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AN ACT to make more effectual provifion for the improvement of the
Internal Communications of this Province.

(22 March, 1817.)





HEREAS the improvement of the Internal Communications of this Province may materially tend to the promotion of Agriculture and the increase of Commerce, WE, Your Majefty's moft dutiful and loyal fubiects, the Repre fentatives of the Province of Lower-Canada, in Provincial Par iament affembled, having taken into our ferious confideration, the recommendation contained in the speech of His Excellency the Governor in Chief, delivered from the throne, at the opening of the prefent Seffion of the Provincial Parliament, relative to the improvement of the Internal Communications in this Province, humbly befeech Your Majefty, that it may be enacted and be it enacted by the King's Most Excellent Majefty, by and with the advice and confent of the Legislative Council and Affembly of Lower-Canada, constituted and affembled by virtue of and under the authority of an A&t paffed in the Parliament of Great-Britain, intituled, " "A&t to repeal certain parts of an A&t paffed in the fourteenth year of His Majesty's “Reign, intituled, “An Act for making more effectual provifion for the Government "of the Province of Quebec, in North America" and to make further provifion for "the Government of the faid Province;" And it is hereby enacted by the authority of the fame,that it shall and may be lawful to and for the Governor, Lieutenant-Governor Governor empow- or perfon adminiftering the Government of this Province for the time being, to £55,000 for the im- advance out of the unappropriated monies at prefent in the hands of the Receiver Internal Communi- General of this Province, or which may hereafter come into his hands, the fum of fifty-five thousand Pounds, currency, to be applied in the manner herein-after mentioned, to the improvement of the Internal Communications of this Province, which are of general intereft, and which under the exifting Laws, cannot be effected; that is to fay, to open or finish new Roads leading from District to District, to open or improve the new Roads leading from this Province to other British Colonies, to open or finish fuch new Roads as it may be of general intereft throughout a District, to open or finish, to erect Bridges over great Rivers, to shorten or make new Roads for the purpose of Poft Roads, to improve or diminish the fteepness of confiderable hills or flopes, occurring on the old Highways, to improve the Navigation of the Rivers and alfo the Beaches of Rivers, by conftructing Dams, Canals or other works for the purpose; and to procure plans, ftatements and eftimates of fuch other works as it may be neceffary and expedient to perform, for establishing hereafter other Communications,


to advance

provement of the

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ACTE pour pourvoir plus efficacement à améliorer les Communications.
Intérieurés dans la Province.

(22e. Mars, 1817.)

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Le Gouverneur

TTENDU que l'Amélioration des Communications Intérieures de cette Province, peut tendre grandement à l'avancement de l'agriculture, et à l'angmentation du Commerce: Nous, les Très Fidèles et Loyaux Sujets de Votre Majefté, les Repréfentants de la Province du Bas-Canada, affenblés en Parlement Provincial, ayant pris en notre férieuse considération la recommandation qui nous a été faite dans la Harangue de Son Excellence le Gouverneur en Chef délivrée du Trône, à l'ouverture de la préfente Seffion du Parlement Provincial, relativement à l'améli oration des Communications Intérieures dans cette Province, fupplions humblement Votre Majefté qu'il puiffe être ftatué, et qu'il foit itatué par la Très Excellente Majefté du Roi, par et de l'avis et confentement du Confeil Législatif et de l'Affemblée de la Province du Bas-Canada, conftitués et affemblés en vertu et fous l'autorité d'un Acte paffé dans le Parlement de la Grande Bretagne, intitulé, "Acte qui rappelle certaines parties d'un Acte paffé dans la quatorzième année du Règne de "Sa Majefté, intitulé," Ate qui pourvoit plus efficacement pour le Gouvernement "de la Province de Québec, dans l'Amérique Septentrionale;" Et qui pourvoit plus amplement pour le Gouvernement de la dite Province;" Et il eft par préfent ftatué par l'autorité fufdite, qu'il fera et pourra être loifible au Gouverneur, antorisé avancer Lieutenant Gouverneur, ou à la Perfonne ayant l'Administration du Gouvernement £55000 pour l'améde cette Province pour le tems d'alors, d'avancer lur quelques uns des argens nonmunications intéri appropriés qui font actuellement ou feront ci-après entre les mains du Receveur Général de cette Province, la forme de Cinquante cinq mille Livres courant pour être employée, de la manière ci-après mentionnée, à l'amélioration des Communica tions intérieures de la Province, de celles qui font d'un intérêt général et qui ne peuvent s'effectuer d'après les Lois maintenant en force, savoir; àouvrir ou achever les Chemins nouveaux pour conduire d'un District à l'autre, à ouvrir ou améliorer les Chemins nouveaux, conduifauts de cette Province aux autres Colonies Britanniques, à ouvrir ou achever tels Chemins nouveaux qu'il feroit d'un intérêt général pour un District d'ouvrir ou achever, à conftruire des Ponts fur les Grandes Rivières, à racourcir ou établir des nouveaux Chemins de Poste, à améliorer ou adoucir les Grandes Côtes ou. Rampes qui fe trouvent fur les anciens Grands Chemins Royaux, à améliorer la navigation des Rivières et de leurs grèves en y faifant des Eclufes, Canaux ou autres ouvrages à cette fin, et à fe procurer des Plans, Dévis et Eftimations de tels autres ouvrages qu'il pourroit être néceffaire ou expédient de faire pour établir par la fuite d'autres Communications.

