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body carried over and buried in the Cathedral of St. Domingo in Hispaniola : h and his son James succeeds as heir. g h pr

King Ferdinand orders two bishops for Hispaniola, and establishes the tythes there for the support of the clergy h

Y. C. 1507.-Americus Vespucius goes from Lisbon to Sevil, and king Ferdinand appoints him to draw Sea Charts, with the title of chief Pilot; whence the New World afterward unjustly takes the name of America. h

Y. C. 1508.-John Diaz Solis and Vincent Tannez Pinson, sail from Sevil to Cape Augustin, discover the coast of Brazil southward, h to 35 degrees south latitude, where they find the great river Paranaguazu, which they call Rio de Plata, or River of Silver, g go on to 40 degrees south latitude, and return to Spain. h*

Y. C. 1509.-April 21, pl or rather 22, king Henry VII. dies; hl st sp lived 53 years, pl hl and his only surviving son, Henry VIII. aged 18, pl hl st reigns 37 years, 9 months, 6 days.

June 3, hl st he marries his brother Arthur's widow, by pope Julius's dispensation pl hl st

July 10, Calvin born at Noyon in France. bz

November 10, Alonso Ojeda sails from Hispaniola, and James Nicuessa follows him, to settle the Continent; they land and meet at Carthagena; but are beaten off; and Ojeda begins a settlement at St. Sebastian, on the east side of the Gulf of Darien. h Nicuessa begins another at Nombre de Dios, on the west side, g h but are both soon broken up through the opposition of the natives. ht

Y. C. 1510-John de Esquibel sails from Hispaniola, and begins a settlement at Jamaica. h

John Ponce begins to settle Porto Rico. h at

Fernandez de Enciso and Basco Nunnez, begin to settle St. Mary's at Darien. h

1511.-James Velasquez begins to settle Cuba. h

Y. C. 1512.-Thursday, March 3, (i. e. 1512, 13.) John Ponce sails from Porto Rico northward; April 2, discovers the Continent in 30 degrees, 8 minutes north latitude, calls it Florida, goes ashore, takes possession; sails along the coast southerly; Lord's Day, May 8, doubles the Cape; thence sailing southerly, discovers the Bahamas, and returns to Porto Rico. h

Y. C. 1513.-Basco h or Vasco g Nunnez, hearing a rumor of the South Sea, September 1, sets out from Darien; g pr September 25, gh from the top of a high mountain h first discovers that mighty ocean; g h September 29, comes to it, g embarks upon it, and returns. gh

Y. C. 1515.-Gaspar Morales marches from Darien across the land to the South Sea, discovers the Pearl Islands in the bay of St. Michael's, in 5 degrees north latitude. g

John Arias begins to people Panama on the South Sea, and discovers 250 leagues on the coast to 8 degrees, 30 minutes north latitude. g

Gonsales Ferdinandus Oviedus, discovers the island of Bermudas. ps

The Complutensian Bible published c at Antwerp, cr which proves a principal instrument of the reformation.

Y. C. 1516. January 23, Ferdinand, king of Spain, dies, and his daughter's son, Charles of Austria reigns. ch

February 11, st or 18, hl king Henry's daughter Mary born.‡

[blocks in formation]

+ Galvanus places these attempts under 1508; and it is likely this was the year when they set sail from Spain; and so Herera seems to make it. ps Purchase. c Calvisius. cr Crowæi Elenchus. sl Sleidan.

Both Sleidan and Helvicus place it in the seventh year of Henry VIII. which must be February 1515, 16; but 1518 in the margin of Helvicus is wrongly printed.

Sir Sebastian Cabot and sir Thomas Pert sail from England to the New World, and coast the Continent the second time to Brazil. ps

February 8, h Francis Fernandes Cordova sails from Cuba, and discovers the province of Yucatan, g h in 20 degrees north latitude, g and the Bay of Campeachy. h


Y. C. 1517-October 31, c Luther, an Augustin friar, st sets up ninety-five Theses against the Pope's Indulgencies, on the church door c at Wirtemberg in Saxony, st and begins the reformation in Germany.

