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Damask. And fro thens was he translated in to Paradys of delytes, as thei seyn, and aftre that p. 67. he was dryven out of Paradys, he was there left. And the same day that he was put in Paradys, the same day he was put outt, for anon he synned. There begynnethe the vale of Ebron, that durethe nyghe to Jerusalem. There the aungelle commaunded Adam, that he scholde duelle with his wyf Eve, of the whiche he gatt Sethe; of whiche tribe, that is to seye, kynrede, Jesu 5 Christ was born. In that valeye is a feld, where men drawen out of the erthe a thing that men clepen cambylle, and thei ete it in stede of spice, and thei bere it to selle. And men may (p. 68) not make the hole ne the cave, where it is taken out of the erthe, so depe ne so p. 68. wyde, but that it is, at the eres ende, fulle azen up to the sydes, thorgh the grace of God.

And 2 myle from Ebron is the grave of Lothe, that was Abrahames brother. And a lytille 10 fro Ebron is the mount of Mambre, of the whiche the valeye takethe his name. And there is a tree of oke, that the Sarazines clepen Dirpe, that is of Abrahames tyme, the whiche men clepen the drye tree. And thei seye, that it hathe ben there sithe the beginnynge of the world, and was sumtyme grene, and bare leves, unto the tyme that oure Lord dyede on the cros; and thanne it dryede, and so dyden alle the trees, that weren thanne in the world. And summe 15 seyn, be here prophecyes, that a lord, a prynce of the west syde of the world, shalle wynnen the lond of promyssioun, that is the holy lond, with helpe of cristene men, and he schalle do synge a masse undir (p. 69) that drye tree, and than the tree schalle wexen grene and p. 69. bere bothe fruyt and leves. And thorghe that myracle manye Sarazines and Jewes schulle ben turned to cristene feythe. And therfore thei don gret worschipe thereto, and kepen it 20 fulle besyly. And alle be it so, that it be drye, natheles it he berethe gret vertue: for certeynly he that hathe a litille thereof upon him, it helethe him of the fallynge evylle, and

Lib. p. 153. De spelunca duplici contra occidentem, quantum iacere potest arcus, est ager damascenus, in quo loco plasmatus fuit Adam. BURCHARDI Descr. p. 81. In feld Damaske Adam was mad, And Jeden fer on londe sad; God bar him into paradis, An erd al ful of swete blis GEN. A. Exod. 207. S. RITTER Geogr. XVI. p. 212. 3. There begynnethe the vale of Ebron etc. Cf. A Ebron incipit vallis Mambre, que protenditur fere vsque Jherusalem. ODORICI Lib. p. 154. 6. a thing that men clepen cambylle etc. Diese Geschichte schliesst sich an die Mittheilung der mehrfach angeführten Reisebeschreibungen: Ager iste (sc. Damascenus) in rei ueritate ualde rubeam habet terram, que omnino flexibilis, sicut cera. De qua tuli in magna quantitate. Similiter faciunt peregrini alii et Christiani uisitantes loca ista. Sarraceni insuper terram istam portant camelis in Egyptum et Ethiopiam et Yndiam et ad alia loca, pro speciebus ualde caris uendentes eam. Et tamen modica apparet fossio illo in loco. Dicitur enim, quod anno reuoluto, quantumcunque magna sit fossio, semper miraculose repletur. Sed oblitus fui querere rei ueritatem; hoc tamen dico, quod modica fuit fossio, cum essem ibi, ita quod uix quatuor uiri sedissent in ea; nec erat profundior, quam usque scapulas meas. Dicitur tamen, quod, quicunque terram istam secum portat, animal eum non offendit. Hominem insuper dicitur a casu conseruare BURCHARDI Descr. p. 81. Secundo miliario ab Ebron versus meridiem in medio agri est gleba rubea, que ab incolis foditur et comeditur. Que per Egyptum venalis portatur et pro speciebus carissimis emitur. Et quantumcumque effoditur, ager finito anno reintegratus reperitur ODORICI Lib. p. 154. Est autem ager quidam in Ebron, qui in multo habetur honore pro specie preciosa. Solent enim Sarraceni effodere terram illam et deferre in Egyptum ad uendendum pro nobili specie. Quantumcumque autem terre effossum est, post anni circulum reperitur redintegratum. De qua terra dicunt et in eodem loco esse formatum Adam. Terra illius agri rubea est. Alii autem dicunt Adam esse plasmatum in agro Damasceno MAG. THIETMARI Peregr. p. 29. Den Namen cambylle für jene essbare oder medicinale Erde wissen wir nicht zu deuten.

