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By amount received on State Subscription of 3,400 copies of Journal,

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On the above balance reported on hand, there is a demand of $480 which has not yet been audited by the proper authority. When this amount shall have been paid, the amount remaining on hand will be $279 28

The report was adopted. Mr. Pickard moved that an order be drawn on the treasurer for the amount voted to Mr. McMynn, at the last annual meeting, as resident editor - carried.

Mr. J. G. McMynn, of Racine, delivered an address needs of Public Schools."


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The report of the committee on Normal Schools was read by A. Pickett, of Horicon. Mr. P. stated that the committee had not fully agreed as to the report, but he would proceed to present a report on those points as to which they were agreed.

The report considered:

1st. The legitimate effect of good schools.

2d. The effect of schools on Society.

3d. The necessities of the present system of public education. The report urged that the teacher needs the highest of qualifications, and deprecated the fact that the masses are under the instruction of the ill taught and half taught. Very few teachers have any special training for that purpose. The average time spent in teaching is eighteen months. The average time spent in teaching in one place is five months; not more than one in ten likes to teach. The care of the schools is left to town superintendents who are rarely qualified.

The report concluded with the following resolution.

Whereas the present system of Town Superintendency, after thorough trial and proper time for experiment, does not seem adapted to secure the well being of our public schools, and the advancement of general education, and whereas, we believe there is not, at the present time, in our State, sufficient opportunity for obtaining the proper qualifications for the school-room, therefore,

Resolved, that we recommend in place of the present system of superintendency, the appointment of a State Board of Education, to consist of a State Superintendent, who shall be chairman, and local or district superintendents, whose duty it shall be to hold State teachers' institutes, to inspect schools and examine teachers, to establish and act as teachers of normal institutes within their respective districts, and also to act as board of regents of a State Normal School, to be established as soon as provided for.

Mr. Picket sustained the resolution in a speech, in which he spoke of the lack of education on the part of the teachers, and referred to the subject of the establishment of a normal school.

D. Y. Kilgrove, of Madison, (one of the regents of the State Normal School,) explained the action of the Board of Regents in reference to the

normal school. He wished this subject fully discussed, in order to such an arrangement as would conduce to the united action of the Association and Board of Regents, in asking for the necessary legislative action.

After some remarks by Messrs. Stout, Pickard and Kilgrove, on motion of D. Y. Kilgrove, the subject was re-committed to the committee, and a recess of ten minutes taken by the Association.

On the re-assembling of the Association, the committee reported the following resolutions :

Resolved, That the present system of Town Superintendency, after thorough trial, does not seem to be adapted to secure the well being of common schools, and the advancement of general education, and therefore ought to be abolished.

Resolved, That we recommend in place of the present system of superintendency, the appointment of a State Board of Education, to consist of the State Superintendent, County and Local Superintendents, whose duty it shall be to hold State Teachers' Institutes, to visit schools, to examine teachers, and to establish and act as teachers of Normal institutes, within their respective limits.

The resolutions, as now reported, were discussed by Prof. Conover, of Madison; Prof. Bean, of Waukesha; McMynn, of Racine; Strong, of Beloit; Kilgrove, of Madison; Pickard, of Platteville; Clarke, of Waukesha; Pradt, of Sheboygan; Stout, of Waukesha; Parsons, of Port Washington; Johnson, of Waupun; Bacon, of Monotowoc; and Bennet, of Waukesha. On motion, the resolutions were referred to a special committee of five, viz: Rev. J. B. Pradt, of Sheboygan; R. C. Parsons, of Port Washington; Prof. Conover, of Madison; Rev. W. F. Clarke and Rev. C. B. Stout, of Waukesha.

Adjourned to 8 o'clock Thursday morning.

[On Wednesday evening, Prof. J. B. Turner, of Jacksonville, Ill., delivered an address to a large audience in the Baptist Church, subject—“Wisdom and Knowledge, the Function of Books and Teachers."]

