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p. 144. is anoyful, algates it is no reproef in yevynge of juggement, ne of vengaunce takyng, whan it

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is suffisaunt and resonable. And that schewed oure Lord Ihesu Crist by ensample, for whan that the womman that was itake in advoutrie, was brought in his presence to knowen what schulde be doon of hir persone, al be it that he wist him self what that he wolde answere, 5 yit wolde he not answere sodeynly, but he wolde have (p. 145) deliberacioun, and in the ground he wrot twyes. And by these causes we axe deliberacioun, and we schul thanne by the grace of God counseile the thing that schal be profy table". Upstarten thenne the yonge folkes, anoon at oones, and the moste parte of that companye han skorned these olde wise men, and bygonne to make noyse and sayden: "Right so as whil that iren is hoot men scholden smyte, right so schulde men wreke 10 here wronges, whil that thay ben freische and newe"; and with lowde vois thay cryde, "Werre, werre".

Uproos tho oon of these olde wise, and with his hond made countenaunce that men schulde holde hem stille, and yiven him audience. "Lordyngs", quod he, "ther is ful many a man that crieth, "werre, werre", that wot ful litel what werre amounteth. Werre at his bygynnyng hath 15 so greet an entre and so large, that every wight may entre whan him liketh, and lightly fynde werre; but certes what ende schal falle therof, it is not lightly to knowe. For sothly whan that werre is oones bygonne, ther is ful many a child unbore of his mooder that schal sterve yong, bycause of thilke werre, or elles lyve in sorwe and deye in wrecchidnes: and therfore er that eny werre be bygonne, men moste have gret counseil and gret deliberacioun." And whan 20 this olde man wende to enforce his tale by resouns, wel neigh alle at oones bygonne thay to rise, for to breke his tale, and beden him ful ofte his wordes to abrigge. For sothly he that precheth to hem that liste not to heere his wordes, his sermoun hem anoyeth. For Ihesus p. 146. Sirac saith, that musik in wepyng is a (p. 146) noyous thing. This is to say, as moche avayleth to speke tofore folk to whiche his speche annoyeth, as it is to synge byfore hem whiche 25 that wepith. And whan this wise man saugh him wanted audience, al schamefast he sette him doun agayn. For Salamon saith, Ther as thou may have noon audience, enforce the not to speke. "I se wel", quod this wise man, "that the comune proverbe is soth, that good counseil wantith, whan it is most neede". Yit hadde this Melibeus in his counseil many folk, that prively in his eere counseled him certein thinges, and counseled him the contrarie in general audience. Whan Melibeus hadde herd that the grettest party of his counseil were accorded that he


1. it is no reproef etc. elle [sc. toute demeure] ne fait pas a reprendre en jugement et en vengence quant elle est souffisant et raisonnable FR. yevynge. gerynge WR.

p. 145. 5. and in the ground he wrot twyes. MORR. u. Wr. geben übereinstimmend and in the ground hem wrot twyes, wogegen TYRWI. he statt hem hat. Für hem giebt es in den vorangehenden Sätzen durchaus kein Beziehungswort, auch steht im fr. Texte: et escript deux fois en terre, den Worten der VULGATA: et iterum se inclinans, scribebat in terra Jo. 8, 8. im Allgemeinen entsprechend. 7. Upstarten erscheint als Präteritum von upsterten, womit man vergleiche: He start forth GAWAYNE 431. He blenched.. & stifly start onstray 1715. s. d. Wb. 12. with his hond made countenaunce etc. estendit la main et cria que l'en feist silence FR. Cf. Who that maketh countenaunce to slepe CH. Dream 1706. 14. that wot ful litel what werre amounteth. qui ne scevent que guerre se monte FR. 22. For Ihesus Sirac saith etc. In dem uns vorliegenden afr. Texte fehlen diese Worte und die folgenden bis zum nächsten Punkte; an das unmittelbar Vorhergehende schliessen sich gleich die Worte: c'est a dire que autant vault parler devant cellui a qui il ennuye etc. In einer Anmerkung zu unserer Stelle begründet jedoch WRIGHT die Stellung der Worte musik in wepyng statt wepyng in musik [HAKL. Ms.] auch auf die Wortstellung in seinem afr. Texte. Sie wird übrigens durch die Bibelstelle selbst geschützt: Musica in luctu importuna narratio ECCLESIASTIC. 22, 6. obwohl die Stelle in der Uebersetzung falsch aufgefasst erscheint, da das Subject mit der prädikativen Bestimmung vertauscht ist.

