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Ed. Morris

p. 47. lecherie "to" becleppe pe herten, makep uerst come pe poztes, and pe likinges, and pe (p. 47)

ymaginacions of zenne to herte, and makep penche. Efterward pe herte blefp ine pe poztes, an suo delitep, yet ne dep he nazt pe dede uor no ping. And ine pise bleuinge and ine pe ilke lost is po oper stape pet may by dyadlich zenne. De greate zenne may by pe lost. pe pridde stape is pe graunti[n]gge of herte, and of pe scele, and of pe wylle. And zuyche grantinges byep alneway deadlich zenne. Efter þe grantinge comp þe wylnynge and be greate hete pet hy habbep uor to zenezy, and dop more panne tuenti zennes yne pe daye, ine zizpe of leuedys and of maydynes pet sseweb ham uayre ydit, pet ofte hy sseawep and diztep ham pe more quaynteliche and be more honesteliche uor to maki musi þe foles to ham, and ne wenep nazt 10 gratliche zenezy, uor pet hi ne habbep no wyl to do pe dede. Ac uor zope hy zenezep wel greuousliche; vor be pe ancheysoun of ham byep uorlore manye zaules, and þer byep moche uolk ydo to dyape and to zenne. Vor ase zayp pe uorbisne, levedi of uaire distinge is arblast to be tour;" vor hi ne hep leme ine hire bodye, pet ne is a gryn of pe dyeule, ase zayp Salo mon. panne behouep hit yelde scele ate daye of dome of þe zaules pet be pe ancheaysoun of 15 ham byep uorlore, pet is to onderstonde, huanne hi yeuep encheysoun uor to zenezy be hare wytinde.

Lecherie of bodie him todelp ine lecherie of ezen, of yearen, of moupe, of honden, an of alle pe wyttes of pe bodye, and specialliche of pe uoule dede. And hue is hit uoul dede, zeppe hit is kendelich? Uor pet God hit uorbyet ine his spelle, and his apostel Pauel pet pus zayp, 20 "Ech man habbe his ozene, uor fornicacion," bet ys to zigge, his ozene wyf. To po zenne belongep alle pe pinges huerby pet uless him arist, and wylnep zuiche dede, ase byep pe mochele p. 48. drinkeres and eteres, pe zofte bed, clopes likerouses, and alle (p. 48) manyere eyse of bodye out of nyede, and specialliche ydelnesse.

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pe zenne of dede of lecherie him todelp ine uele bozes be pe stat of pe persones pet hit 25 dop, and gep an hez uram kuede to worse. Pe uerste is of man oper of wyfman þet ne habbep nenne bend, ne of wodewehod. ne of spoushod, ne of ordre, ne of religioun, ne of opre manere. pet is pe uerste zenne dyadlich in dede of lecherie. De oper is to wyfmanne commune. pis

zwei altfranzösische Verba embracer, umarmen und embraser, entzünden mit einander; denn wir müssen annehmen, dass im afr. Texte eine dieser Formen stand, welche graphisch mit einander vertauscht werden konnten. Zum Beweise dafür dient eine andere Stelle, welche auf gleicher Verwechselung beruht: pe dyeuel beginp þet uer of tyene and euel wyl nor to becleppe p. 65 sq., zu deren Erklärung MORRIS Gloss. Ind. p. 288 für das Verb die Bedeutung to raise a clatter, mit Bezugnahme auf das ags. clappan (clappjan?), to clap, move, in Anspruch nimmt, was die Stelle nicht zu erklären geeignet ist. Das Verb becleppe, embrace, ist bei dem Verfasser öfter in der ihm ursprünglich zukommenden Bedeutung vorhanden p. 15, 88, 96. Ueber vere s. p. 30.

pet..hy s. p. 36.

