of institutions for the feeble-minded,
2267, 2268, 2270; of law schools, 237, 245-246,
2179; of manual training schools, 2170; of
medical schools, 238-239, 247-249, 2182-2183
2186-2187; of normal schools, 128-148, 2200-2201,
2210-2211; of nurse-training schools, 241, 254-
255, 2193; of parochial schools, 1664, 1665; of
pharmacy schools, 252-253, 2190; of private
schools, xlviii, 2034-2037; of reform schools,
2271, 2276-2277; of school houses and property,


xlvii; of school income and expenditure, lii-
Ivii; of schools of technology, 181-184, 221–226,
228-231, 233, 2166, 2168; of schools of theology
236, 243-244, 2172; of schools of veterinary medi
cine, 2192; of secondary schools, 37-45, 48-56,
58-67, 69, 71-105, 1900-1906, 2001, 2034-2037; of
teachers and salaries, xlv-xlvi.

The school district in, 1465.

Illinois State Teachers' Association, discussion
on religious instruction, 1643-1645.

Illinois Wesleyan University, admission by cer
tificate, 1182.

Illiteracy, negro, 1332-1334, 1413-1415.

Statistics in Italy, 548.

Imber, Naphtali Herz, on education and the Tal-
mud, 1795-1820.

Immigration, effect on school systems, 1619.
Imperial Academy of Sciences, Cracow, 766-771.
Imperial Royal School of Technology in Lem.
berg, 782-783.

Income. See Receipts.

India, education of women, 945.

Indian Territory, college presidents, 1136.

Statistics of city school systems, 14, 15; of col-
leges and universities, 155-158, 160, 162-164, 166,
168-169, 188-200, 202-204, 206, 2118, 2135; of col
leges and universities reporting teachers'
training courses, 112; of denominational col-
leges and universities, 153; of normal schools,
128-148; of parochial schools, 1664; of second-
ary schools, 36, 38-46, 48-56, 58-68, 70, 72-105,
1913, 2002, 2038-2039.

Indiana, college presidents, 1136, 1141, 1143, 1145,


Early education in, 1535-1539.

Education of the negro, 1340, 1348.
School laws as to women, 961.

State and city superintendents, 1127, 1129.
Statistics of business colleges, 2222-2223, 2228,
2229; of city school systems, 14, 15, 17, 1839, 1850,
1860, 1870, 1881; of colleges and universities,
155-158, 161-163, 165-169, 172, 175-177, 181-184,
188-206, 209-214, 216-217, 221-233, 1217-1218,
2119, 2135; of colleges and universities report-
ing teachers' training classes, 112, 120; of col-
leges for women, 172, 175-177, 209-214, 216–217,
2158; of cominon schools, xxxv-xlii; of denomi
national colleges and universities, 154; of den-
tal schools, 240, 250-251, 2188; of institutions
for the blind, 2261, 2263, 2266; ofinstitutions for
the deaf, 2249, 2250, 2254, 2256-2258; of institu
tions for the feeble-minded, 2267, 2268, 2270; of
law schools, 237, 245-246, 2179-2180; of medical
schools, 238-239, 247-249, 2181-2185, 2186-2187;
of normal schools, 128-148, 2200-2201, 2212-
2213; of nurse-training schools, 241, 254-255,
2193; of parochial schools, 1664; of pharmacy
schools, 252-253, 2190; of private schools, xlviii,
2036-2039; of reform schools, 2274, 2276-2277;
of school houses and property, xlvii; of school
income and expenditure, lii-Ivii; of schools of
technology, 181-184, 221-233, 2166, 2168; of
schools of theology, 236, 243-244, 2173: of
schools of veterinary medicine, 2192, of second-
ary schools, 37-45, 47-56, 58-67, 69, 71, 1907-1913,
2001-2002, 2036-2039; of teachers and salaries,

The school district in, 1465.

Indiana University, admission by certificate, 1171,

Indianapolis, Ind., population, 9.

Industrial and continuation schools, 1123-1125.
Industrial education, extract from report on, 670-


Industrial pursuits, opposed by secondary
schools, 674.

