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cuted by board, 80; designation
of at school meetings, 37; designa-
tion without vote, 82; described
by metes and bounds, 37, 74; may
be exchanged for other sites, 80;
leased, etc., 37; money received
for old site to be applied towards
new, 44; vote to raise money for,
how rescinded, 73; sale of former
site, 43; may be sold by board
when authorized by vote of dis-
trict, 80; manner of raising tax for
union schools other than city and
village, 73; special notice required
before voting tax for, 72; not sub-
ject to taxation, 80; title already
vested in board, 80; title to be
vested in board of education in
cities of less than 30,000, 91; vote,
37, 74.
Schoolhouses, 41-44; board of edu-

cation to purchase or hire, 79;
board of education to have pos-
session of, 80; issue of bonds to
purchase, 73; power to borrow
money to pay for, 73; special
meeting to consider building, 27;
may be condemned by school com-
missioner, 27; fire escapes, 53, 82;
furniture, 37; furnished with fuel,
etc., 37; hire, purchase etc., 37;
insurance, 37, 50-51, 79; liquors
not to be sold near, 201-2;
vote to raise money for, how
rescinded, 74; plans to be
approved by Commissioner of
Education, 41; repairs, 37, 54;
tax for, approved by Commissioner
of Education, 42; special notice re-
quired before voting tax for, 72,
74; manner of voting tax in union
schools other than city and village,
73; not subject to taxation, 80;
title already vested in board, 80;
shall not stand on town line, 41;
use for school commissioner, 29;
use for teachers institute, 92; use
for other purposes, 55; ventilation,
41, 79.

Seal of Superintendent, 9.

Secretary of the Board of Regents,
office abolished, 5.
Separate neighborhoods, 118-20.
Sites, see Schoolhouse sites.
Southampton, union free school dis-
trict no. II under consolidated
school law, 194–95.

Special acts, see under subject of act.
Special meetings, see School meetings.
State certificates, annulled, 10, 28;
indorsed by Superintendent when
issued by other states, 10; law
granting, 10; list kept by Superin-
tendent, II.

State scholarships in Cornell Univer-
sity, 96-99.

State Superintendent, see Superin-
tendent of Public Instruction.
State treasurer, 8; temporary loan
made in connection with Superin-
tendent, 12.

Subjects taught under compulsory
education law, 120.

Subpoenas by school commissioners,

Suits, see Actions.

Summer institutes, 94–95.

Superintendent of Public Instruction,
affidavits taken by, 11; contracts
with American Museum of Natural
History, 162; appeals to, 101–2; ap-
portionment of public moneys, 11–
15; duties relative to Arbor day,
117; may order special election to
fill vacancy in boards of education,
81; board of education to report
when required, 86; board of edu-
cation supervised by, 86; may re-
move members of board, 86; bien-
nial school census to be taken, 180-
81; to grant teachers certificates,
10; list of persons receiving cer-
tificates and normal diplomas kept
by, 11; certificates, etc. annulled
by, 10; annulments noted by, 11;
to appoint examiners etc. for state
certificates, 10; clerks appointed
by, 9; college graduate certificates
issued by, 10; to settle dispute in
regard to ordinary contingent ex-

pense, 84; ex officio trustee of Cornell University, 9; duties relative to, Cornell scholarship examination, 98; duties concerning deaf, dumb and blind institutions, 115– 16; decisions final, 89, 101; deputy, 8; chief clerk as second deputy appointed by, 181; may indorse diplomas from other states, 10; copies of proceedings of dissolved union schools filed with, 89; election, 8; to call special election in districts over 300, 41, 78; election disputes, powers concerning, 78; to apportion fines and penalties, 20; to prepare program for salute to flag, 178; to receive gifts for use in common schools, 18–19; reports from officers relative to gospel funds, etc., 19-20; statement of gospel fund and money in hands of overseer of poor, 20; to provide for education of Indian children, 9, 113; to permit Indian children to enter public schools, 48; to order payment of tuition for Indians in normal schools, 172; powers as to teachers institutes, 91, 92; to apportion public money to districts for institute week, 93; to prepare and distribute school laws, 117; duties relative to district library, 99-101; powers as to library moneys, 101; to issue temporary licenses, 10; may call special meeting when annual meeting is not held, 34; may authorize special meeting for forming union school district, 66; minutes of meeting organizing union school to be filed with, 69; ex officio trustee of New York State Asylum for Idiots, 9; duties relative to normal schools, 9, 164-70; may administer oaths, 11; office, 8; office abolished, 5; districts failing to comply with physiology law included in reports, 109; appeal to concerning physiology law, 110; blank forms of affidavit regarding