p. 68. 10. the grave of Lothe.... Abrahames brother. Unser Text ist im Irrthum, da Loth, Haran's Sohn, der Neffe Abrahams war. Andere Texte bieten das Richtige: Sepultura Loth filii fratris Abrahe ITINER. c. XII. Loth.. der was Abrahams brüder Sun AUGSB. 11. there is a tree of oke.. dirpe etc. Statt dirpe findet man in lat. Texten nach einer Note bei HALLIWELL: Drip, und ähnlich: Saraceni autem dicunt eam dyrp ITINER. c. XII; auffallender: Den heyssent die heydenn Sirpe AUGSB. Unser Verfasser giebt hier fast wörtlich die folgende Stelle wieder: Non remote ab Ebron est mons Mambre, et in ipso monte stat arbor, scilicet quercus arida, que ab antiquitate sua speciale sibi nomen meruit habere in vniverso mundo, et vocatur arbor sicca. Sarraceni dicunt eam dirp. Hec creditur stetisse a tempore Abrahe, et quidem ab inicio mundi, virens, donec passionis Christi tempore siccaretur ODORICI Lib. p 154. Die weitere Ausspinnung der Sage wird anderen Nachrichten entnommen sein.

p. 69. 21. alle be it so etc. s. p. 4. 22. of the fallynge evylle, of the falling sickness, epilepsy. Cf. Machomete felle often in the grete sikenesse, that men callen the fallynge evylle p. 140. Fallynge downe, idem est quod fallynge evylle or londe evylle. Epilencia, vel morbus caducus PROMPT. PARV. p. 148. Unsere deutsche Uebersetzung, welche dem englischen Texte folgt, hat: Wer den fallenden siechtag hat, tregt er des baums bey jm, er vellt nit mer AUGSB. Wir werden durch diese Ausführung MAUNDEVILLE'S einigermassen an die p. 67 angeführte

Ed. Halliwell.

p. 69. his hors schalle not ben afoundred; and manye othere vertues it hathe, wherefore men holden

it fulle precyous.

From Ebron men gon to Bethelem, in half a day, for it is but 5 myle; and it is fulle fayre weye, be pleynes and wodes fulle deletable. Betheleem is a litylle cytee, long and narwe and 5 well walled, and in eche syde enclosed with gode dyches, and it was wont to ben cleped Effrata, as holy wrytt seythe. Ecce audivimus eum in Effrata; that is to seye, Lo, wee herde him in Effrata. And toward the est ende of the cytee, is a fulle fair chirche and a gracyouse, and it hathe many toures, pynacles and corneres, fulle stronge and curiously made, and within that chirche ben 44 pyleres of marble, grete and faire. And betwene the cytee and the 10 chirche is the felde Floridus, that is to seyne, the feld florisched; for als moche as a fayre mayden was blamed with wrong, and sclaundred, that sche hadde don fornycacioun, for whiche cause sche was demed to the dethe, and to be brent in that place, to the whiche sche was ladd. And as the fyre began to brenne aboute hire, sche made hire preyeres to oure Lord, that als p. 70. wissely as sche was not gylty of (p. 70) that synne, that he wold helpe hire, and make it to 15 be knowen to alle men, of his mercyfulle grace. And whan sche hadde thus seyd, sche entred in to the fuyer, and anon was the fuyr quenched and oute; and the brondes that weren brennynge, becomen rede roseres; and the brondes that weren not kyndled, becomen white roseres, fulle of roses. And theise weren the first roseres and roses, bothe white and rede, that evere ony man saughe. And thus was this mayden saved be the grace of God. And therfore is that 20 feld clept the feld of God florysscht, for it was fulle of roses. Also besyde the queer of the chirche, at the right syde, as men comen dounward 16 greces, is the place where oure Lord was born, that is fulle well dyghte of marble, and fulle richely peynted with gold, sylver, azure and other coloures. And 3 paas besyde, is the crybbe of the ox and the asse. And besyde that, is the place where the sterre felle, that ladde the 3 kynges, Jaspar, Melchior and Balthazar;

