PUBLISHED BY A SYNOPSIS of ROMAN ANTIQUITIES; or a com- prehensive Account of the City, Religion, Politics, and Customs of the Ancient Romans, with a Catechetical Appendix. By John Lanktree. Second edition, enlarged, and carefully revised. 18mo. 3s. cloth. A GREEK GRAMMAR, on a new and systematic Plan, according to the Analytic Method, By the Rev. Thos. Flynn, A. M. A SPELLING BOOK on a New Plan, containing all the common words in the language; to which is prefixed an Introduction, in three Parts, exhibiting-I. The sounds of the Letters-II. The Quanti- ties of the Syllables-III. A Rhythmical Classification of Words: with an Appendix, containing several useful Tables. By the Rev. Richard Roe, THE FIRST THREE BOOKS of LIVY, with Eng- lish Notes. By James Prendeville, Scholar of Trinity College, Dublin. THE FOURTH and FIFTH BOOKS, on the same RECUEIL CHOISI de TRAITS HISTORIQUES et THE FOUR GOSPELS and ACTS of the APOSTLES, in Greek, with English Notes, and Lexicon, by the Rev. Edward J. Geoghe- |