p. 146. 25. schamefast, bashful, shamefaced. Cf. Schamefast sche was in maydenes schamfastnesse Cu. C. T. 13470. ags. scamfäst, verecundus. 26. For Salamon saith etc. Auch diese Worte bis zum nächsten Punkte fehlen in unserem afr. Texte. Der dem Weisen in diesen Zeilen beigelegte Ausspruch ist aber, so viel wir glauben, in den Salomonischen Schriften nicht enthalten. 27. good conseil wantith etc. lors fault le bon conseil, quant le grant besoing est. FR. 28 29. that..counseled him certein thinges, and counseled him the contrarie etc. In MORRIS' Ausgabe fehlen die Worte certein thinges and counseled him; sie scheinen uns nur durch ein Versehen des Setzers, welcher von den vorangehenden Worten counseled him zu den folgenden gleichen Worten abirrte, ausgefallen zu sein. Der afr. Text lautet: qui lui conseilloient autre chose en l'oreille et autre chose en appert.

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schulde make werre, anoon he consentede to here counseilyng, and fully affermed here sentence. p. 146. Thanne dame Prudence, whan that sche saugh that hir housbonde schop him to wreke him of his enemyes, and to gynne werre, sche in ful humble wise, whan sche saugh hire tyme, sayde him these wordes: "My lord" quod sche, "I yow biseche as hertily as I dar and kan, ne haste yow nought to faste, and for alle guerdouns as yeve me audience. For Peres Alfons saith, 5 Who that doth to the outher good or harm, haste the nought to quyten him, for in this wise thy freend wil abyde, and thin enemy schal the lenger lyve in drede. The proverbe saith, He hastith wel that wisly can abyde; and in wikked haste is no profyt." This Melibeus answerde unto his wyf Prudens: "I purpose not"; quod he, "to werke by thy counseil, for many causes and resouns; for certes every wight wolde holde me thanne a fool; this is to sayn, if (p. 147) 10 I for thy counseil wolde chaunge thinges that affermed ben by so many wise. Secoundly, I say that alle wommen be wikked, and noon good of hem alle. For of a thousand men, saith Salomon, I fond oon good man, but certes of alle wommen good womman fond I never noon. And also certes, if I governede me by thy counseil, it schulde seme that I hadde yiven to the over me the maistry; and God forbeede er it so were. For Ihesus Syrac saith, that if a wif 15 have maistrie, sche is contrarious to hir housbond. And Salomon saith, Never in thy lif to thy wyf, ne to thy child, ne to thy freend, ne yeve no power over thi self; for better it were that thy children axen of thy persone thinges that been needful to hem, than thou se thi self in the hondes of thy children. And also, if I wolde werke by thy counselynge, certes it moste som tyme be secre, til it were tyme that it moste be knowe; and this ne may not be". Whan dame Prudence, ful debonerly and with gret pacience, hadde herd al that hir hous