11. be

ne bi ine kuede postes nor ham, an für das gewöhnlich bei unserem 12. uorbisne, proverb. Cf. Tharbi men



leme, limb s. p. 6. yelde scele s. p. 18. 18. hue hou, how,

p. 47. 2. blefp, remains s. p. 12. 4. po oper stape. Ueber pope s. p. 12 v. in po time. 6. hete, heat, ardour, excitement. 8. uaire ydizt, fairly dressed. Cf. Diztep ham pe more quaynteliche 1. 8. Hi ssollen bi ydizt..ase guode wyfmen p. 217. I..dighte me derely P. PLOUGHм. 12962. be ancheysoun of ham d. i. auf ihre Veranlassung, cf. l. 14. pet non and pet hi ne yeue none enchesoun to penche quead to ham pet hise ysyep p. 217. Verfasser vorkommende en steht in diesem Worte auch p. 258, 259, segget a vorbisne, Right so hit fareth bi than ungode etc. O. a. N. 244. Der Begriff des Beispiels geht in den des Sprüchwortes über; so bezeichnet auch das mhd. bispel zugleich ein Sprüchwort. gryn, snare, ags. grin, gryn, laqueus, ase zayp Salomon. Cf. ECCLES. 7, 27. 15. be hare wytinde s. p. 6. 17. ezen, eyes s. p. 19. yearen, ears, cf. p. 137, 154, 211. ags. hey, hoi neben hu 19. kendelich, natural. Pauel. Diese Schreibung kehrt wieder p. 101, 122, 126, sonst Paul p. 102, 119, 126; selbst Pol p. 123. 20. Ech man habbe his oзene etc. Cf. Propter fornicationem autem unusquisque suam uxorem habeat 1. COR. 7, 2. To po zenne s. p. 12. 21. arist arisep, arises. 22. drinkeres and eteres. Wir erwarten wegen der vorangehenden Worte alle pe pinges nur Sachsubstantive, doch der Schriftsteller vertauscht damit Personennamen. clopes likerouses, lecherous, luxurious clothes, d. i. köstliche Kleider. Das Wort wird später von Speisen und Getränken gebraucht p. 54. To meche fode devoury, And to lykerousliche SHOREн. p. 114, wie von anderem Köstlichen: Noht may be feled lykerusere WRIGHT Specim. of Lyr. Poetry p. 68.

p. 48. out of nyede, without need, needlessly. 25. gep an he3 i. q. goes on high, rises, by degrees. 26. bend, bond, tie. Cf. Ymarissed ne ybounde mid bende p. 220, ags. bend, vinculum. wodewehod, widowhood s. p. 17 v. voulhede. 27. to wyfmanne commune. Cf. Whether he have synned with commune bordeal womman or noon СH. Pers. 7. p. 357,

Ed. Morris

zenne is more hard, uor hi is more ald, and uor pet zuyche wyfmen byep operhuyl wyues, oper p. 48. of relig[i]on, and ne uorzakep nenne, ne uader, ne broper, ne zone, ne ken. De pridde is of man sengle mid wodewe, oper ayeward. pe uerpe is wip sengle wifman. De vifte is mid wyfman ymarissed, þet is þe zenne of spousbreche, pet is wel kuead, uor per is brekinge of treupe þet þe on ssel bere to pe opre; efterward, þer is a sacrilege huanne me brecp pe sacrement of 5 spoushod; hit yualp operhuyl desertesoun of eyr, and ualse mariages. pis zenne him dobblep operhuil, huanne hi is of man yspoused wyp wymman þet hep housebounde. De zixte is, huanne þe man *wyp* his oze wyf dep ping pet is uorbode and disordene aye kende of man, and ordre, and of spoushod; and mid ozene zuorde man may himzelue sle; alsuo may he mid his ožene wyue zenezi dyadliche. peruore smot God to euele dyape Onam, Iacobis neuu, and pe dyeuel 10 pet hette Asmodeus astranglede pe zeue houseboundes of pe holy mayde Sare pet zeppe wes yonge Thobyes wyf. Vor alle pe sacremens of holi cherche me ssel vsi clenliche and mid greate worpssipe. De zeuende is of man to his godmoder oper to his goddozter, oper of godsone to the children of his godzyb oper of his godzybbe; uor po children ne moze nazt come togydere wypoute dyadlich zenne ne be spoushod. (p. 49) pe estende is of man to his kenne, and pe 15 ilke zenne arist and lozep, be pet pe kenrede is nye oper uer. Þe nezende is of pe manne mid þe kenne of his wyue, oper ayeward, of pe wyue mid pe kenne' of hare housebounde. pe ilke zenne is wel dreduol; vor huanne pe man hep uelazrede myd enye wyfmane, he ne may nanmore be spoushod habbe none of hire kenne, and yef he enye nimp, pe spoushod ne is nazt. And yef he nimp wyf, and efterward of þe half of hire kenne, ha lyest þe rit pet he hedde to 20 his wyue, ine zuo moche pet he ne may efterward wonye mid hi*re*, bote hy hit ne bidde beuore. Pe tende is of wyfmen to clerkes yhoded. Pis zenne anhezep and lozep by pe hodes

2. uorzakep, forsake, reject, refuse.

