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Money levied

by this Act, and

Waters Allsopp,

several fines and

and fale of the goods and chattels of fuch offender, by warrant figned by fuch Juftice or Juftices, and the overplus, after fuch penalties and the charges of fuch diftrefs and fale are deducted, fhall be returned upon demand to the owner of fuch goods and chattles, one half of which penalties, refpectively, when paid and levied, shall belong to His Majefty, and the other half to the perfon fuing for the fame.

XIII. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, that the monies to be not granted to G. levied by virtue of this Act, and not herein-before granted to the faid George Waters Robert Allsopp, Allsopp, Robert Allfopp, and Anna Maria Allfopp, their heirs and affigns, and the Allsopp, and the feveral fines and penalties hereby inflicted, fhall be, and the fame are hereby refervpenalties granted ed to His Majefty, his heirs and fucceffors, for the public ufes of this Province and be accounted for the fupport of the government thereof, in manner herein-before fet forth and conto His Majesty. tained; and the due application of fuch money, fines and penalties fhall be ac counted for to His Majefty, his heirs and fucceffors, through the Lords Commif fioners of His Majefty's Treasury for the time being, in fuch manner and form. as His Majesty, his neirs and fucceffors fhall direct.

to His Majesty to

The bridge to

be built in a man

pass without interruption.

XIV. Provided always, and be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that ner that rafts may the faid bridge hereby authorized to be built and erected over and upon the faid River Jacques Cartier, be made fufficiently high, and that fufficient room be left between the pillars or quays of the faid bridge to afford a free and navigable paffage for rafts of forty feet wide.

George Waters Allsopp, Robert

na Maria Allsopp,

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XV. Provided always, and be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, that Allsopp, and An- the faid George Waters Allfopp, Robert Allfopp, and Anna Maria Allfopp, to entitle to entitle them themfelves to the benefit of this Act, fhall, and they are hereby required within twonefits of this Act, months from and after the paffing of this Act, to give notice three weeks in the Que their authority to bec Gazette, and in writing, to be affixed at the Church door of the Parishes of Cap

selves to the be

to give notice of

build the bridge.

Santé and Les Ecureuils, during the fame space of time and publicly read after Divine Service in the morning of each Sunday and Holiday intervening in the course of that time, that they are hereby authorized to build and conftru&t a bridge and toll-house over the said River Jacques Cartier, at the place above-mentioned; and that the inhabitants of the faid parishes are entitled to apply to the Grand-Voyer, or to his Deputy, within three months after fuch notification, for the purpose of themfelves. building the laid bridge, which faid notice shall be before a Juftice of the Peace, certified upon the oaths of any two Officers of Militia, refiding in the county of Hampshire, to have been duly made and giver; which Certificate, upon oath with a copy of the aforefaid notice, fhall be depofited with any Notary Public, refiding in the County of Hampshire..

Juge de Paix, et le furplus, après déduction faite de telles pénalités et des frais de telle faifie et vente, fera rendu à la demande du Propriétaire de tels effets et biens mobiliers, moitié defquelles pénalités refpectivement, lorfque payées ou prélevées, appartiendra à Sa Majefté, et l'autre moitié à la perfonne qui en fera la pourfuite.


Acte et qui ne

sont point accor

Allsopp, Robert

XIII. Et qu'il foit de plus ftatué par l'autorité sufdite, que les argens qui feronte argens qui prélevés en vertu de cet Acte, et qui ne font pas ci-devant accordés aux dits en vertu de cet George Waters Allfopp, Robert Allfopp et Anna Maria Allfopp, leurs hoirs et ayans a dis caule, et les différentes amendes et pénalités infligées par le préfent feront, comme George Waters ils font par le préfent, accordées et réservées à Sa Majefté, fes héritiers et fuccef- Allsopp et Anna feurs, pour les ufages publics de cette Province, et le foutien du Gouvernement ainsi que les ad'icelle en la manière ci-devant exprimée, et il fera tenu compte à Sa Majefté, festés, sont accorhéritiers et fucceffeurs de la due application de tels argens, amendes et pénalités, et en sera rea par la voie des Lords Commiffaires du Tréfor de Sa Majefté, pour le tems d'alors, Majesté. en telles manière et forme que Sa Majefté, fes héritiers et fucceffeurs l'ordonne


Maria Allsopp, mendes et péna


Sa Majesté

XIV. Pourvû toujours, et qu'il foit de plus ftatué par l'autorité fufdite, que le dit Pont qui doit par le préfent être bâti fur la dite Rivière Jacques Cartier fera fuffisamment élevé, et il y aura un efpace fuffifant de laiffé entre les piliers ou quais du dit Pont, pour que les cages de quarante pieds de largeur puiffent defcendre la dite Rivière, et y paffer fans' interruption.


