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ingratiate: in order to ingratiate with you, von Brown getadelt; dafür sc.: to mak in wi" one, to mak thiek with..

he had initiated himself in arms (Bu.).

the Ottomites... have there injointed them with an after fleet (Oth. 1. 3).

insinuate: to see so great a Lord basily insinuate (T. Andr. 4. 2). wilt thou insinuate what I am? (Q. Dur. 254) bei Dr. insinuate into ; another insinuates that his comet shall turn tail upon our world (Ir.). no sooner did this ungracious thought intrude itself (Q. Dur. 276) und ohne pron.

join: Exod. 1. 10: they join unto our enemies und Ps. 83. 8: Assur is joined with them: sonst mit refl.

joy: the king shall joy in thy strength (Pr. 21. 1). the Sonday a day hit is that angels joyen (Wa. I. 19); refl. Spectator. sonst to enjoy trans.

he snuffed up volatile salts to keep him from fainting (H. Klinker). lay: I laid me down and slept (Ps. 3. 5). he has laid himself by wi o'er muckle wark (sc.).

on a launde lene de Ime (P. P).

magnify (Ps. 35. 26) that magnify themselves against me.

I marvel to hear you speak thus (Q. Dur.) cf. they had mervelle of hys dede (Wa. 1. 197) und imperson.

do ye dare to mate yourselves with the wild boar? (Q. Dur.) to mean one's self (sc.).

to misken one's self (sc.).

dinna mismake yoursell for me (Ettr. Forest).

ye needna mismuive yoursell (Clydes).

he should meddle in the broil (Jr.).

mix ohne pron. wie auch mingle.

mount: mount thee upon his horse (Rich. II. 5. 3).

nestle refl. bei Ba., sonst one's self.

nourish refl. bei Ba.

ych obligi me to be (R. o. Gl.):

to obtrude one's self und ohne refl.

to overeat one's self (sc.).

I wiss I may be able to own mysell in the business (sc.). patient yourself, Madam (T. Andr. 1. 2).

peine Ch. 4740: she peineth hire to make good countenance; S

4. 11. 25 which pained themselves her footing to direct; sc.

ohne refl. und he pyned himself frz. se peiner; pyned under Ponce Pilat (A. E. bei Wa. I. 166).

peril: it was better... than to peril themselves in defence of their own substance (Q. Dur.).

fearful to perk him by the eagles side (Gr. 36).

Henry VIII.3.2: Ipersuade me, from her will fall some blessing. Ivanh. 24: which Cedric piqued himself upon maintaining.

to plain me to the God (Edward 2). I coulde plain (Ch. 5969 und R. 5045) und I wol me plain (Ch. R. 6407).

Voltaire plumes himself not a little upon the superior bienseance of the French theatre (Blair.) dagegen: must Pompey as his last foe plume on me? (Ma. 246).

he has possessed himself of the town (Q. Dur. 67, Bu.) to prap one's self up (sc.).

prepare: the whole party retreated to prepare for their banquett (Sc.).

he cared not to present himself before them (Sc.). in case any favorable opportunity should present (Ir.)

this poor wretch should pride him in his woe (Shel.), refl. V. o. W. Richardson; New-Yorkers priding themselves upon being genuine Knickerbockers (Ir.).

that to thine honour I maie me provide (Ch.).

prove: prove thou thee honest (B. J. Catil.) (D. Twist 4); it may prove his own torment (Swift).

to rakle one's self (sc.).

recollect: the Spaniards recollected themselves (Sm.) und ohne pron. recover: Isabelle recovering herself said... (Q. Dur.); the Briton prince recovering his stolne sword (S.).

ere he could himself recure again (S. 5. 1).