3. sengle, single.

ayeward, inversely, on the contrary; auch ayeanward p. 49, ayenward p. 56. 4. ymarissed, married. Cf. Er pan hy weren.. ymarissed p. 220. Hno may ham wypnyme uorte bi ymarissed 1в. þet he him moje marissi yef he wyle 18. Ry3t ymarissched schelle hy be Ine hevene ryche blysse SHORE. p. 54. Diese Verbalbildung aus afr. marier, lat. maritare, scheint einer Abirrung in eine Form wie marir, mit der bei ähnlichen Verben gebräuchlichen Einschiebung von - iss- zu sein. 6. Hit yualp etc. Das vorläufige Subjekt hit weicht im Neue. dem Adverb there: there befalls etc. desertesoun erklärt MORRIS Gloss. Ind. p. 303 irrthümlich für desertion; es bezeichnet vielmehr disinheriting, wie disheriteson LANGT. p. 40 8. SPRACHPR. I. p. 298. In demselben Zusammenhange sagt CHAUCER: In so moche as the sacrament of mariage is so noble and so digne, so moche is it the gretter synne for to breke it;.. and therfore is the brekyug therof the more grevous, of which breking cometh fals heires ofte tymes etc. Pers. T. p. 346. eyr, heir, cf. p. 102, 107. 8. wyp his oze wyf dep etc. hep his oze wyf dep etc. MORRIS. Dass wir wyp für hep mit vollem Rechte setzen, ist an sich klar. Zum Ueberfluss wird es durch eine Stelle CHAUCER'S bestätigt, welche ganz aus derselben Quelle geflossen ist: And for that many man weneth he may not synne for no licorousnes that he doth with his wif, certis that oppinioun is fals; God wot, a man may sle himself with his owne knyf, and make himself dronk of his oughne tonne Pers. T. p. 343. disordene s. p. 34. 9. zuorde, sword s. p. 43. CHAUCER hat dafür knyf 1. c. 10. Onam, Iacobis neuu, cf. GENES. 38, 8. Onan war der Sohn Juda's, des Sohnes Jakob's, also Jakob's Enkel. neuu, nephew, grandson, entspricht dem afr. nevo, nereu. pe dyeuel pet hette Asmodeus etc., cf. Toв. 3, 7, 8. 14. godzyb..godzybbe godfader.. godmoder (gossip), ags. sib, syb und gesib, adj. cognatus, afries. sibba 8., ahd. sibbo s. m., sibba fem., mhd. sippe m. und fem.

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p. 49. 16. arist and loзep = anhesep and losep 1. 22, 24, increases and diminishes. Das Verb logy (8. p. 28) ist hier intransitiv, wie anhezi (s. p. 23). nyez oper uer, nigh or far. 17. ayeward s. p. 48. 18. huanne pe man hep uelaзrede etc. Verwandt ist diese Bestimmung mit der folgenden: The ferthe spice is the assemblynge of hem that ben of here kynrede, or of hem that ben of oon affinite, or elles with hem with whiche here fadres or here kynrede han deled in the synne of lecherie CH. Pers. T. p. 348. 19 spoushod MOBRIS. spuoshod MS. 20. and efterward sc. nimp wyf. Hier kann wohl nur vom Konkubinat mit einer Verwandten der Frau die Rede sein. ha lyest, he loses s. p. 10 v. ha. Wenn der Ehegatte mit Verwandten des anderen verbotenen Umgang pflegte, so musste sich der schuldige Theil des Beischlafes enthalten, war jedoch ihn zu leisten verbunden, wenn er gefordert wurde s. GITZLER Kirchen- u. Eherecht Breslau 1840 II. p. 100. 21. wonye mid hire, live with her. wonye mid him MORRIS. Unsere Lesart scheint durch den Zusammenhang geboten. 22. yhoded, hooded, consecrated. Cf. pe tende stat huer me ssel loki chestete, is of clerkes yhoded, ase byep supdeaknes, dyaknes, prestes, and bissopes.. verst uor pet hod pet hi habbep onderuonge, pet acsep alle holinesse p. 235. Hit is more zenne ine wyfman yspoused, panne in ane sengle, oper ine man, oper ine wyfman of religion, ine ane preste oper in ane dyakne; uor pe hezere pet byep pe hodes, pe gratter is pe zenne p. 175 sq., ags. hád status, ordo, hâdjan, gehâdjan, consecrare. In der Sache stimmt CHAUCER überein: Yit ben ther mo spices of this cursed synne, as..for folk that ben entred into ordre, as subdekin, or dekin, or prest, or hospitalers; and ever the higher that he be in ordre, the gretter is the synne Pers. T. p. 347.

