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other men seyn, he schalle be born in Babyloyne: for the prophete seyth: De Babilonia colu- p. 110. ber exiet, qui totum mundum devorabit; that is to seyne, Out of Babiloyne schal come a worm, that schal devouren alle the world. This Antecrist schal be norysscht in Bethsayda, and he schalle regne in Capharnaum; and therfore seythe holy writt: Ve tibi, Chorasaym: ve tibi, Bethsayda ve tibi, Capharnaum: that is to seye, Wo be to the, Chorosaym: wo to the, Bethsayda: wo to the, (p. 111) Capharnaum. And alle theise townes ben in the lond of Galilee. And also, p. 111. the Cane of Galilee is 4 myle fro Nazarethe; of that cytee was Symon Chananeus, and his wif Cance, of the whiche the holy evaungelist spekethe off; there dide oure Lord the firste myracle at the wedyng, whan he turned watre into wyn. And in the ende of Galilee, at the hilles, was the arke of God taken; and on that other syde is the mownt Hendor or Hermon. And 10 there aboute gothe the broke of Cison; and there besyde, Barache, that was Abymeleche sone, with Delbore the prophetisse, overcam the oost of Ydumea, whan Cysera the kyng was slayn of Gebelle, the wif of Aber; and chaced bezonde the flom Jordan, be strengthe of sword, Zeb and Zebee and Salmana, and there he slowghe hem. Also a 5 myle fro Naym is the cytee of Jezreel, that somtyme was clept Zarym, of the whiche cytee Jexabel, the cursed queen, was 15 lady and queen, that toke awey the vyne of Nabaothe, be hire strengthe. Faste by that cytee is the feld Magede, in the whiche the kyng Joras was slayn of the kyng of Samarie, and aftre

HAMPOLE denselben Gegenstand ausführlich. Man vgl. And in Corozaym he sal be born Of a woman of pe kynred of San [leg. Dan] HAMP. 4166. He sal be lered, als I understand,.. In pe cite of Bethsayda; In Capharnaum he sal regne alswa, pe whilk Bethsayda and Capharnaum And Corozaym God weried whilom; For God spak til pas thre cites pos, Als pe godspelle here shewes us : Ve tibi Corozayin! Ve tibi Bethsayda! Ve tibi Capharnaum! etc. 4197, ef. MATTH. 11, 21. Luc. 10, 13. 1. De Babilonia coluber exiet etc. Cf.