I could not refrain from, und mit pron.

to refund one's self (Swift).

rejoice Ch. V. 156: the devil ever rejoyseth him of mannes harme. Ps. 2. 11 rejoice with trembling: so stets in der Bibel, wenn nicht trans. z. B. the statues of Lord are right rejoicing the heart Ps. 19. 8 eigenthümlich never mother rejoiced deliverance more (Cymb. 5. 5).

remember (ags. nur von anderem Stamme: myndig väs petrus wordes und gemynjan reminisci und gemyndan trans. E. 219). can they not remember hem und remember on me (Ch. 5. 179). God remembered his covenant with Abraham (Exod. 2. 24). B.

J.: I now remember me, Sir, of a sad fate (cf. Span. tragedy), so oft bei B. Fl.

rendezvous refl. bei Tillotson I. 31.

repent: of her estate she her repented (Ch. R. 7404) und mit refl.: at what time soeuer a sinner repenteth him of his sinnes (Euph. 76); bei B. J. ohne und mit pron. (Catiline); bei Wi. refl. Ant. & Cl. III. 3: I repent me much (cf. Par. Lost XII. 474). ye'll repent ye (A. Ramsay), bei Marryat: I repent me und I repent of (J Faithful 351. 358).


Coriolan 1. 9: ere we do repose us; Henry VI.2 2. 1 we will repose us here.

resolve yourselves apart (Macb. 3.1) ohne pr. und (id.) we are resolved. rest: ags. Exod. 31. 17: he him reste; our Lord rested him (Mandev.) so bei Byron, Macaulay; the rod of the wicked shall not rest upon the lot of the righteous (Ps. 125); rest you merry (Q. Dur. 49), rest awhile (Lear 3. 6), rest thee tranquil (Shel). Coriolan 1. 3: give me leave to retire myself cf. Rich. 2. 4. 1, Tempest 5: thence retire me to my Milan.

ride Ch. 1693 he rode himself away (Mirror f. M. 294). I romed me about (P. P.)

to what license dares thy unbridled boldness run itself? (B. J. Catiline 4. 2); to run mad (Oth. 3. 3).

to rynd one's self (sc.).

save: 'tis time thou save thyself (A. Cato).

seme Si. refl.; worthy thou of her doest rightly seeme (S. 5. 1. 28). sette (sette de wind Marcus 6. 51. ags.)


cessare. setteth him doun (Ch.), the kings of the earth set themselves (Ps. 2. 2). settle: a dove settles on her finger (B. St.) sonst ansiedeln. shame: ne dop heo me schame ynoɔ̃ (R. o Gl.) will you shame shame your self (Ram. Alley), I shame me of the part I played (Sc. Lady 384), , ags. sceamjan ohne casus, und impers. mit dat. und gen. (E. 672) well mote I shame to tell (S.) dafür scot. to beast; for the humour of love he shameth (Gr.) und I shame to let slip .. id.; ye have shamed the counsel of the poor (Ps. XIV. 6). never shame his Highness for that (Q. Dur.) whith which even Lewis shamed to pollute the interior. id.

to shank one's self awa. (sc).

mariners shipwreck themselves (Ma. 251).

show: with the merciful thou wilt shew thyself merciful (Ps. 18. 25)

(to mustur sc.).


shrive Ch. V. 213 scarely may he shrive him. they shrowd themselves from causeless feare (S.). he had shut himself up in a cave (Q. Dur.).

sit: bei Ch. impersonal; Ho.: he sitteth him down; he sits him down (Go. Traveller); they sat them down (D.), mit themselves (Jr.).

slay: mony was pe gode body pat hymself slon pat day (R.o. Gl.). sport Gr.: to sport himself (159), I have sported me .. spread: the news spread fast, und refl. stand: stand thee close (M. A. a. N. III. 3).

he had stationed himself in the auberge below (Q. Dur.). I stept me back (All Fools).

the lion lay and stretch'd him in the lawns (Gr.).

he stripped him to the ivory skin (Ma.).

submit: I me submit unto your grace (Ch.), the strangers shall

submit themselves unto me (Ps. 18. 44), he resolved to submit to the ridicule (Q. Dur. 70).

supply: did supply thee at the gardenhouse (M. f. M. 5. 1), any one else who pleased might supply themselves (War.).

to him I will surrender myself (Q. Dur.).

