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General terms

in several

the clerk of said court requiring a jury to be empanelled.

SECTION 3. The several general terms of court counties to be in each county of said circuit shall be a special term for all other counties in said circuit.

special terms

for entire cir


SECTION 4. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication, and all acts or parts of acts in conflict with this act are hereby repealed.

Approved March 4, 1891.

No. 260, A.]

[Published March 5, 1891.


AN ACT to amend the charter of the city of

Beaver Dam.

(See Vol. 2.)

No. 230, A.]

[Published March 5, 1891.


AN ACT to consolidate and amend an act to incorporate the city of Green Bay and the several acts amendatory thereof.

(See Vol. 2.)

No. 106, S.]

[Published March 7, 1891.


AN ACT to authorize the city of Columbus to issue bonds to build and equip a school house in said city.

The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do enact as follows:

SECTION 1. The common council of the city of Columbus shall have power and it is hereby au thorized to borrow an amount of money not ex. ceeding the sum of seven thousand dollars, for the purpose of defraying the expenses of building a school-house in said city, and the said common council shall have power and it is hereby authorized to issue the bonds of said city to an amount not exceeding seven thousand dollars for said loan. Said bonds shall be known

"School-house bonds, series secord," and shall be in such form, in such amount, payable at such times, not exceeding ten years from the date of issue, to such persons, and bearing such a rate of interest, not exceeding the rate of six per centum per annum, as the common council of said city shall by ordinance or resolution direct, and such bonds shall be issued, held and used, and the proceeds thereof applied for the purpose of building and equipping a schoolhouse in said city and purchasing the necessary grounds for such building, and for no other purpose.

SECTION 2. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Approved March 6, 1891.

Common counmoney to build school house bonds therefor.

cil may borrow

and may issue

No. 26, A.]

[Published March 10, 1891.


AN ACT to amend the charter of the city of


(See Vol. 2.)

No. 121, A.]

[Published March 16, 1891.


AN ACT to revise, consolidate and amend the charter of the city of Sparta and the several acts amendatory thereof.

(See Vol. 2.)

No. 86, S.]

[Published March 14, 1891.


AN ACT to amend chapter 163, of the general laws of this state for the year 1885, entitled, "An act to amend chapter 4 of the laws of Wisconsin for the year 1883, entitled, 'An act to incorporate the city of Black River Falls.""

(See Vol. 2.)

No. 255, S.]

[Published March 19, 1891.


AN ACT to authorize the city of Fond du Lac to borrow money to build and equip school buildings in the city of Fond du Lac, Wisconsin.

(See Vol. 2.)

No. 68, S.]

[Published March 14, 1891.


AN ACT to authorize the common council of the city of Milwaukee to appropriate to the assessors of the Fourteenth and Sixteenth wards, of the city of Milwaukee, certain sums of money."

The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do enact as follows:

salary to cer

SECTION 1. The common council of the city of Common counMilwaukee is hereby authorized to audit, allow may pay and pay, in the same manner that other accounts tain assessors, and claims against the city are audited, allowed and paid to the assessor of the Fourteenth ward, for the year 1886, and to the assessor of the Sixteenth ward for the year 1887, such sums of money as will constitute the balance of salary, as provided for in the charter of the city of Milwaukee, so that said assessors of the Fourteenth and Sixteenth wards will each have received the full year's salary, the same as received by the other assessors of said city.

SECTION 2. All sections or parts of sections, so far as they may be construed to conflict with the provisions of this act, are hereby repealed as for the purposes of this act.

SECTION 3. This act shall take effect and be in force from and atter its passage and publication. Approved March 12, 1891.

Amends sec. 8982, R. S.1878.

settle claims

for ward.

No. 77, A.]

[Published March 14, 1891.


AN ACT to amend section 3982 of the revised statutes, relating to guardians and wards.

The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do enact as follows:

SECTION 1. Section 3982 of the revised statutes, is hereby amended by adding thereto the followGuardians may ing: "Such guardian may also, with the approval of the county judge, adjust, compromise and discharge any and all claims for damages which his ward may have, and any compromise and discharge of such claims heretofore made by any such guardian, in good faith, with the approval of the county judge, is hereby legalized and declared valid."

SECTION 2. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Approved March 12, 1891.

No. 104, A.]

[Published March 16, 1891.

Amends chap

ter 23, private,

of 1867.


AN ACT to amend chapter 23, of the private and local laws of Wisconsin for the year 1867, entitled "An act to incorporate the Wisconsin yearly meeting of Freewill Baptists."

The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do enact as follows:

SECTION 1. Section 1 is hereby amended by and local laws striking out the word "and," where it first occurs in the thirteenth line of said section, and inserting after the word "enjoy" in said line the words. "and convey" so that it will read when amended as follows: "Section 1. That Daniel C. Miller, Kinsman R. Davis, Jeremiah S. Dinsmore, Hum

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