p. 111. 7. the Cane of Galilee. Chana Galilee ITINER. c. XX. Cf. I Cana Galile ORM H. 14192. 14204. the Chane of cuntre of Galilee WYCL. John 2, 1. lat. Cana Galilea Jo. 2, 1. 11. in den Itinerarien gewöhnlich Chana Galilee, doch auch Cana Galilee: VI° miliario a Nazareth, IIII° miliario a Sephori, versus orientem est Cana, Galilee villa, a qua Simon Cananeus et Philippus et Nathanael fuerunt nati, in qua Thesus cum matre sua discumbens in nupciis aquam mutauit in vinum ODORICI Lib. p. 146. Symon Chananeus. Cf. Simon Cananæus MATTH. 10, 4. MARC. 3, 18. his wif Cance. Von ihr spricht das Evangelium nicht. 8. of the whiche.. off. s. p. 91. u. MÄTZNER Gr. 2, 1, 194. 10. the arke.. taken. Cf. 1 REG. 4, 11. the mount Hendor or Hermon. Die irrthümliche Identificirung des Namens des Fleckens Endor mit dem des Berges oder Gebirges Hermon beruht auf Irrthümern anderer Reisenden: Iuxta quod oppidum (sc. Naym) est mons Endor, ad cuius radices fuit torrens Cyson MAG. THIETMARI Peregr. p. 5. De monte Tabor unam leucam contra eurum est villa Endor, in monte sita Hermonio modico. Qui Hermonium non est mons per se, sed quasi tumor quidam ueniens de monte Hermon contra montem Tabor et illi se eoniungens. BURCHARDI Descr. p. 48. Der Kischon entspringt zum Theil am Fusse des Berges Thabor, zum Theil erhält er aus den südlichen Bergen Zuflüsse. Auch macht der kleine Hermon nicht die Verbindung des Hermon und Thabor. Der Bach wird in der VULGATA Cison genannt JUD. 4, 7. 5, 21. 11. Barache.. Abymeleche sone. Hier begegnet wieder eine grobe Entstellung des Namens, wie auch der folgenden: Barac, filius Abinoem JUD. 4, 12. 12. Delbore. Man sollte Debbore erwarten: Debbora prophetis JUD. 4, 4. Cysera Sysera: Ducem exercitus sui nomine Sisaram JUD. 4, 2. 13. Gebelle the wif of Aber, Jael the wife of Heber. Cf. Sisara autem fugiens pervenit ad tentorium Jahel, uxoris Haber JUD. 4, 17. Zeb and Zebee and Salmaná. Der Erzähler irrt hier ab in die Darstellung der Thaten Gideons; denn nach dem ersterwähnten Siege Baraks war das Land vierzig Jahre ruhig. Die Namen entsprechen übrigens denen der Vulgata: Duos viros Madian, Oreb et Zeb JUD. 7, 25. 8, 3. Zebee et Salmana, reges Madian 8, 5. 14, the cytee of Jezreel..Zarym. Die Stadt Jizreel, in der Vulg. Jezrahel 1 REG. 29, 11. 3 REG. 21, 1, heisst gegenwärtig Zer'in oder Ser'in, so dass der Name Zarym, den der Verfasser freilich umgekehrt zu dem älteren macht, sich erklärt. LAURENT hat in seiner Ausgabe der Peregrinatores Medii Aevi Quatuor an einer Stelle Zaraein gesetzt, wo die Lesarten Zanachon, Sanachim, Charety vorlagen: Ciuitas Jesrahel, in loco aliquantulum eleuato sita, quondam una regalium ciuitatum in Israel, sed hodie uix habet XXX domos. Et dicitur hodie Zaraein, et est in pede montis Gelboe ad occidentem sita. Ante cuius introitum adhuc ostenditur ager Naboth Iesrahelite. BURCHARDI Descr. p. 51. 15. Jexabel = Jezabel Cf. 3 REG. 21, 1. 17. the feld Magede etc. Hier ist natürlich der campus Mageddo 2 Paralip. 35, 22. gemeint; für Mageddo findet man öfter Magedo geschrieben, wie in per campum Magedo BURCHARDI Descr. p. 39. campus Magedo p. 49. Unser Verfasser vermischt in der folgenden Geschichte den Joram, König von Israel, welchen er Joras nennt, bei der Erwähnung seines Begräbnisses mit dem Ochozias, König von Juda, welche beide bei der Ursurpation Jehu's umkamen. 4 REG. 9, 14-28. Den Vorgang erzählt der Reisebeschreiber BURCHARD: Megedo, quod nunc Suburbe dicitus, ubi mortuus dicitur Ochosias, rex Juda, quem Jehu, rex Israel, uulnerauerat iuxta Iesrahel in ascensu Gaber, quando Ioram, regem Israel, sagitta interfecit et proici fecit in agrum Naboth Iesrahelite. BURCHARDI Descr. p. 49. Unser Verfasser erinnert uns an eine andere Stelle eines Reisebeschreibers, wo indessen von dem gleichfalls bei Mageddo (Megiddo) gefallenen Könige Jusias die Rede ist, und das Gefilde wunderlicher

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was translated and buryed in the mount Syon. And a myle fro Jezrael ben the hilles of Gelboe, where Saul and Jonathas that weren so faire, dyeden; wherfore David cursed hem, as holy wrytt seythe: Montes Gelboe, nec ros nec pluvia etc.; that is to seye, Zee hilles of Gelboe, p. 112. nouther dew ne reyn com upon zou. And a myle fro the hilles of Gelboe, toward the est, is 5 the cytee of Cyrople, that was clept before Bethsayn. (p. 112) And upon the walles of that cytee was the hed of Saul honged.

