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Application of

the money to be accounted for to

His Majesty.

" mentioned, to provide Temporary Houfes of Correction in the feveral Diftricts "of this Province," have incurred a debt for the neceffary maintenance and fupport of the faid Houfe of Correction, of the fum of four hundred and twenty pounds, one fhilling and nine-pence, current money; Be it therefore enacted by the King's Moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the advice and confent of the Legiflative Council and Affembly of the Province of Lower Canada, conftituted and affembled by virtue of and under the authority of an Act paffed in the Parliament of Great Britain, intituled, "An Act to repeal certain parts of an Act paffed in the fourteenth year of His Majefty's Reign, intituled, "An Act for making more ef"fectual provifion for the Government of the Province of Quebec, in North America," "and to make further provifion for the Government of the faid Province;" and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the fame, that it shall and may be lawful for the Governor, Lieutenant Governor or perfon adminiftering the Government of this Province for the time being, by a Warrant or Warrants under his hand and feal, to cause to be paid out of the unappropriated monies which now are, or at any time hereafter may be in the hands of the Receiver General of the Province, to the faid Commiffioners for fuperintending the Temporary Houfe of Correction for the District of Montreal, or to any one of them heretofore appointed, under and in virtue of the aforefaid Act of the fifty-fourth year of His Majefty's Reign, the faid fum of four hundred and twenty pounds, one fhilling and nine-pence, current money of this Province, for the purposes above-mentioned, and fo as aforefaid remaining due.

II. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, that the due applica tion of the said monies, pursuant to the directions of this A&t, fhall be accounted for to His Majefty, His Heirs and Succeffors, through the Lords Commiffioners of His Majefty's Treasury, in fuch manner and form as His Majefty, His Heirs and Succeffors fhall direct.


An Act to appropriate a certain Lot of Ground in the City of Montreal for the Site of a Public Library, and to incorporate certain Perfons therein-mentioned.


(24th April, 1819.)

HEREAS George Auldjo, John Brown, Jean Bouthillier, John Boston, Louifa Caldwell, Ifaac Winflow Clarke, Auftin Cuvillier, François Des rivières,

"pourvoir à des Maifons de Correction temporaires dans les différens Diftrias de "cette Province," ont contracté une dette pour le foutien et l'entretien nécessaire de la dite Maifon de Correction, en la fomme de quatre cent vingt livres, un chelin et neuf deniers, argent courant; Qu'il foit donc ftatué par la Très Excellente Majesté du Roi, par et de l'avis et confentement du Confeil Légiflatif et de l'Affemblée de la Province du Bas-Canada, conftitués et affemblés en verta et fous l'autorité d'un Acte paffé dans le Parlement de la Grande-Bretagne, intitulé," Atte qui rappelle "certaines parties d'un Ate paffé dans la quatorzième Année du Règne de Sa "Majefté, intitulé," Acte qui pourvoit plus efficacement pour le Gouvernement de la "Province de Québec, dans l'Amérique Septentrionale,; Et qui pourvoit plus " amplement pour le Gouvernement de la dite Province," et il eft par le préfent429 1 9, acftatué par la dite autorité, qu'il fera et pourra être loifible au Gouverneur, Lieute- Maison nant Gouverneur, ou à la perfonne ayant l'Adminiftration du Gouvernement de raire du District cette Province pour le tems d'alors, de faire qu'il foit payé par un Warrant ou Warrants, fur les argens non appropriés qui font maintenant ou pourront ci-après fe trouver entre les mains du Receveur Général de la Province, aux dits Commiffaires qui ont la fur-intendance de la Maifon de Correction temporaire pour le Diftri& de Montréal, ou à aucun d'eux ci-devant établis fous et en vertu du fufdit Acte de la cinquante-quatrième Année du Règne de Sa Majefté, la dite fomme de quatre cent vingt livres, un chelin et neuf deniers, argent courant de cette Province, pour les fins ci-deffus mentionnées, et reftant encore due comme fufdit.


II. Et qu'il foit de plus ftatué par l'autorité fufdite, qu'il fera tenu compte de due application des dits argens conformément aux directions du présent Acte, à Sa Majefté, Ses Héritiers et Succeffeurs, par la Voie des Lords Commiffaires de la Tréforerie de Sa Majefté, en telles manière et forme que Sa Majefté, Ses Héritiers et Succeffeurs l'ordonneront.

cordés pour la

rection tempo

de Montréal

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Acte pour approprier un certain Lot de Terre, dans la Cité de Montréal, à la fituation d'une Bibliothèque Publique, et pour incorporer certaines perfonnes y mentionnées.

