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Sa hardy, worthy, and sa fyne, 350 That thar waward ruschyt was;

And, maugre tharis, left the place:
And till thair gret rout, to warand,
Thai went, that tane had apon hand
Sa gret anoy, that thai war effrayit
355 For Scottis, that thaim hard assayit,
That than war in a schiltrum all.
Quha hapnyt in to that fycht to fall,
I trow agane he suld nocht ryss.
Thar mycht men se, on mony wyss,
360 Hardimentis eschewyt douchtely;

And mony, that wycht war and hardy,
Sone liand wndre fete all dede;
Quhar all the feld off blud wes rede.
Armys, and quhytyss, that thai bar,
365 With blud war so defoulyt thar,

That thai mycht nocht descroyit be.
A mychty God! quha than mycht se
That Stewart, Waltre, and his rout,
And the gud Douglas, that wes sa stout,
370 Fechtand in to that stalwart stour;
He suld say that till all honour
Thai war worthi, that, in that fycht,
Sa fast pressyt thair fayis mycht,
That thaim ruschyt quhar thai yeid.

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descrysit PINK. Die Form discroyit, surveyed, 376. on stray, astray, cf. 798. The stedis 877. tent..tane s. TOWN. MYST. 295

337, und haly V. 593, 777, VI. 976. 351. mangre tharis, cf. 535. Magre pairris WYNTOWN VIII. 38, 197 s. LANGTOFT 199. 352. till, to, cf. 371, 378, 457. warand, shelter, place of shelter, cf. 615, 897. pai.. Come til Constantyne til war and WYNTOWN V. 10, 365. de lave.. Fled, qwhare pai mycht fynd warrand VIII. 26, 370. And wythdrwe hym ay til warand VIII. 29. 267, afr. garant, warant, garant, mlat. warantus, warandus. 360. Hardimentis eschewyt s. 103. Die Form hardiment, boldness, ist geläufig: Dispare gyvys hardiment WYNTOWN VIII. 26, 93. To gere pame prove mare hardyment VIII. 42, 30; dagegen hardement bei BARBOUR 402. 364. quhytyss. Nach PINKERTON bezeichnet das Wort so viel wie coats (wie Edit. 1620 bietet), woraus es entstellt sein soll. Der öfter vorkommende Ausdruck quhite harnes, polished armour (quhite white: vgl. quhite money, silver; quhyt werk, silver work s. JAMIESON Dict. Supplem. II. 257 wie altn. heitt fé, opes albæ, argentum) lässt in quhytyss das substantivirte Adjektiv zur Bezeichnung der Rüstung vermuthen. Man vgl. auch: Hawbrekis that war quhyt as flouris VI. 232. 365. defoulyt, defiled. 366. descroyit, descryed. steht auch in THE BUIK OF THE CRON. OF SC. s. Gloss. p. 579. stakerit in the stour, for streking on stray GAWAN A. GOL. III. 21. 379. rowtis, blows. Cf. Rowtis.. raucht 393. And roŵtis ruyd about thaim dang II. 162. To Philip sic rout he raucht II. 226. He.. roucht him sic rout IV. 632. And roucht about him mony rout IV. 886. Giffand and takand rowtis roid IV. 944, altn. rôt, hrôt, procella, motio violenta s. GAWAYNE 457. 383. maid.. gat, made.. way. 384. enseynyeis s. 340. 390. deliuerly, promptly, nimbly, ef. 763. He lansyt furth delyuerly II. 517. Speid yow deliuerly III. 851. Sexti armyt come on hym pen On hors prikand delyverly WYNT. VIII. 36, 53. Off his hors delyverly He lap downe IX. 11, 43. Thir sex in a rass Deliuerly com prekand our the feldis LANCEL. OF THE LAIK 3088, afr. delivrement, promptement, von delivre, schott. deliver: Men that lycht and deliver war VII. 359. 391. Engrewand, vexing, annoying, afr. grever, agrever, vielleicht auch engrever, wie engregier, accabler. gretumly, greatly, cf. 442, 470. Leavte to luff is gretumly I. 15. Thai sall affraiyit be gretumly II. 97. Reiosyt rycht gretumly the king II. 357. dis Rychard hym thankyd grettumly WYNT. VII. 8, 574. dan am I wrangyd grettumly VIII. 3, 94. Rycht grittumie the Britis thankit than THE BUIK OF THE CRON. OF SC. 6127 [wie sonst dort gritlie greatly]. Analog gebildet ist hailumly JAMIESON Dict. I. p. 528. Die Doppelendung um-ly erscheint als eine Häufung der Adverbialbildungssylben, da um im Altn. wie im Ags. dativische Adverbien bildet, wie altn. löngum, stórum, driûgum, ags. miclum, litlum, middum ; sie mag als Verstärkung des Begriffes empfunden worden sein. 392. quhat..quhat (395), what.. what, korrespondiren mit einander, wie partim.. partim. 398. That. Diese Zeile nimmt nach den eingeschobenen Nebensätzen die schon 392 gesetzte Konjunktion wieder auf. wandyst, recoiled. Cf. Quhen thai the Douglas saw norhand, Thai wandyst, and maid an opynnyng VIII. 767. And thai, that at the fyrst meting Feld off the speris sa sar sowing, Wandyst, and wald haiff bene away XI. 631. Dies Zeitwort, welches öfter bei BARBOUR wiederkehrt, und in der Ausgabe von 1620 durch andere Verba wie recoiled und vanisht ersetzt ist, weiset auf den Infinitiv wandys, welcher von PINKERTON mit stomach, von JAMIESON mit feel the impression of fear wiedergegeben wird. Der Letztere fügt hinzu, dass das Verb die Vorstellung einer äusseren Kundgebung der Furcht, wie durch Unordnung, geringes Zurückweichen etc. einzuschliessen scheine. Das Zurückweichen ist aber gerade die wesentliche Bedeutung dieses unmittelbar auf dem afr. gandir, se détourner, tourner, se sauver, wie die Endung ys zeigt, nicht auf ags. candjan, vereri, cunctari, beruhenden Zeitwortes, wenngleich das romanische Wort selbst germanischer Abstammung ist, und auf das goth. vandjan, 010έqeiv, zurückweiset. 400. cowyn s. 303. wer and wer, worse and worse. Wir finden die Formen wer, were und war, ware neben einander: He wes were than he all