Stelle BURCHARD's erinnert, der das Beisichführen der rubea terra in ähnlicher Weise für schützend ausgiebt. 1. his
hors..not ben afoundred, den wirt kein pferd zu rüch Augsb. räch, rahe ahd. râhi= steif, lahm, entspricht
dem alte. afoundred, sonst gewöhnlich soundred, welches in Beziehung auf Pferde gebraucht wird. Die Bedeutung
steif oder gelähmt kommt diesem Worte in Beziehung auf Gliedmassen überhaupt, wie es scheint, zu s. WAY's Anm.
PROMPT, PARV. p. 175. und s. Wb. Das Kompositum aƒoundred führt HALLIWELL Dict. p. 28 in einem Beispiele auf:
He was ner afound[r]it, and coud none othir help. CHAUCER ed. URRY p. 599. Man möchte dabei an das afr.
afondrer effondrer denken. 3. Bethelem. Bethlehem wird sonst hier Betheleem geschrieben, wie p. 59. 1. 2.
p. 70. 71. 72. 90 und Bethlem p. 150. Bethleem p. 150. 157. 6. Effrata. Cf. Mortua est ergo Rachel, et sepulta
est in via, quæ ducit Ephratam, hæc est Bethlehem GEN. 35, 19. cf. 48, 7. Ecce audivimus eum etc. Cf.
Ecce audivimus eam in Ephrata Ps. 131, 6. Vulg. 7. toward the est ende.... a gracyouse. In illa ad
orientem honesta et placido habetur ecclesia ITINER. c. XIII. Schilderungen des Gebäudes bieten die Itinerarien
reichlich, wie BURCHARDI Descr. p. 79. RICOLDI Lib p. 110. MAG. THIETMARI Peregr. p. 28. 10. the felde Flo-
ridus, ein veld das heyst Campiftor..das plüent veld AUGSB. Cf. Inde descendentes per vallem Josaphat venimus
ad locum, vbi erat ortus, in quem introiuit Jesus. Et ibi inuenimus locum, vbi orauit Jesus, et vbi captus fuit
juxta ortum. Et nunc dicitur campus florum. RICOLDI Lib. p. 111. Ibi est campus, vbi Helyas raptus fuit in celum.
Et dicitur campus floridus Odorici Lib. p. 153. s. TOBLER Topogr. v. Jerusalem II. 548. 552.
p. 70. 16. fuyer, fire. cf. fuyr ib. 17. roseres, rosiers, rose - bushes. 20. the queer, the quire,
choir. Cf. Besyde the queer of the chirche p. 76. The quene Ssenche..ibured was & is In the quer of Hailes an
hey in
a vair place ROB. OF GL p. 534. afr. quers, chorus: Beaus fu li quers, bele la nef. B. DE S.-MAURE Chr. de
Norm. fol. 160. 8. RAYNOUARD Lex. Rom. I. p. 479. 21. greces, grees, steps. Cf. 18 greces p. 79. On theise
greces p. 80. woneben auch grees vorkommt: Undir this grees p. 80.: The grees that he gothe up to the table p.
217. häufig aber das Kompos. degrees: Be 18 degrees p. 71. cf. 76. 78. 81. 84. 88. 94. 95 etc. afr. gret, gre, gradus,
neben degret, degre prov. grat, gra neben degrat, degra. Was die Sache betrifft vgl. In eodem monasterio in capite
ecclesie est spelunca, ubi Dominus natus est. In qua ego peccator deosculabar presepe, in quo Dominus paruulus
nagiit, ubi beata uirgo puerpera Deum fecit infanten MAG. THIETMARI Peregr. p. 28. In qua ciuitate est ecclesia
pulcherrima in honore beate virginis dedicata. In qua est capella, vbi natus fuit Christus. ODORICI Lib. p. 153.
24. the place where the sterre felle. Cf. Ibi quoque videtur puteus quidam in quem aliqui putare volunt
cecidisse stellam ductricem trium magorum post ejus peractum officium ITINER. c. XIII. Ad manum dextram est
puteus, vbi videtur stella, que duxit tres reges ad Christum in presepio Oporici Lib. 1. c. Jaspar, Melchior
and Balthazar etc. Unter diesen Namen sind die sogenannten heiligen drei Könige, deren Reiche nach Pr. 71, 10
Vulg. bestimmt werden, in England volksthümlich gewesen: Prim. Rex. And kyng, sir, was I wont to be In Tars,
at hame, Both of towne and cyte; Jaspar is my name Tows. MYST. p. 122 sq. Sec. Rex. I have folowed yond starne
veray From Araby; For I am kyng of that cuntre, And Melchor ther calle men me. ib. Terc. Rex. This light has