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Minutes of previous day read. Mr. Pickard, chairman of the executive committee, reported the order of business for the forenoon.

On motion of D. Y. Kilgrove, the number of the committee to nominate officers was increased to five; accordingly the names of J. B. Strong and Milton Welch were added to the committee.

D. Y. Kilgrove moved the appointment of a committee of five, to nominate editors of the Journal of Education. The following gentlemen were appointed said committee, viz: D. Y. Kilgrove, J. L. Pickard, A. A. Griffith, J. M. Sterling, and J. B. Pradt.

On motion, the following persons were elected Honorary members of the Association, viz: Prof. J. B. Turner, of Jacksonville, Illinois; Col. M. Frank, of Kenosha; Rev. H. N. Bishop, of Chicago; Rev. J. B. Pradt, of Sheboygan; Rev'ds. Mr. Stout and Mr. Clark, of Waukesha; and N. L. Stout, Esq., of Monroe.

J. G. McMynn offered the following resolution, prefaced with appropriate remarks:

Resolved, That this Association has learned with sorrow the death of one of its first members and most earnest friends - Walter Van Ness.

Resolved, That it is due to his memory, that we bear testimony to his worth as a citizen, his usefulness as an educator, and his character as a man.

Resolved, That the secretary be requested to transmit a copy of these resolutions to the family of the deceased, assuring them of our sympathy in their deep affiiction.

After remarks bearing testimony to the character and moral worth of the deceased, by J. L. Pickard and D. Y. Kilgrove, the resolutions were unanimously adopted by a rising vote.

On motion of Mr. McMynn, Hon. Coles Bashford was elected an Honorary member of the Association.

On motion, a committee was appointed to audit the Treasurer's account, consisting of J. P. Fisk, A. B. Cornwall, and A. J. Craig.

Reports of members on the condition of education in the several counties being in order, Mr. Welch, of Winebago county, made statements in respect to schools in that county.

By invitation, Mr. Churchman, Principal of Blind Asylum at Janesville, made some statements in respect to the condition and prospects of that institution.

J. B. Pradt, from the special committee to whom was referred the resolutions on Normal Schools, reported the following plan :

1. That District Boards should be retained.

2. That Town Superintendents should be retained.

3. That the Town Superintendents in each county should constitute a County Board of Education.

4. That the County Boards of Education should have power to elect one or more County Superintendents in each county, who shall visit schools, inspect teachers, hold Teachers Institutes, &c.

5. County superintendents should be salaried officers, and devote their whole time to the duties of the office.

6. The general control of the whole system of Public School education in the State, should be committed to a State Board of Education, consisting of ten members.

7. For the election of the State Board of Education, the State should be divided into ten districts; the County Superintendents in each such district meet annually as an electoral body, and elect a member of the State Board.

8. The State Board, to elect the State Superintendent, who should be ex-officio Secretary of the Board.

9. The State Board should prescribe in detail the qualifications to be required of teachers, and arrange a system of graduated certificates.

The foregoing report was discussed by J. H. Blodget, D. Y. Kilgrove, J. B. Pradt, and M. Welch. On motion of Prof. Bean, the report was laid on the table, to take the place of miscellaneous business in the afternoon. J. B. Pradt, of Sheboygan, read a report on "Practical Instruction in Christian Morality in Public Schools."

Mrs. B. F. Walker, of Racine, read a report " On Method in Teaching."

D. J. Holmes, of Sheboygan, read a report on "The best method of securing regular and punctual attendance at School."

The following resolution was offered for discussion:

Resolved, That in the education of the sexes, separate schools are both desirable and necessary.

Remarks were made in opposition to the sentiment contained in the resolution by Messrs. Pradt, Richards, McMynn, Clark, and Turner; after which the following substitute was unanimously adopted:

Resolved, That all the institutions of learning in the State should be open for the education of both sexes.

Adjourned to 2 o'clock, P. M.


