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Declaring the successe of 80 Ships employed thither within these eight yeares; and the benefit of that Countrey by Sea and Land.

With the present estate of that happie Plantation, begun but by 60 weake men in the yeare 1620.

And how to build a Fleete of good Shippes
to make a little Nauie Royall.

Written by Captaine Iohn Smith, sometimes Gouernour of Virginia, and Admirall

of New-England.

The second Edition.






HIGH AND EXCELLENT PRINCE CHARLES, Prince of Wales; Duke of Cornewall, Yorke, and Albanie; Marquis of Ormond, and Rothsey; and Earle Palatine of Chester; Heire of Great Britaine, France, and

Ireland, &c.



Hen scarce any would beleeue mee there was any such matter, your Highnesse did not disdaine to accept my description, & calld that New England, whose barbarous names you changed for such English, that none can denie but Prince Charles is the Godfather. Whereby I am bound in all reason and dutie to giue you the best account I can how your child doth prosper: and although as yet it is not much vnlike the Father in fortune, onely vsed as an instrument for other mens ends; yet the grace you bestowed on it by your Princely fauor, hath drawn so many iudgments now to behold it, that I hope shall find, it will giue content to your Highnesse, satisfaction to them, and so increase the number of well-willers, New England will be able

to reiect her maligners, and attend Prince Charles with her dutifull obedience, with a trophie of honour, and a kingdome for a Prince. Therefore the great worke contained in this little booke, humbly desires your Princely patronage. No more but sacring all my best abilities to the exquisite iudgement of your renowned vertues, 1 humbly kisse your gracious hands.

Your Highnesse true and
faithfull seruant,

Io. Smith.

TO THE RIGHT HONORABLE AND RIGHT WORTHY ADVENturers, to all Plantations and Discoueries, their friends and well-willers, especially of Virginia and New England.

Right Ho.


Confesse it were more proper for me doing what I say, then writing what I know: but that it is not my fault, there is many a hundreth can testifie, if they please to remember what paines I have taken both particularly and generally to make this worke knowne, and procure meanes to put it in practise. What calumniations, doubts, or other mispritions hath opposed my endeavours, I had rather forget then remember, but still to expresse my forwardnesse, to the consideration of your fauorable constructions I present this short discourse of the proceeding and present estate of New England: if you please to peruse it, and make vse of it, I am richly rewarded, though they be but the collections and obseruations of a plaine souldier, yet if you please to grace them with your countenance and good acceptance, 1 shall therein thinke my selfe happie, and hope that those labours may in time returne you such fruites as hereafter may persuade you to pardon this boldnesse, and accept them to be your honest seruants.

Yours to command,

lo. Smith.

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