physiology law provided by, 110; to furnish pictorial instruction, 161; ex officio Regent of University, 9; reports to Legislature, 9–10; to require reports, 11; to prepare registers, blanks, forms and regulations for making reports, etc., 11; salary, 8; may remove school commissioner, II; may fill vacancy in office of school commissioner, 25; may withhold payment of school commissioner's salary, 26; to instruct school commissioner relative to reports by trustees in districts under contract, 107; official seal, 9; to approve formation of separate neighborhoods, 118; to apportion public money to separate neighborhoods, 119; to appoint summer institutes, 94; amendment of tax list approved by, 65; term of office, 8; duties relative to training classes, 95; training schools, 183; to order meeting for organizing union school in two or more districts, 68; vacancy in office, how filled, 8; to visit common schools, 9; may appoint persons to visit common schools, 9; may appoint persons to visit common schools, 9; to visit union schools, 86; to provide instruction in vocal music in teachers institutes, 111; may withhold public money to enforce decision, 11. Superintendents, see City and village superintendents. Supervision quota, 13. Supervisors, account to be furnished Superintendent by town clerk, 23; costs in actions against, 103; to sit with school commissioner and town clerk in alteration proceedings, 30; pay allowed in alteration proceedings, 31; acts may be appealed from, 101; apportionment of school moneys, 21-23; certificate of apportionment to, 17; apportionment of of library moneys, 22; to apportion money

arising from the sale of gospel
lands, 179; assessments between
districts lying in two or more
towns, 59; balance reported to
school commissioner, 32; unex-
pended balances recharged, 16; to
furnish bond, 18; penalty for re-
fusal to give bond, 18; successor
to give bond, 18; county treas-
urer may sue bond, 18; to
report money on hand to county
treasurer, 16; application of pro-
ceeds of dissolved districts, 32;
may divide commissioner dis-
tricts, 160; fees, 175-76; to report
fines and penalties collected to
school commissioner, 22-23; to
sue for fines and penalties, 22-23;
to receive gifts for use in common
schools, 19; to report money in
hands of overseer of poor, 20;
when to receive public money,
17-18; to sue for money due from
school officers, 32; to receive pay
for service, 59; powers and duties,
21-23; to copy school commis-
sioner's certificates and file with
town clerk, 17; school commis-
sioner's salary increased by, 25;
charged with duties imposed upon
commissioners of common schools,
21; school commissioner's ex-
penses audited by, 26; to act in
erecting or altering school dis-
tricts, 23; to sell schoolhouse and
apply proceeds when district is
dissolved, 32; to give notice of
sale of schoolhouse, 32; to sum-
mon supervisor from adjoining
town when unable to agree on
equalization, 59; to collect unpaid.
taxes for school districts, 61; to
pay to collector unpaid taxes, 61;
county treasurer to furnish board
with certificate of unpaid taxes, 61;
treasurer to demand money of, 47;
not eligible to office of trustee, 44;
to sue trustee for not replacing
lost edition of code, 106; trustee
to notify treasurer and Superin-

tendent of failure to pay money,
55-56; to report trusts and gospel
and school lots to Superintendent,
19-20; charged with duties for-
merly vested in trustees of gospel
and school lots, 21; to aprove
renewal of warrants, 65.
Supplementary apportionment of
school moneys, 15.

Taxes, how apportioned and as-
sessed, 58; bank stock, 58, 142-47;
board of education to levy in
union schools other than city and
village, 73-74; board of education
may levy without vote, 83-84;
collection of, common school dis-
tricts, 58-66; collection, union
school districts, 72-75; taking vote
in common districts, 38; levy on
counties to pay loan, 12; exemp-
tions from taxation, 60, 80, 140,
149-52; assessment of lands in
forest preserve, 140-41; against
incorporated companies, 60; es-
tablishment and maintenance of
industrial training, 112; may be
raised in instalments, 72, 74; col-
lection in instalments for school-
house, 42; on land lying in one
body etc., 58; against persons
working land on shares, 60;
against persons holding land un-
der contract, 60; on nonresi-
dent land, 58, 60; againstnon-
residents having agents etc. on
land, 60; property purchased
with proceeds of pensions subject
to taxation, 151; on personal
property, 58; railroads, 147; special
notice must be given for meeting
voting tax for schoolhouses or sites,
72, 74; costs in defending suits
levied in certain cases, 103-5; tax
list, how corrected, 65; delivery
and filing of tax list, 66; heading
of tax list, 58; against tenant for
purchasing site, schoolhouse etc.
to be paid by owner, 60; purchase
of free textbooks in union schools,

76; trustee may sue for, 65; uncollectible, district to vote to supply deficiency, 37; uniform in towns of St Lawrence county, 152-55; manner of voting tax in union schools other than city and village, 73; unpaid, proceedings for collecting, 61-62; how levied in incorporated villages and cities, 7273; meeting may vote on items separately, 83; warrant for collection, 62; warrant for collection executed in other towns, 64. See also Assessment; School meetings; also subjects for which taxes are voted. Teachers, 48-49; contract of employment, 80-81; written contract given to, 107; dismissal, 51, 81; eligible to teach in grammar departments of cities, 184; employment, 51, 8c-81; examination in physiology and hygiene, 28, 109; attendance at institute, 93; to be notified by school commissioner of time and place of institute, 92; penalty for failure to attend institute, 93-94; summer institutes free to, 94; kindergarten teachers licensed, 111; pensions, 196-201; qualified, quotas paid for, 13; qualified, defined, 48; record of attendance under compulsory law, 123; responsible for record kept, 49; to deliver register to clerk of district, 49; attendance of pupils kept in register, 55; verification of register, 55; removed for cause, 81; to record visit of school commissioner and other visitors, 55; to record facts required by superintendent, 55; relationship to trustee, 51, 81; in schools for colored children, 113;

