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Thus after some few ages past
In wandring up and downe;
He much again desired to see
Jerusalem's renowne;

But finding it all quite destroyd,
He wandred thence with woe,

Our Saviour's wordes, which he had spoke,
To verifie and showe.

"I'll rest, sayd hee, but thou shalt walke;"
So doth this wandring Jew
From place to place, but cannot rest
For seeing countries newe;
Declaring still the power of him,
Whereas he comes or goes,
And of all things done in the east,
Since Christ his death, he showes.

The world he hath still compast round,
And seene those nations strange,
That hearing of the name of Christ,
Their idol gods doe change:
To whom he hath told wondrous thinges
Of time forepast, and gone,
And to the princes of the worlde
Declares his cause of moane:

Desiring still to be dissolv'd,

And yeild his mortal breath;
But, if the Lord hath thus decreed,
He shall not yet see death.
For neither lookes he old nor young,
But as he did those times,

When Christ did suffer on the crosse
For mortall sinners' crimes.

He hath past through many a foreigne place, Arabia, Egypt, Africa,

Grecia, Syria, and great Thrace,

And throughout all Hungaria.

Where Paul and Peter preached Christ,

Those blest Apostles deare;

There he hath told our Saviour's wordes,
In countries far and neare.

And lately in Bohemia,

With many a German towne ;
And now in Flanders, as 'tis thought,
He wandreth up and downe:
Where learned men with him conferre
Of those his lingering dayes,
And wonder much to heare him tell
His journeyes and his wayes.

If people give this Jew an almes,
The most that he will take
Is not above a groat a time:
Which he, for Jesus' sake,
Will kindlye give unto the poore,
And thereof make no spare;
Affirming still that Jesus Christ
Of him hath dailye care.

He ne'er was seene to laugh nor smile,
But weepe and make great moane;
Lamenting still his miseries,

And dayes forepast and gone : If he heare any one blaspheme, Or take God's name in vaine, He telles them that they crucifie Their Saviour Christe againe.


you had seene his death, saith he,
Ås these mine eyes have done,

Ten thousand thousand times would yee

His torments think upon :

And suffer for his sake all paine

Of torments, and all woes.

These are his wordes and eke his life

Whereas he comes or goes.



THE authorship of these noble verses has been examined by the Rev. John Hannah in his edition of Raleigh's Poems. The common report, that the "Lye" was written by Raleigh on the night before his execution (October 29, 1618) is disproved by its publication in the "Poetical Rhapsody," 1608. Nor is the difficulty lessened by supposing Raleigh to have composed the poem under the apprehension of death in 1603; for a MS. copy is traced to 1593. Other names are, therefore, suggested; and among them we find Richard Edwards, Lord Essex, F. Davison, whom Ritson confidently affirmed to be the author, and Joshua Sylvester, whose claim is supported by Ellis. The evidence is strong in favour of Raleigh; for while he yet lived the poem was openly ascribed to him. Mr. Hannah notices some minor points; in particular he mentions a transcript of the " Lye" among the "Chetham MSS., of which the date does not seem to fall much later than the period of Raleigh's death, and which has the full signature-Wa. Raleigh." If we admit Raleigh to have written the poem, the tradition respecting it may be easily explained. It seems that he did "really compose one short piece, if not a second, the very night before his execution; the rumour of these being soon spread abroad, the popular appetite for prison verses would encourage conjectures on their nature;" and any moral verses, indicating the near approach of death, would be eagerly accepted as a dying meditation.

GOE, Soule, the bodie's guest,
Upon a thankelesse arrant;
Feare not to touche the best,
The truth shall be thy warrant:
Goe, since I needs must dye,
And give the world the lye.

Goe, tell the Court, it glowes
And shines like rotten wood;
Goe, tell the Church, it showes
What's good, and doth no good:
If Church and Court reply,
Then give them both the lye.

Tell Potentates, they live,
Acting by others' actions;

Not lov'd, unlesse they give,

Not strong, but by their factions;

If Potentates reply,
Give Potentates the lye.

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