Ed. Halliwell

but men of Grece clepen hem thus, Galgalathe, Malgalathe and Saraphie; and the Jewes clepen in this p. 70. manere, in Ebrew, Appelius, Amerrius and Damasus. Theise 3 kynges offreden to oure Lord, gold, ensence and myrre; and fhei metten to gedre, thorghe myracle of God; for thei metten to gedre in a cytee in Ynde, that men clepen Cassak, that is 53 journeyes fro Betheleem, and thei weren at Betheleem the 13 day. And that was the 4 day aftre that thei hadden seyn the sterre, whan thei metten 5 in that cytee, and thus thei weren in 9 dayes, fro that cytee at Betheleem, and that was gret myracle. Also undre the cloystre of the chirche (p. 71) be 18 degrees, at the righte syde, is p. 71. the charnelle of the Innocentes, where here bones lyzn. And before the place where oure Lord was born, is the tombe of seynt Jerome, that was a preest and a cardynalle, that translatede the bible and the psaultere from Ebrew into Latyn, and witheoute the mynstre is the chayere 10 that he satt in, whan he translated it. And faste besyde that chirche, a 60 fedme, is a chirche of seynt Nicholas, where oure Lady rested hire, aftre sche was lyghted of oure Lord; and for as meche as sche had to meche mylk in hire pappes, that greved hire, sche mylked hem on the rede stones of marble, so that the traces may it be sene in the stones alle whyte. And zee schulle undrestonde, that alle that duellen in Betheleem ben cristene men. And there ben 15 fayre vynes aboute the cytee, and gret plentee of wyn, that the cristene men han don let make.

led me fro Saba, And Balthesar my name to say ib. p. 123. Kyng of Tawrus, Sir Jesper [leg. Jaspar,]! Kyng of Arraby, Sir Balthasar! Melchor kyng of Aginare! To you now am I sent. Cov. MYST. in MIRACLE PLAYS ed. MARRIOTT 1838. p. 82. Die Namen finden sich bei PETR. COMESTOR Hist. schol. 8. Die anderweitigen Bezeichnungen der Griechen und Juden treffen wir in den uns zugänglichen Itinerarien nicht. Sie sind indessen: Galgalath, Magalath, Saracia, auch Ator, Sator, Perator u. a. s. THIESS Krit. Comment. II. 348. Saba war nach MAUNDEVILLE in Aethiopien: In Ethiope is the cytee of Saba, and the lond, of the whiche on of the 3 kynges, that presented oure Lord in Bethleem, was kyng offe p. 157. 3. ensence, incense. cf. p. 150. 4. Cassak. Cassas AUGSB. Cf. Aftre go men the weye toward Ynde.. unto the cytee, that is clept Cassak, that is a fulle noble cytee and a plentyous of cornes and wynes, and of alle other godes. This is the cytee, where the 3 kynges metten to gedre, whan thei wenten to sechen oure Lord in Bethlem, to worschipe him, and to presente him with gold, ensence and myrre. And it is from that cytee to Bethleem 53 iourneyes p. 150.