Aftre gon men be the hille, besyde the pleynes of Galylee, unto Nazarethe, where was wont to ben a gret cytee and a fair, but now there is not, but a lytille village, and houses abrood here and there. And it is not walled, and it sytt in a litille valeye, and there ben 10 hilles alle aboute. There was oure Lady born, but sche was goten at Jerusalem. And because that oure Lady was born at Nazarethe, therfore bare oure Lord his surname of that town. There toke Josephe our Lady to wyf, whan sche was 14 zeere of age; and there Gabrielle grette our Lady, seyenge, Ave, gratia plena, dominus tecum; that is to seyne, Heyl fulle of grace, oure Lord is with the. And this salutacioun was don in a place of a gret awteer of a faire chirche, 15 that was wont to be somtyme, but it is now alle downe; and men han made a litylle resceyt, besyde a pylere of that chirche, for to resceyve the offrynges of pilgrymes. And the Sarrazines kepen that place fulle derely, for the profyte that thei han thereoffe, and thei ben fulle wykked Sarrazines and cruelle, and more dispy tous than in ony other place, and han destroyed alle the chirches. There nyghe is Gabrielles welle, where oure Lord was wont to bathe him, whan 20 he was jong; and fro that welle bare he watre often tyme to his modre; and in that welle sche wossche often tyme the clowtes of hire sone Jesu Christ. And fro Jerusalem unto thidre is 3 journeyes. At Nazarethe was oure Lord norisscht. Nazarethe is als meche to seye, as flour p. 113. of the (p. 113) gardyn, and be gode skylle may it ben clept flour; for there was norisscht the flour of lyf, that was Crist Jesu. And 2 myle fro Nazarethe is the cytee of Sephor, be the

Weise campi Macedonum genannt wird: Item iuxta Iezrahel sunt campi Macedonum, in quibus occubuit rex Ozias qui in monte Syon sepultus est MAG. THIETMARI Peregr. p. 21. 1. the billes of Gelboe etc. Cf. Uidi eciam montes Gelhoe, ubi Saul et Jonathas occubuerunt. Unde Dauid. "Montes Gelhoe, nec ros, nec pluuia descendant super uos." [2 REG. 1, 21.] MAG. THIETMARI Peregr. p. 7. 5. the cytee of Cyrople.. Bethsayn. Es ist von Scythopolis oder Bethsan (Bethschean, El Beisan) die Rede; die Verkehrung des ersteren Namens in Cyrople könnte etwa eine Abirrung von Cytople verrathen. Unter den letzten jüdischen Königen waren die Scythen bis dort vorgedrungen, und ein Theil derselben zurückgeblieben. Bethsan, ciuitas inter montem Gelboe et Iordanem, dimidia tamen leuca a Iordane, in cuius muro Philistiim suspenderunt cadauera Saul et filiorum eius in monte Gelboe occisorum. Dicebatur aliquando Seythopolis, ut dicit Iosephus [Antt. 12, 8, 5.], sed nunc ab omnibus Bethsan appellatur BURCHARDI Descr. p. 50. coll. p. 22. 46. s. 1 REG. 31, 10.

p. 112. 7. Nazarethe etc. Erat quondam ciuitas & nunc est dispersa & rara domorum ITINER. c. XIX. Unser Verfasser nennt dies Städtchen eine ehemals grosse und schöne Stadt, was wir bei keinem anderen Reisebeschreiber lesen. 9. abrood, abroad. 10. oure Lady born etc. Cf. EVANG. DE NATIV. MAR. c. 1. 12. 14 seere of age. Cf. Ps. EVANG. MATTH. c. 8. EVANG. DE NATIV. MAR. c. 7. grette, greeted. s. K. HORN 384. 13. Ave. gratia plena etc. Cf. Luc. 1, 28. 14. in a place of a gret awteer. Cf Inde venimus in Nazareth. Et inuenimus magnam ecclesiam, quasi totam dirutam, et nichil erat ibi de primis edificiis nisi sola cella, vbi fuit annunciata domina.. Est autem ibi altare domine in loco, vbi orabat domina, quando missus est Gabriel adnuncians RICOLDI Lib. p. 107. 15. resceyt, receipt, place of receiving. 18. dispytons, despiteful, malicious, häufig bei CHAUER U. a. afr. despiteux, méchant. 19. Gabrielles welle. Cf. Est insuper in fine ciuitatis in ecclesia sancti Gabrielis fons quidam, qui ab incolis ueneranter habetur, de quo hausit aquam sepe, ut dicitur, puer Ihesus ministrans dilecte matri sue BURCHARDI Descr. p. 47. Inuenimus autem ibi iuxta ciuitatem fontem, qui est ibi in maxima veneracione pro eo, quod domina aliquando ad fontem illum [?], et puer Ihesus frequenter portabat inde aquam matri RicoLdı Lib. p. 107. In Nazareth oritur fons irriguus, qui fons Gabrielis vocatur. De quo Ihesus haurire solebat, et sibi et matri sue ministrabat Odorici Lib. p. 146.. 21. wossche, washed. Cf. wosche here fet ST. BRANDAN p. 12. ags. vascan; vôsc; vascen, lavare. clowtes, swaddling-clothes fr. maillot. Das Wort ist hier schwerlich in einem anderen Sinne zu nehmen. 22. Nazarethe.. flour of the gardyn. Cf. Hec autem amabilis et sancta Deo ciuitas est, in qua verbum caro factum est, et flos omnia vincens aro mata in vtero virginis germinauit. Vnde Nazareth flos interpretatur Onokıcı Lib. p. 146. Das hebr. bezeichnet Sprössling, Zweig.

