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as he aleadgeth, when no such thing appears in rerum natura, nor no word in all his many Instructions, of the Parliament, much less of his pretended affection to them, or their friends, but clean contrary: And 'tis notoriously known that all the Lord Baltumore's Governors usually took the Kings part against the Parliament; and his Brother, Mr. Leo. Calvert, his only Governor while he lived there, ever declared himself against them: And to evince this irrefrageably, and clearly to demonstrate the management and complexion of this business, both Lord Baltamore himself, and his Brother, by long Solicitations at Oxford procured and sent over in Anno 1644. Commissions under the Kings Broad Seal, to surprize the Parliaments and London-ships in Virginia; and to impose Customs, raise Regiments, and Fortifie the Country against the Parliament; which appears by several Writings under the Lord Baltamore's Hand and Seal, (one of which is hereunto annexed.) They did with zeal proclaim the Kings Son, Charles the Second, at Maryland; and some that read it, and assisted therein, of the primest rank, are still continued Counsellors by him, and never a word of blame; whereas 'tis evident his own Interest is more than circumspectly watcht over, and contended for. How can he pretend that his Governor, Captain Stone, bare any affection to the Parliament, when without check from himself, in their Assemblies Laws, he used the name of King, and His Majesty; and of Charles the First, when the Second was Proclaimed there? And why did Lord Baltamore himself in England advisedly consent and approve those Laws in terminis, under his hand, 1650. if such had not been his own thoughts toward the Parliament? The Commissioners that were imployed by the Parliament to Reduce Virginia, Anno. 1652. were commanded to Reduce all the Plantations in the Bay of Chesapiak: and then, that all Writs should issue in the Names of the Keepers of the Libertie of England: They saw not how they could decline this service, well knowing how contrary to those Commands, and the Honor and Interest of the Parliament, the Government of Maryland was exercised; and think strange any should pretend assistance and supply of Victuals from Maryland to that Fleet, when no such thing ever was; that the Parliament Ships were entertained there in his Harbors, whenas never any of them came at Maryland, nor within near 100. miles thereof, save only the Ginny Frigot, who went thither to Reduce that Province; they knew his Governor had alwayes bore affection to the Kings side, that Charles the Second (as hath been said) was proclaimed there, that the Councel were all Papists, or indifferently affected, and that they refused to Govern the people by the Laws of England

(another Clause in the Parliaments Commission) to which several of their actings, and even Lord Baltamore's Instructions were contrary, as in this particular, and many others, appears by the Reports of the Committee of the Navy, and the Councel of State, to whom the Parliament referred this Cause; a Copy of which Report is hereunto annexed: And they ruled in Maryland in such an absolute way and authority, as no Christian Prince or State in Europe exercises the like.

His Governor hath an absolute Negative Voice in all things, and in the Assembly of the Burgesses; calls into the Upper House (as he terms it) whom he will, to over-vote the rest; places and dis-places whom he will in that Councel: and the Lord Baltamore himself, though in England, appoints all Officers, even to the meanest degree; and who flatter him most, are sure to have it: His Mandates are sent over to stop Justice, and the Judges imprisoned for proceeding according to Justice: Writs are given out under the Governors hand in his own Case, without any judgement of Court, to seize mens Goods into the Governors hands: His Governors are not suable for any just debts, and so they usually exercise their priviledges even to the oppression and discontent of the people: No Appeals allowed from their Courts, though consisting but of two men, and those perhaps of no great knowledge or skill in Government, no not to the general Representative Assemblies. It would be infinite to rake in this Dunghil; but all indifferent men that have lived and been there, know these things to be sad Truths; and surely not without cause, have the general Assemblies there, most of the Councel and the Freemen, been often contesting with the Lord Baltamore's Governors about these things, and yet could never obtain any redress from him; but have resolved to Petition the State of England.

Why therefore should Maryland, so ill Founded, and so ill Managed, be wrung from the right of Virginia, against all Law and Equity, as is before truely set forth? And be established to Lord Baltamore, a professed Recusant, as his publish'd Book intimates; who hath in effect made it a subject of his own domination and tyranny (being his main aim:) But to colour it, and the better to get friends, first made it a receptacle for Papists, and Priests, and Jesuites, in some extraordinary and zealous manner; but hath since discontented them many times and many ways, though Intelligence with Bulls, Letters, &c. from the Pope and Rome be ordinary for his own Interests; and now admits all sorts of Religions, and intended even 2000 Irish, and by his own Letters clears and indemnifies one, that said, Those Irish

would not leave a Bible in Maryland. His Country, till he employed Captain Stone, never had but Papist Governours and Counsellors, dedicated to St. Ignatius, as they call him, and his Chappel and Holyday kept solemnly: The Protestants for the most time miserably disturbed in the exercise of their Religion, by many wayes plainly enforced, or by subtil practises, or hope of preferment, to turn Papists, of which a very sad account may from time to time be given, even from their first arrival, to this very day..

Virginia hath used all good Neighbourhood towards them, without which assistance and supply, even of all things, they could not have subsisted; for their numbers were inconsiderable, and their Adventures small and very little after the first ship, in comparison of such a work. And though Lord Baltamore pretends great Adventures with his Friends thither; yet none have appeared there to any considerable value from him for many yeers, onely what Merchants, and some few have done upon Returns of Tobacco and Beaver: so that in Truth it will appear, and that by his own Letters too, Maryland hath been chiefly planted by Virginia from the first to last, and by people from thence wanting seats in their narrow limits; Maryland taking away above half the Country, which (as hath been said before) was onely discovered by Virginia, with continual Trade and abode of people there for above 20 yeers, by Commissions and Warrants in the King's Name, and was planted by Colonel Claiborn under Virginia Government, some yeers before ever the name of Maryland, or Lord Baltamore was ever heard of there; which himself knew, though he mis-informed the King, and obtained his Patent upon pretence of Unplanted places onely.