p. 71. 8. the charnelle of the Innocentes, the sepulchre of the Innocents. Cf. apparet fossa que dicitur ossium innocentum ... ab impio Herode occisorum ITINEX. c. XIII. in australi parte chori ostenditur locus, ubi magna pars innocentium dicitur interfecta et ibidem sepulta. BURCHARDI Descr. p. 79. Uidi ibi eciam speluncam magnam, ubi plurima sanctorum innocentium corpora deposita fuerunt MAG. THIETMARI Peregr. p. 28. In dextra ipsius (sc. ecclesiæ) parte sepulti fuerunt sancti innocentes. Odorici Lib. p. 153. charnelle ist überhaupt die Grabstätte: The charnelle of the hospitalle of seynt John, where men weren wont to putte the bones of dede men MAUNDEV. afr. carnel=charner, charnier, cimetière, mlat. carnarium. 9. the tombe of seynt Jerome etc. Cf. In exitu hujus ecclesie contra aquilonem est ambitus claustri monachorum, in quo est cella beati Jeronimi, et lectus eius et sepulcrum et officine claustri, in quo legitur beatus Jeronimus prefuisse BURCHARDI Descr. p. 79. Inuenimus juxta ecclesiam domine nostre palacium, ebi beatus Jeronimus transtulit libros, et sedem, vbi sedebat RICOLDI Lib. p. 110. Infra claustrum autem canonicorum est cripta, in qua..beatus Jeronimus transtulit bybliam et multos libros composuit ODORICI Lib. p. 153. Hieronymus gründete bei Bethlehem ein Kloster, wo er 419 oder 420 starb. 10. chayere, chair. Cf. The Jewes setten him in a chayere p. 14. It sytteth in a chayere of gold p. 173. Whan the emperour dyethe, men setten him in a chayere p. 253. So ist wohl auch in: Thei setten him in a chayer of gold p. 225. chayere herzustellen. s. K. HORN 1261. v. chaere. 11. a 60 fedme, 60 fathom, ad quingentos circiter pedes ITINER. c. XIII. Wir treffen sonst gewöhnlich bei Maundeville fadme: An hundred fadme of lengthe p. 23. Cannes.. that ben 30 fadme long p. 190. Somme that han 5 fadme in lengthe p. 198. A 4 fadme gret or more p. 290. Uebrigens ist auch fedme in der Einzahl, wie in der Mehrzahl nicht ungewöhnlich, wie ALIS. 346. Octou. 1666. Das d in diesem Worte, welches ags. u. altn. ở gegenübersteht (ags. fäðm, alts. faðm, altn. faðmr vgl. ahd, fadam) hat frühe und für lange Zeit um sich gegriffen, wie es dem schott. fadom verblieben ist. Cf. Twenty fadme of brede CH. C. T. 2918. (fadom Tyrwh.) Five fadome or syxe Rom. of the R. 1393. Fadme, or fadyme. Ulna PROMPT. PARV. p. 145. Ueber das voranstehende a s. p. 42. a chirche of seynt Nicholas. Dieser Kirche wird in den von uns mehrfach angeführten Reisebüchern nicht gedacht. 12. was lyghted = was delyvered p. 72. 18. sche mylked hem etc. Cf. Do malk sy die millich auf einen rotten marmelstein AUGSB. Quod simpliciores narrant saxis evenisse de abundantia lactis virginis ex vberibus emanantis ITINER. c. XIII. Desubtus in dicta ecclesia (sc. sancte Paule) est cripta Maximini, vbi est capella, de qua dicitur, quod, quando Domina vbera sua prebebat, lacte replebatur terra, que est quasi lac dealbata ODORICI Lib. p. 153. 16. fayre vynes s. p. 62. that the christene men han don let make. Beispiele dieser eigenthümlichen Verbindung von don mit let sind in MärzNER'S Gr. 2, 2, 10 gegeben. Cf. Christiani de Bethleem colunt circa ciuitatem multam copiam vinearum ad potum sui ipsorum ITINER. c. XIIL De Bethlehem ad dimidiam leucam contra occidentem est uilla nomine Bezek, que habundat optimo uino.. Incole huius ville omnes sunt Christiani. Isti colunt uineas has etc. BURCHARDI Descr. p. 79.