XV. Pourvû toujours, et qu'il foit de plus ftatué par l'autorité fufdite, que les dits George Waters Allsopp, Robert Allfopp et Anna Maria Allfopp, pour fe mettre même de jouir du bénéfice qui leur eft accordé par cet Acte, feront et ils font par le préfent requis de donner fous deux mois après la peffation de cet Acte, notice publique pendant trois femaines dans la Gazette de Québec, et par un écrit affiché aux portes des Eglifes du Cap-Santé et les Ecureuils, pendant le même espace de tems, et lu publiquement à l'iffue du fervice divin du matin de chacun des Dimanches ou Fêtes d'obligation qui interviendront dans le cours de ce tems, qu'ils font autorisés par le dit Acte à bâtir et conftruire un Pont et Maison de Péage fur la dite Rivière Jacques Cartier à l'endroit ci-deffus mentionné, et que les habitans des dites Paroiffes ont droit de s'adreffer au Grand-Voyer ou à fon Député, dans les trois mois après la notification pour bâtir eux mêmes le dit Pont, et il fera certifié fous le ferment d'aucun deux Officiers de Milice réfidants dans le Comté de Hampshire, que les dites notices ont été duement faites et données devant un Juge de Paix, lequel certificat ainfi fous ferment, ainsi qu'une copie des dites Notices feront déposés chez aucun Notaire Public réfidant dans le Comté de Hampshire. Ff 2


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Inhabitants to

apply to theGrand

cès Verbal,

XVI. Provided always, and be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, that Voyer, for a Pre- if the inhabitants of the faid Parishes of Cap Santé and Les Ecureuils fhall, within three months after fuch notification as aforefaid, apply by petition to the Grand Voyer of the District of Quebec, or to his Deputy, to obtain a Procès Verbal, and fhall cause the fame to be ratified according to law, before the twenty-firft day of January, one thousand eight hundred and twenty, for the purpose of causing the faid bridge to be erected by the faid Parishes of Cap Santé and Les Ecureuils, or part of the fame, according to the laws now in force, and fhall thereafter in virtue of the faid Procès Verbal erect the faid bridge with in one year, to be computed from the date of the homologation of the faid Procès Verbal, then, and in fuch cafe, the faid George Waters Allfopp, Robert Allfopp, and Anna Maria Allfopp, fhall not avail themselves of this Act for the purpose of erecting the faid bridge, and levying the faid rates of toll. Provided always. that if fuch Petition as above-mentioned, be not made and prefented to the Grand-Voyer, or to his Deputy, as aforesaid, within three months, and a copy thereof ferved upon the faid George Waters Allsopp, Robert Allfopp, and Anna Maria Allfopp, within three months after fuch notification as aforefaid, it fhall forthwith, after the expiration of the faid three months, be lawful for the faid George Waters Allfopp, Robert Allfopp, and Anna Maria Allsopp to avail themselves of this Act, and to proceed immediately thereafter to the erection and conftruction of the faid bridge and toll-house.


Pabilc Act.


XVII. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that this Act shall be deemed a public Act, and shall be judicially taken notice of as fuch, by all Judges, Juftices of the Peace, and all other perfons whomsoever, without being specially pleaded.


An A& to authorize Anthony Anderfon and others, Proprietors of Dor chefter Bridge, to remove the fame.


(24th April, 1819.)

HEREAS Anthony Anderfon, Charles Smith, John Goudie and others, Proprietors of Dorchefter Bridge, over the River Saint Charles, in the Coun ty of Quebec, have by their Petition in this behalf, prefented to the Legislature, prayed for leave to remove the faid Bridge from the place where it now is, and to build another upon the fame terms and with like tolls as are now taken and receiv ed by them for travellers, cattle, and carriages paffing upon the faid Bridge, nearer to the mouth of the faid river, from the Suburbs of Saint Roch, on the prolongation of Craig Street to the land belonging to or in poffeffion of the above named. Anthony Anderfon, on the oppofite fide of the faid. River Saint Charles, for which



adresseront ou Grand Voyer, Procès verbal.

pour obtenir un

XVI. Pourvû toujours, et qu'il foit de plus ftatué par l'autorité fufdite, que fi dans les trois mois après telle notification comme ci-deffus, les habitans des dites Paroiffes du Cap Santé et les Ecureuils, s'adreffent par requête au Grand-Voyer du Diffii& de Québec ou à fon Député, à l'effet d'obtenir un procès verbal, et que le dit procès verbal foit homologué, conformément à la Loi, avant le vingt unième jour de Janvier, mil huit cent vingt, fpécifiant que le dit Pont fera érigé par les dites Paroiffes du Cap Santé et les Ecureuils, ou partie d'icelles, conformément aux Loix maintenant en force, et fi les dits habitans, en vertu du dit Procès Verbal, érigent le dit Pont dans le cours d'une année, à compter de la date de l'homologation du dit Procès Verbal, alors et dans tels cas les dits George Waters Allfopp, Robert Allfopp et Anna Maria Allfopp, ne pourront fe prévaloir de cet Acte aux fins d'ériger le dit Pont, et prélever les dits taux de péage. Pourvû toujours, que fi telle requête, tel que ci-deffus mentionné, n'eft pas faite et préfentée comme fufdit au Grand-Voyer, Provise. ou à fon Député dans les trois mois, et fi copie d'icelle n'eft pas fignifiée aux dits George Waters Allsopp, Robert Allfopp et Anna Maria Allfopp, dans les trois mois après la dite notification, il fera loifible, fitôt après l'expiration des dits trois mois, aux dits George Waters Allfopp, Robert Allfopp et Anna Maria Allfopp, de fe prévaloir de cet Acte, et de procéder fitôt après à ériger et conftruire le dit Pont et la dite Maifon de Péage..