Industrial schools, in Belgium, 315; in Germany,
345-380; in Holland, 510-511; in Italy, 564-565;
in Rome, 562.

Infant asylum, in Rome, 562.

Infant schools in Holland, 488, 491-492, 493; in
Italy, 544.

Inspection, 591.

Documents used for, in New York, 651-665.
In Canada, documents relating to, 666-669; in
New York, Ontario, and Minnesota, 640-641,
646-647; in United States, 645-647.

Inspectors in Holland, 475, 486-487.

Institutions for the defective classes, statistics


Instruction in sociology, 1211-1221.
Instructors. See Teachers.

Intermediate education act, in Wales, effect, 600.
Iowa, Agricultural School in, 1192.

Amount of education per inhabitant, xiii.
City and State superintendents, 1127, 1129.
College presidents, 1136-1137, 1143, 1145, 1149.
School laws as to women, 961.

Statistics of business colleges, 2222-2223, 2228-
2231; of city schoolsystems, 14, 15, 17, 1838, 1850,
1861, 1871, 1881; of colleges and universities,
155-157, 159, 161-163, 165-169, 181-184, 188-206,
221, 223-233, 1218, 2119, 2135-2136; of colleges
and universities reporting teachers' training
courses, 112, 120; of common schools, xxxv-xlii;
of denominational colleges and universities,
154; of dental schools, 240, 250-251, 2188; of
institutions for the blind, 2262, 2263, 2266; of
institutions for the deaf, 2249, 2250, 2254, 2259,
2260; of institutions for the feeble-minded,
2267, 2268-2270; of law schools, 237, 245-246,
2180; of medical schools, 238-239, 247-249, 2182-
2183, 2186-2187; of normal schools, 128-148, 2200-
2201, 2212-2213; of nurse-training schools, 241,
254-255. 2193; of parochial schools, 1664, 1665;
of pharmacy schools, 252-253, 2190; of private
schools, xlviii, 2038-2041; of reform schools,
2274, 2276-2277; of school houses and property,
xlvii; of school income and expenditure, lii-
Ivii; of schools of technology, 181-184, 221, 223-
233, 2166 2168; of schools of theology, 236, 243-
244,2173; of secondary schools, 37-45, 47-56,
58-67, 69, 71-105, 1913-1920, 2002-2003, 2038-2011;
of teachers and salaries, xlv-xlvi.
The school district in, 1466.

Iowa State Agricultural College, admission by
certificate, 1175.

Ipsen. Mr., quoted on Dutch schools, 498.
Quoted on higher education, 486.
Ireland coeducation in, 1116.

Religious education in, 1624-1625.
School matters discussed, xvii-xviii.
Statistics, of colleges and universities, 259; of
elementary education, 2282-2283.
Women in medicine, 951.

Irish parentage, distribution of, 1631.

Italian, study of, in Swiss normal schools, 432, 445.
Italian emigrants in America, protection of, 1789-


Italy, area and population, 513.
Coeducation in, 1118.

Compulsory educational requirements, 1122.
Education in, 543-582.

Education in summarized, xxiii-xxiv.
Education of women, 937-940.
Pensions to teachers, 1105.
Religious instruction, 1628.

Statistics of elementary education, 2282-2283.
Women in medicine, 956.


Jackson, Sheldon, report on education in Alaska,


Jacobi, Mary Putnam, on women in medicine, 949,


Jacobs, Aletta, career, 485, 486.

Jacobs, Charlotte, Dutch pharmacist, 486.
Jagiellon University, 731, 765, 766.

Jamaica, statistics of elementary education, 2284-

Japan, education of women, 946, 947.

Statistics of elementary education, 2282–2283.
Java, Dutch schools in, 501-502.

Jay, John, on religious instruction, 1642-1643.
Jefferson, Thomas, and education in Washington,
1674-1675, 1676.

Jesuit schools in Poland, 736.

Jewish branch of Chautauqua Circle, 1013-1015.
Jewish education, 1618.

Johns Hopkins Hospital, 1261.