1. consentede. MORRIS. consented WR. to etc. schope him for to etc. TYRWH. Cf. This noble January.. Schop him to lyve ful deliciously C. C. T. 9898. Til that this knight.. Schope him to gon 11119. That schape hem to take the goodes of another man MELIB. p. 182. That thay schape hem.. to come unto us p. 193. And schope hem.. to go IB. s. unsere Anm. zu GoWER SPRACHPR. I. p. 355. 5. for alle guerdo uns as yeve me audience. et que vous pour tous dons me donnez espace de parler FR. Statt yeve steht geve WR. Ueber die Partikel as beim Imperativ s. MÄTZNER Gr. 2, 2, 105. Peres Alfons. Piers Alphonse TYRWH. Petrus Alphonsi, zu Huesca in Aragonien 1062 als Jude geboren und 1106 zum Christenthum übergetreten, ist der Verfasser eines Dialogus contra Judæos und einer Disciplina clericalis, welche in einer französischen Uebersetzung weitere Verbreitung erlangte. Sie ist in neuerer Zeit lateinisch und französisch im Druck erschienen unter den Titeln: Disciplina Clericalis und Discipline de Clergie, publiée par la Société des Bibliophiles Paris 1821 und zu Berlin 1827 in 40. Die hier angeführten Worte lauten im lat. Texte: Nec properes ulli reddere mutuum boni vel mali, quia diutius expectabit te amicus, et diutius timebit te inimicus. ed. Paris. p. 154. 6. to quyten, to requite, repay. Quytyn, or zyldyn. Reddo, persolvo, quieto PROMPT. PARV. p. 421. Cf. Ne te haste du rendre FR. 7. The proverbe no profit. Diese Stelle fehlt in dem uns vorliegenden afr. Texte. Man vgl. übrigens hierzu Prov. OF HENDYNG str. 31. 9. to werke. Wir finden neben einander die Verhalformen werke cf. p. 147. 149. 155. 196. wirke p. 150. wirche p. 164. 173. und worche p. 191. in unserer Abhandlung, wie sich überhaupt diese Formen in unseren CHAUCER-Texten mischen. So liest man z. B. auch bei GOWER auf derselben Seite werche und werke Conf. Am. I. 63.

and fully affermed. et la conferma FR. 2. schop him

p. 147. 13. Salomon, Salamon WR. Die angeführten Worte lauten in der VULGATA: Virum de mille unum reperi, mulierem ex omnibus non inveni EccLES. 7, 29., in der Wycliffe Uebersetzung: A man of a thousend oon I fond, a womman of alle I fond not Oxy. 14. given, given WR. 15. God forbeede er it so were. God forbede that it so were TYRWH., WR. und MORRIS setzen übereinstimmend die Partikel er an die Stelle von that; jene erscheint uns auffällig. Wir möchten eher jede Partikel missen, wie in: God forbede we be now wrope Morris Allit. P. A. 379. Ihesus Sirac. Cf. Mulier, si primatum habeat, contraria est viro suo ECCLESIASTIC. 25, 30. 16. Salomon. Salamon WR. Die angeführte Stelle gehört aber Jesus Sirach an: Filio et mulieri, fratri et amico non des potestatem super te in vita tua.. Melius est enim, ut filii tui te rogent, quam te respicere in manus filiorum tuorum. ECCLES. 33, 20-23. Sie lautet in der Wycliffe-Uebersetzung: To sone, and wif, brother, and frend, gif thou not power rpon thee in thi lif.. Betere is forsothe, that thi sonus thee prezen, than thee to beholden into the hondus of thi sonus Ox. 17. yeve. geve WR. 19. moste. most WR. cf. 1. sq. 20. secre, secret. Secre, secree als Adjektiv und Substantiv, so wie das Adverb secrely, secreely kehren bei CHAUCER öfter wieder: He is.. secre C. T. 6783. For secre needes 12106. To holden it secree Tr. a. Cr. 3, 263. Discovere not thy secre MELIB p. 153. Thinges that ben secrely to hyde p. 149. Kepe counseil secreely p. 153. So wirft auch das Afr. öfter das t in dem entsprechenden Worte ab, so dass Formen wie secroi, secreie entstehen. and this ne may not be. et ce ne se pourroit faire Fɛ., worauf unser afr. Text hinzufügt, was in der Uebersetzung, obwohl zum Verständniss des Folgenden nöthig, ausgelassen ist: car il est escript: la jenglerie des femmes ne puet riens celer fors ce qu'elle ne scet. Apres, le philosophe dit: en mauvais conseil les femmes vainquent les hommes. Pour ces raisons je ne doy point user de ton conseil.