XVII. Et qu'il foit de plus ftatué par l'autorité fufdite, que cet A&te fera jugé être un Acte public, et comme tel, il en fera judiciairement pris connaiffance par tous Juges, Juges de Paix et autres perfonnes quelconques, fans qu'il foit fpécialement plaidé.


Acte pour autorifer Anthony Anderfon et autres, Propriétaires du Pont
Dorchester, à le changer de place.

(84me. Avril, 1819.)

Acte Public.

VU qu'Anthony Anderfon, Charles Smith, John Goudie et autres propriétaires Préambules

du Pont Dorch:fter, fur la Rivière St. Charles, dans le Comté de Québec, ont demandé; par leur Requête à cet effet, préfentée à la Législature, permiffion d'ôterle dit Pont de la place où il eft maintenant, et d'en bâtir un autre aux mêmes conditions et avec les mêmes péages qui font maintenant pris et perçus par eux pour les voyageurs, animaux et voitures qui paffent fur le dit Pont, plus près de l'embou chure de la dite Rivière Saint Charles, du Faubourg St. Roch, fur le prolongement de la rue Craig, jufqu'à la terre appartenant à ou en la poffeffion du fus-nommé Anthony Anderfon, fur le côté oppofé de la dite Rivière Saint Charles, pour laquelle

After the pas

the Proprietors of

may build a Draw

purpose he, the faid Anthony Anderfon, hath by the aforefaid petition voluntarily offered a fufficient space or portion of ground as well as for roads of communication from the faid bridge which they intend to build with the main roads leading to the parishes of Beauport and Charlesbourg, and whereas the erection of a Draw-Bridge at the place laft above-mentioned, would materially contribute to the improvement of the City of Quebec, and effentially facilitate the communication of the inhabitants of the parishes north of the faid River Saint Charles with the faid City, and thereby be of much public utility;-May it therefore pleafe Your Majefty that it may be enacted, and be it enacted by the King's Moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the advice and confent of the Legislative Council and Affembly of the Province of Lower-Canada, conftituted and affembled by virtue of and under the authority of an A&t paffed in the Parliament of Great-Britain, intituled, "An Act to repeal "certain parts of an Act paffed in the fourteenth year of His Majefty's Reign, in"tituled, "An Act for making more effectual provifion for the Government of the Province of Quebec, in North-America," and to make further provifion for the Govern "ment of the faid Province;" And it is hereby enacted by the authority of the fame, that it fhall and may be lawful from and after the paffing of this A&t, for the sing of this Act, proprietors of the faid Dorchefter Bridge, or any number of them reprefenting at Dorchester Bridge least two-thirds of the fhares in the faid Bridge, voting according to the shares which Bridge over the they may respectively hold in the faid bridge, one vote for each fhare, to build and at the place fixed erect a Draw Bridge at the place above-mentioned, over the aforesaid River Saint Charles, the Draw-gate of which faid Bridge, for the paffage of the veffels, boats or rafts fhall at leaft be fifty feet in the clear between the pillars; and when finished and completed, to afk, demand, recover and receive, before any paffage over the faid bridge fhall be permitted, the fame toll as by law they, the Proprietors aforefaid, now are entitled to have for paffage over Dorchester Bridge aforefaid; which faid Draw-Bridge when erected, fhall be, and the fame is hereby vefted in the prefont proprietors of the aforefaid Dorchefter Bridge, their heirs and affigns for ever, in the fame proportions as they the Proprietors, at the time of the paffing of this Act, are poffeffed of the shares and tolls in and of Dorchefter Bridge, unless it fhall hereafter be otherwife mutually agreed upon by the faid Proprietors. Provided always, that if His Majefty fhall, after the expiration of fifty years from the date of the Letters Patent in virtue of which Dorchefter Bridge aforefaid hath been conftructed, the Letters Pa- affume the poffeffion and property of the faid Draw-Bridge, with the Toll-Houfe, which Dorches Turnpike and the dependencies which may thereunto appertain and belong, and the been granted, afcent and approaches thereto, the Proprietors of the faid Draw-Bridge, their heirs, property of, executors, curators and affigns fhall be entitled to recover and have from His Mathen the oils jefty, his heirs and fucceffors, the full and entire value which the fame fhall bear and be worth at the time of fuch affumption, and the faid tolls fhall from the time of fuch affumption appertain and belong to His Majefty, his heirs and fucceffors, who fall from thence forward be fubftituted in the ftead of the laid Proprietors of the faid Draw-Bridge for all and every the purposes of this Act.

river St. Charles.

for the new


If His Majesty, after 50 years from the date of

teat, in virtue of

shall assume the


shall belong to His Majesty.

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