wages: 14; apportionment for, 12; claim for, 51; having taught 25 years, additional compensation, 196-98; money for payment of, 16, 22; payment, 63; payable monthly, 52, 81, 107; not to be paid until record is

verified, 55; can not be paid unless qualified, 49; tax for, 38, 75; when unlicensed teacher may be paid, 14; unqualified, wages not collectible by tax, 49. Teachers' certificates, age at which certificates may be granted, 28, 48; granted by school commissioner, 28; granted by school commissioner in districts under special acts, 33; not granted unless examination passed in physiology and hygiene, 28, 109; superintendent may grant and revoke, 10; Superintendent's certificate conclusive evidence of qualification, Io; revocation, 51; temporary licenses, 10; what constitutes valid certificates, 48. See also Annulment of certificates; College graduate certificates; Normal school diplomas; State certificates. Teachers institute, attendance at, counted part of school term, 14; appointment of conductors, 91; expense of holding, 94; law concerning, 91-95; instruction in vocal music may be given at, III. Teachers licenses, see Teachers certificates.

Teachers training classes, law con

cerning, 95-96.

Teachers training schools, 183-84.
Temporary licenses, 10.

Term of office, board of education in

cities and villages, 69; board of education in union schools, 68; district officers, 44; district treasurer, 36; officers elected at special' election in districts of over 300, 41; school commissioner, 25; State Superintendent, 8.

Term, school, see School term. Textbooks, adoption of, 105; board of education to prescribe, 79; changes in, 105; requirements regarding, to comply with physiology law, 108;

free: board of education to furnish in certain cases, 79; dis

trict to furnish to poor children,
37; power of union school districts
to vote, 76.

Town auditing board, supervisors
accounts laid before, 22.
Town board, to appoint attendance
officers, 123.

Town clerk, to sit with super-
visor and school commissioner in
alteration proceedings, 30; pay
allowed in alteration proceedings,
31; fee for filing collector's bond,
63; trustee to file collector's bond
with, 63; records of dissolved
districts to be deposited with, 32;
description and number of dis-
tricts filed with, 30; duties, 23-24;
expenses and disbursements, 24;
loss of moneys made good by, 102;
order of school commissioner de-
posited with, 32; to receive and
file tax list and warrant, 66;
minutes of meetings organizing
union school to be filed with, 69.
Training classes, see Teachers train-
ing classes.

Training schools, 183-84.

Treasurer, see City treasurer; County

treasurer; District treasurer.
Truants, arrest under compulsory


education law, 124; Indian chil-
dren, 193; truant schools estab-
lished and maintained, 124-26.
Trustees, neglect or refusal of trustee
to account, 56; to provide blank
book for accounts and records,
55; actions by and against, 156-57;
costs in actions by, 103; acts may
be appealed from, 101; to report
attendance of children, 57; to pro-
vide ballot box in common school
districts, 36; constitute board of
education in union schools, 68;
bodies corporate, 49; to file bond
with district clerk, 48; to require
and approve collector's bond, 63;
to deliver collector's bond to town
clerk, 63; penalty on collector's
bonds recovered by, 66; to require
and approve treasurer's bond, 47; to

transmit reports regarding bonded
indebtedness to clerk of board of
supervisors, 43; power to borrow
money, 74-75; to establish branch
schools, 54-55; divided into three
classes, 68; to hold custody of code
of public instruction, 105-6, 117;
may require collector to disburse
public money, 63; to give teacher
order on collector and treasurer,
53; to continue in office to settle
unfinished business, 32; may con-
tract for conveyance of pupils, 39;
must not be interested in con-
tracts, 159; property held as cor-
poration, 49; to prescribe course
of study, 52; to execute deed for
sale of former site, 43; to purchase
dictionary, maps, globes etc., 54;
consent to dissolution of district
adjoining union school, 31; elec-
tion, 44; election in common
school districts, 36; manner of
election in cities and villages, 69;
may designate place of holding
election 39; to call special election
in districts of over 300, 40-41; not
eligible to office of clerk, collector,
treasurer or librarian, 44; school
commissioner or supervisor not
eligible to office, 44, 68; to pro-
vide fire drills, 186; to provide for
building fires and janitor work, 54;
to provide fuel etc., 54; to keep
furniture etc. in repair, 50; to re-
ceive gifts for use in common
schools, 19; to establish rules for
government of schools, 52; to act
as inspector in districts of over
300, 39; duties relative to in-
stitutes, 93; penalty for failure
to close schools during institute,
94; to insure school property, 37,
50-51; joint, 44; report of joint
districts, 57; to purchase lands,
schoolhouse, etc., 50; board to
meet upon notice, 50; meeting
called by any member, 50; to
designate place for holding annual
meeting, 34; to call special meet-

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