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Uque George Auldjo, John Brown, Jean Bouthillier, John Boston, Louifa
Caldwell, Ifaac Willow Clarke, Auftin Cuvillter, François Delnivières,

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rivières, James M'Gill Defrivières, François Antoine Larocque, Pierre Dominique Debartzch, David David, Saveufe de Beaujeu, Frederick William Ermatinger, the Heirs of the late Pierre Fortier, Robert Frofte, John Forsyth, John Fleming, Henry Graffete, Robert Griffin, Henry Griffin, Samuel Gale, John Gray, Mar garet Gray, George Gregory, Louis Guy, Samuel Gerrard, Benalah Gibb, Geo, Garden, William Hallowell, Alexander Henry, Sir John Johnfon, Baronet, Joha Jameifon, John Lilly, James Leflie, Juliana Langan, Jean Marie Mondelet, John Molfon, Henry M'Kenzie, Thomas M'Cord, John M'Tavifh, Peter M'Cutcheon, James Monk, William M'Gillivray, Archibald Normand M'Leod, George Moffatt, Ifaac Ogden, John Ogilvy, the Heirs of the late George Platt, the Heirs of the late, Pierre Louis Panet, Louis Jofeph Papineau, Andrew Porteo is, Turton Penn, Joleph Perrault, Frederic Augufte Quefnel, David Rofs, John Richardson, James Reid, the Heirs of the late John Rowand, Alexander, Skakel, Wiliam Stephens, George Selby, John Stansfeld, Stephen Sewell, Charles Tait, Alexander Thain, Jasper Tough, Thomas Thain, Thomas Wilson, James Woolrich, and Arthur Webster, Directors and Proprietors of the Montreal Library, have by their petition prayed that a portion of the ground at prefent occupied for the use of the Court House in the City of Montreal, be granted to them for the erection of a Public Library thereupon, to be built at their own expence, and whereas it is expedient that Inftitutions intended to promote and diffeminate knowledge should be encouraged and affifted; Be it therefore enacted by the King's Most Excellent Ma jefty, by and with the advice and confent of the Legislative Council and Affembly of the Province of Lower Canada, conftituted and affembled by virtue of and under the authority of an A&t paffed in the Parliament of Great Britain, intituled, " Aa "Act to repeal certain parts of an A&t paffed in the fourteenth year of His Majel "ty's Reign, intituled, " An Act for making more effectual provision for the Go"vernment of the Province of Quebec, in North America," and to make further pro"vifion for the Government of the faid Province ;" and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the fame, that from and out of the lot of ground appropriated and occupied for the ufe of the Court House in the said City of Montreal, and from the North-Weft angle of the faid lot, a lot or emplacement of fifty feet French measure appropriated for in front, by eighty-nine feet like measure in depth, fhall be and the fame is hereby appropriated and allotted for the fite of a Public Library and for no other pur pofe whatsoever.

A lot of ground

a public Library.

Lot of ground and publie Libra

vested in the proprietors.

II. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, that the faid Lot of zy when built, Ground herein-before appropriated and allotted, and the faid Public Library intended to be thereupon built, shall be, and the fame are hereby vested in the perfons herein-before named, their Heirs, Representatives and Affigns for ever, who are hereby made and declared to be a Corporation under the name of the "Company of Proprietors of The Montreal Library," for the fpecial purpose of being capable to take and hold in perpetual fucceffion, the above-mentioned lot of ground for the purposes aforefaid.