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p. 113. 24. Sephor, nachher Saphor p. 117, ist die Stadt Sephoris, auch als Sephora Sephorum, und Sophora (MAG. THIFTMARI Peregr. p. 3.) von den Reisebeschreibern genannt, nördlich von Nazareth gelegen, von Herodes Antipas unter dem Namen Dio Cæsarea zur Hauptstadt Galiläas erhoben. JOSEPH. Antt. 18, 3. III1° miliario a Nazareth in via que ducit ab Accon est Sephoris ODORICı Lib. p. 148.

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weye, that gothe fro Nazerethe to Acon. And an half myle fro Nazarethe is the lepe of oure p. 113. Lord; for the Jewes ladden him upon an highe roche, for to make him lepe doun, and have slayn him, but Jesu passed amonges hem, and lepte upon another roche, and it ben the steppes of his feet sene in the roche, where he allyghte. And therfore seyn sum men, whan thei dreden hem of thefes, on ony weye, or of enemyes: Jesus autem transiens per medium illorum 5 ibat; that is to seyne, Jesus forsothe passynge be the myddes of hem, he wente; in tokene and mynde, that oure Lord passed thorghe out the Jewes crueltee, and scaped safly fro hem; so surely mowe men passen the perile of thefes. And than sey men 2 vers of the psautre, 3 sithes: Irruat super eos formido et pavor, in magnitudine brachii tui, domine. Fiant immobiles, quasi lapis, donec pertranseat populus tuus, domine, donec pertranseat populus tuus iste, quem pos- 10 sedisti. And thanne may men passe withouten perile. And zee schulle undirstonde, that oure Lady hadde child, whan sche was 15 zeere old, and sche was conversant with hire sone 33 zeer and 3 monethes. And aftre the passioun of oure Lord, sche lyvede 24 zeer.

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Also fro Nazarethe, men gon to the mount Thabor, and that is a 4 myle; and it is a fulle faire hille, and well highe, where was wont to ben a toun and many chirches, but thei ben 15 alle (p. 114) destroyed; but it there is a place, that men clepen the scole of God, where he was wont to teche his disciples, and tolde hem the prevytees of hevene. And at the foot of that hille, Melchisedeche, that was kyng of Salem, in the turnynge of that hille, mette Abraham in comynge azen from the bataylle, whan he had slayn Abymeleche; and this Melchisedeche was bothe kyng and prest of Salem, that now is cleped Jerusalem. In that hille Thabor, oure 20 Lord transfigured him before seynt Petre, seynt John and seynt Jame; and there thei sawghe gostly Moyses and Elye the prophetes besyde hem; and therfore seyde seynt Petre, Domine, bonum est nos hic esse, faciamus tria tabernacula; that is to seye, Lorde, it is gode for us to ben here; make we here 3 dwellyng places. And there herd thei a voys of the Fadir, that sey*d*e, Hic est filius meus dilectus, in quo mihi bene complacui. And oure Lord defended hem, that 25 thei scholde not telle that avisioun, til that he were rysen from dethe to lyf. In that hille and in that same place, at the day of doom, 4 aungeles with 4 trompes schulle blowen and reysen alle men, that hadden suffred dethe, sithe that the world was formed, from dethe to lyve; and schulle comen in body and soule in juggement, before the face of oure Lord, in the vale of Josaphathe. And the doom schalle ben on Estre day, suche tyme as oure Lord aroos, 30