For thai, that fechtand with thaim wer,
Set hardement, and strenth, and will,
And hart, and corage als, thar till;
And all thair mayne, and all thair mycht,
405 To put thaim fully to [the] flycht.
In this tyme, that I tell off her,
At that bataill, on this maner,
Wes strykyn, on athyr party
That war fechtand enforcely;
410 Yomen, and swanys, and pitaill,
That in the Park yemyt wictaill,
War left, quhen thai wyst but lesing,
That thair lordis, with fell fechtyng,
On thair fayis assemblyt wer;
415 Ane off thaim selwyn that war thar
Capitane of thaim all thai maid.

And schetis, that war sumdele brad,
Thai festnyt in steid off baneris,
Apon lang treys and speris:

420 And said that thai wald se the fycht,
And help thair lordis at thair mycht.
Quhen her till all assentyt wer,
In a rout assemblit er;
Fyftene thowsand thai war, or ma.
425 And than in gret hy gan thai ga,
With thair baneris, all in a rout,

As thai had men bene styth and stout.
Thai come, with all that assemble,
Rycht quhill thai mycht the bataill se;
430 Than all at anys thai gave a cry,

"Sla! sla! Apon thaim hastily"! And tharwith all cummand war thai: Bot thai war wele fer yete away. And Inglis men, that ruschyt war 435 Throuch forss of fycht, as I said ar, Quhen thai saw cummand, with sic a cry,