p. 49.

Ed. Morris

p. 49. and þe worpssiphede. pe enlefte is of man of pe wordle to wyfman of religioun, oper ayeanward, of wyfman of pe wordle to man of religioun. De xij is of man of religioun and of wyfman of religion, and þis zenne anhezep and lozep be þe stat of þe persones pet hit dop. pe xiij is of prelas pet ssolden bi licnesse and uorbysne of holynesse and of klen5 nesse to al pe wordle. pe laste is mest uoul an lodlakest, pet ne is nazt to nemny. De ilke zenne is aye kende pet pe dyeuel tekp to man oper to wyfman ine uele maneres þet ne byep nazt to nemni uor pe materie pet is to moche abomynable. Ac ine ssrifpe hit ssel nemni pe ilke to huam hit is beualle. Vor ase moche ase pe zenne is more uoul and more grislich, pe more is worp þe ssrifte; vor þe ssame pet me hep of pe zigginge is grat del of pe 10 penonce. pis zenne is zuo onworp to Gode, pet he dede rine uer berninde and bernston stinkinde ope pe cite of Sodome and of Gomorre, and azenkte vif cites into helle. pe dyeuel p. 50. himzelf pet hit por(p. 50)chacep hep ssame huanne man hit dep, and þe eyr is anuenymed of pe dede.


pe zeuende heaued of pe beste.

pe zeuende heaued of pe kueade beste zuo is pe zenne of pe moupe; and peruore pet þe moup hep tuo offices, huerof þe on belongep to pe zuelą, ase to pe mete an to pe drinke, pe oper zuo is in speche, peruore him todelp þe ilke zenne in tuo deles principalliche, pet is to wytene, in zenne of glotounye pet is ine mete and in drinke, and ine zenne of kueade tonge pet is ine fole spekinge. And uerst zigge we of pe zenne of glotounye, pet is a vice pet pe 20 dyeuel is moche myde ypayd, and moche onpayp God. Be zuych zenne hep pe dyeuel wel grat mişte in manne. Huerof we redep ine pe godspelle, pet God yaf yleaue pe dyeulen to guo into pe zuyn, and po hi weren ine ham, hise adreynten ine pe ze, ine tokninge pet pe glotouns ledep lif of zuyn, and pe dyeuel hep yleaue to guo in ham and hise adrenche ine pe ze of helle, and ham to do ete zuo moche pet hi tocleue, an zuo moche drinke pet hy ham adrenchep. Huanne pe kempe hep his uelaze yueld, and him halt be pe prote, wel onneape he arist. Alsuo hit is of pan pet pe dyeuel halt be pa zenne, and peruore blepeliche he yernp to pe prote, ase pe wolf to pe ssepe, him uor to astrangli, ase he dede to Euen and to Adam in paradys terestre. pet is pe vissere of helle, pet nymp pane viss bi pe prote and by pe chinne. pis zenne moche mispayp God. Vor pe glotoun makep to grat ssame, huanne he makep his


