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SOME INDIRECT EFFECTS OF THE BOAT-BACF. THE direct effects of the great contest between the two universities are of course well known. It draws the country parsons to London in shoals; it opens the flood-gates of reminiscence in countless elderly gentlemen, and induces them to relate marvellous stories of prowess and endurance in bygone years; it covers Putney with dark and light blue bunting; it decorates the whips of cabmen, busdrivers, and butcher-boys; it arrays unconscious dogs in the rival favours, and ranges them in hostile camps; and it causes sixteen healthy young men to affront the wind and rain of March, in clothing which can only be described as just adequate for decency, and totally inadequate for anything else. There are other effects, those, for instance, which the ups and downs of practice exercise on the impressionable minds of the gentlemen of the Stock Exchange, and on the variegated and descriptive vocabulary of the assiduous journalists who compile reports in the sporting papers. It is only during Boat race time that "the clock of Putney Church chimes high noon," or that a crew's endurance becomes so extraordinary, that at the end of twenty-one minutes of hard rowing, "their breath would not have flickered a candle."

BUT the effects that I wish chiefly to refer to are those which are caused in the family circles of the members of the crews. It is not too much to say that, as the day of the race approaches, some sixteen quiet establishments scattered up and down the country become convulsed with excitement and anxiety. The minds of fathers and mothers are torn with conflicting emotions. Pride in the achievement of the beloved son struggles with a painful solicitude as to his power of enduring the stress and struggle of the race, and the Sportsman and Sporting Life are devoured every day by the unaccustomed eyes of mothers intent on discovering the weight of their darlings and their chances of success on the fateful day. As an example, I may describe a terrible scene which took place only the other day in (let us say) a Surrey home.

missed them with some asperity, and sat down to the paper. Just as he had done so, mamma came in. She is ordinarily a lady of the most regular and methodical habits, scarcely ever varying by a minute the moment of her morning appearance. On this occasion, however, she was at least ten minutes before her usual time. The fact was, that she, too, was bent upon the Sportsman, and had come down in high hopes of anticipating papa. Seeing, however, that she was too late, she made an unimportant remark about the weather, and sat down to endure with as much resignation as she could command until her lord and master should have exhausted the acquatic news. She was too proud to ask him to read it out to her; besides, to have a paper read to you can never give anything like the same satisfaction as reading it yourself. So the minutes sped by, the breakfast was brought in, and papa still sat reading, while mamma waited to step into his shoes.

the breakfast-room, heard his mother's voice declaiming, in tones of A LATE son (sons are always late at breakfast) as he approached unwonted anger, and marvelled as he heard. He entered, and his mother saluted him with these memorable words: 66 ARTHUR," she said, "I have been waiting half an hour for the Sportsman, and I can't wait any longer. You are young and strong. Take the paper away from your selfish father by force, and give it to me. Why, he won't even tell whether HARRY's weight has gone up or down." Papa's silence was perhaps excusable, for mamma had announced her intention, if the boy's weight dropped another pound, of fetching him away from Putney at once. HARRY'S weight had dropped, but, by a curious chance, that part of the Sportsman which recorded it was found to have been torn out when it arrived at length in mamma's hands.

and most unfinished sentences I have ever come across. Here it is:A FIRM of tailors has sent me a letter containing one of the longest

"DEAR SIR,-We respectfully beg to say, that having been further fair to the advantage of our Clients, of which the principles are, by not recommended by our Patrons, who, finding our System of Business, as most making one Customer pay for another, and by not maintaining an enormous (and superfluous) show and establishment at the cost of our Patrons, and PAPA, a man used to stratagems and wiles, got into the breakfast-personally supervising and making of every garment, a of which being room a quarter-of-an-hour before the usual time in order to read the the combined principles of which by strictly adhering to, we have succeeded made on the premises, and our prices not being based on the credit system, account of the previous day's practice in the Sportsman at his in proving with every satisfaction, that it is quite possible to continue leisure. He found that excellent paper in the hands of the butler, supplying the very finest quality of Goods and of most exquisite Cut and who was reading it out to an eager audience of servants. Papa dis-workmanship as per Price List enclosed."

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(4 Note in Advance from a Prophet sure of being on the spot.)