Towart thaim sic a cumpany,
That thaim thoucht wele als mony war,
As that wes fechtand with thaim thar,
And thai befor had nocht thaim sene;
Than, wit ye weill, withoutyn wene,
Thai war abaysit sa gretumly,
That the best and the mast hardy,
That war in till thair ost that day,
Wald with thair mensk haf bene away.
The king Robert, be thair relying,
Saw thai war ner at discomfiting,
And his ensenye gan hely cry.
Than, with thaim off his cumpany,
Hys fayis he pressyt sa fast that day,
[Thai] wer in till sa gret effray,
That thai left place ay mar and mar.
For all the Scottis men that thar war,
Quhen thai saw thaim eschew the fycht,
Dang on thaim with all thair mycht;
That thai scalyt thaim in troplys ser,
And till discomfitur war ner:
And sum off thaim fled all planly.
Bot thai, that wycht war and hardy,
That schame lettyt to ta the flycht,
At gret myscheiff mantemyt the fycht,
And stythly in the stour gan stand.
And quhen the king of Ingland
Saw his men fley, in syndry place,
And saw his fayis rout, that was
Worthyn sa wycht, and sa hardy,
That all his folk war halyly
Sa stonayit, that thai had na mycht
To stynt thair fayis in the fycht;
He was abaysyt sa gretumly,
That he and his cumpany,
Fyve hundre, armyt all at rycht,

owte WYNTOWN V. 8, 172. Fore pat wytht his pe were wes he Comendyt 18. 1, 135. A ware dede VIII. 16, 173. 407. At, All menyt hym, bath bettyr and war VIII. 39, 84. In na war state na he it fand IX. 10, 30, s. GowER 84. that. Cf. Tyl pe tyme at Nynws kyng ras WYNTOWN I. Prol. 105. Befor the tyme at king Eduuard it fand WALLACE I. 127. Die schottische Mundart gebraucht at nicht blos für sich, wie BARBOUR I. 316. III. 515. IV. 707. XII. 573. XIV. 545, sondern auch in Verbindungen wie fra at I. 581. quhen at XI, 1060. quhill at XI. 382. how at I. 95. II. 2. 408. was strykyn, was fought. Cf. And strak the battaile of Duplyne WYNTOWN VIII. 6, 278. 409. enforcely, forcibly. That sped thaim full enforcely V. 876, vgl. afr. enforcis, faisant effort. 410. pitaill, sonst auch pitall, pettaill, crowd attending an army, der Tross: All the smale folk and pitall VIII. 424, afr. pietaille, pedaille, infanterie, populace. 411. yemyt, kept, took care of. Cf. Men of fute and smal rangale, That yemyt harnays and wictaile VIII. 113.

Form kehrt wieder 674.

8. 315.

Pettaill That yemyt harnayis and wictaill VIII. 242. wictaill, victuals, baggage. Die Wictaill na fewell III. 398. Thar suld com na wictaill In to that toun WALLACE XI. 775. His wictalis war nere gane WYNTOWN VIII. 34, 29. dat castelle..stuffyd wyth wyctale 1B. 75; sonst erscheint tt statt ct. 412. but lesing: without lesing, surely, cf. II. 916. III. 708, 742. 417. schetis, sheets, ags. sceát, angulus, portio, sinus vestis. 419. treys, trees, poles. 420. fycht. ycht steht durch einen Druckfehler in JAMIESON's Ausgabe. 423. er, are. 427. styth s. 332. 429. quhill, until s. 56. 434. ruschyt 445. with thair mensk, with their honour, without dishonour, vgl. nhd. mit Ehren. Cf. In fycht 446. relying, is mensk, and schame in flycht WYNT. VIII. 42, 142, altn. menska, virtus, dignitas, honor 8. SIRIZ 93. rallying. Cf. Rely Your men about yow 552. He releyt to him mony a knycht II. 207. His men till him he gan rely II. 429. Quhen the chasseris relyit war V. 391. 448. hely, highly, loudly. Cf. Men mycht her wemen hely cry III. 200. Wrangyd I call me hely WYNTOWN VIII. 3, 104. 456. troplis ser, several troops, bands, afr. tropel, troupeau. 457. till, to s. 352. 460. lettyt, hindered, withheld. 461. mantemyt. mantenyt PINKERT. Die Vertauschung von n mit m kommt in diesem vom afr. maintenir stammenden Verb auch sonst vor, cf. 896, 898. To mayntaym that he had begunnyn I. 819. He mayntemyt him full manlyly II. 292. To maynteyme the wer III. 801. For to maynteyme her our honour VI. 252 etc. 468. stonayit, astonished, afraid. Die Verbalform stonay, stunay ist dem Schottischen geläufig: For to stonay the chasseris II. 477. Hys fayis gretly stonayit he VII. 1084. Thair wes nane auentur that mocht Stunay hys hart I. 298. So pat pis erle of Douglas Throwch pare strentht astonayit was WYNTOWN IX. 1, 20, auch: Throwch pe rade of pe erle of Dowglas pe Inglis men swa stwnyid was IX. 4, 3. 472. Fyve hundre. Die Form hundre ist geläufig, cf. 644, 749. Twa hundre IV. 465. Daneben steht hundyr, hundyre: Thre hundyr 890 III. 215, 829. Fyve hundyr II. 281. Twelf hundyr yhere WYNT. II.