1. ayeanward s. p. 48 v. ayeward. 4. prelas s. p. 19 v. consentemens. 5. lodlakest, most loathsome. Man vergleiche hierzu: The vifte spice is thilke abhominable synne, of which that no man unnethe oughte to speke ne write, natheles it is openly rehersed in holy wryt CH. Pers. T. p. 349. Es ist dabei an Exod. 18, 22 etc. zu denken. to nemny, to name, cf. 1. 7, 8 p. 57. 9. ssame, shame. 10. he dede rine uer berninde and bernston stinkinde etc. Cf. GENES. 19, 24. For the synne of lecherie..he brente fyre citees with thonder layt, and sonk hem into helle CH. Pers. T. p. 341. pat day, pat Loth yhed out of Sodome, Sodanly Goddes vengeance come; It rayned fire fra heven and brunstane; And tynt al pat pare was HAMPOLE 4851. rine, rain s. FRAGM. OF POP. Sc. 212. uer, fire s. p. 30. bernston, brimstone, altn. brennisteinn, cf. p. 73, 130 BODY A. S. 437 v. brumston. 11. azenkte, made to sink. Cf. Asencte R. OF GL. p. 489. Al here atil.. was also aseint p. 51, ags. sencan, mergere. p. 50. 12. eyr, air 8. FRAGM. OF POP. Sc. 122. 16. Zuel, palate, taste. Das Wort, welches eigentlich den Schlund bezeichnet, wie altn. svelgr, mhd. swalch, swale, schw. svalg, dän. svælg, wird hier gleich dem lat. gula auf den Geschmack übertragen und selbst ohne tadelnden Nebenbegriff für den Geschmackssinn gebraucht: Alle his bodiliche wyttes, pe zizpe, pe hyerpe, pe speche, pane zuelz, pane smel, and pe uelinge p. 241. Lecherie of zuel3 p. 55. To pe delit of hare zuelz 1B. pet lost of hare zuel3 IB. Hare wyt is al miswent and corupt, ase pe quely of pe zyke p. 82. Ase me uelp pe zuetnesse of pe guode wyne ate zuelz betere panne to pe zipe p. 106. To yuele God an to yknawe ase be zuelz p. 245. pe vif wyttes of pe bodye, pe zyipe, pe hyerpe, pe smellinge, pe zuelzynge, and pe takynge p. 91. 20. ypayd, pleased, satisfied. pes meyster.. payp moche pe dyeule, and nat ne pay God p. 65 s. METR. HOм. p. 121, SPRACHPR. I. p. 280. onpayp, displeases. Der Verfasser nimmt hier das vorangehende pet als Subjekt des Satzes. onpayp=mispayp 1. 29. 21. we redep etc. Cf. MATTH. 8, 30, MARC. 5, 11, Luc. 8, 32. yleaue, permission, cf. 1. 23, SHOREH. p. 46, ags. geleaf, permissio. 22. adreynten, drowned v. adrenche. cf. 1. 23, 24 8. ST. CRISTOPH. 100, ANCR. RIWLE p. 92 v. ispreinde. 23. ze, sea s. p. 14. 24. hi toclene, they burst in pieces. Cf. Ich am zuo uol pet ich tocleue p. 56. pa pou ssoldest tocleue 1в. Das Verb steht an diesen Stellen intransitiv, ags. tôcleófan, diffindere. 25. kempe s. p. 45. yueld, felled, knocked down. 26. be pa zenne. Ueber pa s. p. 12 v. ine po time. he yernp, he runs s. p. 27. 28. vissere, fisher, cf. p. 238. viss, fish. Cf. 29. mis

Ase me nimp pane viss by pe cheake, pet is to zigge, pe morsel ine pe moupe p. 248. chinne, chin.
раур =onpayp 1. 20 8. BEKET 2044.