Y. C. 1518.-April 8, h John de Grisalva sails from Cuba to Yucatan, and discovers the southern coast of the Bay of Mexico, g h with the head of the bay to St. John de Ulua, and first calls the country New Spain. h

Francis Garay sails from Jamaica to Cape Florida, in 25 degrees north latitude,* discovers 500 leagues westward, on the northern coast of the great Bay of Mexico to the river Panuco, in 23 degrees north latitude, g at the bottom of the bay.

Y. C. 1519-January 2, Maximilian, emperor of Germany dies; and June 28, Charles, king of Spain, chosen emperor. st

Beginning of this year, Zuinglius comes to Zurich; soon preaches against the Pope's indulgencies, and begins the reformation in Switzerland. st In February, g Fernando Cortes sails from Cuba to Yucatan, and then to St. John de Uloa; whence Francis de Martejo and Roderic Alvarez sail northward, and discover the coast to the river Punuco; Friday, April 22, Cortes lands and begins a town, which he calls Vera Cruz; h at the end of August, sets out for Mexico; g November 8, enters that great city, then containing sixty thousand houses. h

August 10, Ferdinand de Magellanes, g h a Portuguese, h ps sails from Sevil to find out a southwest passage to the East Indies, and go round the earth; gh December 13, descries Brazil and enters the river Janeiro, in 23 degrees, 45 minutes south latitude; sails along the coast southward; and October 21, 1520, discovers the Cape at the northern entrance of the famous Straits which bare his name ;t November 7, enters them; and November 27, opens the great southern ocean, h which he calls the Pacific; ps sails northwesterly 3000 leagues; March 31, 1521, discovers the Philipine Islands; in one of which, viz. Zebu, he is slain in a fight with the natives, April 27. Upon which his ship sails to Borneo, where the men choose John Sebastian del Cano their captain; November 8, he arrives at the Moluccas; in the beginning of 1522, sails thence to the Cape of Good Hope; and September 6, arrives at San Lucar, h with but a dozen men; ps being the first that ever encompassed the earth. g h

Y. C. 1520-December 20, Luther burns the Canon Law publicly at Wirtemberg. sl

Y. C. 1521.-The Augustin friars at Wirtemberg leave off the mass, and are the first who do so. sl

Tuesday, August 13, Cortes takes the city of Mexico, and puts an end to that great Indian empire. h & Gage

King Henry VIII. writes against Luther, st for which

Y. C. 1521-(i. e. 1521, 2.) February 2, the king receives a Bull from the Pope; wherein he and his successors for ever, are declared defenders of the Christian faith. hl

Y. C. 1523.-January 29, the Senate of Zurich reject the traditions of men, and declare the Gospel shall be taught according to the Old and New Testament. sl

*Herera says, he only sends James de Comargo.

He calls this Cape the Virgins, because discovered on St. Ursula's day, h and Moll mistakes in calling it the Virgin Mary's.

July 1, John and Henry, two Augustine Friars, burned at Brussells for professing the Holy Scriptures to be the only rule of faith, &c. sl

[N. B. The Reformation coming on, and crowding us with more important matters, I shall only recite the voyages to the northeastern parts of the new world.]

Y. C. 1524.-John Verrazano, a Florentine, sent from France by king Francis I. coasts along the northeastern part of the new world, from 28 to 50 deg. north lat. ps He is the first that sails from France thither.

Y. C. 1525.-Stephen Gomez sails from the Groyn to Cuba and Florida, and thence northward to Cape Razo in 46 deg. north lat. g in search of the northwest passage to the West Indies, and returns to the Groyn in ten months. gh The first Spaniard who sails on these coasts.*

April 13, the magistrates of Zurich abolish mass and all the Popish ceremonies, in their dominions. sl

Albert, thirty-third master of the Teutonic Order, made duke of Prussia, and embraces the reformed religion. st

By king Henry's leave and the Pope's confirmation hl cardinal Woolsey suppresses forty monasteries in England, for the building of his colleges in Oxford and Ipswich. st

Y. C. 1526.-About August, Patrick Hamilton, abbot of Ferne, in Scotland, returning from Germany, where he had been a scholar to Luther, is burnt for the reformed religion hl at St. Andrews, on Feb. 28, following. Foxt He is the first martyr for it in Scotland.