James M'Gill Defrivières, François Antoine Larocque, Pierre Dominique De Bartzch, David David, Saveufe de Beaujeu, Frederick William Ermatinger, les Héritiers de feu Pierre Foretier, Robert Frofte, John Forfyth, John Fleming, Henry Graffette, Robert Griffin, Henry Griffin, Samuel Gale, John Gray, Margaret Gray, George Gregory, Louis Guy, Samuel Gerrard, Benaiah Gibb, George Garden, William Hallowell, Alexander Henry, Sir John Johnfton, Baronet, John Jameifon, John Lilly, James Leflie, Juliana Langan, Jean Marie Mondelet, John Molfon, Henry M'Kenzie, Thomas M'Cord, John McTavish, Peter M'Cutcheon, James Monk, William M'Gillivray, Archibald Normand McLeod, George Moffatt, Ifaac Ogden, John Ogilvy, les Héritiers de feu George Platt, les Héritiers de feu Pierre' Louis Panet, Louis Jofeph Papineau, Andrew Porteous, Turton Penn, Jofeph Perrault, Frédéric Augufte Quefnel, David Rofs, John Richardson, James Reid, les Héritiers de feu John Rowand, Alexander Skakel, William Stephens, George Selby, John Stansfeld, Stephen Sewell, Charles Tait, Alexander Thain, Jafper Tough, Tho. mas Thain, Thomas Wilfon, James Woolrich, et Arthur Webster, Directeurs et Propriétaires de la Bibliothêque de Montréal, ont par leur Requête prié qu'une partie du terrein maintenant occupé pour l'ufage de la Salle d'Audience dans la Cité de Montréal, leur foit accordé pour y ériger une Bibliothêque publique à leurs propres fais; et vû qu'il eft convenable d'encourager et aider les inftructions dont le but eft de promouvoir et répandre les Sciences; Qu'il foit donc ftatué par la très-Excellente Majefté du Roi, par et de l'avis et confentement du Confeil Législatif et de l'Affemblée de la Province du Bas-Canada, conftitués et affemblés en vertu et fous l'autorité d'un A&te paffé dans le Parlement de la Grande Bretagne, intitulé, "Afte "qui rappelle certaines parties d'un Acte paffé dans la quatorzième Année du "Règne de Sa Majefté, intitulé, " Acte qui pourvoit plus efficacement pour le Gouverne "ment de la Province de Québec, dans l'Amérique Septentrionale," et qui pourvoit "plus amplement pour le Gouvernement de la dite Province;" Et il eft par le préfent ftatué par la dite autorité, que de l'angle nord-ouest du lot de terre approprié et occupé pour l'ufage de la Salle d'Audience, dans la dite Cité de Montréal, il fera et il eft par le préfent approprié et accordé un lot ou emplacement de cinquante approprié à pieds, mesure françoise de front, fur quatrevingt-neuf pieds même mesure en profon- Bibliothèque pudeur, pour le fite d'une Bibliothêque publique, et pour nul autre objet quelconque.

Un Lot de terte


situation d'une blique.

vêtus de la

II. Et qu'il foit de plus ftatué par l'autorité fufdite, que les perfonnes ci-devant Les propriétaires nommées au préfent, leurs Héritiers, Repréfentans, et ayans caufe, feront et font propriété du Lot par le préfent revêtues de la propriété du dit lot de terre ci-deffus approprié et ac- de terre et de la cordé par le préfent, et de la dite Bibliothêqué publique que l'on fe propofe d'y bâ- blique qui y sera tir; et elles font par le préfent établies et déclatées une Corporation fous le nom de "Compagnie des Propriétaires de la Bibliothêque de Montréal," aux fins spéciales de pouvoir prendre et tenir en fucceffion perpétuelle le lot de terre ci-deffus mentionné pour les fins fufdites.

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Proprietors to

make Bye Laws.

III. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, that the faid Com. pany shall be and they are hereby authorized and empowered, at any meeting af fembled for the purpole, after at least two weeks previous notification to that ef fect, herein-after-mentioned, in fome one of the news-papers printed and published at the City of Montreal, make and establish fuch Bye-Laws, Rules and Regula. tions for the good Government of the faid Montreal Library as the majority of the Proprietors there prefent fhall deem expedient; which faid Bye-Laws, Rules and Regulations until the fame are repealed, altered, or amended, shall thereafter take effect and be binding upon the faid Company. Provided always, that nothing in this A&t contained nor any Bye-Law, Rule or Regulation, that may hereafter be made in pursuance of the farne, fhall, in any manner or way extend or be conftrued to extend to authorize any Proprietor or Proprietors of the faid Library or of the building fo as aforefaid, intended to be erected on the ground to dispose of their by this A&t allotted and appropriated for the faid Library, to fell or dif other thing pole of his, her or their fhare, or fhares in the faid Library, and in the laid buildselling their la ing, otherwife than by felling or transferring his or their intereft or interefts in the fhares which fuch Proprietor or Proprietors may hold in the faid Montreal Library and building to be therefor erected, which shares are hereby made and declared to be transferable and affignable.

Proprietors not Shares, in the


terests in the saidshares.

Public Library to be built

IV. Provided always, and be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, that within Ave years the above named Proprietors of the faid Montreal Library, to entitie them to the lot of ground herein before appropriated for a public Library as aforefaid, and to the benefit of this A&t, fhall cause the aforefaid intended Public Library to be built, erected and completed within five years from and after the paffing of this Act, and in default fo to do, the perfons herein-before named, or their Heirs, Sacceffors or Affigus fhall, to all intents and purposes cease to be a Corporation, as they are herein-before declared to be.


disseized of the

V. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, that the Prothonotasaid lot of ground, ries of the Court of King's Bench for the District of Montreal fhall be, and they are hereby diffeized and divested of so much of the aforefard lot of ground apper. taining to the Court-Houle in the faid City of Montreal, as is by this A& vefed in the aforefaid Proprietors of the Montreal Library for the purposes of this Aa, any Law or Ordinance to the contrary in any wife notwithstanding.


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