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p. 147. bonde likede for to seye, thanne axede sche of him licence for to speke, and sayde in this wise: "My lord", quod sche, "as to youre firste resoun, certes it may lightly be answered; for I say it is no foly to chaunge counsel whan the thing is chaungid, or elles whan the thing semeth otherwise than it was biforn. And moreover I say, though that ye han sworn and hight to 5 parforme youre emprise, and natheles ye wayve to parforme thilke same emprise by juste cause, men schulde not saye therfore that ye were a lyere, ne forsworn; for the book seith, that the p. 148. wise man maketh no lesyng, whan (p. 148) he torneth his corrage to the better. And al be it so, that youre emprise be establid and ordeyned by gret multitude of people, yet thar ye not accomplise thilke same ordinaunce but you like; for the trouthe of a thing, and the profyt, ben 10 rather founde in fewe folk that ben wise and ful of resoun, than by gret multitude of folk, ther every man crieth and clatereth what that him liketh; sothely such multitude is not honest. And to the secounde resoun, wher as ye sayn, that alle wommen ben wikke, save youre grace, certis ye despise alle wommen in this wise, and he that alle despysith, saith the book, alle despleseth. And Senec saith, Who so wil have sapience, schal no man desprayse, but he schal 15 gladly teche the science that he can, withoute presumpcioun or pryde; and suche thinges as he nought can, he schal not ben aschamed to lerne hem and enquere of lasse folk than him self. And, sire, that ther hath be ful many a good womman, maie lightly be proved; certes, sire, oure Lorde Ihesu Crist nolde nevere have descended to be borne of womman, if alle wommen hadde ben wikke. And after that, for the grete bounte that is in wommen, oure Lord 20 Ihesu Crist, whan he was risen fro deth to lyve, apperede rather to a womman than to his apostles. And though that Salamon say, he fond never good womman, it folwith nought therfore, that alle wommen ben wikke; for though that he fonde noone goode wommen, certes many another man hath founden many a womman ful goode and trewe. Or elles paraventure thentent p. 149. of Salamon was this, as in sovereyn bounte he fond no (p. 149) womman, this is to saye, that 25 ther is no wight that hath soverein bounte, save God aloone, as he him self recordeth in his Evaungelie. For ther nys no creature so good, that him ne wantith somwhat of the perfeccioun of God, that is his makere. Youre thridde resoun is this; ye seyn that if ye governede yow by counsel of me, it schulde seme that ye hadde yeve me the maystry and the lordschipe over youre persone. Sire, save youre grace, it is not so; for if so were that no man schulde be 30 counseiled but by hem that hadde maystrie and lordschipe of his persone, men wolde nought be counseiled so ofte; for sothly thilke man that axeth counseil of a purpos, yet hath he fre

1. likede. liked WR. axede. axed WR. 4. ihight, promised. 6 saye. say WR.

p. 148. 7. he torneth his corrage = he torneth his mood Halliw. Dict. p. 882. Ueber corrage, corage, s. d. Wb. And al be it so, establid etc. Et ja soit ce que ton emprise soit estable et ordonnee par grant multitude de gens FR. 8-9. yet thar ye not accomplise thilke same ordinaunce but you like. Der afr. Text sagt nur: pour ce ne la (sc. ton emprise] convient pas accomplir. Die Worte but you like erscheinen sogar einigermassen störend, da der im Folgenden angegebene Grund der im Hauptsatze enthaltenen Aeusserung von dem subjektiven Genehmhalten dessen absieht, welcher von anderen berathen wird. thar gebraucht CHAUCER persönlich und unpersönlich: He thar not weene wel that evyl doth C. T. 4319. Him thar not neđe to turnen ofte Boke of the Duch. 256. Hym thar nat drede in soule to be lame A. B. C. lit. K. s. METR. Hoм. p. 129. SPRACHPR. I. p. 283. accomplise, accomplish. Cf. be accomplised p. 152. ben.. accompliced p. 155. schal be accomplisit Pers. T. p. 290. is..accomplisid. IB. 12. wikke, bad. CHAUCER wechselt wie andere alte Schriftsteller, mit wikke und wikked; so steht hier das erstere in: hadde ben wikke 1. 19. ben wikke 1. 22. u. p. 149. wie: no thynge wikke H. of Fame 256. a womman wikke C. T. 5448., dagegen oft wikked, wie in unserer Abhandlung: wikked wyfes p. 149. in wikkede counseil 18. wicked purpos p. 150. wikked folkes p. 157. save youre grace. sauf vostre grace FR. Cf. p. 149. wo der fr. Text sauve ta grace bietet. 13. saith the book. Das Buch, aus welchem hier Worte angeführt werden, ist uns unbekannt; in der Bibel scheint völlig Entsprechendes nicht vorzukommen. alle despleseth. alle displeseth WR., welcher diese Worte nach dem LANSD. Ms. hinzufügt. 14. Senec saith etc. Wir haben die hier angeführte Stelle in den Werken SENECA's nicht aufgefunden, und möchten daran zweifeln, dass sie dem SENECA angehört. desprayse. disprayse WR. Cf. ne doit nul desprisier FK. 17. maie.. womman. may lightly be proeved; for, certes, sire, our Lord Ihesu Crist nolde never han descended to be borne of a womman WR. nach LANSD. MS. und im Ganzen damit übereinstimmend may lightly be preved... a woman TYRWH. 23. thentent = the entent Trawн. ef. thapostle p. 152.

p. 149. 24. saye. say WR. 27. governede. governed WR. 28. yeve. geve WR.