Johns Hopkins Medical School, 1261.

Johns Hopkins University, admission by certifi
cate, 1184.

Johnston, Richard Malcolm, on early educational
life in middle Georgia, 1699-1733.

Jordan. David Starr, on American law schools, Koerner, Chris., on parochial schools, 1648-1649,

On educating girls, 1280-1282.

Joseph II, work for education in Austrian Poland,


Kampen, military school at, 524.

Kansas, college presidents, 1137, 1141, 1144, 1145,

Compulsory education requirements, 1121.
School laws as to women, 961.

State and city superintendents, 1127, 1129.
Statistics of business colleges, 2222-2223, 2230-
2231; of city school systems, 14, 15, 17, 1838,
1851, 1861, 1871, 1881; of colleges and universi-
ties, 155-157, 159, 161-163, 165 169, 172, 175-177, |
181-184, 188-206, 209-217, 221, 223-224, 226–233,
1218, 2119-2120, 2136; of colleges and universi-
ties reporting teachers' training courses, 112,
120; of colleges for women, 172, 175-177, 209-
217, 2158; of common schools, XXXV-xlii; of de-
nominational colleges and universities, 154; of
institutions for the blind, 2262, 2263, 2266; of
institutions for the deaf, 2249, 2250, 2254; of in-
stitutions for the feeble-minded, 2267, 2268,
2170; of law schools, 237, 245-246, 2180; of medi-
cal schools, 238, 247-249, 2182-2183; of normal
schools, 128-148, 2200-2201, 2212-2213; of paro-
chial schools, 1664-1665; of pharmacy schools,
252-253, 2190; of private schools, xlviii, 2040-
2041; of reform schools, 2274, 2276-2277; of
school houses and property, xlvii; of school
income and expenditure, li-lvii; of schools of
technology, 181-184, 221, 223-224, 226-233, 2166,
2168; of secondary schools, 37-45, 47-56, 59–67,
69, 71-105, 1920-1923, 2003, 2040-2041; of teach-
ers and salaries, xlv-xlvii.
The school district in. 1466.

Kansas State Agricultural College, admission by
certificate, 1176.

Statistics, 1202, 1204, 1207.

Keane, J. J., on religious instruction, 1641-1642.
Kensington, Pa., population, 10.

Kentucky, college presidents, 1137, 1142, 1144, 1145,


Education of the negro, 1332-1340, 1348.
Establishment of State school fund, 1508.
Religious instruction, 1655.

School laws as to women, 961.

[ocr errors]

State and city superintendents, 1127, 1129.
Statistics of business colleges, 2222, 2223, 2230-
2231: of city school systems, 14, 15, 17, 1840,
1851, 1861, 1871, 1881; of colleges and universi-
ties, 155, 158, 160, 162-164, 156-169, 172, 175–177,
181-184.188-206,209-217, 221-233, 1218, 2120-2121,
2137; of colleges and universities reporting
teachers' training courses, 112-113; of colleges
for women, 172. 175-177, 209-217, 2158; of com-
mon schools, xxxy- xlii; of denominational col-
leges and universities, 153; of dental schools,
240, 250.251, 2188; of institutions for the blind,
2261, 2263, 2266; of institutions for the deaf,
2248, 2250, 2254; of institutions for the feeble-
minded, 2267, 2268, 2270: of law schools, 237,
245-246, 2180; of medical schools. 238-239, 247-
249, 2162-2183; of normal schools, 128-148, 2200-
2201, 2212-2215; of parochial schools, 1664; of
pharmacy schools, 252-253, 2190; of private
schools, xlviii, 2040-2045; of reform schools,
2273, 2276-2277; of school houses and property,
xlvii; of school income and expenditure, lii-
Ivii; of schools of technology, 181-184, 221-233,
2166, 2168; of schools of theology, 236, 243-214, 1
2173: of secondary schools, 36, 38-46. 48-57, 59-
68, 70, 72-105, 1924-1925, 2004, 2040-2045; of
teachers and salaries, xlv-xlvi.
The school district in, 1465.