Y. C. 1527.-March 18th, Gustavus Erickson, king of Sweden, calls the States together, and begins the reformation there. c

Cardinal Woolsey infuses scruples into king Henry's mind, about his marriage with his brother's widow. hl st

Francis Colb, and Berthold Holler, having preached the gospel at Bern, Dec. 17, the city appoints a public assembly and disputation there, and the Scriptures to be the only rule, and to have the sole authority in all the debates. sl

Y. C. 1528-Jan. 7, the great assembly and disputation begins at Bern, and holds to Jan. 26; wherein Zuinglius, Oeclampadius, Capito, Bucer, &c. defend the reformed religion; and thereupon popery is abolished in Bern and Constance, and in their dominions. sl

In March, Pamfilo de Naruaez sails from Cuba with 400 men, for the conquest of Florida. April 12, arrives there h marches to Apelachen, thence coming down to the sea, and coasting westward, is lost with many more in a storm about the middle of November, which defeats the enterprize. ps t

Y. C. 1529.-Feb. 9, piles of images burnt before the cathedral at Basil; and Feb. 12, popery abolished there. sl

Feb. 20, mass abolished at Strasburg. sl

The Diet of the empire at Spire making a decree against the reformation, April 19, the elector of Saxony, George, marquis of Brandenburg, Ernest and Francis, dukes of Lunenbugh, the Landgrave of Hesse, and count of Anhalt, publicly read their protest against it, several cities joining with them; whence they take the famous name of Protestants. sl

Oct. 19, king Henry takes the great seal from Cardinal Woolsey. st || Nov. 3, the Parliament of England meets, hl st complains of the clergy's non residence, pluralities, and exactions on the people; but the bishops oppose, and hinder many of the regulations. hl

* Herera represents this voyage as beginning northward and ending at Florida, and so to Cuba, &c.

+ Buchanan therefore places this in 1527.

He seems to be lost about the mouth of the great river Mississippi. (see Purchase.)

Holinshed mistakes in placing this on Nov. 17.

Y. C. 1530-At the beginning of this year, hl William Tindal publishes his translation of the New Testament in English, beyond sea; which king Henry prohibits, and orders the bishops to make a new one. hl st

June 20, the famous Diet of the empire at Ausburg begins; and June 25, the Protestant confession of faith, drawn up by Melancthon, since called the Ausburg confession, read in the Diet. sl

Sept. 19, king Henry, by proclamation, forbids his subjects to purchase any thing from Rome. hl st

Tuesday, Nov. 29. Cardinal Woolsey dies; and the clergy of England being guilty of a præmunire, for maintaining the Cardinal's legantine power; they in convocation, agree to pay the king 100,000 pounds for pardon, make their submission to him, and own him supreme head of the Church of England, hl st which they never confessed before. hl And

Here Polydore Vergil ends his history. pl

Dec, 22, diverse Protestant princes and deputies of cities in Germany, meet at Smalcald, and enter into a league defensive. sl

Y. C. 1531.-Aug. 19, Thomas Bilney burnt at Norwich, hl for preaching the reformed religion. Fox*

Oct. 11, Zuinglius slain, aged 44, in a battle between the Zurichers and their neighboring enemies. sl c

Y. C. 1532.-Jan. 15, (Keeble) the Parliament of England meet, complain of the cruelties of the bishops, and enact, they shall pay no more money to the Pope, hlst they having paid the last forty-two years 60 st or 160,000 pounds. hl

July, king Henry suppresses the priory of Christ church, London. st

Aug. 23, William Warham, Archbishop of Canterbury, dies, and Thomas Cranmer succeeds. st

Sept. Farel and Saunier, from preaching in Piedmont, come to Geneva and begin to preach the reformed religion in private houses. Spon

Nov. 14, king Henry privately marries Ann Bulleigu, hl gm but Stow says, Jan. 25, 1532, 3. st

Nov. Calvin obliged to fly from Paris to Basil, for the reformed religion. bz Y. C. 1533.-Feb. 4, k the Parliament of England meets; enacts, that none shall appeal to Rome, that Catherine shall be no more called queen, but Princess Dowager of prince Arthur. hl st

March 28, liberty of private opinion; and June 26, liberty of private worship, allowed at Geneva, sn

Lord's Day, Sept. 7, the princess Elizabeth born to king Henry. hl st

Y. C. 1534.-March 1, Farel, the first Protestant who preaches publicly at Geneva. sn

April, James Cartier sails from St. Malo's in France: in May, arrives at Newfoundland. ps Falls with lat. 48 and 30, discovers the great bay of St. Lawrence; sails to 15 deg. north, in hopes to pass to China, but is disappointed and returns. g