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chois whether he wil werke by that purpos or noon. And as to youre ferthe resoun, ther ye p. 149. sayn that the janglerie of wommen can hyde thinges that thay wot not of; as who saith, that a womman can nought hyde that that sche woot; sire, these wordes ben understonde of wommen that ben jangelers and wikke; of whiche wommen men sayn that thre thinges dryven a man out of his oughne hous; that is to saye, smoke, droppyng of reyn, and wikked wyfes. Of 5 suche wommen saith Salomon, that it were better to a man to dwelle in desert, than with a womman that is riotous. And, sire, by youre leve, that am not I; for ye han ful ofte assayed my grete silence and my grete pacience, and eek how wel that I can hyde and hele thinges that ben secrely to hyde. And sothly as to youre fyfte resoun, wher as ye sayn, that in wikkede counseil wommen venquisscheth men, God wot thilke resoun stont here (p. 150) in no stede; 10 for understondith now, ye axen counseil to do wickidnes; and if ye wile wirke wickidnes, and youre wyf restreyne thilke wicked purpos, and overcome you by resoun and by good counseil, certes youre wyf oweth rather be preised than yblamed. Thus schulde ye understonde the philosopher that seith, In wicked counseil wommen venquyschen her housbondes. And ther as ye blame alle wymmen and here resouns, I schal schewe by many resouns and ensamples that many 15 a womman hath ben ful good, and yit been, and here counseiles ful holsome and profitable, Eke some men han sayd, that the counseilyng of wommen is outher to dere, or to litel of pris. But al be it so, that ful many a womman is badde, and hir counseil vile and not worth, yet han men founde many a ful good womman, and ful discret and wys in counseilyng. Lo, Jacob, by counseil of his moder Rebecca, wan the blessyng of his fader Ysaak and the lordschipe of alle 20 his bretheren. Judith, by hire goode counseil, delyverede the citee of Bethulie, in which sche dwellide, out of the honde of Olophernus, that hadde it byseged, and wolde it al destroye. Abigayl deliverede Nabal hir housbond fro David the king, thal wolde have islayn him, and appesede the ire of the kyng by hir witte, and by hir good counseilynge. counseil en haunsede gretly the poeple of God, in the regne of Assuerus the kyng, bounte in good counseilyng of many a good womman maye men rede and telle, whan oure Lord hadde creat Adam oure forme fader, he sayde in this wise: to (p. 151) be a man aloone, make we to him an help semblable to him self.

Hester by good

And the same 25
And moreover,

Hit is not goode
Here may ye se p. 151.

1, whether..or noon. whether..or non WR. Cf. Whethir it oughte needes be doon or noon Cн. Pers. T. p. 286. Whethir he wolde or noon 1B. und: Whethir he wol don it or non p. 290. Whether ye wole or non C. T. 11090. Wher thou maist parforme a thing or noon MELIB. p. 159. Whether he may parforme it or noon 1B. Vgl. auch die Verbindung von if.. or noon p. 158. So steht aber noon, non auch innerhalb des Satzes: He.. schal been noon innocent p. 181. s. MATZNER Gr. 2, 2. p. 131. 3. that that. that WR. 5. oughne, own. Die Schreibweise ist nicht ungeläufig in unserem Texte: thin oughne handes C. T. 13082. his oughne malice Pers. T. p. 361. thin oughne propur thinges p. 363. neben owne, oune u. a. saye. say WR. 6. Salomon. Salamon WR. Die Wiedergabe der Stelle der Sprüchwörter Salomos ist auf den afr. Text gegründet: Il vauldroit mieulx habiter en terre deserte que avec femme rioteuse et courrouceuse, während die VULGATA sagt: Melius est sedere in angulo domatis, quam cum muliere litigiosa, et in domo communi Prov. 21, 9. und 25, 24. Die Wycliffe-Uebersetzung giebt, an Stelle der Worte in desert bei CHAUCER, die der VULGATA entsprechenden in the corner of the hous OxF. 9. secrely. s. p. 147. v. secre. 10. thilke resoun stont here in no stede. ceste raison n'a point cy son lieu FR.