WHAT new thing can be said of the University Boat Race? If the sun is reported to be shining brightly, the birds singing, the leaves budding from the trees, the description will be lacking in novelty. On the other hand, if a paragraph be given to an account of the fog and the rain, the mist and the mud, again a precedent will have been followed, and nothing more. In like manner, what does it matter whether the crowd be large or small? Nothing could be easier than to describe the dresses of the ladies in the sunshine, or their umbrellas in the wet.

Once more, the race itself. Well, either the Dark or the Light mast win the toss for stations. And the challengers must appear before the challenged. floating in the neighbourhood of Putney Bridge. And then, whether it be rain or shine, there is sure to be a "hush of expectation." The Jerseys having been collected, the sixteen will be found waiting, after the warning "Are you ready?" for the signal giving them leave to go. Ard when the start is made, why, the first few strokes will be reported with the minutest detail. After a minute or two Oxford or Cambridge will forge ahead. A little later a broader view will be taken of the rowing. Only a distinct" spurt' will merit and obtain special notice. But the number of strokes to the minute will be recorded. Now the Dark Blues will be pulling 38, now they will have slowed down to 35, now they will have strained every



(As "Ancient Pistol")

Henry the Fourth, Second Part, Act V., Scene 3.

ESSENCE OF PARLIAMENT. EXTRACTED FROM THE DIARY OF TOBY, M.P. House of Lords, Monday, March 16.-Peers not going to sit tamely by whilst other House is treated to statement on leading question of the hour. ROSEBERY will see to that. When House met to-day he, with tears in his voice, lamented absence of the MARKISS. Had not only expected him to be in his place, but looked for him to rise and make statement about Soudan, at least as full as Commoner people in another place were indulged withal. MARKISS came in later, with air of guilt not dispelled by affectation of indifference. When House about to adjourn he explained that he had said nothing because he was asked nothing. Pretty to see him demurely fold his hands over his broad bosom, archly look table towards ROSEBERY, make dainty courtesy of mock grace, and hum

"Nobody axed me, Sir, she said."

ROSEBERY, not to be put off with these blandishments. "Thought," he sternly said, "the FOREIGN SECRETARY would deem your Lordships not unworthy of a statement similar to that made by the UNDER SECRETARY in the other House." Again MARKISS pleaded that he had not been asked. As ROSEBERY cddlv refrained from putting definitive question invited, nothing was said.

JAMES of Hereford (late of Bury) brought in Water Bill. SARK met GRAND CROSS after House rose. Always athirst for information, SARK asked what he thought of it. "You're a great authority on water, you know," he added, insinuatingly.

effort to pass the 40. And the record of Cambridge will be equally interesting. As a matter of course, the steering once and again will go wrong. But this is not to be unexpected now that "the water" is abandoned at Westminster. How can a cox know his way about if he is taken over the course on a steam-launch only a few days before the race? It stands to reason that he has no chance with those to the manner (or rather river) born.

The familiar landmarks will emerge from their obscurity. The Doves and the Elms and Hammersmith Bridge. Chiswick Eyot, too, and the iron sheds of Thornevcroft, of torpedo - catcher fame. Then will come Barnes Bridge and the finish.

And will not there be complaints anent the umpire's launch and the unsatisfactory progress of either of the 'Varsity steamers, or, perchance, the boat reserved for the Fourth Estate? And then the other conventionalities-the niggers, the loafers, the perambulating purveyors of cheap refreshments. All will have a line or two. The same old story told aga'n, year after year.

There it is in brief. Rather more than the outline, and only one thing necessary to make the whole complete -the name of the winner. Will it be Oxford or Cambridge? Oxbridge or Camford? But this cannot be told jast at present, owing to the exigencies of publication. So why write more? Echo obligingly, sympathisingly, and sensibly answers "why?"

INFORMATION WANTED.-We read that the Russian Emperor has "decorated the Negur." Is this the same thing as "crowning the flowing bowl" ?-IGNORAMUS.

years. And now here's a paltrv Poet Laureate attempting to compete with my masterpiece;" and GRAND CROSS read out, in voice trembling with scorn, the Poet Laureate's deathless verse suggested for monument of the Postman Poet :


"O lark-like poet! Carol on, Lost in dim light, an unseen trill." "An unseen trill,' forsooth!" cried GRAND CROSS. ALFRID-AUSTIG is just the kind of fellow to talk of an unheard smile, and pass the idea off as original. But I'd have him know I heard a man smile years before he didn't see a trill."

of Soudan. House thereupon appropriately proceeded to consider Business done.-Statement in Commons presaging fresh invasion Army Estimater, voting a trifle under six millions before you could say " Dongola!