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lioration des


eures de la Province.

How the money

shall be di ided be

tricts of the Province.

II. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, that from and out of the faid tween the several dis- fum of fifty-five thousand Pounds, currency, a fum of nineteen thoufand fix hundred and fifty Pounds, currency, fhall be applied in the District of Quebec; the sum of twenty-four thousand five hundred and fifty Pounds, currency, fhall be applied in the District of Montreal; the fum of nine thoufand eight hundred Pounds, currency, fhall be applied in the District of Three-Rivers; and the fum of one thoufand Pounds, currency, fhall be applied for the inferior District of Gafpé, for the purposes of this A&t.

The money grant

how to be divided

between the Coun


III. And whereas the Internal Communications which are generally interefting, ed for the Districts, and which cannot be effected under the Laws at prefent in force, are not in the fameproportion in each County, and that it is expedient to apply the faid monies in the Counties in which fuch Communications are, and in the proportion required in each County for the purposes aforefaid: Be it therefore further enacted by the autho rity aforesaid, that out of the faid fum of nineteen thoufand fix hundred and fifty Pounds, currency, which is to be applied within the District of Quebec, that of one. thousand one hundred Pounds, currency, fhall be applied in the County of Cornwallis, that of two hundred Pounds, currency, in the County of Devon, that of three hundred Pounds, currency, in the County of Hertford, that of fix thousand one hundred and fifty Pounds, currency, in the County of Dorchefter, that of two thoufand fix hundred-Pounds, currency, in that part of the County of Buckinghamfhire, which is dependent on the District of Quebec, that of one thousand nine hun dred Pounds, currency, in the County of Northumberland, that of fix thousand. four hundred Pounds, currency, in the County of Quebec, that of one thoufand Pounds, currency, in that part of the County of Hampshire which is dependent om the District of Quebec; that out of the faid fum of nine thoufand eight hundred Pounds, currency, which is to be applied within the District of Three-Rivers, that of thirteen hundred Pounds, currency, fhall be applied in the County of Saint Maurice, and in that part of the County of Hampshire which is dependent on the Diftrict of Three-Rivers, and that of eight thoufand five hundred Pounds, currency, in that part of the County of Buckinghamshire which is dependent on the Dirict of Three-Rivers; and that of the fum of twenty-four thousand five hundred and fifty Pounds, currency, which is to be applied within the Diftri&t of Montreal, that of four thousand five hundred Pounds, currency, fhall be applied in the County of York, that of one thoufand Pounds, currency in the County of Effingham,that of one thouland Pounds, currency, in the County of Leinfter, that of one thousand Pounds, currency, in the County of Warwick, that of five thousand Pounds, currency, in the City of Montreal, that of two hundred Pounds, currency, in the County of Montreal, that of one thou fand feven hundred Pounds, currency, in the County of Huntingdon, that of two thoufand Pounds, currency, in the County of Bedford, that of one thousand Pounds, currency, in the County of Kent, that of two thousand eight hundred Pounds, currency, in the County of Richelieu;


Manière dont l'ar

gent sera divisé en

II. Et qu'il foit de plus ftatué par l'autorité fufdite, que de la dite fomme de Cinquante cinq mille Livres courant, une fomme de Dix-neuf mille fix cents tre les différens Dis cinquante Livres courant, fera employée dans le District de Québec, la fomme de Vingt-quatre mille cinq cents cinquante Livres courant, fera employée dans le District de Montréal, la fomme de Neuf mille huit cents Livres courant, fera employée dans le Diftrict des Trois-Rivières, et la fomme de Mille Livres courant fera employée pour le District inférieur de Gaspé pour les fins du préfent Acte.