p. 150. 11. wile. wil WR. 14. In wicked counseil..her housbondes. Der afr. Text fügt hier hinzu: car aucunes fois quant les hommes veullent ouvrer de mauvais conseil, les femmes les en retraient et les vainquent. 17. some men han sayd. some men had sayd MORRIS. Hinsichtlich der Verbalform han stimmen WR. und TYRWH. überein; wir belassen es auch mit Rücksicht auf den afr. Text: l'en a acoustume de dire. to dere or to litel etc. cf. tres chier.. tres vil FR. 20. Ysaak. Ysaac WR. 21. goode. good WR. 22. dwellide. dwellid WR. hadde it byseged. had byseged it WR. had it beseged TYRWH. 24. appesede. appesed WR. 25. enhaunsede. enhaunsed WR. 26. maye. may WR. 27. hadde. had WR. creat= created. Dieselbe Verkürzung der Endsylbe ted zu t, nach dem Vokale a, welche nach einem hellen Vokale oder einem Konsonanten nicht auffällt, findet sich auch sonst: God hath creat al thing CH. Pers. T. p 276. Hit is not goode to be a man etc. It is not good to be a man etc. WR. Was die Stellung der Worte in der Nachabmung des lateinischen Gebrauches des Akkusativ mit dem Infinitiv als logischen Subjektes betrifft, so folgt CHAUCER dem afr. Texte: Il n'est pas bon estre [l'homme] tout seul. Faisons lui aide semblable [a lui], während der Vulgata-Text den Akkusativ vor den Infinitiv stellt: Non est bonum hominem esse solum: faciamus ei adjutorium simile sibi GEN. 2, 18., wie auch die Wycliffe-Uebersetzung das Substantiv dem Infinitiv vorangehen lässt: It is not

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p. 151. that if that a womman were not good, and hir counseil good and profytable, oure Lord God of heven wold neither have wrought hem, ne called hem help of man, but rather confusioun of


And ther sayde oones a clerk in tuo versus, What is better than gold? Jasper. And what is better than jasper? Wisedom. And what is better than wisedom? Womman. And what 5 is better than a good womman? No thing. And, sire, by many other resouns maye ye se, that many wommen ben goode, and eke here counseile goode and profitable. And therfore, if ye wile truste to my counseil, I schal restore you youre doughter hool and sound, and eek I wil doon you so moche, that ye schul have honour in this cause".

Whan Melibe had herd these wordes of his wif Prudens, he seide thus: I se wel that the 10 word of Salomon is soth; he seith, that the wordes that ben spoken discretly by ordinaunce, been honycombes, for thay yeven swetnes to the soule, and holesomenesse to the body. And, wyf, bycause of thy swete wordes, and eek for I have assayed and proved thi grete sapiens and thi grete trouthe, I wil governe me by thy counseil in alle thinges".

"Now, sire", quod dame Prudens, "and syn ye vouchen sauf to be governed by my counseilyng, 15 I wil enforme you how ye schul governe youre self, in ches yng of youre counseil. Ye schul first in alle youre werkes mekely biseche to the hihe God, that he wol be your counseilour, p. 152. and schape you to that entent that he yive you counseil and con(p. 152)fort, as taughte Toby his sone: At alle tymes thou schalt blesse God, and pray him to dresse thy wayes; and loke that alle thi counseiles be in him for evermore. Seint Jame eek saith: If eny of yow have neede 20 of sapiens, axe it of God. And aftirward, thanne schul ye take counseil in youre self, and examine wel your thoughtes, of suche thinges as you thinkith that is best for youre profyt. And thanne schul ye dryve fro youre herte tho thre thinges that ben contrarie to good counseil; that is to say, ire, coveytise, and hastynes. First, he that axeth counseil of him self, certes,