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He come rycht to the king in hy, And said: "Schyr, sen it is sua 485 That ye thusgat your gat will ga, Hawys gud day! for agayne will I: Yeyt fled I neuir sekyrly.

[ocr errors]

And I cheyss her to bid and dey, Than for to lyve schamly, and fley". 490 Hys bridill, but mar abad,

He turnyt, and agayne he rade,
And on Eduuard the Bruyss rout,
That wes sa sturdy, and sa stout,
As drede off nakyn thing had he,
495 He prikyt, cryand, "The Argente"!
And thai with spuris swa him met,
And swa fele speris on him set,
That he and hors war chargyt swa,
That bathe till the erd gan ga:
500 And in that place thar slane wes he.
Off hys deid wes rycht gret pite.
He wes the thrid best knycht, perfay,
That men wyst lywand in his day.
He did mony a fayr journe.

505 On Saryzynys thre derenyeys faucht he:

And, in till ilk derenye off tha,
He wencussyt Saryzynys twa.
His gret worschip tuk thar ending.
And fra Schyr Aymer with the king
Was fled, wes nane that durst abid;
Bot fled, scalyt on ilka sid.
And thair fayis thaim pressyt fast.
Thai war, to say suth, swa agast,
And fled sa fast, rycht effrayitly,
That off thaim a full gret party
Fled to the watre of Forth; and thar
The mast part off thaim drownyt war.
And Bannokburne, betuix the brays,
Off men, off hors, swa stekyt wais,
That, apon drownyt hors and men,
Men mycht pass dry owt our it then.
And laddis, swanys, and rangaill,
Quhen thai saw wencussyt the battaill,
Ran amang thaim; and swa gan sla,
As folk that na defens mycht ma,
That [it] war pitte for to se.
Ik hard neuir quhar, in na contre,
Folk at sua gret myscheiff war stad.
On ane sid thai thair fayis had,
That slew thaim doun forowtyn mercy:
And thai had, on the tothyr party,
Bannokburne, that sua cumbyrsum was,
For slyk and depnes, for to pas,
That thar mycht nane out our it rid.
Thaim worthys, mawgre tharis, abid.
Swa that sum slayne, sum drownyt, war;
Mycht nane eschap thet euir come thar;
The quhethir mony gat away,