III. Et attendu que les Communications Intérieures qui font d'un intérêt général et qui ne peuvent s'effectuer d'après les Loix maintenant en force ne fe trouvent pas être dans la même proportion dans chaque Comté, et qu'il eft expédient d'employer les dits argens dans les Comtés où elles fe trouvent et en proportion du befoin de chaque Comté pour les fins fufdites; Qu'il foit donc ftatué par l'autorité fufdite, que fur la dite fomme de Dix-neuf mille fix cents cinquante Livres courant, qui doit être employée dans le Diftrio de Québec, celle de Mille cent Livres courant fera employée dans le Comté de Cornwallis, celle de deux cents Livres courant dans le Comté de Devon, celle de Trois cents Livres courant dans le Comté de Hertford, celle de Six mille cent cinquante Livres courant dans le Comté de Dorchester, celle de Deux mille fix cents Livres courant dans la partie du Comté de Buckinghamshire dépendante du Diftrict de Québec, celle de Mille neuf cents Livres courant dans le Comté de Northumberland, celle de Six mille quatre cents Livres courant dins le Comté de Québec, celle de Mille Livres courant dans la partie du Comté de Hampshire dépendante du District de Québec; que de la dite fomme de Neuf mille huit cents Livres courant qui doit être employée dans le Diftrict des TroisRivières, celle de treize cents Livres courant fera employée dans le Comté de Saint Maurice, et dans la partie du Comté de Hampshire dépendante da Diftrict des TroisRivières, et celle de Huit mille cinq cents Livres courant, dans la partie du Comté de Buckinghamshire dépendante du Diftri&t des Trois-Rivières; et que de la fomme de Vingt-quatre mille cinq cents cinquante Livres courant, qui doit être employée dans le District de Montréal, celle de quatre mille cinq cents Livres courant iera employée dans le Comté d'York, celle de Mille Livres courant dans le Comté d'Effingham, ceile de Mille Livres courant dans le Comté de Leinftar, celle de Milie Livres courant dans le Comté de Warwick, celle de Cinq mille Livres courant dans la Cité de Montréal, celle de Deux cents Livres courant dans le Comté de Montréal, celle de Mille fept cents Livres courant dans le Comté de Huntingdon, celle de Deux mille Livres courant dans le Comté de Bedford, celle de Millo Livres courant dans le Comté de Kent, celle de Deux mille huit cents Livres courant dans le Comté de Richelieu, celle de Quinze cents cinquante Livres courant pour l'amélioration de la Navigation de la Rivière Richelieu entre Sorel et le Fort Chambly, celle de Mille Livres courant pour l'amélioration de la Naviga tion de la Rivière des Ottawas et de fes Grèves pour faciliter le trait des Bateaux, celle de Mille Livres courant pour l'amélioration des Rapides et des Grèves entre

Manière dont l'argent accordé pous

chaque District vera divisé entre los Com


The money applied to be under the

direction of three appointed by the

Commissioners to be


Counties of Dorches

shire, under the di

that of fifteen hundred and fifty Pounds, currency, for the improvement of the Navigation of the River Richelieu, between Sorel and Fort Chambly, that of one thoufand Pounds, currency, for the improvement of the Navigation of the River Ottawas and the fhores thereof, to facilitate the tracking of Bateaux, that of one thousand Pounds, currency, for the improvement of the Rapids and Shores between the Ifle Jéfus and the Main Land, that of eight hundred Pounds, currency, for the improvement of the Rapids and Shores between the !fle of Montreal and the Ifle Jéfus; and that the faid fom of one thoufand Pounds, currency, to be applied for the inferior Diftri&t and County of Gafpé, fhall be applied to the opening of a Road of Communication between Chaleur Bay and the Parish of Rimousk!.

IV. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, that the fums aforefaid fhall be applied in each of the faid Counties refpectively under the direction of three Commiffioners in each of the said Counties respectively, who shall be nominated and appointed by the Governor, Lieutenant-Governor or perfon adminiftering the Government of this Province for the time being,by an inftrament under his hand and feal; which Commiffioners fhall be known and designated by the denomination of Except as to the Commiffioners for Internal Communications." Provided always, that the money ter and Buckingham for the County of Dorchester and for that part of the County of Buckinghamshire, rection of seven which is dependent upon the Diftri&t of Quebec, fhall be applied under the direcCommissioners. tion of feven Commiffioners, who fhall be appointed in the fame manner and who fhall ferve jointly for the faid County of Dorchester, and for that part of the County of When Rives shall Buckinghamshire which is dependent upon the District of Quebec. Provided always, Counties, the works that when Rivers fhall run through feveral counties, the works neceffary for improving the naviga- proving the Navigation, and the fhores thereof, according to the difpofitions of this under the direction Act, fhall be performed under the directions of a majority of the Commissioners of Commissioners of the Internal Communications of the faid Counties, who are required to meet and affemble tions of the said for that purpose.

pass through several

necessary for im

tion to be performed

of a of the



Duty of the Commissioners after their appointments.

The works not fi misbed for making


V. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that the aforefaid Commiffioners for the Internal Communications in each of the faid Counties refpectively, or a majority of them, fhall immediately after their nomination and appointment, infert an Advertisement in the Quebec Gazette, and in one of the public newspapers of their respective diftricts, indicating the days on which, and places at which their offices will be open for receiving any communications which may be made to them relative to the nature of the duties hereby prefcribed to them, and relative to the improvements to be made in the feveral parts of the aforefaid Counties, for facilitating new means of communication; and alfo upon the probable amount of the expense of the works to be performed in furtherance of fuch improve


VI. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, that the works remaining


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