D. Y. Kilgrove, from the committee to nominate Editors for the Journal of Education, reported the following: J. L. Pickard, Platteville; J. G. McMynn, Racine; A. J. Craig, Palmyra; J. Emerson, Beloit; D. J. Holmes, Sheboygan; O. M. Conover, Madison; T. R. Williams, Albion; A. Pickett, Horicon; A. C. Barry, Sylvania. Report adopted.

The report of the special committee on Normal Schools was again taken up, and discussed by Messrs. Conover, Barry, Pickett, McMynn, Bean, Clark and others, and was finally laid aside to give place to the regular order of business.

D. Y. Kilgrove, of Madison, gave an address on the subject: "What constitutes a Teacher?"

A. A. Griffith gave a report " On Reading."

Rev. Dr. Savage, President of Carroll College, extended an invitation to the Association to visit the College buildings and grounds.

H. B. Coe, of Racine, made some remarks on "Music in Schools."

On motion of J. L. Pickard, it was voted to accept the invitation of Dr. Savage, and visit Carroll College at 7 o'clock, P. M. After singing, the Association adjourned to Friday, 8 o'clock, A. M.

[On Thursday evening, Prof. Reed, of Madison, delivered an address in the Baptist Church. Subject-"Political Instruction in Schools." N. A. Calkins, of New York, also gave an address on the same evening at the same place; subject—“ Old fashioned and modern School Teaching."]


Association opened with prayer by Prof. Conover.

J. G. McMynn, Treasurer of the Association, presented his report, as follows:


Wisconsin State Teachers' Association in account with J. G. McMYNN.

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By amount received of Secretary at annual meeting of the Association, 1856, $58 00

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from Treasurer for 1855,

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from Secretary at present session, (1857,)

Audited and found correct.




30 00 42 00

$130 00


J. G. McKindley, from the committee on the nomination of officers, reported as follows:

President:-0. M. CONOVER.

1st Vice President:-M. Frank.

2d Vice President:-R. C. Parsons. 3d Vice President :-G. B. Cooley. Secretary:-J. W. Strong.

Treasurer :-J. G. McMynn.

Counselors :-A. J. Craig; J. B. Pradt; D. Y. Kilgore; F. C. Pomroy; A. A. Griffith.

Mr. Hendrickson, from a committee to recommend a place for the next meeting of the Association, reported in favor of Horicon, and the first day of August, 1858, as a suitable time.

Prof. Magoffin moved to amend by substituting Portage City, which amendment was carried, and Portage City agreed upon as the next place of meeting.

Prof. Conover, from the committee on resolutions, offered the following:

Resolved, That a system of exchanges of maps, drawings, and specimens of Natural History, among the schools of the State, would greatly conduce to a love of such studies, and to a cultivation of those feelings of mutual dependence and good will which ought to characterize those engaged in the great business of education.

Resolved, That the school laws of the State ought to be so amended, as to allow no child to enter the Public Schools under six years of age.

Whereas, It has become evident to the friends of education in the State, that unqualified persons are permitted to act as teachers in many of the Public Schools, therefore,

Resolved, That this Association does most earnestly entreat the Town Superintendents of the State to be more thorough in their examination of candidates, and refuse all monies to such districts as employ unqualified teachers.

Resolved, That the reports of the Normal School committee, and the committee to which the resolutions of the former were committed, be referred to a special committee of three, to be entitled, "The Committee on the Revision of the School Laws," and that the said committee be instructed to report at the next meeting of the Association. Resolved, That the Editorial Committee be requested to secure the Lectures and Reports, read before this Convention, for publication in the Journal of Education. Resolved, That we tender our thanks to the Lake Shore, La Crosse & Milwaukee, and the Racine & Mississippi Railroads, for their politeness in granting free return passes, to members of the Association.

On motion, A. PICKETT, J. B. PRADT and A. A. GRIFFITH, were appointed a committee, agreeable to the fourth resolution above reported.

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