477. wencusyt =

9, 53. Thre hundyr 18. 60. Nyne hundyr yhere III. 3, 171, cf. III. 9, 41. IV. 8, 1 etc. A hundyre yhere V. 10, 893. Fyve hundyre V. 12, 1094, in der Einzahl und Mehrzahl auch hundreth: Ane hundreth thowsand pownd VIII. 43, 88. With twa hundreth sper men BARBOUR X. 774 und in der Mehrzahl hundrys und hundrethis: A thowsand yhere and hundrys twa WYNTOWN VIII. 1, 1. Hundrethis thre IX. 10, 50. at rycht. Cf. To be rewardyt weill at rycht III. 894. War wachit rycht weill, all at rycht X. 171. Owrgylt all welle at rycht WYNTOWN IX. 6, 162. With bed and bowster arrayit all at richt THE BUIK OF THE CRON. OF SC. 50343. 473. In till a frush in a frusch 8. 98, 139. wencust, vanquished, cf. 507, 523. Lucius Yber wencusyt he I. 554. That he wencusit wes VI. 359. Wencusyt him VI. 369. Thai suld wencuss the warld VIII. 138. 478. reyngye, rein, Schyr Philip the Mowbray, That raid till him full hardyly, And hynt hys rengye II. 219. Hys reyngye to get VIII. 179, afr. regne, resne, rêne; prov. regna. 482. Schap thaim to fley, 757. Athyre of pame.. Schwpe paim pare fays til assayle WYNIOWN VIII. 26, 61 s. CowER 435. 484. sen, since. your gat.. ga, go.. your way, cf. 581. With that thair gate all ar thai gane V. 177. pe Ballyol his gat is gane WYNTOWN VIII. 26, 366, nhd. seiner Wege gehen. 488. to bid, to bide, abide. Cf. abid 510. Of hym I byd to spek na mare WINTOWN VII. 10, 150. 490. but mar abad, without (more) delay. Abad, abade, abaid, woneben das einfache bad, bade vorkommt, lehnen sich an das ags. bîdan, âbîdan. Cf. But mar abad I. 142. Thai come ner by thar, but abad VII. 678. But abaid 568. Without langar abaid WALLACE VII. 1033. But langere bade WYNTOWN IX. 10, 23. Bot baid BARBOUR VII. 705. But bad VII. 940. 501. deid=dede, death. 505. derenyeys, contests, battles, cf. 506, afr. deraine, deresne, action, discussion. 509. fra s. 294. 518. brays, banks, cliffs. Cf. Betpix a louchside and a bra II. 504. And saw the brayis hey standand The wattyr holl throw slik rynnand IV. 733. A craggy bra, strekyt weil lang XIII. 155, altn. brâ, cilium, supercilium. 519. stekyt, stopped up. 522. rangaill s. 68. 528. at sua gret myscheiff war stad. Der Gebrauch des hier vorkommenden Zeitwortes ist bereits im Zusammenhange mit anderen alte. Zeitwörtern erläutert s. GowER 389, Town. M. p. 200. Man vgl. zu unserer Stelle: For pe dowt, he wes in stad WINTOWN VI. 13, 66. Stad and set in gret peryle VII. 2, 24. Die Verbindung desselben mit Adverbien treffen wir hier öfter: Giff ony stad war swa 785. Stad.. full narowly 804. Quhen the king Robert stad was swa 841. Men redys Off mony men that war Fer hardar stad then we yhet ar II. 598. 533. slyk, slike, sleek, mire, mud. Cf. And saw the brayis hey standand, The wattyr holl throw slik rynnand IV. 733, ahd. slik, cœnum, mhd. slich, nhd. schlick, holl. slijk, slik. 535. Thaim worthys, it is necessary for them. Cf. For thoucht me tharfor worthid dey, I mon soiourne, quhar euir it be II. 717. Him worthit, magre his, abid III. 422. Him worthit nede pay the det That na man to pay may let XIII. 569. In presoune heir me worthis to myscheyff WALLACE II. 200. Diese Konstruktion schliesst sich an die des altn. verda, welches in Verbindung mit dem von at begleiteten Infinitiv in der Bedeutung von oportere, opus habere, cogi auftritt. 538. the quhethir s. 158.


That ellis war fled, as I sall say.

The king, with thaim he with him had,
In a rout till the castell rad,
And wald haiff bene tharin, for thai
Wyst nocht quhat gat to get away.
Bot Philip the Mowbray said him till:
545 "The castell, Schyr, is at your will.
Bot cum ye in it, ye sall se
That ye sall sone assegyt be.
And thar sall nane of Ingland

To mak yow rescourss tak on hand;
550 And, but rescours, may na castell
Be haldyn lang, ye wate this wele.
Tharfor comfort yow, and rely
Your men about yow rycht starkly;
And haldis about the Park your way,
555 Rycht als sadly as ye may.

