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An event happened this year (1642) which at first gave great uneasiness to the Colony, but in the end proved advantageous to them, as it removed all their apprehensions of being reduced to a Proprietary Government, and fixed the Constitution on a firm and permanent basis.

The Colony had now remained seventeen years under the immediate government of the Crown, that is, from the dissolution of the Company in the last year of James I., to the year 1642. During this period they had enjoyed a felicity unknown to them under the Company's Government, which had been extremely severe and arbitrary. Several attempts were made to restore the Company's power and authority, but they were constantly defeated by the vigilance of the Grand Assembly, who were determined never more to submit to a Proprietary Government.

In the year 1639, the Grand Assembly appointed George Sandis, Esq., their agent to the English Court, with particular instructions to oppose the re-establishment of the Company, and to give them the earliest intelligence of their machinations; but this gentleman forgetting his duty to his constituents, presented a petition to the House of Commons, in the name of the adventurers and planters in Virginia, for restoring the Letters Patent of Incorporation to the Treasurer and Company, with all the rights, powers, and privileges, contained in their old charter, except that the right of nominating and appointing the Governour was to be reserved to the Crown.

When the Grand Assembly were informed of this petition, they immediately passed a solemn declaration and protestation against the Company, in the form of an act, in which they disclaim their agent's conduct, declare he had mistaken his instructions, and that it never was the meaning or intent of the Assembly, or inhabitants of the Colony, to give way for the introducing the said Company, OR ANY OTHER.

They say, that having maturely considered the reasons for and against restoring the Company, and looking back into the condition of the times under the Company, and comparing it

with the present state of the Colony under his Majesty's government, we find the late Company in their government intolerable, the present comparatively happy, and the old corporation cannot with any possibility be again introduced without the absolute ruin and dissolution of the Colony.

That the Colony laboured under intolerable calamities, by the many illegal proceedings and barbarous treatments inflicted upon divers of his Majesty's Subjects in the time of the said Company's government.

That the whole trade of the Colony, to the great grievance and complaint of the inhabitants, was monopolized by the Company; insomuch, that when any person desired to go for England he had not liberty to carry with him the fruits of his own Jabour, for his comfort and support, but was forced to bring it to the magazine of the Company, and there to exchange it for unprofitable and useless wares.

That our present happiness is exemplified by the freedom of ANNUAL Assemblies, warranted to us by his Majesty's gracious instructions, by legal trials by juries in all criminal and civil causes, by his Majesty's royal encouragement upon all occasions to address ourselves unto him by our humble petitions, which so much distinguisheth our happiness from that of the former times, that private letters to friends were rarely admitted a passage.

That the old corporation cannot be introduced without proving the illegality of the King's proceedings against them, so that all grants since, upon such a foundation, must be void; and if, as they pretend, the King had no right to grant, our lands held by iminediate grant from his Majesty, must be void, and our possessions must give place to their claim, which is an invincible argument of ruin and desolation to the Colony, as we must be ousted of our possessions, if their pretence take place. And though it is alleged by them that the charter of Orders from the Treasurer and Company (Anno. 1618) gives us claim and right to be members of the Corporation quatenus planters, yet it appears by the Charter, that planters and adventurers, who are members of the Company, are considered by themselves, and distinguished in privileges, from planters and adventurers not being members; and, as the King's Grantees, we find ourselves condemned in the said Charter, one clause of it pronouncing in these words: "We do ordain that all such persons as of their own voluntary will and authority shall remove into Virginia, without any grant from us, in a Great and General Quarter Court, in writing, under our seals, shall be declared, as they are, occupiers of our lands; that is, of the common lands of us the said Treasurer and Company." Now, if

persons who remove into this country, without license from the Treasurer and Company, are to be deemed occupiers of the Company's land, much more will such Grantees be deemed occupiers of their land who hold their rights under an erroneous judgment, as they pretend.

That if the Company be revived, and they have leave, by virtue of their charter of Orders, publickly to dispossess us, the wiser world, we hope, will excuse us if we refuse to depart with what, next to our lives, nearest concerns us (which are our estates, the livelihood of ourselves, our wives, and children) to the courtesy and will of such taskmasters, from whom we have already experienced so much oppression.

That we will not admit of so unnatural a distance as a Company to interpose between his sacred Majesty and us, his Subjects, from whose immediate protection we have received so many royal favours and gracious blessings.

That, by such admission, we shall degenerate from our birthrights, being naturalized under a monarchical and not a popular or tumultuary Government, depending upon the greatest number of votes of persons of several humours and dispositions, as that of a Company must be granted to be, from whose general Quarter Courts all Laws binding the planters here did, and would again, issue.

That we cannot without breach of natural duty and religion, give up and resign the lands we hold by grants from the King upon certain annual rents (fitter, as we humbly conceive, if his Majesty shall so please, for a branch of his Royal stem, than for a Company) to the claim of a corporation; for, beside our births, our possessions enjoin on us a fealty without a Salva Fide aliis Dominis.

That by the admission of a Company the freedom of our trade (the blood and life of a commonwealth) will be monopolized for they who with most secret reservation, and most subtlety, argue for a Company, though they pretend to submit the government to the King, yet reserve to the corporation property to the land, and power of managing the trade; which word MANAGING, in every sense of it, is convertible to monopolizing, and will subject the trade to the sole control and direction of their Quarter Courts, held at so great a distance from us that it is not probable, or possible, for them to be acquainted with the accidental circumstances of the Colony, so as to form proper rules and regulations for our trade, which our Grand Assembly, acquainted with the clime and accidents thereof, have and may, upon better grounds, prescribe, and which in any other way will be destructive to us.

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And a Direction for Adventurers with small stock to get two for one, and good land freely:

And for Gentlemen, and all Servants, Labourers and Artificers to live plentifully.

And a former Description re-printed of the healthiest, pleasantest, and richest Plantation of New Albion in North Virginia, proved by

thirteen witnesses.


A Letter from Master Robert Evelin, that lived there many years, shewing the particularities, and excellency thereof.

With a briefe of the charge of victuall, and necessaries, to transport and buy stock for each Planter, or Labourer, there to get his Master 501. per Annum,

or more in twelve trades, at -101. charges

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