Ed. Morris

p. 50.

god of ane zeche uol of dong, pet is, of his wombe pet he louep more panne God, and ine him ylefth and him seruep. God him hat ueste; þe wombe zayp, "pou ne sselt, ac et longe and atrayt." (p. 51) God him hat be pe morzen arise; þe wombe zayþ, “po ne sselt, ich am to p. 51. uol, me behouep to slepe, pe cherche nys non hare, by abyt me wel." And huanne he arist, he begynp his matyns, and his benes, and his oreysones, and zayþ, "A God, huet ssolle we ete 5 to day, huader me ssolle eny ping uynde pet by worp?" Efter pise matynes comep pe laudes, and [he] zayp, "A God, huet we hedde guod wyn ye*r*steneuen, and guode metes." And efterpan he bewepp his zennes, and zayp, “Allas!" he zayp, “ich habbe yby nye dyad to niąt, to strang wes pet wyn teue. pet heaued me akp, ich ne ssel by an eyse alhuet ich habbe ydronke." Pous to pe kueade zayp. pis zenne let man to ssame. Vor alperuerst he becomp 10 tauernyer panne he playp ate des, panne he zelp his ozen, panne he becomp ribaud, holyer, and þyef, and panne me hine anhongep. Pis is pet scot pet me ofte payþ.

pis zenne him todelþ, ase be saynt Gregorye, ine vif bozes. Vor ine vif maneres me zenezep be mete and be drinke, oper uor pet me eth and dryngp touore time, oper to lostuolliche, oper out of mesure, oper to ardontliche, oper to plentyuousliche. Pe uerste boz þanne of pise zenne 15 is, to ete beuore time; and to uoul ping hit is of man þet hep age, huanne he ne may abyde time to etene, and of grat lecherie of prote hit comp, þet man þet is strang and hol of bodye, wypoute ancheysoun sceluol touore rizte houre yernp to be mete, ase dep a best doumb. And uele zennes comep of po ilke wone. Panne hit comp pet zuych a man zayp pet he ne may ueste ne do penonce; vor he hep þet yzed, "Ich habbe a to kuead heaued." And he zayp zop, 20 uor he hep hit zuych ymad, and kuead herte alzuo pet hep ymad pet kuead, and him hep ydo breke pe uestinges, pet is grat zenne. And yef he him damnede be himzelue, perof no strengþe. Ac (p. 52) he wyle habbe uelazes pet dop ase he dep, huiche he drap uram wel to done, and p. 52. leth is mid him into helle. Vor he dep ham breke hare uestinges and do hare glotounyes, huerof hi ham wolden loki, yef þer nere kueade uelazes. Vor pe drinkere and pe horling, amang 25 pe opre kueades pet hi dop, *dop* propreliche one zenne pet is pe dyeules, huanne hi wyp