1. the lepe of oure Lord, the leap of our Lord. Dies ist der mit Bezug auf Luc. 4, 29. 30. von den Reisebeschreibern erwähnte Saltus Domini. MAG. THIETMAR! Peregr. p. 3. BURCHARDI Descr. p. 47. Ricold Lib. p. 107. ODORICI Lib. p. 146. Ausführlich berichtet BURCHARD: Extra ciuitatem.. est locus, qui uocatur saltus Domini, ubi uolebant Thesum precipitare, sed exiuit de manibus eorum, et subito, ut ibidem ostenditur, inuentus est in latere montis oppositi ad iactum arcus. Et uidentur ibidem liniamenta corporis et uestium lapidi impressa. 4. allyghtealighte s. p. 103. 5. Jesus autem etc. Cf. Luc. 4, 30. 7. scaped, escaped s. FALL. A. PASS. 84. 8. 2 vers of the psantre. Diese angeblichen zwei Verse des Psalters, deren man sich zum "Besprechen" oder "Festsprechen" der Diebe bediente, gehören dem Psalmisten nicht an, und sie bilden in der Vulgata nur einen Vers. Exod. 15, 16. 12. was conversant, dwelt, lived. afr. converser, habiter, séjourner. 15. a toun etc. Vom Berge Tabor erwähnt BURCHARD: Sunt preterea ibidem ruine maxime palaciorum, turrium et regularium edificiorum, in quibus nunc latitant leones et bestie alie BURCHARDI Descr. p. 47. Der auf Tabor errichteten Klöster gedenkt MAG. THIETMARI Peregr. p. 4, 54. ODORICI Lib. p. 116.

p. 114. 16. the scole of God, the school of God. Diese Bezeichnung eines Ortes auf dem Tabor haben wir anderswo nicht gefunden. 18. Melchisedeche Cf. In descensu montis obuiauit Abrahe, redeunti a cede Amalech, Melchisedech. ODORICI Lib. p. 146 sq. Diese Stelle scheint den von unserem Erzähler irrthümlich gesetzten Namen Abymeleche 1. 19 veranlasst zu haben. Ein Abimelech wird in der zu Grunde liegenden biblischen Erzäh lung GEN. 14, 18 coll. 9. nicht genannt. Mit dem Abimelech hat Abraham nur Zwist wegen eines Brunnens GEN. 21, 25. 21. transfigured him. Der Tabor gilt allgemein als der Berg der Verklärung MATTH. 17, 1. Marc. 9, 1. Luc. 9, 28. Den Reisenden zeigte man dort noch die Ruinen der dort errichteten Hütten: Ubi hodie ostenduntur ruine trium tabernaculorum siue claustrorum secundum desiderium Petri constructorum BURCHARDI Descr. p. 47. 24. seyde. seye HALLIW. 25. Hic est filius etc. Cf. MATTH. 17, 5. 27. 4 aungeles with 4 trompes. Dass hier vier Drommeten zur Auferstehung der Todten ertönen sollen, wird sonst nicht erwähnt. Cf. Et mittet angelos suos cum tuba etc. MATTH. 24, 31. Canet enim tuba etc. 1 Cor. 15, 52. 1 THESS. 4, 15. 28. reysen. raise. cf. reysed 29. in the vale of Josaphate s. p. 95.

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p. 115. and the dom schalle begynne, suche houre as oure Lord descended to helle and dispoyled it;. for at suche houre schal he dispoyle the world, and lede his chosene to blisse, and the othere schalle *he condempne to perpetuelle (p. 115) peynes; and thanne schalle every man have aftir his dissert, outher gode or evylle, but if the mercy of God passe his rightewisnesse. 5 Also a myle from mount Thabor is the mount Heremon; and there was the cytee of Naym. Before the ate of that cytee, reysed cure Lord the wydewes sone, that had no mo children. Also 3 myle fro Nazarethe is the castelle Saffra, of the whiche the sones of Zebedee and the sones of Alphee weren Also a 7 myle fro Nazarethe is the mount Kayn, and undre that is a welle, and besyde that welle, Lameche, Noees fadre, sloughe Kaym with an arwe. For this 10 Kaym wente thorghe breres and busshes, as a wylde best; and he had lyved fro the tyme of Adam, his fadir, unto the tyme of Noe, and so he lyvede nyghe to 2000 zeer. And this Lameche was alle blynd for elde.