Ed Halliwell

p. 71. But the Sarazines ne tylen not no vynes, ne thei drynken no wyn, for here bokes of here lawe, that Makomete betoke hem, whiche thei clepen here Alkaron, and sume clepen it Mesaphe, and in another langage it is cleped Harme; and the same boke forbedethe hem to drinke wyn. For in that boke Machomete cursed alle tho that drynken wyn, and alle hem that sellen it For 5 sum men seye, that he sloughe ones an heremyte in his dronkenesse, that he loved ful wel, and therefore he cursed wyn, and hem that drynken it. But his curs be turned into his owne hed, as holy wrytt seythe, Et in verticem ipsius iniquitas ejus descendet; that is for to seye, p. 72. His wykkednesse schalle turne and falle in his owne heed (p. 72). And also the Sarazines bryngen forthe no pigges, nor thei eten no swynes flessche, for thei seye, it is brother to man, 10 and it was forboden be the olde lawe; and thei holden hem alle accursed that eten thereof. Also in the lond of Palestyne and in the lond of Egypt, thei eten but lytille or non of flessche of veel or of beef, but he be so old, that he may no more travayle for elde; for it is forbode, and for because thei have but fewe of hem, therfore thei norisschen hem, for to ere here londes. In this cytee of Betheleem was David the kyng born; and he hadde 60 wyfes, and the firste 15 wyf hihte Michol; and also he hadde 300 lemannes.

And fro Betheleem unto Jerusalem nys but 2 myle. And in the weye to Jerusalem, half a myle fro Betheleem, is a chirche, where the aungel seyde to the scheppardes of the birthe of Crist. And in that weye is the tombe of Rachelle, that was Josephes modre, the patriarke; and sche dyede anon, aftre that sche was delyvered of hire sone Beniamyn, and there sche was 20 buryed of Jacob hire husbonde, and he leet setten 12 grete stones on here, in tokene that sche had born 12 children. In the same weye, half myle fro Jerusalem, appered the sterre to the

1. ne tylen not no etc. Ueber die Häufung der Negationen vgl. p. 53. for here bokes etc. Die Sache wird später durch den Singular in and the same boke etc. wieder aufgenommen. Wir verbinden jedoch die Worte for here bokes, vor welchen in HALLIWELL'S Ausgabe ein Punkt steht, unmittelbar mit dem vorangehenden Satze, so dass for dem lat. propter entspricht. 2. Makomete, auch Machomete 1. 6. p. 131. 135. 139. 140. oder Machomet p. 135. 139. und Machamete p. 131. Machamote p. 139. Alkaron.. Mesaphe.. Härme. Liber Makumeti quem alkaran vel mesahaff vel harme vocant ITINER. c. XXII. Cf. Here book, that is clept Alkaron.. And sum men clepen that book Meshaf, and sum men clepen it Harme, aftre the dyverse langages of the contree p. 131. Der Name Alkaron kommt, so geschrieben, öfter vor, wie p. 135. 139. 5. he sloughe ones an heremyte etc. Die Geschichte von dem erschlagenen Eremiten wird ausführlich p, 140. 141 erzählt; nach dieser Erzählung erschlug er jedoch seinen Liebling, den Einsiedler, in der Nähe des Berges Sinai nicht selber, sondern seine Begleiter thaten dies, während der trunkene Muhamed eingeschlafen war, mit dessen Schwerte, und bildeten dem Propheten ein, dass er selber die That in der Trunkenheit verübt hätte. 7. Et in verticem ipsius etc. Cf. Ps. 7, 17. Die alte. poetische Uebersetzung überträgt den Vers in folgender Weise: His sorwe torne to his heued with alle, And his wiknes in his scalp doune falle.