1. of ane zeche uol of dong, of a sack full of dung. Diesem vom h. Bernhard ausgesprochenen Gedanken: Homo nihil aliud est, quam..saccus stercorum sind wir bereits öfter begegnet s. HAMPOLE 560, welcher dafür a sekful of stynkand fen bietet, wie unser Autor: pet non nayr body ne is bote a huyt zech uol of donge stynkinde p. 81. Saint Bernard zayphuet is man bote uelpe, and a zech uol of donge, wermene mete?" p. 216. 2. ylefp, believes. hat, commands s. p. 8. neste, to fast, cf. p. 51, 52. et, eat, cf. ete p. 51. 3. atrayt, continually, without ceasing. Cf. Atreet (atrete P.). Tractatim (tractim, distincte K.) PROMPT. PARV. p. 17, afr. a trait. p. 51. po pou, cf. p. 56. 4. nys non hare, is no hare. Cf. pe hare yernp, pe gryhond hym uolzep p. 75, ags. hara, lepus. Ueber das vermeinte heshare s. p. 55. abyt : abydep, abides, waits for. Cf. pe gibet pet him abit p. 128. He.. pet wypoute ouercominge abit to habbe pe coroune p. 169. 5. A God. Der Ausruf kehrt öfter wieder, wie 1. 7, p. 89, 92, 126, 151. Vgl. A allas p. 137, 189. 6. huader, whether s. ayder p. 53. 7. yersteneuen, yester evening. yesteneuen MORRIS. Wir haben r vor st eingeschoben, welches sich auch vor n (yesterneuen) hätte einschieben lassen, wenn man nicht etwa n in r verwandeln will (yestereuen), wie in gisterdai GEN. A. Ex. 2732; fehlen aber darf es nicht. Cf. That ilche knight That sopede with the yerstene - night BEVES OF HAMT. p. 112. Vgl. zurstendæi Laj. II. 291, ags. gyrstan däg Joв. 4, 52, gystran däg WRIGHT Gl. 4. 8. yby, been, cf. p. 31. 9. teue to eue, yester evening, afr. Text der soir nach MORRIS Notes p. 275 8. MÄTZNER Gr. 1, 2, 284. akp, aches. alhuet s. p. 26. 10. pous, thus. Diese Form finden wir häufig, wie p. 71, 184, 188, 194, 197, 205, auch pos p. 52, 227, 229, 242, neben pus. let ledep, leads, cf. p. 52. alpernerst, first of all s. p. 27, 11. tauernyer, tavern-goer s. p. 44. ribaud, ribald, debauchee, afr. ribald, ribaud, débauché. holyer, libertine, adulterer, whoremonger. Cf. holer R. OF GL. p. 26 bei CHAUCER holour: Thou holour, thou dronkelewe harlot Pers. T. p. 318. Thise olde dotard fooles holours, yit wol thay kisse p. 343. Whan a womman stelith hir body from hire housbonde, and yiveth it to hire holour to defoule hire p. 345, afr. holier, houlier, libertin, débauché. 12. scot, contribution, payment. Dies Wort ist nicht erst im Neue. aus escot etwa verkürzt, wie englische Wörterbücher angeben: Al he shulde quite here twelfmoneth scot WRIGHT Polit. S. p. 71, ags. scot, symbolum, tributum. 14. eth, eats, cf. p. 52, 53, 95. Das th in diesem Worte ist, wie häufig, an die Stelle von t getreten: Uor to ethene p. 52. Ine to moche ethe, and to moche drinke p. 177, cf. p. 183, 205, 221. Beuleap and ethep hare onderlinges p. 182. Daneben steht ete p. 50, 51, 95, 146 etc. dryngþ = drinkp steht hier wie pingþ u. a. dgl. 15. plentyuousliche, plenteously. Das u (v) nach y entsteht aus dem afr. plentivos, plenteuous. 17. hol, whole, healthy. 18. scelnol, reasonable. yernp, runs. 21. pet kuead, that wickedness. 22. breke MORRIS. broke MS. по strengþe =no force, no matter s. CH. C. T. 6816 v. no fors.

p. 52. 26. dop, dop. Das zweite dop haben wir als unentbehrlich eingeschoben.

Ed. Morris

p. 52. drazep to do wel. Hy ziggep pet hi ne moze nazt ueste, ac hy lyezep. Vor litel loue of God ham hep bet ydo zigge. Vor yef hi loueden zuo moche pe zope ioye of heuene, ase hy dop þe ydele blisse of his wordle, ase hy uestep uor pe timliche nyedes alhuet nit, ase wel hi mizten ueste huet non uor God, yef hi him zuo moche louede. Ac hy byep ase is pet child pet wyle 5 alneway habbe pet bread ine his hand. And þe sselt conne pet ase me zenezep ine to rape arizinge uor to ethene, and alsuo me zenezep late to soupi. Danne pet uolk pet late louiep to soupi, and to waki be nizte, and wastep pane time in ydelnesse, and late guop to bedde, and arisep late, zenezep ine uele maneres. Verst, ine pet hi wastep pane time, and hine miswendep, huanne hi makep of pe ny[3]t day, and of the daye nit. Zuych uolk God acorse be pe 10 prophete. Vor me ssel be daye wel do, and be nişte herie God and bidde; ac huo þet lyp a bedde huanne he ssolde arise, slepe he mot huanne he ssolde bidde, and his seruise yhere, and God herie; and pos he lyest al his time, and pe nit and pane day. Efterward, ine zuyche wakinges me dep manye kueades, ase playe ate ches oper ate tables, and me zayp manye bisemers and folyes, and pus wastep pe wreche his time, and his wyttes, and his guodes, and 15 wrepep God, and harmep his bodi, and more þe zaule.

pe oper boz is of mete and of drinke be to moche and wipoute mesure. pe ilke byep p. 53. propreliche glotounes pet al uorzuelzep, ase dep pe kete of (p. 53) his sperringe. Hit is grat wyt to loki mesure ine mete and ine drinke, and grat helpe; uor moche uolk steruep, and ofte þer comep greate ziknesses. Ac huo pet wyle pise mesure lyerny, he ssel ywyte and onder20 stonde pet per byep uele maneres to libbe ine pe wordle. pe uerste libbep be pe ulesse; þe oper, be his ioliuete; þe pridde, be his fisike; þe uerpe, be his onestete; þe vifte, be pan pet hare zennes acsep; pe zixte, be pe goste and be pe loue of God.