But the many illegal Executions and Murthers of several persons at the Isle of Kent by the Lord Baltamore's commands and his Officers; the Imprisonments, Confiscations of many mens Estates, and of Widows and Orphans, to the destruction of many Families there; especially his seizure of Captain Claiborn's Estate, though out of his Patent, because planted, to the value of 6000 pounds, with the great tyranny and wrong done there, although the then King Declared and Commanded the contrary, but was disobeyed by the Lord Baltamore's Agents, are too long to be inserted here.

Many Inconveniences and Losses hath Virginia suffered by Maryland, of which the continual Invitation and Entertainment of run-away servants, and protecting fugitive persons and indebted, is not the least: But above all, it is easie to be made appear

that the Lord Baltamore hath continually ever since their seating there, interposed in the matters of Government in Virginia by the potency of his friends in the late Kings Court, both by placing and displacing the Governours, Counsellors, and Supream Officers, as they stood affected or were displeasing to him.

Mr. Bennet and Captain Claiborn being two of the Commissioners, that were imployed by the Parliament to reduce Virginia and Maryland, are strangely taxed by Lord Baltamore for being his declared enemies: indeed, it seems for their service to the Parliament, he is become implacable towards them, though Captain Curtis, another Commissioner now in England, and all Maryland can testifie how unwilling, and how tenderly they did any thing there, and how much they desired and endeavoured to have declined any alteration, if either Captain Stone the Governour or the Councel, would have issued out Writs in the name of the Keepers of the Liberty of England, and have promised to govern according to the Laws of England; both which they refused under their hands: and the Commissioners being sent to Maryland, is since owned by the Report of the Committee of the Councel of State, and the Lord Baltamore taxed and blamed for not issuing out Writs as they required them; and therefore seems a bold aspersion for the Lord Baltamore to publish, that Maryland being struck out of their commission, was afterwards by some mistake put into the Commission the second time: and as strange it seems, that now since the reduction of Maryland the Lord Baltamore in opposition and contempt of the Supream Authority of England, should cause his Governor and Councel most falsly and rebelliously to revolt and recede from the same, and give instructions under his own hand, as he had lately done, to issue out all Writs and Proceedings in his own name onely: which they have accordingly done, and not the least mention of the Lord Protector's name in all their Government. This the said Commissioners, though they received confirmation of their Commission from the Parliament under the Seal, (the Original the first time miscarrying) yet bore with a long time onely by Letters out of Virginia, admonished Captain Stone and that Councel of their error, and protested against their actings: but they continued obstinate. The Commissioners were desirous still to expect and attend a settlement and determination out of England, and to intermeddle as little as they could. But about a yeer since Lord Baltamore sends over Instructions and Commands to Captain Stone and his new made Councel, all or most Papists, or indifferent, to seize the Lands and Estates of all such as would not take the Oath of fidelity (as he stiles it) before specified. But the people of

Maryland generally abhorred this Oath and justly as is conceived, especially those of Patuxent and Severn declined to take it, as being against their Engagement, incompatible with their subjec tion to the Commonwealth of England, and incongruous to swear to serve two absolute Superiours, whereupon Captain Stone and his Counsel proclaim them seditious, and rebels to Lord Baltamore, and forget not to include the two Commissioners, though in Virginia under the same name, with other opprobious terms: whereupon the people of Patuxent, Severn, and Kent often and earnestly apply themselves if possible to have relief from those Commissioners, yet they still desirously forbore to intermeddle, hoping it would be done out of England, until after many solicitations Mr. Bennet and Captain Claiborn with onely two men in July last went thither in a Boat, yet using all fair means: but how ill they were treated for their moderation, and intended to be surprised by night, and made Prisoners, and how they were necessitated to prevent greater mischief and the present ruine of hundreds of Families to interpose to have that Oath suspended, and the Government managed in the Lord Protector's name; (which being denied to avoid bloodshed, they re-assumed the Government out of those hands that so ill-managed it, and placed it in others for the time being: ́under his Highness the Lord Protector, until he should please to signifie his further pleasure) will appear in a Declaration then and herewith published, together with the peoples Petition, the Commissioners answer thereunto, and an Order for setling the Government in the hands of Captain William Fuller, and others.

The Lord Baltamore also since gives particular Commission and Command to seize the persons of those Commissioners, under his Hand and Seal, dated in November last; and for their service to the Lord Protector to proceed againt them as abettors in mutiny and sedition; chides, and upraids Captain Stone for cowardise, provokes him to fighting and bloodshed, (à course too often acted in Maryland) appoints another Governor in case he decline it, and yet sends no revocation of the Commissioners reducement, though he acknowledges he sought it earnestly of the Lord Protector but could not obtain it; yet to blinde and delude Captain Stone and his Counsel, there came over a Letter of Recommendation from his Highness of one Captain Barbar, and by what practise or mistake is not known, a subscription thereon to Captain Stone Governour of Maryland. And by this (together with a Copy of that Petition of the Merchants and others trading to Virginia, brought in by Mr. Eltonhead,

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