Kiehle, D. L., on religious instruction, 1645.
Kiel, statistics of public elementary schools, 415.
Kimball, Miss Kate F., on Chautauqua Circle, 1016.
Secretary Chautauqua Literary and Scientific
Circle, 1007.

Kindergarten, at Chantauqua, 1053.

Kingsbury, Pres., on the tendency of men to live
in cities, 1282-1291.

Kingston, N. Y., population, 9.

Koenigsberg, University of, Polish origin, 737, 789-



[blocks in formation]

Languages, instruction in Holland, 519-520.
Lanier. Sidney, study of, by C. L. S. C., 1016.
Latin, examination in, Oxford, 813.
Introduced in Poland, 726.

Preparatory, Chautauqua, 1023.

Statistics, students in secondary schools, 39, 44,
50, 55, 64.

Study of, in Swiss normal schools. 432, 445.
Latter Day Saints, statistics of colleges and uni-
versities, 153–154.

Lavisse, M., quoted on admission of American
students in French universities, 305-306.
Law, woman in, 956-958.

Law faculty, University of Cracow, 770; Univer-
sity of Lemberg. 779; University of Warsaw,


[blocks in formation]


of German trade schools, 358; of law schools,
237, 2179-2181; of medical schools, 238-241,
2182-2187; of normal schools, 133, 139; of pri-
vate secondary schools, 2018-2113; of public
high schools, 1890-2016; of schools for defect-
ive classes, 2248-2249, 2261, 2262, 2270; of sec-
ondary schools, 46, 57, 58, 84, 101; of techno-
logical schools, 183, 229, 2168, 2169; of theo-
logical schools, 236, 2171-2178; of universities
and colleges, 168, 198, 199.

Library, the Count Ossoliński, 781.

Library, of University of Cracow, 771; of Uni-
versity of Lemberg, 781; of University of
Warsaw, 758, 759.

Lincoln, Nebr., prison work of Chautauqua cir-
cle, 1015.

Lincoln University, statistics, 1206, 1209.

Lippe, statistics of elementary education, 413,

Lissa, or Leszno, school of, 737-740.

Literæ humaniores examinations, Oxford, 822–827,

Lithuania, extent and conditions, 764-765.
Little-go examination, Cambridge, 857.

Local authorities, unification of, in English
schools, 586-588.

Local educational authority needed in England,

Local government of the Netherlands, 476-477.
Lockport, N. Y., population, 9.

Lodging and boarding in English colleges for
women, 889, 890.

London, bishop of, on organization and adminis
tration of secondary schools in England,

Lorraine, Duke of. learning, 478.

Lottery used to raise school funds, 1508-1509.
Loughlin, James F., on the Catholic Educational
Union, 1067.

Louisiana, college presidents. 1137, 1142, 1145, 1150.
Education of the negro, 1332-1340, 1348.
Establishment of State school fund, 1508.
History of education in, 1297-1805.
School laws as to women, 961.

State and city superintendents, 1127, 1130,
Statistics of business colleges, 2222-2223, 2230,
2231; of city school systems, 14, 15, 1840, 1851,
1862, 1872; of colleges and universities, 155-158,
160, 162-164, 166-169, 172, 175-177, 188, 206, 209-
217. 1218, 2121, 2137; of colleges and universi-
ties reporting teachers' training courses, 113;
of colleges for women, 172, 175-177, 209–217,
2160; of common schools, xxxv-xlii; of denomi
national colleges and universities, 153; of in-
stitutions for the blind, 2261, 2263, 2266; of
institutions for the deaf, 2248, 2251, 2254, 2259,
2260; of law schools, 237, 245-246, 2180; of
medical schools, 238, 247-248, 2182-2183; of
normal schools, 128-148, 2200-2201, 2214-2215;
of parochial schools, 1661; of pharmacy
schools, 252-253, 2190; of private schools,
xlviii, 2044-2047; of reform schools, 2273,
2276-2277; of school houses and property,
xlvii: of school income and expenditure,
lii-vii: of schools of theology, 236, 243-244,
2173; of secondary schools, 36, 38-46, 48-57,
59 68, 70, 72-105, 1925, 2004, 2044-2047; of teach-
ers and salaries, xlv-xlvi.
The school district in, 1485.
Louisiana State University, statistics, 1202, 1204,


[blocks in formation]

Lyceum Hosianum, in Prussian Poland, 790.
Lynchburg, Va., population, 10.
Lynn, Mass., population, 9.