po pet libbep be pe ulesse, ase zayp zaynte Paul, hi slažep hire zaulen; uor hi makep of hare wombe hare god. pe ilke ne hyealdep scele ne mesure, and peruore hi ssolle habbe ine 25 þe opre wordle pine wypoute mesure.

Pe ilke pet libbep be hare iolyuete, wyllep hyealde hire fole uelazredes, zuo pet hi ne konne ne hi ne može healde mesure.

Po pet libbep be ypocrisyc, pet byep pe dyeules martires, hi habbep tuo mesures, uor þe tuaye dyeulen pet tormentep pane ypocrite byep moche ayder ayens opren. De on him zayp, 30 Eth yno alhuet pou art uayr and uet;" pe oper him zayp, "pou ne sselt, ac pou sselt ueste alhuet pou art bleche and lhene." Nou behouep to habbe tuo mesures, ane little and ane scarse pet he usep touore pe uolke, and anopre guode and large pet he usep pet non ne yzyzþ; þes ne halt nazt þe rizte mesure. De ilke pet couaytyse ledep, habbep zuyche mesure ase þe


4. huet non alhuet non, until

1. lyeзep, lie, utter falsehood. 3. alhuet nist, until night s. p. 26. Der afr. Text hat iusqua none nach MORRIS Notes p. 275 s. 1. c. 5. pe sselt s. p. 20 v. pe hest ydo. conne, know. to rape, too early. 6. and alsuo. Die Partikel entspricht hier dem lat. et, etiam. 8. miswendep s. p. 22. 9. be pe prophete. Cf. Is. 5, 11. 10. herie, praise. 12. lyest, loses. 13. ate tables s. p 45. bisemers s. p. 22. 17. uorzuelzep, devour s. p. 15. þe kete, the kite.

p. 53. of his sperringe, of his sparrow, mit seinem, dem von ihm gefangenen, Sperlinge. Die älteren germanischen Mundarten bieten keinen Anhalt für die hier gebrauchte Ableitungssylbeing, welche an das mhd. -l- inc、 nhd. -ing (sperlinc, sperling) in diesem Worte erinnert. 19. lyerny, learn. 20. be pe ulesse i. q. secundum carnem ambulant. 21. ioliuete, jollity, fondness for pleasure; er lebt seiner Vergnügungssucht gemäss, afr. jolivete, plaisir, amour des plaisirs. his fisike, his physic. cf. p. 54; er lebt nach seiner Arzneikunde, seinen medicinischen Grundsätzen, afr. fisique, art de la médecine." 23. po pet libbep be pe ulesse etc. Cf. Loke eek what saith seint Poul of glotouns; many folk, so, saith he, gon, of whiche I have ofte said to yow, and now I say it wepyng, that thei ben thenemyes of the cros of Crist, of whiche thende is deth, and of whiche here wombe is here God and here glorie CH. Pers. T. p. 339. Die Stelle, worauf Bezug genommen ist, steht PHILIPP. 3, 18, 19. 29. ayder ayens opren, either against other. Wir treffen bei dem Verfasser ayder und eyder: Eyder lyexnep opren p. 66. So gebraucht SHOREH. das erstere: Ar ayder other hadde asaylled p. 141, neben ayther, eyther: Ayther foly other p. 66. Eyther other p. 75. 30. eth s. p. 51. alhuet s. p. 26. uet, fat, cf. p. 35. 31. bleche and Ihene, bleak and lean, ags. blæc (blic) and thane (læne), pallidus et macer. Cf. She is pale and bleche GOWER Conf. Am. II. p. 210. A zed pet betere makep frut ine thene land, panne hit do ine uette AVENE. p. 189. 32. scarse, scant, small, cf. p. 54, afr. escars, eschars, économe, chiche. þet non ne yzyзþ ist ein Konsekutivsatz: so dass es niemand sieht.

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