Fro Saffra men gothe to the see of Galylee and to the cytee of Tyberye, that sytt upon the same see. And alle be it, that men clepen it a see, it is it nouther see ne arm of the see; 15 for it is but a stank of fresche watir, that is in lengthe 100 furlonges, and of brede 40 furlonges, and hathe within him gret plentee.of gode fissche, and rennethe into flom Jordan. The cytee is not fulle gret, but it hathe gode bathes within him. And there as the flom Jordan partethe fro the see of Galilee, is a gret brigge, where men passen from the lond of promyssioun to the lond of Baazan and the lond of Gerrasentz, that ben about the flom Jordan, and the be20 gynnynge of the see of Tyberie. And fro thens may men go to Damask, in 3 dayes, be the kyngp. 116. dom of Traconye, the whiche kyngdom lastethe fro mount (p. 116) Heremon to the see of Galilee,

or to the see of Tyberie, or to the see of Jenazarethe; and alle is o see, and this the stank that I have told you; but it chaungethe thus the name, for the names of the cytees that sytten besyde h*i*m Upon that see went oure Lord drye feet; and there he toke up seynt Petir, 25 when he began to drenche within the see, and seyde to him, Modice fidei, quare dubitasti? And aftre his resurrexioun, oure Lord appered on that see to his disciples, and bad hem fyssche,

3. he. be HALLIW.

p. 115. 4. dissert, desert.

5. Heremon Hermon s. p. 111. Die Schreibweise kehrt wieder p. 116. 6. the wydewes sone cf. Luc. 7, 11. 7. the castelle Saffra. villa seu castrum Saffra ITINER. c. XX das castell Sophia AUGSB. Der Name Saffra wird wiederholt 1. 13 On the lift syde of the hille Carmelyn is a town that men clepen Saffre, and that is sett on another hille. There seynt James and seynt Johne were born, and in the worschipe of hem there is a fair chirche p. 31. Es kann kein anderer Ort gemeint sein als das castrum Zafetanum der folgenden Stelle: De Nazareth venimus in Castrum Zafetanum, decem miliaria. Ibi natus est Iohannes euangelista et Iacobus, filii Zebedei. Ibi habitant Christiani RICOLD Lib. p. 107. Und dies ist der sonst oft genannte Ort Sephed, jetzt Safed: Castrum et ciuitas Sephet, pulchrius et firmius meo iudicio omnibus castris, que uidi, situm in monte altissimo. Quod fuerat milicie templi, sed proditum et captum ignominiose nimis ad iacturam tocius christianitatis, quia Soldanus de illo tenet totam Galileam BURCHARDI Descr. p. 34. 8. the mount Kayn. Wir sollten hier Kaym wie 1. 9. 10. statt Kayn erwarten; denn so wird der Name auch sonst häufig im Alte. geschrieben. Vgl. Caim, Caym GEN. A. EXOD. 416. 426. 430, 442. etc. Unsere Stelle erinnert an: De loco interfectionis sacerdotum Baal ad tres leucas contra austrum est castellum montis pede extremi montis Carmeli, ubi Lamech Cayn sagitta interfecit, ut dicitur Genesis IV: Occidi uirum in uulnus meum" BURCHARDI Descr. p. 49. 10. breres s. ST. CRISTOPH. 49. 15. a stank, a pool, lake. Cf. The stank that I have told zou p. 116. Bestes taughte of men to gon into watres, into ryveres, and into depe stankes p. 209. afr. estang, estanc lat. stagnum. Man vergleiche: Stagnum Genesareth Luc. 5, 1. RICOLDI Lib. p. 106. ODORICI Lib. p. 147. 155. 19. Baazan, Bashan. Basan Vulg. Cf. Et nota, quod terra ista ultra mare Galilee montuosa est ualde, ut mihi uidetur, quia eam non intraui. Et erat de regno regis Basan pro parte BURCHARDI Descr. p. 41. the lond of Gerrasentz, the country of the Gergesenes. cf. MATTH. 8, 28. in regionem Gerasenorum Vul. Els thr zulgar tår Fegyɛonvor. Das alte Gerasa heisst gegenwärtig Dscherasch. 21. Traconye, Trachonitis. Cf. Of pe cuntre of Tracon WYCL. Luke 3, 1. Mons Hermon, qui circuit Traconitidis regionem et procedit usque Damascum BURCHARDI Descr. p. 33. Tota terra circa Iordanem in littore eius orientali appellatur Traconitidis regio siue planicies Libani usque ad montem Hermon et Bosra p. 37.