I wadna sussie mysell

= se soucier (sc.).

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I would not put myself to the trouble

a better never did sustain itself (Oth. 5. 2).

think: and hym thynke (Audlay); does it not, think thee, stand me now upon (Hamlet V. 2); he thinks himsell nae sheep-shank

is conceited (sc.).

Mars took him to his lance (Gr.) cf. betake.

trouble a give one's self trouble, sc. fash one's thumbe.



turn: turn thee unto me (Ps. 25. 16), doch 18. 35 neither did 1 turn again.; 80. 3 turn us again.; 85. 3 thou hast turned thyself from the fierceness; he can turne cat in the paune (Damon. cf. Gentlem. Magaz. 1754); England began to turn France (Fu.), I'll teach thee to turn thyself to any thing (Ma.), they will turn their own farmers (Sw.).

my muse herself now tyred has (S. 4. 11. 53), jetzt gewöhnlich pass. gebraucht.

he unlades himself of that false wealth (Chap.).

value: I valued myself upon being a strict monogamist (V.o. W.) cf. Q. Dur. 28.

vindan ags. refl. (E. 121).

I warrant me

it grieves my

(War. N. a Th. 30). Jr.; (Oth. 3. 3) I warrant

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I give the warrant. id.

wash: Exod. 2. 5 and the daughter of Pharaoh came down to wash herself; John IX. 7 go wash in the pool of Siloam. wed: yef I schal wedden that faire may (Otuel), Ch. 8027 to wedden me, 5856 intr., 5831 trans.; he wold be wedded 8060. wed with me und wed thyself to me (Gr.; Bu. Rienzi 103); veddjan ags. spondere und dare in matrimonium (E. 87). wend Ch. R. 1553: unto the welle than went 1 me (cf. Torrent 115); Ps. 68. 7: when thou wentest forth before thy people. with him to wende aboute (R.o.Gl.), ags. vendan vertere, auch reff. mit pron. und ire (E. 122).

withdraw (Oth. 4. 1).

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wonder: monige giwundrade weran (Marcus 6. 1) (Ch. 8209). hym ne schulde not wondry (R. o. Gl.), ags. ongan io vundrigan (Boeth. 40. 1) und mit gen. (E. 124); such as the world would wonder to behold (Ma.); I wonder whence he has caught the gift (Q. Dur. 154).

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to wreth one's self sc. to be wroth.

Die reflexive Beziehung wurde in der ältern Zeit nur durch das einfache Pronomen ausgedrückt: so im Ags. für alle drei Personen, obwohl self, sylf existirte, aber declinirt und mit dem davor stehenden pronom. personale den Casus wechselnd (s. Hickes p. 26. Tyrwhitt Essay n. 30). Seit Chaucer kam die Sitte auf, nur my, thy, him, hire, our, your, hem vor self zu setzen, das aber bei ihm noch ohne Rücksicht auf den Numerus mit selven wechselt (s. Gram. I. 228 etc.). Für das jetzige Englisch gilt wohl, freilich mit nicht blos auf poetischen Ausdruck oder Imperativ, wie Latham behauptet, beschränkten Ausnahmen, Lathams Regel: II. 342: whenever we use a verb reflectively we use the word self in combination with the personal pronoun. Dass aber in I fear me (noch bei Campbell Lives of the Chancellors) fear intrans. oder neutral sei, wie Latham behauptet, ist ebenso unrichtig wie die Auffassung des mount ye als equivocal reflective, da es sein könne be mounted oder mount yourselves: es ist wie das bei La. II. 343 citirte sc. Busk ye, busk ye, my bonny, bonny bride reflexiv.

Eine sicher franz. Einflusse zuzuschreibende Construction des Reflex. findet sich bei Ch. 12597 those riotoures. were set hem

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