COMMERCIAL BRIDGE COMPANY: free wagon bridge across Sturgeon Bay, Door county. COMMISSIONER OF BUREAU OF LABOR, CENSUS AND INDUSTRIAL STATISTICS: may appoint deputy, factory inspector and clerk. salaries of. may appoint assistant factory inspector. duties of commissioner.. must enforce act preventing child labor powers of, deputy and factory inspector. forms to be prescribed by commissioner and transmitted. to make report to governor. to have a seal, may administer oaths. compensation of. relating to printing and distribution of report of. COMMISSIONER ON CANADA THISTLES, OR NOXIOUS WEEDS: towns, cities and villages to appoint a. duties of, and compensation when overseers of highways to act as; duty of town chairman COMMISSIONER OF INSURANCE- (See Insurance Commissioner; Insurance Com- COMMISSIONER OF RAILROADS (See Railroad Commissioner; Railroads): COMMISSIONERS OF FISHERIES: supply private parties with spawn. limiting number of pages of report of additional copies may be ordered.. for enlarging state fish hatchery to notify owner of dams in Rock River to construct fishways therein. COMMISSIONERS OF PUBLIC LANDS - (See Swamp Lands): rate of interest of trust funds, allowed. to ascertain amounts due counties of Dane, Juneau, Kewaunee and Manitowoc on pro- proceeds of sales of swamp lands under act of March 2, 1855, how divided among coun- ties AUTHORIZED TO MAKE LOANS FROM TRUST FUNDS OF STATE AS FOLLOWS: SUBJECT MATTER OF LAW. COMMISSIONERS OF PUBLIC LANDS (See Swamp Lands) - Continued: Revised repealed. GENERAL LAWS - YEARS, CHAPTERS AND No. of 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1885. 1887. 1889. 1891. Wanpaca Wausau To Counties: Barron ........ Brown.. Dunn.... Alden, Polk county Apple River, Polk county Arcadia, Trempealeau county. 305 Balsam Lake, Polk county 143 Burnside, Trempealeau county. 34 Cedarburg, Ozaukee county Clayton, Polk county. Eureka, Polk county Farmington, Polk county. Little Wolf, Waupaca county Loraine, Polk county Luck, Polk county Lynden, Sheboygan county Milltown, Polk county Mineral Point, Iowa county Osceola, Polk county. Plover, Portage county St. Lawrence, Waupaca county. Waupaca, Waupaca county to any town in which township system of school exists, for purpose of building to loan to State Agricultural Society for purchase of grounds, eve to extend time for payment of installment of principal and interest due on loan to to board of education, city of Madison together with governor to adjust and settle differences between state and any land when may settle claims of state against past state treasurers may seize logs, timber or lumber cut from state lands by trespassers. to sell a certain tract of land in Waushara county. to sell a certain tract of land in Waushara county to sell a certain tract of land in Waushara county to dispose of certain swamp lands in Calumet and Manitowoc counties. to sell and patent certain lands in Adams, Juneau, Marquette and Winnebago counties to issue patents to owners of certain swamp and overflowed lands, when. 378 to enable commissioners to carry out provisions of chapter 352, laws 1883. 431 480 to withdraw public lands from market. 222 loan to Burnett county, relating to 197 loan to Outagamie county, relating to. 237 loan to Wood county, increased. 168 to appoint appraisers to appraise and classify swamp lands in Crawford county; report 428 extending time of payment of loan to school district No. 12, town of Darlington. extending time of payment of loan to school district No. 6, town of Union, Rock extending time of payment of loan to Mayville Union school district.. certified copies from, under great or lesser seal.. to sell certain school lands in Columbia county. authorized to make loans and extensions of loans from trust funds of state. COMMISSIONERS OF PUBLIC LANDŞ- (See Swamp Lands) - Continued: Company Racine.... sale. .... 290 to restore certain lands to market.. 255 investments of trust funds in bonds by. 2584 82 to Light Horse Squadron, Milwaukee. authorized to make loan to school district No. 1, Dodgeville. to compute amount due counties of Sauk and Columbia on sale of swamp and over- relating to report of same in Grant county same in Crawford county same in Waupaca county a certain swamp island in Wisconsin river. additional copies may be ordered. authorized to seli certain lots in McFarlane, Dunn and Armstrong's addition to the city, of Portage ...... shall be members of board of deposit.. authorized to sell certain land in Waushara county. to ascertain amount due town of Caledonia, Columbia county, on sale of indemnity lands in..... appropriation from school and university fund to Warren J. Lander. COMMISSIONERS OF UNITED STATES COURTS: may administer oaths and take acknowledgments. to apportion the amount due to counties of Adams, Florence. Forest, Marinette, Mar- 90 192 ..... COMMISSIONERS OF WISCONSIN RAILROAD FARM MORTGAGE LAND COMPANY: COMMISSIONS: COMMITMENTS: COMMON SCHOOLS-(See Township System of School Government): COMPLAINTS: COMPULSORY EDUCATION: COMPUTATION OF TIME: CONAN, ELIZA: CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS: |