p. 72. 9. bryngen forthe, nutriunt L., breed up. s. p. 49. 13. for because etc. Die Partikelhäufung wiederholt sich bei MAUNDEVILLE nicht selten: For because that the wommen will not suffre no men amonges hem p. 154. For because that he was so well with God, therfore thei worschipe him p. 165. For because that he multipliethe so the world with children, therfore God sendethe him so the fissches etc. p. 193. s. MATZNER Gr. 2, 2, 455 -56. for to ere, to ear, to plough. 14. David.. born. Cf. 1 REG. 16, 1 sqq. 15. he hadde 60 wyfes etc. David hatte Weiber und Kebsweiber 2 REG. 5, 13. Die Zahlen, welche MAUNDEVILLE angiebt, finden wir nicht angeführt, obwohl einmal zehn Kebsweiber erwähnt werden 2. REG. 15, 16. 15. Michol. Cf. 1 REG. 14, 49. 19, 11 etc. 16. 2 myle. Cf. Bethlehem, distans a Jherusalem per duas leucas ODORICI Lib. p, 153. 17. a chirehe where the aungel seyde etc. Cf. Secundo miliario de Bethlehem est locus, vbi angelus apparuit pastoribus in natiuitate, dicens: Annuncio vobis gaudium etc. ODORICI Lib. p. 153. Inde descendimus ad locum pastorum, qui erant in regione eadem in tercio miliario a Bethleem. Ibi est in memoria pastorum maxima ruina ecclesiarum, que fuerunt ibi edificate RicoLDI Lib. p. 110. 18. the tombe of Rachelle. Cf. Prius tamen occurrit sepulcrum Rachel, ad dextram, juxta viam. BURCHARDI Descr. p. 78. Inde venimus duo miliaria ad sepulchrum Racheles iuxta viam Effrate. Quod sepulchrum quam nobile, quam antiquum sit, ipsum opus testatur. RICOLD Lib p. 110. Vno miliario inde est tumba Rachel, vxoris Jacob, ibi mortue in partu Benyamyn ODorici Lib. p. 153. In medio uie uidi sepulchrum Rachel, uxoris Jacob, ubi peperit Beniamin, et in partu mortua est. Ubi pyramis eius apparet magnifice structa, locus, qui Arabice uocatur Crabata MAG. THIETMARI Peregr. p. 28. Vgl. GEN. 35, 16-19. 48, 7. 20. 21. 12 grete stones.. 12 children. Davon weiss die Genesis wie andere Reisebeschreiber, ausser ODORICUS, nichts. Der letztere sagt: Super quam posuit XII lapides magnos in memoriam XII filiorum suorum 1. c. cf. Erexitque Jacob titulum super sepulcrum ejus. GEN. 35, 20. Auch hatte Rahel nur zwei Söhne, wenn auch zwölf Enkel. GEN. 46, 20-22. Der Text der AUGSB. hat sogar ein und zwanzig Steine und eben so viele Kinder. half myle etc. half a myle oder an half myle wäre der Gewohnheit MAUNDEVILLES gemäss. 8. MÄTZNER Gr. 2, 2, 191.

Ed. Halliwell

3 kynges. In that weye also ben manye chirches of cristene men, be the whiche men gon p. 72. towardes the cytee of Jerusalem (p. 73).

Cap. VII.

Of the pilgrimages in Jerusalem, and of the holy places thereaboute.

p. 73.

After for to speke of Jerusalem, the holy cytee, zee schulle undirstonde, that it stont fulle faire betwene hilles, and there ben no ryveres ne welles, but watre comethe be condyte fro 5 Ebron. And zee schulle undirstonde, that Jerusalem of olde tyme, unto the tyme of Melchisedeche, was cleped Jebus, and aftre it was clept Salem, unto the tyme of kyng David, that putte theise 2 names to gidere, and cleped it Jebusalem; and aftre that, kyng Salomon cleped it Jerosolomye; and aftre that, men cleped it Jerusalem, and so it is cleped it. And aboute Jerusalem is the kyngdom of Surrye, and there besyde is the lond of Palestyne, and besyde it is Ascolone, and 10 besyde that is the lond of Maritaine. But Jerusalem is in the lond of Judee, and it is clept Jude, for that Judas Machabaeus was kyng of that contree; and it marchethe estward to the kyngdom of Arabye; on the southe syde, to the lond of Egipt; and on the west syde, to the grete See; on the northe syde, toward the kyngdom of Surrye, and to the see of Cypre. In Jerusalem was wont to be a patriark, and erchebysshoppes and bisshoppes abouten in the contree. 15 Abouten Jerusalem (p. 74) ben theise cytees: Ebron, at 7 myle; Jerico, at 6 myle; Bersabee, p. 74. at 8 myle; Ascalon, at 17 myle; Jaff, at 16 myle; Ramatha, at 3 myle; and Betheleem, at 2 myle. And a 2 myle from Betheleem, toward the sowthe, is the chirche of seynt Karitot, that

Cf. Inde procedentes per viam, per quam venerunt magi versus Bethlehem, inuenimus locum, vbi stella apparuit eis. Et ibi est ecclesia in memoriam stelle. RICOLD! Lib. p. 110.