Mabie, Hamilton W., on Chautauqua Circle move-
ment, 1022.

On John H. Vincent, 1060.

MacAlister, James, on art education in the public
schools, 793-803.

McCabe, Miss Lida Rose, The American Girl at
College, quoted, 902, 903.

MacCarthy, E. F. M., analysis of occupations of
parents of Past Bridge Street boys, 619-620.
On the organization and administration of sec-
ondary schools in England, 610-611.

Maciejowski, Samuel, and disturbance in Univer-
sity of Cracow, 733.

McCormick Theological Seminary, 1243.

McGolrick, James, on religious instruction, 1645-


McLean Hospital, 1208, 1269.

McNeill, George E., makes report on manual train-
ing, etc., 670, 671.

Madison, Ind., population, 9.

Mahaffy, J. P., Sunday at Chautauqua, 983.981.
Maine. college presidents, 1137, 1142, 1144, 1145,

Compulsory education requirements, 1121.
Early education in. 1603-1604.

Establishment of State school fund, 1508.
School laws as to women, 961.

State and city superintendents, 1127, 1130.
Statistics of business colleges, 2222-2223, 2230-
2231; of city school systems, 14-16, 1840, 1851,
1862, 1872, 1881; of colleges and universities,
155-158, 160, 162-161, 166-169, 172, 175-177, 181-
184,188-206, 209-217, 221, 223–224, 226–233, 1218,
2121, 2137; of colleges and universities report-
ing teachers' training courses, 113; of colleges
for women, 172, 175-177, 209-217, 2160-2161; of
common schools, xxxv-xlii; of denomina-
tional colleges and universities, 153; of in-
stitutions for the deaf, 2256-2258; of medical
schools, 238, 247-248, 2182-2183; of normal
schools, 128-148, 2200-2201, 2214–2215; of nurse-
training schools, 241, 254-255, 2193; of paro-
chial schools, 1664; of private schools, xlviii
2046-2017; of reform schools, 2273, 2276-2277;
of school houses and property, xlvii; of school
income and expenditure, lii-lvii; of schools of
technology, 181-184, 221, 223–224, 226–223, 2166,
2168; of schools of theology, 236, 243–244, 2173;
of secondary schools, 36, 38-46, 48-57, 59-68,
70, 72-105, 1925-1928, 2004-2005, 2016-2017; of
teachers and salaries, xliv, xlvi.
The school districts in, 1463.
Maine Agricultural and Mechanical College,
statistics, 1204-1207.

Maine State College, admission by certificate, 1176.
Malthusian Society of Holland, founded, 485.
Manchester, N. H. population, 9.
Manitoba, educational statistics, 276.
Manitoba school case, xviii-xix, 275-288.

Mann, Horace, religious instruction, 1625, 1635-

Mannheim, statistics of public elementary schools,
412, 415-416.

Manual training, extract from report on, 670–671.
In Italy, 573-574; in Germany, 418, 419, 420, 421,
422, 424.

Statistics, 70, 71, 2170.

Maria Theresa, school reforms of, 775.
Markland, Charles S, on technical training, 1200.
Marriage rate of college-bred women, 968-970.
Martin, A. M., Chautauqua Pocket Manual, 1011-

