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ed. Morris 1866. Vol. III.


And whan the day cam that his adversaries schulden appere in his presence, he spak to hem p. 197. ful goodly, and sayde in this wise: "Al be it so, that of youre pryde and heigh presumpcioun and folye, and of youre negligence and unconnynge, ye have mysbore yow, and trespassed unto me, yit forasmoche as I se and biholde youre humilite, that ye ben sory and repentaunt of youre giltes, hit constreigneth me to do yow grace and mercy. Wherfore I receyve yow to my grace, and foryeve yow outerly alle the offenses, injuries, and wronges, that ye have don to me and agayns me and myne, to this effect and to this ende, that God of his endeles mercy wole at the tyme of oure deyinge foryive us oure giltes, that we have trespased to him in this wrecchid world; for douteles and we ben sory and repentaunt of the synnes and giltes whiche we have trespassed inne in the sight of oure lord God, he is so free and so merciable, that he 10 wil forgive us oure gultes, and bringe us to the blisse that never hath ende." Amen.

p. 197. 3. unconnynge, ignorance. Cf. To aperceiuy his onconnynge and pet he ne can nat AYENBITE p. 131. ye have mysbore yow, you have misbehaved yourself. Cf. The he him hadde ther misbore BEKET 1248. 5. hit. it WR. 6. foryeve. forgere WR. 8. foryive. forgive WR. 9. wrecchid. wrecched WR. for douteles etc. Vor diesen Worten schliesst unser afr. Text ab, und es stebt dahin, ob CHAUCER'S Original den hier folgenden Schluss enthalten habe. and we ben etc. if we be etc. TYRWI. Der Satz mit and vertritt eben so gut den Konditionalsatz, wie wir oft bemerkt haben. 11. foryive. forgive W. gultes. Wir lasen eben forgive us oure giltes, während hier in demselben Zusammenhange gultes steht. Uebrigens wechselu bei CHAUCER beide Formen auch sonst.

Druck von Gebr. Unger (Th. Grimm) in Berlin, Friedrichstr. 24.

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