p. 73. 5. be condyte s. p. 47. Ueber diese Wasserleitung sprechen andere uns bekannte Reisebeschreiber nicht. Man mag dagegen sogar anführen: (Jherusalem) fluminibus prorsus carens, vnum tamen fontem habet, qui Syloe nominatur, qui sub monte Syon oritur et per medium vallis Iosaphat fluens quandoque aquas ministrat copiosas et [sed?] plerumque nullas. Sunt tamen in vrbe et extra multe cisterne ex aquis pluuialibus tam hominibus, quam pecudibus sufficientes ad suas necessitates. ODORICI Lib. p. 148. 6-7. Jebusalem.. Jerosolomye.. Jerusalem. Das Widersinnige in dieser Aufzählung der angeblich auf einander folgenden Namen der Stadt bedarf keiner weiteren Beleuchtung. Was jedoch die Etymologie betrifft, so ist unser Verfasser wenigstens nicht der Urheber der wunderlichen Ansicht, dass die Namen Jebus und Salem sich zu Jerusalem vereinigt haben, dessen angeblich älteste Form Jebusalem freilich anderswo nicht aufgeführt zu sein scheint. Man vergleiche mit unserer Stelle: Habet autem diversa nomina ex variis euentibus, eciam secundum diuersas linguas et naciones. Primo enim dicta est Jebus, post Salem, ex quibus duobus componitur Jerusalem. Dicitur eciam Solima, et Jerosolima, et Luza et Bethel. ODORICI Lib. p. 148. The Lewes seip pat Sem, Noes sone, pat is icleped Melchesedek, also made and bulde pe citee Ierusalem after Noes flood, and cleped hit Salem, but aftirwarde a peple pat were icleped Iebusei woned perynne, and cleped pe citee Iebus. Of pilke tweye names Iebus and Salem is imade oo name Ierusalem. Afterward Salamon cleped pe citee Ierosolyma TREVISA I. p. 108 sq. 11. Maritaine. Das Wort ist korrumpirt, unser deutscher Text hat: das land von Palestin vnd SAMARIA. AUGSB. it is clept Jude. Juda wurde das Land nach dem Stamme und Königreich Juda genannt; nach der babylonischen Gefangenschaft wurden die Hebräer meist mit dem Namen Juden bezeichnet. Judas Maccabæus hat keine Einwirkung auf diese Benennung. 12. it marchethe. 8. p. 42. 13. the grete See, the Mediterranean. Diesen Namen führt das von den Hebräern auch 27, mare magnum, genannte Mittelmeer: A mari mortuo usque ad magnum mare BURCHARD! Descr. p. 20. pe grete See of myddel erpe bygynnep in þe west of Hercules pilers, pere pe see of Occean of Athlant brekep out, and makep pe see Gaditan TREVISA I. p. 53.

p. 74. 16. Ebron, at 7 myle etc. Die angegebenen Entfernungen der genannten Orte von Jerusalem vermögen wir auf keine bestimmte Quelle einer anderen Reisebeschreibung zurückzuführen; auch weichen sie von den Angaben anderer theilweise ab, z. B. BURCHARDI Descr. p, 63. 18. the chirche of seynt Karitot. Auffallend sind die Abweichungen unserer Texte: De Bethleem in austrum duabus leucis habetur claustrum sancte Caritatis ibidem suo tempore abbatisse ITINER. c. XIII. Zwa leg von Bethleem ist sant Ciriacus kirch der was ein Abt AUGSB. Für Karitot steht Karocati L. 1. 2. Mercaritot E, 1. 2. 3. Markertot E. 4. Entschieden ist das Kloster gemeint, wovon wir lesen: Item a Bethleem ad tria miliaria est monasterium sancti Karioth. Qui cum esset abbas in eadem ecclesia, et tandem instaret dies resolutionis eius, monachi ipsius, uidentes ipsum agonizantem, dixerunt ad inuicem: ,Post patrem nostrum superstites nolumus esse super terram!" et omnes in presenti cum abbate agonizante et monachi agonizabant, et adhuc eo modo carnaliter apparent, quo in agonia tunc temporis extiterunt. MAG. THIETMARI Peregr. p. 29. Dazu vergleiche man auch: De Bethlehem una leuca et plus, uia, que ducit Tecuam, est sepulcrum sancti Karioth abbatis cum suis monachis, qui omnes eo migrante migrauerunt BURCHARDI Descr. p. 82. Es ist der heilige Charito gemeint. s. AA. 88. BOLLAND. 28 sept. VII. p. 612-622. TOBLER Topogr. v. Jerus. Il. p. 525,

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