good man to be alone, make we to hym help like hym OxF. Ueberhaupt pflegt sonst in dieser Konstruktion das Wort, welches, bei der Verwandlung des Infinitiv mit seinen Bestimmungen in einen Nebensatz, das Subjekt ausmachen müsste, vor den Infinitiv zu treten: It is a ful gret foly a man to prydem hìm Cn. Pers. T. p. 300. Another is, a man to have a noble herte p. 301. The thridde grevaunce is a man to have harm in his body p. 322. If that it be a foul thing a man to waste his catel on wommen p. 342. It is a gret folly, a woman to have fair array outward, and hirsilf to ben foul inward p. 352. Lo now.. what it is A man to caste his eye amis Gower Conf. Am. I. p. 54. u. a.

p. 151. 3. in tuo versus. WRIGHT bemerkt zu unserer Stelle, dass die hier angeführten Verse wohl eine
Modifikation des in den Reliquiæ Ant. I. p. 19. abgedruckten Distichons sind: Auro quid melius! jaspis. Quid
jaspide? sensus. Sensu quid? ratio. Quid ratione? nihil. Auch fügt derselbe Gelehrte hinzu, dass in dem Ms.,
aus welchem jenes Distichon entnommen ist, ein zweites damit verbunden ist: Vento quid levius? fulgur. Quid
fulgure flamma. Flamma quid? mulier. Quid muliere? nihil. Aus beiden Distichen mochte sich leicht ein drit-
tes zusammenfügen, wie etwa: Auro quid melius? jaspis. Quid jaspide? sensus. Sensu quid? mulier. Quid muliere!
nihil, worin allerdings neben dem bereits falsch gemessenen muliere ein Wort wie bona schon der blossen Sylben-
zahl wegen keine Stelle finden konnte. Ein ganz entsprechendes Distichon scheint kaum erfindbar. 5. maye.
may WR.
6. and eke..goode, and eek her counseil good Wк. Diese Worte fehlen im HARL. Ms. 7. wile.
wil WR. 10. Salomon. Salamon WR. Die angezogene Stelle lautet im afr. Texte: Broches de miel sont bonnes
paroles bien ordonnees, car elles donnent doulceur a l'ame et sante au corps; in der VULGATA: Favus mellis, com-
posita verba; dulcedo animæ, sanitas ossium PROV. 16, 24.; in der Wycliffe-Uebersetzung: The comb of hony wel
set woordis; swetnesse of soule is helthe of bones OXF. 11. yeven. geven WR. holesomenesse. holsomnes

WR. holsomnesse TYRWH. holines HARL. Ms. 15. counseil. conseil WR. 16 biseche to the hihe God.
Das Verb biseche hat hier den Personennamen mit to bei sich, während gewöhnlich die Person im blossen Objekt-
kasus steht. Cf. We biseke to youre wommanly pite p. 190. Es ist dem Verb preyen angeglichen, welches, wie im Afr.
prier a, in der Verbindung preyen to frühe auftritt: 1 preye to alle the rederes MAUNDEV. p. 316. Das Adjektiv
hihe sonst meist heigh geschrieben, erscheint in jener Form öfter in den Texten CHAUCER'S: to the hihe excellence
p. 194.
to hike vertuous thinges Person. T. p. 301. so hihe and so worschipfulle p. 315. to the hyhe grace p. 330.
daneben steht heih heiher p. 175. 17. and schape you to that entent etc. et le dois mettre en tel lieu et
en tel estat qu'il te daigne conseillier et conforter FR. s. p. 146. yive. give WR.

p. 152. 17. Toby. Omni tempore benedic Deum et pete ab eo, ut vias tuas dirigat, et omnia consilia tua in ipso permaneant Toв. 4, 20. 19. Seint Jame. Si quis autem vestrum indiget sapientiæ, postulet a Deo. JAC. 1, 5. Irrthümlich steht in unserem afr. Texte: Se aucun de nous a mestier sapience, si la demande a Dien. 22. tho thre thinges. thre thinges WR. three thinges TYRWH. Nach WRIGHT hat das Ms. HARL. (nach hertes für herte) tho that ben und LANSD. Ms. lässt thre aus. Unser afr. Text enthält hier: Et lors dois tu oster trois choses de toy qui sont contrarieuses a conseil.

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