July 22, John Frith, and Andrew Hewet a young man, burnt in Smithfield, London, for not owning the bodily presence of Christ in the sacrament. hl st Aug. 15, Ignatius Loyola, (born in Spain in 1491) now with nine others at Paris, begins the society of Jesuits. ri d

Nov. 3, the Parliament of England meets, enacts the king's supremacy, and abolishes the Pope's authority through the realm. hl st

Nov. a persecution of the Protestants, rages in France, and many burnt. st Y. C. 1535-James Cartier sails again from France, discovers the river

*N. B. There were many others burnt for the same religion, in other parts of the kingdom, both before and after. For which we must refer to Fox's Martyrology.

k Keeble. sn Spon. ri Ricciolius. Keeble says Feb. 3, 1534, 5.

d Dupin.

Canada, sails up 300 leagues g to the great and swift falls, builds a fort, ps calls the land New France, winters there, and the next year goes home. g Aug. 27, the Roman Catholic religion abolished in Geneva, sn

Oct. hl st king Henry sends Thomas Cromwell, st Dr. Lee, and others, to visit the Priories, Abbies and Nunneries; who set all at liberty under twentyfour years of age, with those who are willing to go out, and shut up the rest. hl st

The Senate of Ausburg receives the reformation. sl

Y. C. 1536-Feb. 4, the Parliament of England meets and gives the king all religious houses of the value of 200 pounds and under, with all their lands and goods. hl st *

May 1, the Parliament of Ireland meets at Dublin, and pass laws for the king and his successors to be supreme head of the Church of Ireland; abolishing the Pope's authority, suppressing of Abbies, and make it a præmunire to pursue any process from the See of Rome. hli

May 19, queen Ann beheaded, with a sword, hl st and the next day st king Henry marries Jane Seymour. hl st

June, king Henry abrogates a number of holidays, especially in harvest time. hl

July 10, Cromwell made a lord; and July 18, made knight and vicar general, under the king, over the spirituality ; and sets diverse times as head over the Bishops in convocation. hl st

July 11, ce or rather 12 bx Erasmus dies at Basil.

Aug. 1, Calvin publishes his Institutions at Basil, then goes to Farel and Viret, at Geneva, and carries on the reformation there. bz

Sept. Cromwell orders the parsons and curates, to teach the Lord's Prayer, Ave, Creed, and ten Commandments, in English. hl st

William Tindal burned at Villefort, near Brussels, for the reformation. hl || Y. C. 1537.-Aug. 12, Christian, king of Denmark, crowned, calls the States together, disposes the bishops, and reforms the kingdom. c

Oct. 12, prince Edward born to king Henry. hl st

Y. C. 1538.—Lord's Day, Feb. 24, the famous Rood or image of Borley in Kent, made with diverse wires to move the lips and eyes, showed at Paul's by the preacher, and broken to pieces. st

May 23, a Rood in London, with his tabernacle, pulled down and broken to pieces. st

Diverse abbies suppressed to the king's use. st

Sept. Cromwell takes away all the noted images, to which pilgrimages and offerings had been made, with the shrines of counterfeit saints, as Thomas a Becket, &c.T Suppresses all the orders of friars and nuns, with their cloisters and houses, hl st and orders all the bishops and curates through the realm, to see that in every church, the Bible of the largest volume printed in English, be so placed that all may read it. st

Nov. John Lambert, burnt in Smithfield, for not owning the bodily presence of Christ in the sacrament. hl st

* N. B.-The number of houses, are 376; value of their lands yearly, above 32,000 pounds; moveable goods, above 100,000; persons put out of them, above 10,000. hl st

hli Holinshed's history of Ireland.

Holinshed is right, in placing this in the twenty-eighth year of king Henry; but wrong in setting 1539 in the margin.

That is, over all Ecclesiastical and religious affairs and persons. bx Boxhornius. bz Beza in Vit Calv.

So the date of the dedication.

Bale and Fox call him the Apostle of the English. sl Fox

Stow says, those images were brought up from diverse parts of England and Wales, to London, and burnt at Chelsea; that he suppressed the abbey at Canterbury, with Becket's shrine, and commanded his bones to be burnt. st

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