Maryland, college presidents, 1137, 1142, 1144, 1146,

Education of the negro, 1332-1340, 1348.
State and city superintendents, 1127, 1130.
Statistics of business colleges, 2222-2223, 2232-
2233; of city school systems, 14, 15, 17, 1840,
1851, 1862, 1872, 18×2; of colleges and universi
ties, 155-158, 160, 162-164, 166-169, 172-175, 177,
181-184, 188-206, 209-217, 221-233, 1218, 1220,
2121, 2137-2138; of colleges and universities
reporting teachers' training courses, 113; of


colleges for women, 172-175, 177, 209-217, 2156,
2160; of common schools, xxxv-xlii; of de
nominational colleges and universities, 153; of
dental schools, 240, 250-251, 2188; of institu-
tions for the blind, 2261, 2263, 2266; of institu-
tions for the deaf, 2248, 2251, 2254, 2259, 2260;
of institutions for the feeble-minded, 2271,
2272; of law schools, 237, 245-246, 2180; of
medical schools, 238-239, 247-249, 2182-2183;
of normal schools, 128-148, 2200-2201, 2214-
2215; of nurse-training schools, 241, 254-255,
2193; of parochial schools, 1664; of pharmacy
schools, 252-253, 2190; of private schools,
xlviii, 2046-2049; of reform schools, 2273, 2276-
2277; of school houses and property, xlvii;
of school income and expenditure, lii-lvii; of
schools of technology, 181-184, 221-233, 2166,
2168; of schools of theology, 236, 243-244,
2173; of secondary schools, 36, 38-46, 48-57, 59-
68, 70, 72-105, 1928-1929, 2005, 2046-2049; of
teachers and salaries, xliv, xlvi.

The school district in, 1464.
Maryland Agricultural College, statistics, 1202,
1204, 1207.

Massachusetts, amount of education per inhabi-
tant, xiii.

College presidents, 1137, 1142, 1144, 1146, 1150.
Compulsory education requirements, 1121.
Conveyance of children to school in, 1469–1476.
Education in, 1305-1318.

Establishment of state school fund, 1508.
Relative increase of public and private schools,

Religious instruction, 1635-1636.
School laws as to woman, 961.

Scientific professorship established, 1189, 1190,


State and city superintendents, 1127, 1130.
Statistics of business colleges, 2222-2223, 2232-
2233; of city school systems, 14, 15, 17, 1840,
1851, 1862, 1872, 1882; of colleges and universi-
ties, 155-158, 160, 162-164, 166-169, 172-175, 181-
184, 188-204, 206, 209-217, 221, 223-224, 226-233,
1218, 1220, 2121, 2138; of colleges and universi
ties reporting teachers' training courses, 113,
120; of colleges for women, 172-175, 177, 209-
217, 2156, 2160; of common schools, xxxv-xlii;
of denominational colleges and universities,
153; of dental schools, 239, 250-251,2188; of insti-
tutions for the blind, 2261, 2264, 2266; of insti-
tutions for the deaf, 2256-2258, 2259, 2260; of
institutions for the feeble-minded, 2267, 2268,
2270, 2271, 2272; of law schools, 237, 215-246,
2180; of manual training schools, 2170; of med-
ical schools, 238-239, 217-249, 2182, 2183, 2186-
2187; of normal schools, 128-148, 2200-2201,
2214-2215; of nurse-training schools, 241, 254-
255, 2193-2194; of parochial schools, 1664, 1665;
of pharmacy schools, 252-253,2190; of private
schools, xlviii, 2050-2055; of reform schools,
2273, 2276-2277; of school houses and property,
xlvii; of school income and expenditure, lii-
Ivii; of schools of technology, 181-184, 221, 223–
224, 226-233, 2166, 2168; of schools of theology,
236, 243-244, 2173-2174; of secondary schools,
36, 38-46, 48-57, 59-68, 70, 72-105, 1929-1934,
2005, 2050-2055; of teachers and salaries, xliv,
xlvi; of schools of veterinary medicine, 2192.
Town the school unit, 1463.
Massachusetts Agricultural College, statistics,
1204, 1207.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, statis-
tics, 1204, 1207.

Mathematical department, University of Lem-
berg, 780.
Mathematical scientific department, University of
Cracow, 769.

Mathematical tripos, Cambridge, 860, 866.
Mathematics, Chautauqua, 1024.
Examinations at Oxford, 827.

Statistics, in secondary schools, 40, 44, 51, 65.
Study of, in Swiss normal schools, 432.
Mather, Miss Mary, organizes girls' club at
Chautauqua, 1048.