Tuesday.-HICKS-BEACH not kind of man to give himself up to riotous enjoyment. Temperature rather freezing than sultry. But to-night had high old time. Never imagined that bi-metallism covered possibilities of such human joy. Man from WHITELEY'S brought on resolution affirming principle of bi-metallism. As everyone knows, PRINCE ARTHUR has no philosophic doubts on this question. Believes thoroughly in bi-metallism. So does CHAPLIN.

"Pass a law establishing bi-metallism,” says that eminent economist, "and you will have what I may call bi-farming-that is to say, two blades of corn will grow in every field where hitherto only one has popped up an undersold head."

In such circumstances bi-metallists might well look hopeful. Even if CHANCELLOR OF EXCHEQUER did not (if the phrase may in this connection be used without disrespect) go bald-headed in support of principle, he at least must treat subject with deference.

If you mean," said GRAND CRO-s, looking at him suspiciously, "that when I was Home Secretary I brought in a London Water Bill, you're right. If my proposal had been adopted, London would HICKS-BEACH began in soothing tone with kindly manner. That have had an investment nearly as good as that my late esteemed only his artfulness. As soon as he had cleared the ground and friend Lord BEACONSFIELD made for the State in the matter of the firmly planted his feet thereon, he seized bi-metallism by the throat, Suez Canal. But there are always people who know better than the flung it to the ground, kicked and pummelled it till every threemost highly gifted. As for JAMES's Bill, I am too annoyed to have penny-bit in its pouch must have been twisted up For adh-rents followed it closely. You will remember that my memory is kept of the true faith this was bad enough. What lent paths to the green in the House of Commons by reason of my having on a memo- scene was to watch PRINCE ARTHUR and HARRY CHAPLIN seated on rable occasion said I thought I heard an hon. Member smile.' A Treasury Bench whence HICKS BEACH bad risen to promulgate rank poor thing, but mine own. It has remained unapproached all these heresy. The very helplessness of their situation added to its misery.


PRESIDENT OF BOARD OF AGRICULTURE rides many more stone then ward from Wady Halfa as far as Akasheh, a railway following them CHANCELLOR OF EXCHEQUER. Had he thrown himself upon him to make things comfortable. If they find no Dervishes about, may from behind, PRINCE ARTHUR might have taken him by the heels. even steal on to Dongola. If Dervishes in dangerous force, will Together they could have carried him out, dropped him over the come back by first train.

terrace into the silver Themis. But that procedure would have been open to misunderstanding. There was nothing to do but to sit there silent, PRINCE ARTHUR drooping like an unwatered lily, CHAPLIN furiously writing letters to himself making mincemeat of HICKSBEACH and his arguments.

Worst of all, bitterest drop in the brimming cup, was to see SQUIRE OF MALWOOD on ber ch opposite, literally brimming over with delight at beholdig bi-metallism fatally wounded in the house of a friend.

Business done.-Bi-metallism's-at least for the rest of the century. Thursday.-DoN JOSÉ AFRICANUS not in his place just now when Son AUSTEN made his maiden Ministerial speech. That a pity, since it was a success in more ways than one. In addition to the paternal eye-glass, AUSTEN inherits the pleasant voice, the lucidity, and the keenness to see a debating point, which distinguish the personage he Occasionally refers to as "my right hon. relative." Pleasant to see the friendly interest taken in the event We all like AUSTEN," not less in the Liberal camp than in the new country into which he has dutifully followed bis father. An encouraging cheer greeted his appearance at the table to reply for the Admiralty to miscellaneous criticism on Na al Works Bill. Still louder applause approved the

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A Perfect Adonis.


task when completed. A
high position for so young
a Member. Not only is it
filled with ability, but the
honour is borne with mo-
desty. House of Commons,
most fastidious audience in
the world, likes to think
that AUSTEN will do."