For I trow that nane sall haff mycht,
That chassys, with sa fele to fycht."
And his consaill thai haff doyne:

And benewth the castell went thai sone,
560 Rycht by the Round Table away:
And syne the Park enweround thai,
And towart Lythkow held in hy.
Bot I trow thai sall hastily

Be conweyit with sic folk, that thai, 565 I trow, mycht suffre wele away.

For Schyr James lord of Douglas

Come to the king, and askyt the chace;
And he gaff him it, but abaid.
Bot all to few of hors he haid:
570 He had nocht in hys rout sexty;
The quhethir he sped him hastely
The way eftyr the king to ta.
Now lat him on his wayis ga:
And eftre this we sal weill tell
575 Quhat him, in till the chace, befell.
Quhen the gret bataill on this wiss
Was discumfyt, as Ik dewyss,

Quhar thretty thowsand wele war ded,
Or drownyt in that ilk sted;
And sum war in till handis tane;
And othyr sum thair gate war gane;
The erle of Herfurd fra the melle
Departyt, with a gret mengne:
And straucht to Bothwell tok the vai,
That than in the Ingliss mennys fay
Was, and haldyn as [a] place of wer.
Schyr Waltre Gilbertson wes ther
Capitane, and it had in ward.
The erle of Herfurd thiddyrward
Held, and wes tane in our the wall,
And fyfty of his men with all,
And set in howssis sindryly;
Swa that thai had thar na mercy.
The lave went towart Ingland.
Bot off that rout, I tak on hand,
The thre partis war slane or tane.
The lave with gret payn hame ar gane.

Schyr Mawrice alsua, the Berclay,
Fra the gret bataill held his way,
With a gret rout off Walis men.






Quhar euir thai yeid men mycht thaim ken,
For thai wele ner all nakyt war;

Or lynnyn clathys had, but mar.
Thai held thair way in full gret hy.
Bot mony off thair cumpany,


Or thai till Ingland come, war tane;
And mony als off thaim war slayne.
Thair fled als othyr, wayis ser.
Bot to the castell, that wes ner,
Off Strewilline fled sic a mengye,
That it war wondre for to se.


For the craggis all helyt war
About the castell, her and thar,

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539. ellis, already. 541. till the castell, to the castle sc. of Stirling. 544. him till to him. 549. rescourss, relief, rescue, cf. 550, 764. For pat he rescours abade WINTOWN VIII. 27, 83. 550. but, without. 552. rely, s. 446. 555. sadly, steadily, cf. 675. Adam Wallace.. Full sadly socht till Wallace

off renoun, At Sanct Jhonstoun baid at the sailye still WALLACE XI. 761. Sad, ags. sud, satur, ist nicht blos im Schottischen in die Begriffe fest, hart u. dgl. m. übergegangen s. DIEFFENBACH G. Wörterb. II. 179. CRAVEN Dial. II. 94. 557. that chassys. Der Relativsatz knüpft sich an nane: niemand, der auf der Verfolgung begriffen ist. 559. benewth, beneath, ags, beneoðan. Cf. Ane bryg that beneuth thaim was VII. 384. Giff that thai will benewth us ga VIII. 290. Man vergleiche das einfache newth: Newth the New Park gan thai far, Weill newth the kyrk VIII. 541. 560. the Round Table. Dies ist der Name eines künstlichen Hügels bei Schloss Stirling. 561. syne, since, then, cf. 636, 678, 681, 781, 795, 852, 854, 856, 882. 562. held =held thair way, ef. 590. Giff he held towart his menye IV. 766. To the castell hald VIII. 367. 564. conweyit, accompanied. Wir finden auch conway und conwoy: Him till Berwyk til conway WYNTOWN IX. 4, 56. Conwoyit him furth WALLACE XI. 913. Vgl. Barbour IX. 759, 766, 788. 565. mycht suffre wele away. Die Partikel away setzt einen Verbalbegriff voraus, welcher leicht supplirt wird. Cf. And send thaim for to stop the way, Quhar the gud king behowyt away VII. 313. Thar behowys thaim nede away VIII. 289. And in the plane feld, be the way, Quhar he thocht ned behowyd away The Inglis men, gif that thai wald Throw the park to the castell hald. VIII, 364. He suld nocht thar away X. 116. 568. chace wie 575, doch chas 729, chass 742. 568. but abaid s. 490. 571. quhethir s. 538 u. 158.