Mauritius, statistics of elementary education,

Mayence, statistics of public elementary schools,


Mayo, A. D., on education in the Northwest, 1790-
1840, 1513-1550.

On original establishment of State school funds,

On the American common school in New En
gland, 1790-1840, 1551-1615.

Mead, Edwin S., on Mary Hemenway, 1311-1317.
On religious instruction, 1642.
Mecklenburg-Schwerin, statistics of elementary
education, 2230-2281.

Mecklenburg-Strelitz, statistics of elementary
education, 2280-2281.
Medical and modern languages tripos, Cambridge,

Medical education, 1224-1242.

Medical examining boards, 1232-1234.
Medical faculty, University of Warsaw, 752, 758.
Medical instruction in France, 293.

Medical schools, Baudouin's report on, xxvii-
xxviii, 1261-1275.

Statistics, xvii, 238-241-242, 247, 248, 249, 2182-
2187; in Belgium, 315.

See also Homeopathic Medical and Eclectic
Medical Schools.

Medicine, at the World's Fair, 1271-1273.

Reform in study of, in Holland, 535–536.

Women in, 949-956.

Meiningen, statistics of public elementary schools,

Melanchthon on the Poles, 714 note.

Memorable dates of Italian history, 79-580.

Memorizing, in early schools of Georgia, 1709–1711.
Memphis, Tenn., population, 10.

Mendes, M., Dutch gynecologist, 485.

Mennonites, parochial schools, 1663, 1665.
Schools in Manitoba, 277-278.

Mental fatigue in schools, discussed in Germany,

Mental plasticity, period of, 794.

Mercantile marine institutes in Italy, 550–551.
Methodist Episcopal Church, statistics of colleges
and universities, 153-154.
Private secondary schools, 60.

Methodist Episcopal Church, South, statistics of
colleges and universities, 153; private sec
ondary schools, 60.

Methodist Episcopal missions, Alaska, 1430.
Methodist Protestant Church, statistics of col-
leges and universities, 153-154.

Methods of instruction in German public ele-
mentary schools, 394-400.

Methods of study, Cambridge, 865-869.
Mexico, education of women, 947.

Statistics of elementary education, 2281-2285.
Meyer, Annie Nathan, Woman's Work in Amer
ica, quoted, 903–907.

Miami University, 1529.

Michigan, admission to university by certificate,
1171, 1172, 1177.

College presidents, 1137-1138, 1144, 1146, 1150.
Compulsory educational requirements, 1121.
Early education in, 1544-1548.

Law for teachers' pensions in Detroit, 1082-1086.
School laws as to women, 961.

State and city superintendents, 1127, 1130-1131.
Statistics of business colleges, 2222-2223, 22:12-
2233; of city school systems, 14, 15, 17, 1841,
1852, 1863, 1873, 1883; of colleges and universi.
ties, 155-157, 159, 161-163, 165-169, 181-184, 188-
206, 221, 223-224, 226-233, 1218, 2122, 2138; of
colleges and universities reporting teachers'
training courses, 113, 120; of common schools,
XXXV-xlii; of denominational colleges and
universities, 154; of dental schools, 240, 250-
251, 2188; of institutions for the blind, 2262,
2264, 2266; of institutions for the deaf, 2249,
2251, 2254, 2259, 2260; of institutions for the
feeble-minded, 2267, 2268, 2270, 2271, 2272; of
law schools, 237, 245-246, 2180; of medical
schools, 238-239, 247-249, 2182-2183, 2186-2187;
of normal schools, 128-148, 2202-2203, 2214-
2215; of nurse-training schools, 241, 254-255,
2194; of parochial schools, 1664; of pharmacy
schools, 252-253, 2190; of private schools,
xlviii, 2954-2055; of reform schools, 2274, 2276–
2277; of school houses and property, xlvii; of
school income and expenditure, lii-Ivii; of
schools of technology, 181-184, 221, 223-224,
226-233, 2167, 2168; of schools of theology, 236,

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