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The second Part of Henry the Sixt,

with the death of the Good Duke


Actus Primus. Scana Prima.

Flourish of Trumpets: Then Hoboyes.

Enter King, Duke Humfrey, Salisbury, Warwicke, and Beauford on the one side.

The Queene, Suffolke, Yorke, Somerset, and Buckingham,


on the other.

S by your high Imperiall Majesty,

I had in charge at my depart for France,

As Procurator to your Excellence,

To marry Princes Margaret for your Grace;

So in the Famous Ancient City, Toures,

In presence of the Kings of France, and Sicill,

The Dukes of Orleance, Calaber, Britaigne, and Alanson,
Seven Earles, twelve Barons, & twenty reverend Bishops,

I have perform'd my Taske, and was espous'd,

And humbly now upon my bended knee,

In sight of England, and her Lordly Peeres,

Deliver up my Title in the Queene

To your most gracious hands, that are the Substance
Of that great Shadow I did represent:

The happiest Gift, that ever Marquesse gave,

The Fairest Queene, that ever King receiv'd.

King. Suffolke arise. Welcome Queene Margaret,

I can expresse no kinder signe of Love

Then this kinde kisse: O Lord, that lends me life,
Lend me a heart repleate with thankfulnesse :
For thou hast given me in this beauteous Face
A world of earthly blessings to my soule,
If Simpathy of Love unite our thoughts.

Queen. Great King of England, & my gracious Lord,
The mutuall conference that my minde hath had,
By day, by night; waking, and in my dreames,
In Courtly company, or at my Beades,
With you mine Alder liefest Soveraigne,
Makes me the bolder to salute my King,

With ruder termes, such as my wit affoords,
And over joy of heart doth minister.

King. Her sight did ravish, but her grace in Speech,

Her words yclad with wisedomes Majesty,

Makes me from Wondring, fall to Weeping joyes,

Such is the Fulnesse of my hearts content.

Lords, with one cheerefull voice, Welcome my Love.
All Kneel. Long live Qu. Margaret, Englands happines.
Queene. We thanke



Suf. My Lord Protector, so it please your Grace,

Heere are the Articles of contracted peace,

Betweene our Soveraigne, and the French King Charles,
For eighteene moneths concluded by consent.


Glo. Reads. Inprimis, It is agreed betweene the French K. Charles, and William de la Pole Marquesse of Suffolke, Ambassador for Henry King of England, That the said Henry shal espouse the Lady Margaret, daughter unto Reignier King of Naples, Sicillia, and Jerusalem, and Crowne her Queene of England, ere the thirtieth of May next ensuing.

Item, That the Dutchy of Anjou, and the County of Main, shall be released and delivered to the King her Father.

King. Unkle, how now?


Pardon me gracious Lord, Some sodaine qualme hath strucke me at the heart, And dim'd mine eyes, that 1 can reade no further. King. Unckle of Winchester, I pray read on.

Win. Item, It is further agreed betweene them, That the Dutchesse of Anjou and Maine, shall be released and delivered over to the King ber Father, and shee sent over of the King of Englands owne proper Cost and Charges, without having any Dowry.

King. They please us well. Lord Marques kneel down,
We heere create thee the first Duke of Suffolke,
And girt thee with the Sword. Cosin of Yorke,
We heere discharge your Grace from being Regent
I'th parts of France, till terme of eighteene Moneths
Be full expyr'd. Thankes Uncle Winchester,
Gloster, Yorke, Buckingham, Somerset,

Salisburie, and Warwicke.

We thanke you

all for this great favour done,

In entertainment to my Princely Queene.

Come, let us in, and with all speede provide

To see her Coronation be perform❜d.

Exit King, Queene, and Suffolke.

Manet the rest.

Glo. Brave Peeres of England, Pillars of the State,
you Duke Humfrey must unload his greefe :
Your greefe, the common greefe of all the Land.
What? did my brother Henry spend his youth,
His valour, coine, and people in the warres?
Did he so often lodge in open field:
In Winters cold, and Summers parching heate,
To conquer France, his true inheritance?
And did my brother Bedford toyle his wits,
To keepe by policy what Henrie got:
Have you your selves, Somerset, Buckingham,

Brave Torke, Salisbury, and victorious Warwicke,
Receivd deepe scarres in France and Normandie :
Or hath mine Unckle Beauford, and my selfe,
With all the Learned Counsell of the Realme,
Studied so long, sat in the Councell house,
Early and late, debating to and fro

How France and Frenchmen might be kept in awe,
And hath his Highnesse in his infancie,
Crowned in Paris in despight of foes,

And shall these Labours, and these Honours dye?
Shall Henries Conquest, Bedfords vigilance,

Your Deeds of Warre, and all our Counsell dye?
O Peeres of England, shamefull is this League,
Fatall this Marriage, cancelling your Fame,
Blotting your names from Bookes of memory,
Racing the Charracters of your Renowne,
Defacing Monuments of Conquer'd France,
Undoing all as all had never bin.

Car. Nephew, what meanes this passionate discourse?

This preroration with such circumstance:

For France, 'tis ours; and we will keepe it still.

Glo. I Unckle, we will keepe it, if we can :

But now it is impossible we should.

Suffolke, the new made Duke that rules the rost,
Hath given the Dutchy of Anjou and Mayne,
Unto the poore King Reignier, whose large style
Agrees not with the leannesse of his purse.

Sal. Now by the death of him that dyed for all,
These Counties were the Keyes of Normandie :
But wherefore weepes Warwicke, my valiant sonne?
War. For greefe that they are past recoverie.
For were there hope to conquer them againe,

My sword should shed hot blood, mine eyes no teares.
Anjou and Maine? My selfe did win them both :
Those Provinces, these Armes of mine did conquer,

And are the Citties that I got with wounds,

Deliver'd up againe with peacefull words?
Mort Dieu.

Yorke. For Suffolkes Duke, may he be suffocate,
That dims the Honor of this Warlike Isle:
France should have torne and rent my very hart,
Before I would have yeelded to this League.
I never read but Englands Kings have had

Large summes of Gold, and Dowries with their wives,
And our King Henry gives away his owne,
To match with her that brings no vantages.
Hum. A proper jest, and never heard before,
That Suffolke should demand a whole Fifteenth,
For Costs and Charges in transporting her:

She should have staid in France, and sterv'd in France

Car. My Lord of Gloster, now ye grow too hot,
It was the pleasure of my Lord the King.

Hum, My Lord of Winchester I know your minde.
'Tis not my speeches that you do mislike :
But 'tis my presence that doth trouble ye,
Rancour will out, proud Prelate, in thy face
I see thy furie: If I longer stay
We shall begin our ancient bickerings:
Lordings farewell, and say when I am gone,
I prophesied, France will be lost ere long.

Car. So, there goes our Protector in a rage:
"Tis knowne to you he is mine enemy:
Nay more, an enemy unto you all.

And no great friend, I feare me to the King;
Consider Lords, he is the next of blood,
And heyre apparant to the English Crowne :
Had Henrie got an Empire by his marriage,
And all the wealthy Kingdomes of the West,
There's reason he should be displeas'd at it:

Exit Humfrey.

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