577. dewyss, tell, narrate. Cf. Quhen Thomas Randell, on this wiss, Wes takyn, as Ik her dewyss VII. 299, afr. deviser, proposer, parler etc. 582. melle, battle, afr. meslee, mellee, combat, cf. X. 63. XI. 519. 583. mengne menye. His mengne II. 464, 500. With his mengne VII. 225. Off Irland a gret mengne VIII. 102. mengye IX. 610. our small mengye II. 434, 564. IV. 845. 584. vai way. 585. fay, faith, allegiance, afr. fei, foi. 590. Held s. 562. in our the wall, in over the wall near the wall. 594. lavelafe, remainder, cf. 597, 800, 852, 862. Of pe lave he tuk homage WINTOWN II. 8, 119. de lave pat levyt in pat cuntre II. 9, 30. 595. 1 tak on hand s. 225. 603. but mar i. q. without more, only. Cf. Fyve and fourty wynter, but mar 894. IV, 605. X. 240. 612. helyt, covered. Cf. Quhen snaw had helyt all the land VI. 649. Bath 615. to warand s. 352.

hillis and walis helyt thai VIII. 189.

Fled wndre the castell war,

The king Robert, that wes wytty,
Held in his gud men ner him by,
620 For drede that riss agayne suld thai.
This wass the causs, forsuth to say,
Quhar throuch the king of Ingland
Eschapyt hame in till his land.
Quhen that the feld sa clene was maid
625 Off Inglis men, that nane abaid,

The Scottis men sone tuk in hand
Off tharis all that euir thai fand;
That mony man mychty wes maid
Off the riches that thai thar haid.
630 Quhen this wes doyne that her say I,
The king send a gret cumpany
Wp to the crag, thaim till assaile
That war fled fra the gret battaill:
And thai thaim yauld forowtyn debate;
635 And in hand has tane thaim fute hate,
Syne to the king thai went thair way.
Thai dispendyt haly that day
In spulyeing, and riches takyng,
Fra end wes maid off the fechting.
640 And quhen thai nakyt spulyeit war,
That war slane in the bataill thar,
It wes forsuth a gret ferly
To se samyn sa fele dede ly.
Twa hundre payr off spuris reid
645 War tane of knychtis that war deid.
The erle of Glosystre ded wes thar,
That men callyt Schyr Gilbert of Clar;
And Gylis de Argente alsua;
And Payn Typont, and othyr ma,
650 That thair namys nocht tell can I.
And, apon Scottis mennys party,
Thar wes slayne worthi knychtis twa;
Wilyame the Wepoynt wes ane of tha;
And Schyr Waltre of Ross ane othyr,
655 That Schyr Eduuard, the kingis brothyr,
Luffyt, and had in sic daynte
That as him selff him luffyt he.

And quhen he wyst that he wes ded,
He was sa wa, and will of reide,
That he said, makand iwill cher,
That him war lewer that journay wer
Wndone, than he sua ded had bene.
Owtakyn him, men has nocht sene
Quhar he for ony man maid menyng.
And the causs wes of hys luffyng,
That he his sistre per amouris
Luffyt, and held all at rebouris
Hys awyne wyff dame Ysabell.
And tharfor sa gret distance fell
Betuix him and the erle Dawy
Off Athole, brothyr to this lady,
That he apon Saynet Ihonys nycht,




Quhen bath the kingis war boun to fycht,
In Camskynnell the kingis wictaill
He tuk, and sadly gert assaile


Schyr Wilyam off Keth, and him slew,
And with him men ma then ynew.
Tharfor syne in till Ingland
He wes bannyst, and all his land
Wes sesyt as forfaut to the king,
That did thar off syne his liking.