In absence of DON JOSÉ, HELDER, (f Whitehaven, unconsciously, unintentionally, but effectively filled the place of fond, appreciative father. No relative of AUSTEN'S, right honourable or otherwise. Nothing to do with him, the Admiralty, or the Naval Works Bill. Sat as remote as possible from Treasury Bench; far below Gangway; almost under shadow of gallery. But being there, his plump hands folded over portly paunch, his face beaming with sublimation of domes ic content, one couldn't help, somehow, associating him with the youth at the tab'e, launched on a Ministerial career, or fail to recognise in his attitude and expression a sort of vicarious fatherhood to all that is deserving. SARK tells me that in the early days of Mr. GULLY's Speakership, a time not free from anxiety, his greatest comfort, his most effective encouragement, came from this good man. In private life, he is head of firm of solicitors, with assuringly sonorous title. When Mr. GULLY, not dreaming of the Speaker's Chair, ent circuit, Messrs. BROCKBANK, HELDER & Co. sent him briefs. When he came to the Chair, and seemed to need a little encouragement, it was the practice of the senior member of BROCKBANKS, casually as it were, to stroll down the House, his white waistcoat gleaming with benevolence. As he passed the Speaker's Chair, he nodded in confidential way to his old client, as who should say, "Cheer up, old man. The Court's with you. If it fails, there's BROCK BANK, HELDER & Co. behind." In moments of exceptional difficulty, he even winked as he strolled past the Chair.

Not having these early professional relations with the CIVIL LORD OF THE ADMIRALTY, he does not go that length. But as he sits there, looking straight before him with kindly, fatherly smile, the subtle influence of his presence suffuses the neighbourhood, and, stealing across the Gangway, gently, but effectively, sustains the unconscious débutant. Business done.-Quite a lot.



Cook's Agent in Egypt. "How ar will you go, Gentlemen ?"

Joey. "Oh, as far as ever we can go for the money-until it gets too hot for us!"

At this picture of glorious war House gave sigh of relief; crowded into division lobby, pouring through at other end in mad race for early morning cabs. Business done.-New Soudan war approved by 288 votes against 145


APART from the excellent "second edition" of the grand ballet, Faust, from the SCHÄFFERS, from La Danse, and from the songs of the piquante Mlle. JUNIORI, the "Cinematographe pictures" are sufficient of themselves to attract all London to the entertainment now being given to exceptionally crowded houses at the Empire. The lifelike representation of such scenes as the arrival of the train, "the plungers," the gardener with the hose, and Monsieur, Madame et Bébé at breakfast, is simply marvellous. The final one of Monsieur TREWEY bimself doing the serpentine trick with a piece of white riband, though perhaps the most difficult of all to reproduce, appears to be simplicity itself in comparison with the "arrival of the train" and "the bathing scene." Is it not within the range of practicability to reproduce effects in the House of Commons, or "Mr. G." being received at a railway station? Only the exact portraiture of the lineaments of well-known public characters is required to add fresh interest, from time to time, to one of the most remarkable exhibitions that ever delighted the public. Theatrical managers might possibly be averse to scenes from their plays being thus represented; and yet, if considered as advertisement, they might not, for a consideration, object. In time, when the invention is perfected, the living and moving pictures will, no doubt, be presented on a still larger scale, features will be more distinct, and the quivering effect will entirely disappear. That is in the not very distant future; but at present these TREWEY-TO-Nature Pictures" are, and will long continue to be, a principal attraction at the Empire. But cannot somebody invent a short word -a kind of telegraphic equivalent-for "Cinematographe"? A rautical series might have been called Trewey Bluey." Why not the "Cité" or Cinny pictures"?


New Lamps for Old.


"THIS smells too strongly of the lamp!"
Men said when, by the midnight moon,
Wit toiled in Grub Street garrets damp.
Now when fine ladies fiction vamp.
And problem-playwrights slop and scamp,
It smells too strongly of-lampoon!

Friday.-Ministers supported to-night by rattling majority in resolve to dare again the dangers of the sad Sudan. DoN JOSE'S speech settled the matter. MORLEY, SQUIRE OF MALWOOD, DILKE and others picture prospect in lurid colours. They recall experience of last expedition; count up its cost; show the utter emptiness of its gain. Honse uneasy; COURTNEY speaks and votes against his political friends; talk of further revolt in Ministerial camp. Then DON JOSE steps to front, and puts the whole matter right. Poohpoohs apprehension. No danger, and if any money-cost, Egypt will bear it. All that is intended is, Egyptian troops will go for- WIDENING.-Fleet Street.


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