14. the same see sc. of Tyberye. s. p. 103.

p. 116. 22. Jenazarethe = Genazarethe, Gennesaret. Cf. De stondynge water of Genazareth WYCL. Luke 5, 1. The cuntree of men of Genazareth (Genasereth ed. OxF.) MATTH. 8, 28. 24. besyde him. besyde hem HALLIW. Upon that see etc. Cf. Matth. 14, 24. drye feet s. p. 10. 25. when he began to drenche, quum cœpisset mergi MATTH. 11, 30. Cf. whanne he bigane for to be drenchide WY L. ib. s. d. Wb. Modice fidei etc. Modica fidei etc. MATTH. 14, 31, wie e gemeinhin. für a geschrieben wurde. 26. bad hem fyssche. Cf. Jo. 21, 6.

Ed. Halliwell

and filled alle the nett fulle of gret fisshes. In that see rowed oure Lord often tyme, and there p. 116. he called to hym seynt Petir, seynt Andrew, seynt James and seynt John, the sones of Zebedee. In that cytee of Tyberie is the table, upon the whiche oure Lord eete upon, with his disciples, aftre his resurrexioun; and thei knewen him in brekynge of bred, as the gospelle seythe: Et cognoverunt eum in fractione panis. And nyghe that cytee of Tyberie is the hille, where oure 5 Lord fedde 5 thousand persones, with (p. 117) 5 barly loves and 2 fisshes. In that cytee, a p. 117. man cast an brennynge dart in wratthe aftir oure Lord, and the hed smot into the erthe, and wax grene, and it growed to a gret tree, and it it growethe, and the bark thereof is alle lyk coles. Also in the hed of that see of Galilee, toward the septemtryon, is a strong castelle and an highe, that highte Saphor, and fast besyde it is Capharnaum: within the lond of promys- 10 sioun is not so strong a castelle; and there is a gode toun benethe, that is clept also Saphor. In that castel seynt Anne, oure Ladyes modre, was born. And there benethe was Centurioes hous. That contree is clept the Galilee of Folk, that weren taken to tribute of Sabulon, and of Neptalym. And in azen comynge fro that castelle, a 30 myle, is the cytee of Dan, that somtyme was clept Belynas, or Cesaire Philippon, that sytt at the foot of the mount of Lyban, 15 where the flom Jordan begynnethe. There begynnethe the lond of promyssioun, and durethe unto Bersabee in lengthe, in goynge toward the northe into the southe, and it conteynethe well a 180 myles; and of brede, that is to seye, fro Jericho unto Jaffe, and that conteynethe a 40 myle of Lombardye, or of oure contree, that ben also lytylle myles. Theise ben not myles of Gascoyne, ne of the provynce of Almayne, where ben gret myles. And wite zee welle, that 20 the lond of promyssioun is in Sirye. For the reme of Syrie durethe fro the desertes of Arabye unto Cecyle, and that is Ermonye the grete, that is to seyne, fro the southe to the northe; and

3. the table etc. Der Ort des Tisches scheint hier mit einem anderen vertauscht, von dem erzählt wird: Inde regirantes iuxta mare Galilee venimus ad locum tabule, duo miliaria. Que est iuxta Capharnaum et Bethsaidam in loco, vbi Dominus post resurrectionem suam apparuit discipulis, stans in litore, et vocauit de mari, et inuitauit eos ad prandium. RICOLDI Lib. p. 106; was sich auf Jo. 21, 12. bezieht, während hier Bezug genommen wird auf Luc. 24, 30, 31. 4. Et cognoverunt etc Die Worte lauten: Accepit panem, et benedixit, ac fregit, et porrigebat illis. Et aperti sunt oculi eorum et cognoverunt eum. 5. the hille etc. Anderswo fehlt die nähere Bestimmung der Lage des Berges am galiläischen See: Inde ascendimus ibi prope ad montem, vbi Dominus fecit conuinium de quinque panibus ordeaceis RICOLDI Lib. 106.