Quhen the feld, as I tauld yow ar,
Wes dispulyeit, and left all bar,
The king and all his cumpany,
Blyth and joyfull, glaid and mery,
Off the grace that thaim fallin was,
Towart thair innys thair wayis tays,
To rest thaim, for [thai] wery war.
Bot for the erle Gilbert of Clar,
That slayne wes in the bataill place,
The king sumdele anoyit was:
For till him ner wele sib wes he.
Than till a kyrk he gert him be
Broucht, and walkyt all that nycht.
And on the morn, quhen day wes lycht,
The king raiss, as his willis was.
Than ane Inglis,knycht, throw cass,
Hapnyt that he yeid wawerand,





618. wytty, wise, cautious. 620. riss, rise. Cf. Wallace agayn ryssis contrar the king WALLACE XI. 800. 627. Off tharis, of theirs, their goods. 634. yauld, yielded, surrendered, cf. 722. He yhauld dat castelle WYNT. VIII. 37, 27. 635. fute hate, fute hote, alte. fote hote, straightway, immediately: Jamys of Dowglas.. Fand a litill sonkyn bate, And to the land it drew fut hate II. 811. Vgl. afr. ehalt pas, chaud pas, promptement, à l'instant même. 638. spulyeing, spoiling, plundering. Cf. Nakyt spulyeit 640. Quhen the feld.. Wes dispulyeit 682. Quhen the feld wes spuleyit bar XI. 670. 639. Fra s. 264. 644. reid, red golden. Erwähnt werden the gilt spuris XI. 600. 656. daynte, regard, esteem. Cf. He resawyt him in gret daynte I. 793. Held him in suylk daynte XI. 677. And of his chawmyr ane wes he, dat wes had in grete daynte WINTOWN IX. 1, 53. 659. will of reide, destitute of counsel, lat. dubius, inops, expers consilii. Cf. Then wes he wa, and will of red I. 348. II. 889. Than wes he wondir will off wane I. 323. He wes als sa will off wane That he trowit in nane sekyrly II. 277. Jan wes he will of his herbry WYNT. VI. 16, 20. pai war will quha suld be kyng VI. 20, 69 18. 74, altn. villr, errabundus, erroneus. 663. Owtakyn, except s. 29. 664. menyng, moaning. 666. per amouris, s. R. OF THE R. 2830. 667. at rebouris, preposterously, contrary to the right way. Cf. Ellis had all gane at rebowris WYNT. IX. 8, 48. 669. distance, cf. LANGT. 37. 673. boun, ready s. TRISTR. I. 80. 674. wictaill s. 411. 680 as forfaut = forfall, scheint als Partic. Pft. für forfaltit, forfeited, vom Verb forfalt zu stehen; sonst ist es das Substantiv, mlat. forisfactum, afr. forfait, délit, amende. 683. dispuleyit s. 638. 687. tays, take. Cf. All storys tays pare begynnyng WYNTOWN II. Prol. 16. Die Form steht natürlich für den Singular wie für den Plural, cf. IB. II. 8, 42; III. 3, 32, 169 V. PROL. 4, 5. 692. sib, related by blood. 694. walkyt, watched. Das hier vor k eingeschobene erscheint auch sonst in diesem Verb bei verschiedener Bedeutung desselben: To warne and walkyn his menye IV. 760. Ilk nycht he gert men walk it wele X. 682. He suld..walkyn Wallace WALLACE XI. 1001, wie auch in anderen Wörtern: Hawlkyn on rywer WYNTOWN L. 13, 20. For his salk WALLACE XI. 980. 695. quhen day wes lycht, vgl. nhd, als es lichter Tag war. Till on the morn that day wes lycht III. 386, 393. IV. 114. Or day wes dawyn lycht III. 605. Qwhill on pe morne pat day wes lycht WYNT. VI. 13, 112; VII. 6, 60. erring. Cf. Thai saw on syd thre men cummand, Lik to lycht men and wauerand V. 411.

698. wawerand, In þat myrk nycht

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