p. 117. 6. a man cast an brennynge dart etc. Die Sage knüpft sich an die Kindheit Jesu, welcher als Knabe oft Tiberias besucht haben soll: Quam (sc. Tyberiadem) eciam puer Jhesus in inuentute sua sepe frequentabat MAG. THIETMARI Peregr. p. 6. Unser Verfasser verdankt sie der folgenden Erzählung: Vbi accidit, quod, cum puer Ihesus cum quodam cognato suo moram ibi traheret, commotus homo predictus arripuit facem ardentem, et post Thesum proiecit, volens eum percutere; sed fax infixa terre in arborem creuit maximam, que vsque in hodiernum diem flores et fructus producit Oponic Lib. p. 147. 10. Saphor Sephor s. p. 113. Unser Verfasser unterscheidet diesen Ort von dem 1. 11. genannten Saphor; wir wissen nicht, mit welchem Rechte. 11. Saphor. Cf. IIII miliario a Nazareth in via, que ducit ad Accon, est Sephoris ciuitas, ex qua orta est Anna, mater matris Christi ODORICI Lib. p. 146. 12. Centurioes hous. Das Haus des Hauptmanns war zu Kapernaum. MATTH. 8, 5. Luc. 7, 1. 13. the Galilee of Folk, Galilæa gentium. Cf. Iste fluuius (sc. Eleutherus) uenit de Yturea siue Galilea gencium Burchardi Descr. p. 26. Dicitur..nunc Yturea, nunc Traconitis, nunc planicies Libani, nunc Kabul, nunc Galilea gencium, nunc Galilea superior, et est semper eadem regio p. 46. Terra Zabulon et terra Nephthalim, via maris trans Jordanem, Galilæa gentium MATTH. 4, 15. ISAI. 9, 1. 14. Dan.. Belynas or Cesaire Philippon. Cf. Belinas ciuitas. in pede montis Libani, que, sicut in libro Iudicum [28, 29.] dicitur, primo Lais dicebatur, et..ceperunt eam filii Dan et uocauerunt eam Lesen Dan [Jos. 19, 47.] nomine patris sui Dan. Sepe tamen simpliciter dicitur Dan,, Philippus autem cum esset tetrarcha Yturee et Traconitidis regionis, istam ciuitatem Belinas siue Dan suo nomine Cesaream Philippi uoluit nominari. A Grecis autem Paneas appellatur. Sed hodie omnia nomina hec cessauerunt, et communiter Belinas appellatur BURCHARDI Descr. p. 32. cf. p. 54. Die Cæsarea Philippi ist allerdings nicht identisch mit Dan, sondern nur in der Nähe der zerstörten Stadt Dan gegründet worden. Der Name ist übrigens später: Cesarye Phylyppum p. 128 geschrieben; bei WYCLIFFE: Cesarie of Philip Math. 16, 13. 17. toward the northe. Vielleicht froward the northe. 18. and that. Entweder fehlt vor and etwas, oder der nachlässige Verfasser oder Schreiber blieb hier dem Zusammenhange nicht treu. 20. Almayne, Germany. Cf. He may.. go thorghe Almayne, and thorghe the kyngdom of Hungarye p. 6. This ryvere of Danubee is a fulle gret ryvere; and it gothe into Almayne p. 7. on the North see onon Stondeth Flaundres. Alemaine, Denemarche etc. REL. ANT. I. p. 273. 21. the reme, s. p. 35. 22. unto Cecyle, muss heissen unto Cilicye. that is Ermonye the grete s. p. 4. Dieser Nebensatz kann sich nur auf das vorangehende Substantiv beziehen, so dass also der Verfasser Cilicien zu Grossarmenien rechnet: Syria..hap in pe norp side Armenia and Cappadocia TREVISA I. p. 101,

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